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  1. Name of Event: TSF vs USSP on SS13 One Sentence Description: Retreating (USSP/TSF) forces have fled to NT's SS13, a battle is likely imminent. Map Changes: No This should work on any station and not require any new ships to be made. Code Changes: No(?) I do not believe this will need any code changes. USSP and TSF marines and officers exist already. I dont know a lot about the code or anything so I may be wrong, please correct me if so. Suggested Number of Players: (10 USSP and 10 TSF maximum for a total of 20 max) The TSF and USSP forces will have been greatly reduced from their battle and each sides forces would be about 10 maximum. So about 10-20 people most of the time. The point would be to force NT crewmembers to choose to join the TSF, USSP, or remain Neutral during the event. Full Description of Event: Lore: Nearby SS13 a battle/skirmish between the USSP and TSF has broken out and the losing party has fled in the direction of the NT station. They board the station in order to make a final stand and hopefully survive until the end. They have about 10 minutes to prepare their defenses after boarding and the crewmembers can make a choice to help, hinder, arrest, or quarantine their new guests. No ERT or communication with CentCom due to the military vessels jamming the connection to keep the losing party from calling for backup. The losing parties objective would be something along the lines of "You have lost the battle but still have a chance to survive. There are no reinforcements, defend yourselves to the last man and do not be taken prisoner by the (TSF/USSP). Nanotrasen is an unpredictable group. Do your best to get on their good side, your life may depend on it." The pursuing party's objective would be similar to "The battles end is at hand, those coward (TSF/USSP) Marines have fled to a Nanotrasen Station. Capture or kill every last one of them for the glory of the (TSF/USSP). Nanotrasen may or may not be helping them. Reward them for their aid or punish them for their treachery." The round will not end regardless of if the defenders/attackers are killed or captured to the last man. If say the defenders are wiped out then the attackers would have to decide what to do from there. If the NT crew helped the defenders then the attackers may be upset and try to arrest/kill the NT crew. If NT helped the attackers they might be rewarded for their aid. Either side being wiped out will only lift the communications jamming (if the defenders win the attackers just give up because its costing them too much, they the defenders are wiped out the attackers no longer have a reason to jam communications) Why I think it should be added: While the game is more focused on the goings on of NT and its conflict with the Syndicate, my experience of playing on Paradise station there's very little interaction with USSP soldiers or diplomats and I think its a waste. A gamemode/event like this would tie in more roleplaying with the USSP and TSF while also giving a fresh new event/gamemode for people to have fun with. It would also give more access to situations where people can roleplay their characters allegiance/loyalty to NT, the USSP, and TSF. It would also help flesh out the conflict between the TSF and USSP more in such a way that people "feel" its effect on the known universe by experiencing the conflict first hand instead of it being some far flung bit of lore.
    1 point
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