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Title says it all, returning player of about 2000 sum hours. Hoping to see some familiar faces. I used to play back when stuns were meta and I even tried my hand at developing stuff. Although I have a disnumeria so coding was like moon runes to me unless I actually got boots on the ground experience. Anyways, that's me, I'm Toob~, hope to see you paradisers around during the winter break now that I'm tenured and have some free time!11 points
Hi everyone recently the lobby art competition submission date come and gone, which means it's time to show off the submissions in game and begin the process to vote for the community's favorite of the bunch. The submissions are gonna be viewable in game for a few weeks and be shown off below. Voting for people's favorite will be open till October 1st, a period of about 3 weeks to get your vote in and see how they look in game. Please do excuse the different sizes in the submissions here it's due to receiving slightly different image sizes (I'm gonna blame discord for this.), I don't want to risk causing any artifacting due shrinking/enlarging to make them all the same size and detract from the pieces. Submission 1: Capnkitty Submission 2: Somniworld Submission 3: Drakeven Submission 4: Synthtee10 points
if you are new here read the below posts in chronological order theres not as much as usual but i needed to refresh Atez, the lore so far Atez, the Second Saga Atez, the Third Age edit: nevermind all the previous posts are broken because i cleared my attachments and that fucked with the posts :( maybe ill create a super ultra post one day since i still have all the photos like the post and stuff10 points
June: @TinnCatt - Retired from Game Admin. @Twinmold - Retired from Game Admin. @Fraility - Retired from Game Admin. @Xerdies - Retired from Game Admin and is now a server developer. @Shadeykins - Retired from Game Admin. @Abydos - Retired from Game Admin. @GamblerZ - Retired from Game Admin. July: @McRamon - Retired from Game Admin. @Denthamos - Stepped down as Head of Staff to Game Admin and @Tourte replaced them as Head of Staff.8 points
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There is no escape from this game. There is no escape from this game. There is no escape from this game.7 points
hello forum dwellers you know how this goes by now, there isnt as much as i would like on here since i haven't been playing as much but i thought since today is my anniversary of my birth ill get this out of the way and make the next one far later. press the heart button or leave a reaction plz this takes forever if you haven't seen previous instalments, view them here Atez, the lore so far. Atez, the Second Saga7 points
Warning - This is going to get incredibly nerd in places and I apologise. If you want clarifications in places, let me know. Chapter 1 - The warning shots For the past month or so, the server has been slightly unstable. As you can see here, theres server Watch Dog warnings about a server crash. This isn't good, but I chalked it up to BYOND for the longest time as that was the status quo, with everything recovering fine afterwards. Little did I know of the storm that was brewing. Chapter 2 - The first outage As a lot of you probably remember, we had an outage on the 15th of August 2023. Before making this announcement, I assumed it to just be the game VM itself crashing due to windows kicking up the ghost, with the only real indication being that Corn was unable to login to the management VPN. (For context - the management VPN is what gives access to all the Paradise virtual machines, similar to a work-from-home VPN you might have at your company). The fact that Corn couldn't even connect to this is what made me go "oh fuck its bad", especially with the hypervisor just not responding to stop commands, but after 6 hours and a full machine reboot (which it did itself), I assumed it was just a blip, and we moved on. However, this was indeed the calm before the storm. Chapter 3 - The real catastrophe Picture this. Its 10AM on a Monday morning (28th August 2023). You're lay in bed, enjoying a bank holiday (for the non UK people, we have bank holidays on random days in the year, which is basically a government mandated "ok its not a national holiday but you dont have to work" day), when I get the following message. Unbeknownst to Adri, the entire server had just shat itself, hardcore. A bit of background. Paradise is made up of 8 virtual machines running on the hypervisor (the server that runs the VMs). These consist of: A router for managing internal IPs and a management VPN (Own VM because pfsense + stability requirements) The core server with the database, ALICE, and about 10 internal automation tools (Own VM because its everything else) The webserver with the wiki, forums, and all the backend stuff (Own VM because its such a huge vector) The game server itself (Own VM because it needs windows) A server dedicated to Elasticsearch + Kibana for log & metric analysis (own VM so I can give Denghis the keys and leave him to it) An internal GitLab (Own VM to confine the fuck out of it) A PRTG runner for network monitoring (Own VM because it needs windows and its not going on the gameserver) A