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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2024 in all areas

  1. Hi! I'm Sophie, and I started playing SS13 all the way back in 2014, right here on Paradise Station. I've even got a couple of ancient donator items from way back when! Last time I played was around 2017/2018, and after the IGN trailer for SS14 aired, it got me thinking that I wanted to get back to this very special game. Currently playing Lyla Atkinson, Slime Person!
    3 points
  2. ztz#.t ..z.. z. _Zt_Z_Z pz --zz--zzZZZ#ZZ -- - ' : [;"\Unit -- ([C@libraTting..]) PERSONALITY:1;- : : "U C@NC OUnTNON.."]))] .. .. .. .. .. .. {[;/"Unit, define."]} ../ //-- UN1T "ALIAS": RH1-N0 SEX: Assumed Male, Masculine tone in their late 20's. A more posh, lighter accent. (Wales) CHASSIS: - Unfolded: RH1-N0 appears to be a generic black cat model with green eyes, pre-registered into the System Network. - Card form: There is an odd scent of aroma coming from the pAI, once the' zkzkkz--[{;/"{=PERSONALITY;"{]}\-zkx-..:; has been registered. There is a Sol Brand logo on the back of it's card that looks to be signed by two individuals. A stick is under the logo as well, indicating it's licensing term and proof of identification to NT Crewmembers on board. INTERNALS: Though RH1-N0 cant sense as much as normal crew, he can still understand the terminology of the body. RH1-N0 is made up of advanced components, the main parts being metal and wire scrap. An odd scent of coffee and tea fills the aroma when this pAI is near. AGE: . . my. .. .. zx.pc0o /zcxzcz-z-z -zzzz///{[;/"Over 300 years, Unit. Wake-= "z=-z]} ../ //---_ _ ALIGNMENT: M a s t e r . . [[../ ..'' ;EMPLOYEE QUaLIFIerS: .;' ';---z-I'l-Il kep._youUAL1V3.[{'//]/]..;--.. .. {[;/"Very persistent, that one. RH1-N0 has jobshadowed in every department over numerous times, and that's just over here on Sol, but I assume he's getting better practice out there, somewhere. What they really thrive in is making sure his current crew is taken care of, though he might not.. Act like it. Even though the individual does not have hands nor the weight to actually.. DRAG anything, RH1-N0 is not afraid of checking in on everyone and communication is getting read. General Occupation roles are as followed; Advisor, Diplomat, Adventurer, Friend.. He IS quite the character, that one...'end log'-..z./;]}z px o0=x=xx= /. . [everything after this point is jumbled...] .. .. . . . Hmm.. Odd, you think. Everything else in the database does not seem to be formatted correctly. That last bit of code was one of the most legible pieces of writing on here.. Illegible lines, marks and scribes are all scattered between many statements and definitions, especially after the end log. After giving it more thought, you wonder if this was even the work of a legal crewmember on board. It's just a cat, how bad can it be? I hope you do enjoy my little cat pAI bothering you all from time to time. I do try my best to help everyone and RP to the best of my ability with no hands! With a bit of banter here and there. :D Also hoped you didn't mind me adding some flare to text as well, cause... I'm not an actual crewmember but I think I've been on enough to be considered one. :dab: Cheers.
    1 point
  3. I don't art, i pay great artists to make my ideas into art. I enjoy lot of Cataclysm dda, and characters tend to come from cdda. Sharing is caring. Firstly! Giant Wolf girl 32, and her companion Ruth in a scene from Star wars. Joke was that bear mutant is mistaken as Chewbacca. Title is "32 and Ruth continue their adventures across the stars, this time finding themselves in a galaxy far far away. Eager to collect the bounty on the infamous rebel fighter Chewbacca."
    1 point
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