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  1. The Antag Policy tab can be incredibly vague in certain details that are specific to their own antags. While with basic traitors, it can be really easy to understand that you shouldn't just muderbone or powergame, some more specific antags like the Nuclear Operatives or the Abductors feel incredibly vague or misleading with their rules. Other things like Cults and Revenants are just straight up absent. Hence, I propose a rework! Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xENm0oKFOFAy8v1sMfx-aFd2L_z7JVOGFiXEq3RKGDI/edit?usp=sharing Rules (As of now. Check Antag Policy): https://www.paradisestation.org/rules/ Feel free to add comments and criticisms to the Google Doc if you feel like something needs a little bit more fine tuning (Just type into the document like you're editting it and it'll add it as a suggestion for me to add later). Thank you! (adding this for those that don't want to see the doc) Antagonist Traitor Traitors can be any sort of person that (friendly or not) have to complete their goal by any means necessary. If you don’t wish to be antagonistic to crewmembers, then you shouldn’t be an antag, even if you want the special benefits of being an antag. If you do not wish to be one, you should Ahelp or disable antags in your menu. Being a Friendly Antagonist has more RP downsides than upsides and is generally frowned upon. (However, in special circumstances, you can be allowed to be temporarily friendly) Collateral damage is acceptable within limits. It is usually a good idea to prevent collateral damage. Try to lure or create a situation where collateral damage is minimized or prevented. When in doubt, Ahelp it out. If you want to be a murder hobo, ask an admin. Changeling Changelings are meant to absorb DNA to infiltrate and complete their goals, not go full murder hobo. Changelings are not considered crewmembers, and are not (IN RP), the character you selected. They are a slug that is using your DNA to hide amongst ranks. Vampire Vampires are bloodsucking nightmares, but even they have limitations. It doesn’t matter if you wish to be friendly towards crewmembers and not be a living nightmare, you must complete your goals. You can kill crew members for their blood, but if it seems you are using that as an excuse to kill people en masse, an admin may wish for you to tone down. An IC reasoning to donate blood (Temporary allies, trusted) to a vampire is required. Doing so because you like vampires is not a valid excuse. Even if they are an IC friend, they must be trusted enough to donate blood. Doing so purely because they are a friend can be considered metafriending and poor RP. It doesn’t matter if they are the friend of your character, they are still an antagonistic vampire. Nuclear Operatives Nuclear Operatives are syndicates that must work with other syndies and their team. Their main goal is to detonate the nuke that is present on the station. You should be working with your team. Intentionally Going off on your own to do your own thing can result in being replaced, or getting Jobbanned. (Unless you were forcefully separated from your team) EVA travel is recommended to be a nukie. If you don’t know how to EVA, Mentorhelp for a short tutorial, look it up here, or ask to be replaced so as to not let your team down. Wizards Wizards are not friendly. Their main goal is to cause astronomical amounts of chaos to force the EVAC shuttle to be called, or until the round ends. If you are being too friendly, you could potentially be jobbanned, replaced, or have other Wizards hunt you down. Unless CC were to say otherwise, Wizards are terrorists and should be treated as such. One should never assume they are ‘Friendly’. The following rules do not apply to event wizards. Do what you want. Slaughter/Laughter/Shadow/Pulse Demon Your main goal is to kill anyone who isn’t a demon. If you are considered a friendly demon, you may end up getting jobbanned or replaced. You cannot aid or refuse to attack the crew. Attacking the one who created you so you can help the crew can be considered being a ‘Friendly Demon’. You can kill them whenever you want, but please kill them at some point. Abductors The Abductor’s main goal is to abduct crewmembers and experiment on them. They are allowed to use any means necessary to abduct people, but they should not be sabotaging the station just because, like stealing the whole armory, destroying power production, and other methods of sabotage. Victims are meant to complete a given objective, though the same rules for abductors apply to their victims; do not sabotage the station if you don’t have to. Terror Spiders Terror spiders are intelligent beings that can understand Galactic Common. Terror spiders must obey the will of the Royalty. The Royalty’s (Tier 4 Queen of Terror, though power can transfer to Tier 