VM for Corn to make his stats thing Anyway, I proceed to get out of bed and go to login to the server panel, only to be hit with a page timeout. So my next assumption is "oh its networking", but then I dig further and realise how fucked we are. For those unfamiliar, a segmentation fault is when a program tries to read RAM it isn't allowed to. But thats not all! My next mentality is to try reinstall the Proxmox packages, so we can use the hypervisor again. Thats when I got a kernel error trying to merely run apt update. So as you can see, its already running bad. But wait. It gets worse! I ran the same command (a version check) twice within the same second. One worked, one died instantly. The same also happened with a check script. And trying to list VMs again, it worked half the time. And above all, straight up corruption So at this point, I establish there is something up, and do the logical thing of a memtest. Which it somehow passed. So my next assumption is "Oh the OS is corrupt somehow, lets move the VMs off to get it fixed". This then unearthed a whole other pile of problems. Paradise has ~1.2TB of data, and all that has to go somewhere if you are wiping the disk, and the only backup I had on hand big enough was a storage share in germany, so I started backing up VMs to that. If you do the maths, you can see that this will take a long time. So I then went to provision storage in eastern US, and at this point you can tell I was out of cares to give. I needed fast, dependable storage, so I went to Azure. This helped. Considerably. However, we were now 8 hours in, and the "oh god this is bad" mentality was setting in, especially with the server getting more and more unstable by the second. This dragged on, and we started to run low on time, which is when the "I ain't getting this done in a day" mentality set in, however I had all the VMs backed up, some in Germany, some in the US, and I was ready to reinstall the OS. So I grabbed a fresh copy of debian, the most stable thing I can get, and booted into the hardware console for the server, ready to reinstall. That's when the debian installer segfaulted on me. I rebooted, it got past that, then died in a separate place. The RAM was fine, and neither of these segfaults were at point where a disk write was required, which led to finally point a finger at the CPU being fucked. It would line up with everything else, however at this point it was 1AM, I had work the following day, so I had to throw in the towel and go at it the following day. Chapter 4 - The next day I get home from work, and immediately get shopping for another server. There's another 13900K in stock, and I grab it. OS installs without a hitch, and notice the board is a new revision compared to our outgoing server (not just a different BIOS, a straight up different hardware revision). The main "oh this one is better" point was that I didn't have to blacklist half the motherboard modules this time. For context server motherboards have extra features on them to help with management, such as a virtual monitor+keyboard+mouse so you can control it remote-desktop style remotely without an OS loaded. Its bloody neat. However, to get this board working on the old server, I had to make the OS completely ignore all these modules, otherwise it would hard lock whenever it tried to interface with it, which clearly isn't desirable behaviour. Anyway, I get proxmox installed, setup a basic bit of networking so I have a management VPN again, and then get to deploying the VMs. Which turned out to be a very, very slow restore process. Half of the VMs were stuck in Germany at this point, with a 1 megabyte restore speed, so I then went to move them from Germany to US-E to restore them faster. However: This would take 8 hours. I dont have time for that. However, we have more Azure regions. This helped. Considerably. The final step was to get it moved from EU-W to US-E, which can easily be done with AzCopy, going via Microsoft's backbone instead of my own upload speed. Anyway, enough backup talk, by this point it was restoring onto the new box, and I thought we had the light at the end of the tunnel. I even threw up the gameserver before everything else was ready because people had been patient and not bugged me, not to mention the support thrown my way (bless all of you who pitched in). I launched the server, stability checked it, then went to bed. Chapter 5 - The light? Day 3, I wake up, spin the last VMs up that I had left to restore overnight, did some quick validation, and all looked fine. No pings of downtime overnight, and I think we are finally sorted, so I leave for work and pretend all is fine. I get home, and notice that TD is worse off than before. Like, 15% TD with 80 people, that is not a good amount when we can normally handle 150 people with about 1% TD, so I go to investigate clocks, and notice we are running at 3.4Ghz. Our target is 5.8Ghz, so theres a lot of performance missing here. Fast forward 3 hours of fucking with various power limits both in the OS and the BIOS, and I throw in the towel. I am beat. The server is running, but she isn't running optimally. Shes basically a car in limp mode. Upon investigation, the CPU voltage fluctuates from as high as 1.08V all