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  1. hellloooo readers! my name is K'oalde Nreezinnj, i am a 19 years old tajaran , i have gorgeus gray-ish blue fur with dark spots and really like fancy clothes! people often have difficulty speaking my whole name so i think everyone could just go by my nickname "ness", its an abreviation for my last name i made myself! so further into my introduction i have to talk about the place and corporation i work for, Nanotrasen ! so when i was just little i was born onto this USSP controlled ship or station thing, with my original tajaran parents being socialists! can you imagine it?! because i cant, just thinking about lliving in the harsh enviroment those guys have to go through makes me shriek! here''s a picture of me when i was living there! i was such a cute littel guy! i can't remember who was holdinng me in the picture, maybe was the ship's captain or someone else? because it cant have been my parents since they were tajaran too, anyways so one day over there a strike team sent out by Nanotrasen to retrieve some stolen property or something like that, and after they took down the bad guys there they found me! and of course they couldn't just leave a toddler behind so they took me back to their trurl! after that i was adopted by my dad, who was and is an official at the nanotrasen navy, he's really busy most of the time so i don't talk to him much, but thats okay. i'm very thankful for what Nanotrasen has raised me into, it's given me a home, a family, and has shown me that even if it has flaws, capitalism is the only type of government that will work, ever! and it has taught me many other things too, loyalty, manners, professionalism, and presenting yourself properly! everyday i study to learn to become a better and more efficient member, maybe one day even become an intern in central command! i can only dream so, heheh. thanks for readingg! i will write more on the blog about my work here in Nanotrasen soon!
    1 point
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