3 spiders if a Tier 4 is not present) goal is mainly to expand and defend the nest by any means necessary. Very rarely will you ever broker peace with the crew, and you should be discouraging yourself from doing so. Xenomorph Xenomorphs are, despite being intelligent beings, have their own two languages and cannot understand crewmember languages. Hivemind and Xenomorph should be done in RP, though they are allowed to use names of areas and things, though they should usually use a dumbed-down version of places and things (Healing Place, Red Place, stompy thing) unless elaboration is necessary. Xenomorphs should follow the will of their queen, which usually involves protecting and expanding the hive. Although, a queen can broker peace between crew members who have a Hive Node and can communicate with them. Crewmembers with a Hive Node can be considered part of the hive by will of the Queen. However, if they attempt to attack the hive, their sovereignty is automatically lost. Blob Blobs are a hivemind and obtain information from the crew. Blob minions should follow the will of their overlords, which usually involves expanding and sabotaging. Blobs should sabotage, kill, and expand themselves (With exception of the Singularity or Tesla Coil containment, please do not do that because that could kill you) and survive until the end of the round. Cultist The cultist’s goal should be tearing the veil to release their god/goddess. You should kill or convert any and all threats to the cult, such as security guards and the chaplain, as well as anyone that wishes to be a vigilante. Being friendly is failrp and can have action taken. Attempting to deconvert yourself can result in jobban. Willingly joining a cult must have an IC reason. Saying ‘You want to join a cult because I don’t like people’ isn’t a valid reason. Revenant Revenants should drain the life force of crewmembers and scare people. However, friendships between crewmembers can be permitted by an admin. Also with Ahelp, you can ask to have the memories of the person you once were, but by default, you do not remember the person you once were. Ghost Roles Ashwalker Do not board or attack the mining station, labor camp, or space station without Admin Permission. Kiting creatures like megafauna counts as attacking. Permission is not required if you are forced onto the mining station or space station. Ashwalkers are a tribal species that do not understand complex technology. You are allowed to attack and make relations with anyone who isn’t an Ashwalker Lavaland Elite You are unable to attack the mining station, labor camp, or space station, unless the Shaft Miner enters the mining station and labor camp when you are fighting it, but you must withdraw once you are no longer interested or finish the fight. If you wish to attack the stations directly, you must have admin permission. Lavaland elites are still monsters, and are not allied to any humanoid species or enemy monster. You should not cooperate or act friendly to Station Crew without Ahelp or extreme circumstances. If you are forced onto the space station, you are allowed to attack anyone you see. Until you die, of course. Sentient Animals Sentient Animals, despite being smarter, should still act like their original animal, just… smarter. Free Golems Despite the name, you are not an antagonist, and shouldn’t act like one. Avoiding station affairs is advised, and actually boarding it requires admin permission. As a special rule, don’t build an AI. It doesn’t end well for… anyone involved. Derelict Crewmates You are related to Nanotrasen and shouldn’t be antagonistic to crewmembers, unless they threaten your life first. Your goal is to escape your situation and find help. Free Golem AI rule applies to Derelict Crewmates. Syndicate Researcher You cannot leave the Base without admin permission You are a syndicate, and must work with Traitors, Nukies, and other employees. Do not work against them. You are allowed to use lethals against trespassers You cannot draw Nanotrasen attention in any way, since your base is supposed to be secret. Admin permission is needed to interact with the station. Other Revolutionary (adding this, even though rebels are out of rotation) Revolutionary Leaders are meant to recruit more rebels and shouldn’t act like cowards unless they absolutely have to. A rebel’s goal is to kill the Head of Staff by any means necessary. You are allowed to attack anyone who dares stand in your way, but do not randomly attack people who are not involved. Morph (Adding this to other because I have no clue what the heck the morph does at this point anymore, and if it's even a proper antag anymore) Morphs are meant to consume as much biomass as they can. They must consume creatures and items. Crewmembers are your enemies unless an admin says otherwise.
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