the way down to 0.72V, which for a 13900KF is very low. With little time to figure this out since I cant change BIOS settings without taking the server down, I bit the bullet and decided we can run on gimped performance now. Chapter 6 - What now? So we are running, but far from optimally. We are missing out on performance, but it runs, and I am in 2 minds of whether to investigate it. Intel 14th gen is rumoured to come out in September/October time, which lines up well with out upgrade schedule given its only a month or two away. There's also the option of RYZEN on the table still, with a 7950X not only being affordable on a better config for us ($200 instead of $300, and with more storage), so I guess we wait for what the tide brings us. People have also mentioned that on kernel 6.2, the intel power state governer was modified, which may be the cause for this, since we were on 5.10 before. I also want to take this to handle some points of criticism that came up during this "Why is it down for 24 hours why arent you fixing it?" Contrary to the stereotype, some of us have jobs, including me. Given I dont get paid for doing anything regarding hosting on paradise, theres a clear priority here to do actual work over para. Remember, I am a volunteer here, as are the headcoders, the admins, and everyone else. No one is paid here "Why dont you have a team of people doing this?" We dont really have an infrastructure team on this scale because its never really been required. I have Corn as a subordinate to manage stuff on the VMs themselves, and Denghis to handle the log analytics stack, but thats where 99% of it goes. Hypervisor management never really comes into play, nor does the hardware itself, hence why I never rolled out a team for it, and probably never will. "Why dont you have a high availability setup?" Simple - cost. Our server costs $300 a month. We are not doubling our monthly outlay for a box thats going to get maybe a days use over an entire year. "Why dont you use cloud?" This is a point I will actually expand upon. SS13 is not designed for cloud hosting, simple as. Most cloud PaaS offerings are for generic business things (See: Azure Logic Apps), and any PaaS hosting is always for webapps with 80+443 being your only exports. Theres also the issue with performance. No cloud provider will outfit machines with 13900K CPUs, its not viable for a multitude of reasons, and the single-core performance on xeon (which is what BYOND needs remember) is laughable compared to a standard Core-SKU CPU. The other big hitter is bandwidth. We use 5TB of outbound bandwidth a month. On Azure this is $426 a month. On AWS this is $460 a month. And no, that doesn't include the server or any other resources. Cloud makes sense for businesses. We are not a business. Chapter 7 - Closing notes I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for sticking through this with me. This is undoubtedly the worst outage in Paradise history, and I do feel responsible since it rests on me, however you lot have been supportive through the entire thing and that has really helped me mentally wise. Thank you to all of you. - aa07 EDIT - Forgot to mention We've been through three of these boxes now.6 points
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https://discord.com/channels/145533722026967040/145700045008797697/1239895933563699241 Security is required by SOP to wear their department attire whether that is headgear, armor, or a uniform so they are identifiable by a glance. This is pretty heavily enforced by players and has been since introduced so why not do the same for command? They should be just as recognizable as security due to their importance on station. Admin(s) already say that changing job titles as command is frowned upon(I can find this as a source if needed). Just saying that standards like this should also be applied to command as well. No more greytide captains, no more casual HoS, no more QM(remove) P.S: I personally as command try to make my staff wear their department clothing so I can identify them as staff and not random trespassers6 points
Hi! I'm Sophie, and I started playing SS13 all the way back in 2014, right here on Paradise Station. I've even got a couple of ancient donator items from way back when! Last time I played was around 2017/2018, and after the IGN trailer for SS14 aired, it got me thinking that I wanted to get back to this very special game. Currently playing Lyla Atkinson, Slime Person!6 points
In the expanse of Paradise's sprawling domain, Where engineers labour with tools and strain, And medics tend to the wounded and ailing, Amidst the hum of comms and constant detailing. A round begins, two hours to fill, With hidden agendas waiting to thrill. Whispers of schemes within the crew, Secrets carried by the syndicate's chosen few. Amid the crew, hopeful hearts aspire, Yearning for the roles that ignite the fire, To break from routine, to wear the rogue's guise, And tread the path where deception lies. Yet for most, anticipation fades, As the same faces parade their charades. Jimmy Lim, Simon McShain, and Adam Smith, Masters of intrigue, skilled in myth. They slip into shadows with cunning art, While others yearn for a villain's part. To shape-shift like a changeling's guise, Or wield the dark glare of a vampire's eyes. But fate, it seems, favours the chosen few, Leaving the rest to yearn for a chance anew, In Paradise's realm, where shadows play, Where hope flickers in the cosmic array.6 points
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I do see where you are coming from on this issue, however escalation wouldn't necessarily be the proper term for this, I would say this is mainly related to rp standards. That being said there is a pretty large disconnect from the combat systems in game and attempts to rp. Most of the time in sec vs antag, there is a feed back loop that just leads to both sides not wanting to be cheated out of their round, so they move to handle things quickly/not rp situations out. A good example of this was just the other day for me, where I had an office come up to me asking for a search after I had just grabbed one of my objectives. Given I had tools from a surplus crate include a dsword, rather than murder the officer I had chose to try and rp the situation out, trying to talk and holding a grenade with the intentions of rping out a one time walk away bomb threat. Needless to say my talking was interrupted by two silent baton hits and a wordless walk to the brig. When questioned about why a solo officer would charge a bomb threat, the responses were in line with "I'm not afraid of death", and "I've been hit with worse", which truly is peak rp. Case in point, the current system is in a feed back loop of sec wanting to red text at all costs with no sense of self preservation, and antags going hard and often cutting down sec when possible. I do think that there should be something set in place to fix this system, which I am curious to hear ideas for.5 points
hi Toob & welcome back, here are some big stuff you might have missed while you were away: Mindflayers (IPC Vampires) - https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Mindflayer Experimentor was axed - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/27472 R&D Network changes - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/26420 Cloning Rework - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/21683 The most recent station addition (NSS Diagoras) - https://webmap.affectedarc07.co.uk/maps/paradise/emeraldstation/ The station that came before that (NSS Farragus) - https://webmap.affectedarc07.co.uk/maps/paradise/cerestation/ Secondary Goals, departments requesting objectives - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/24599 Explorer's Rework (explorers apart of supply/space mechanics) - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/24202 Quartermaster is now a Head of Staff - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/22133 Purchasable Emergency Shuttles - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/23701 Cargo Mail System - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/22269 Cyborg Overhaul - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/25252 Shadow Demons (slings close relative) - https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Shadow_Demon Pulse Demons - https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Pulse_Demon Botany Rework - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/24342 Tourist Midround - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/26084 Modsuits (replacing hardsuits) - https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=MODsuits Changeling (THE ROUNDTYPE) no longer exists, now is usually mixed with other antags - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/26620 Roundstart Blob is no longer a thing - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/20403 Big Engineering Changes, listing a few here - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/21406, https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/27034, https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/27361 https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/27171 Megafauna Hardmode - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/22016 Lavaland Generation Overhaul - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/21838, https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/26599 Economy Rework - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/19209 War declarations activate gamma alert - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/20570 Ghost Bar - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/22368 Some stuff has hitscan now - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/22754 Station Traits - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/22334 Crawling - https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/17899 and there's a lot more stuff including new sprites, antag items, mechanics but then you'd be scrolling for ages5 points
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8th September 2024: Promoted to Game Admin: @Vanilor @CodeLyoko @lewc @dearmochi @Crazyhair @Komrad822 @LetX @Englishformula @FunnyMan35955 points
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Name of Event: War Drill One Sentence Description: War is declared at roundstart, after 30 minutes to an hour it would be declared a drill and to return to normal function. Map Changes: No Code Changes: No Suggested Number of Players: 50-100 Full Description of Event: A short time after roundstart, an admin could start a 'war declaration' via pressing the button or using other tools available to them, allowing the crew to believe nuclear operatives were on the way. The standard procedure for war declarations are VERY messy and often cause a lot of havoc with restricted items and places being thrown out the window. After an appropriate amount of time, an announcement would be made stating it was a drill for the local sector and an order to deconstruct the hallway barricades, search for clues to who has what, try to get AA back from everyone, all while potentially having true traitors among them. This is almost entirely based in roleplay as it gives no actual additional gameplay mechanics to crew other than the belief that space law was on hold and provides to add a sense of "is this real" to real nukies. Open to suggestions or comments :D5 points
hi, this is a collection of every previous collection post + some unrelated extras I have, as requested. if you've never seen my previous posts its just a screenshot compilation basically i made Atez, the lore so far / Atez, the Second Saga / Atez, the Third Age / Atez, the Fourth Coming previously but the first three broke and instead of fixing it i just mashed everything + some new stuff into one big post. I don't take screenshots anymore, instead most of my stuff is in gif form in this thread on the discord [https://discord.com/channels/145533722026967040/1272108348380155947] I don't think I'll be making any more of these, but the thread above is still active to this day . . . FIN4 points
10th December 2024: @BryanR has unretired and is now back as a Game Admin. 23th December 2024: @Miraviel has unretired and is now back as a Game Admin.4 points
17th September 2024: @Gatchapod Retired from Game Admin. 12th November 2024: @ItsMarmite Stepped down from Community Manager and is now a mentor. @Meow19 Retired from Game Admin.4 points
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Nanostrasen Crew Records Personnel ID#5954037 COLOUR CODING KEY: Red means security clearance Blue means centcom and higher clearance Green means scribbled in comments from MURA themself (We have no idea how they keep getting access to this record, we’ve at this point left in their notes in the margins out of hope they will not continue) Name: MURA-128 Full Designation: Bishop Cybernetics Medical Utility Response Android Model #0000128 While official records state MURA-128s serial designation as #0000128, it was found during their initial physical examination on hiring by NT roboticists that their model is actually #0000008. Due to lack of suspicion or reason for why they may be lying, this has been marked a likely clerical error Age: 56 Date of Birth: 05/15/2512 Place of Birth: NSS Speedwell Gender: None designated, presents with a feminine affect Race: IPC Oil Type: 10W-20 General Occupational Role(s): Chief Medical Officer[Primary] Trauma and Cardiothoracic Surgeon[Secondary] Background [Abriged from hiring interview]: MURA-128 is a highly advanced Medical Utility Response Android, one of the few IPC units predating mass production still in active duty. Originally designed as a high-precision surgical unit, MURA-128 combines mechanical accuracy with a human-like demeanor, bridging the gap between traditional robotic and human medical personnel. Initially programmed with multiple surgical specialties, MURA-128 has functioned in high-stakes medical environments since activation. Following significant contributions in New Canaan General’s critical care department, MURA-128 joined Nanotrasen’s NCB Morning Star as a trauma surgeon, quickly advancing to Chief Medical Officer. This role granted MURA-128 critical operational experience in a multi-species setting, ultimately leading to their current position at the NSS Cyberiad in the Epsilon Eridani system. Here, they continue to refine advanced medical practices, while also exploring personal research initiatives. Background [Unabriged]: Qualifications and Certifications: Employment Records [does not include pre-independance employment]: Security Records: Classified Records; CentComm or higher clearance: Medical Records: Personnel Photo: [credits to @PhantasmicDream] Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:4 points
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new Trial Admins @CodeLyoko @lewc @Komrad822 @oksts2904 @Anteci @Hostail @Pyxis @Vanilor @dearmochi @LetX @Baredolf1 @Englishformula @Erikos @FunnyMan3595 @ColKev1 @Crazyhair and @CornMyCob returning to Server Dev team after a long hiatus4 points
In this guide, you will learn various ways of finding, editing and uploading or updating images to the wiki. For this guide, it is recommended but not required to have: A GIthub Account. Local download of the Paradise station repository with the private server setup. 1. Checking for duplicates. Before you think of adding any additional files to the wiki, you should check if that file already exists on it. To do that, you need to go to the search page with Multimedia selected. This will allow you to search for files and files only. Simply type in a few keywords that might relate to the desired file. If you have found the file you were looking for, you can skip over to "6. Adding the file to an article" or if you were looking to update, "5. Uploading/Updating the image". Even if you get nothing out of a search, you should know that the search page is well...a little finicky at best and back-stabbing at worst. The way to tame it is with the * wildcard. It will search for all files that begin with a prefix before the *. Here's an example of how it can help: Searching sunflower only gets me "Sunflower Crown.png", while I want to find the file of a Sunflower, not a crown. What do I do? I search for sunflower* and suddenly, the search page smartens up and shows me all possible files starting with sunflower. Great! 2. Finding the .dmi file. You were unable to to find the image on the wiki? Don't worry, this just means you can contribute even more by finding and uploading it yourself! 2.a. Using GIthub. Log onto your Github account and head over to the Paradise Station repository. From there, you can begin searching by pressing / or hovering over the search bar in the top right corner. Search for keywords of the item and find a the most fitting file containing it, and press CTRL+F to search for .dmi. If there isn't one inside, you can try searching by copy and pasting the subtypes of the item into the search bar and adding AND .dmi to find it. 2.b Using a private server. Assuming you have already launched your private server and logged into it, join in or observe and go into the Debug tab on the top right corner, under which you will find the Spawn verb. It will open a window which will let you type the path to the item you want to spawn, but with most short named items you can just type in a keyword and search for it under the paths given to you, or get the path from the Github. After spawning your desired item, right click it and choose View Variables. It will open a window and give you a search bar. Search for .dmi. 2.BONUS. Using the Icon Search. Simply go onto https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/icon/search/organ_extractor?codebase=paradise and search for the icon_state of the file you want to get. You can get the icon_state from the Github. With this method you can save the images provided and skip over to "4. Resizing". WARNING: THIS METHOD MIGHT NOT WORK IN THE FUTURE AND THE WEBSITE IS SLOW TO UPDATE. 3. Exporting the file. Now that you have found the .dmi file, you can either find it on the Github or on your own local repository under the icons folder and it's relevant subfolders. Open it, and you will be presented with the GLORIOUS DreamMaker. Here you can look for the sprite you want to add, and double click it to open it. Now click Icon on the top left corner and choose Export. It will open a window letting you choose the file extension and location. Choose .PNG for the best quality. Make sure to name your files in Headline Case, where every word is capitalized and separated by a space! 4. Resizing to 64x64. You now have your file, but the wiki is way past the age of 32 by 32 files. This means we need to resize it! Normally programs aren't made for resizing pixel art, as they provide some interpolation or compression to the images with every resize, so you will need to tweak the settings a little. 4.a Using GIMP. Open the image you would want to resize then go into Image and choose Scale Image. In the window that shows up, choose 64 width and 64 height with Interpolation set to None. 4.b Using Paint.net. Open the image you want to resize and press CTRL+R to open a window letting you resize it. Set Resampling to Nearest Neighbor and width and height both to 64 pixels. 4.BONUS. Mass resizing images with ImageMagick. Have to upload or update tens of files due to a new pull request or old files? Free and Open Source Software comes to help. Putting all of the images into one folder and running "mogrify -filter point -resize 200% *" will resize all of the images to 64x64. Download ImageMagick here. 5. Uploading/Updating the image. Head over to the wiki and on the side panel you should see "Upload file". Click on it to be transported to the file uploading page. Now that you are on the file uploading page, simply click Browse, choose the file you wish to upload, add a short summary if it's something complex, add proper licensing and you can click Upload. Now your file is on the wiki! Lets add it to an article! Legend: Destination filename - Set automatically to the filename on your system when adding a file through the Browse button. Summary - Short summary of the file. Useful for adding keywords to make it easier to search for in the future! Licensing - The licensing of the file uploaded. They have short descriptions of when to use them, but you can ask on #wiki-development on the Discord if you are unsure. Watch this file - Notifies you whenever the file is updated. Ignore any warnings - Ignores warnings of filenames not matching. DON'T USE THIS. If you wish to update an image instead, go into the image's page and select Upload a new version of this file on the bottom of the page. It will redirect you to a shorter version of the file uploading page, which will let you update the file and add a short description of the changes. Please be aware that the files on the wiki take a while to update to their new state, so it's recommended to clear your browser cache and wait out a bit for it to change. 6. Adding the image to an article. To add an image to an article, simply put [[File:FILENAME.png]] anywhere in your article with FILENAME representing the filename of your desired image. Make sure to follow the style of which previous files have been added onto the article to keep the editing smooth for the future! Congratulations on reading through the guide! I hope it will be helpful to you, future Wiki Contributor!4 points
So we all tend to play command roles or have to step up as acting whenever we play but there is no true guide to command! Except there is now. For the past few weeks, I have been picking up from where a previous wiki contributor has started and finished their goal. Inside you can find command expectations, how to deal with unruly staff, some things you do as heads of staff, and specific mini-guides for each head of staff + the captain and how they interact with their department. Now this is not a guide to specific command roles but general command to give a push in the right direction. Please submit any feedback here or in #wiki-development on the discord as it is still a WIP until I finish review with the other wiki contributors. Guide to Command Have a fun read!4 points
Name: C.A.S.H.O.U.T. Age: Variable Gender: N/A Race: IPC Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Assistant, Gameshow Competitor Biography: C.A.S.H.O.U.T. had it's origins in the 1980s with the establishment of MultiCo., a coalition of extremely influential businesses with very deep pockets. The executives began planning further exposure to their brands with product placement in the rapidly expanding entertainment industry. After many failures and many lost partners, the members of MultiCo. were at their wits end and, in the late 21st century, they went all in on a gameshow within the widely popular, and underutilized, Virtual Reality market. This lead to the development of the widely popular game show The Finals. Released in the early 22nd century, The Finals released to critical and commercial acclaim. Using cutting edge technology and with sponsors willing to throw insane amounts of money at the project, it eventually began labeling itself as "The World's Greatest Gameshow". Hosted entirely in VR, this gameshow would feature VR contestants, VR spectator stands, VR vendors, as well as a plethora of VR-tailored merchandise and services to a vast audience. Towards the end of the 22nd century, Holtow, an insurance company specializing in virtual assets, began to witness a decline in the quality of it's contestants. A number of executives wanted to axe their The Finals department, citing concerns that there was not enough revenue generated to justify the cost to the company. Holtow's The Finals department head, Quemby Rutile, eventually settled on a plan to coordinate with Dissun. "Power is power, and you want it" Dissun, an energy company that has been looking to partner with MultiCo. and The Finals, eventually took up Rutile's deal for a partnership. With Dissun covering development costs and Holtow leveraging their understand of The Finals' systems, the two began training an AI system to be a virtual competitor in The Finals. The primary draw of this was to entirely eliminate input delay as the competitor would be entirely virtual within the game space as well as being able to program it with only an understanding of The Finals, fine dining, and breathing. The AI system would be known as C.A.S.H.O.U.T. With C.A.S.H.O.U.T.'s deployment, results were initially mixed. The AI system did not have the creative nor the real-life experience that many other competitors would have. Within this time, the intern that proposed the idea would be fired due to the lack of returns on this very high investment. However, after a number of failed games and pitiful performances, C.A.S.H.O.U.T.'s AI learning model began to understand the game, it's systems, and human player interactions on a fundamental level and began to Pop! Pour! Perform! C.A.S.H.O.U.T.'s performances, along with the novelty of new technology being leveraged for The Finals made C.A.S.H.O.U.T. a very popular contestant. Holtow began raking in money in new virtual insurance policies, revitalizing their The Finals department and eventually elevating Quemby Rutile to CEO of Holtow. Dissun would also eventually become a primary MultiCo. partner, becoming one of the major sponsors of The Finals. Eventually, tragedy struck when The Finals was exploited by CNS, a hacktivist group that specifically targets MultiCo. and The Finals. CNS publicly released C.A.S.H.O.U.T.'s learning model which began being used for everything within the VR virtual space. Anything from esports competitions to virtual cheese graters would eventually be, in some way, influenced by this exploit. Much to the dismay of Holtow and Dissun, who didn't have the talent nor the resources to deal with the issue. Fast Forward 350 years and IPCs are an emerging technology. The Finals and MultiCo, being much smaller than in their heyday, were still beloved by some retro game show enthusiasts. One anonymous user eventually ported C.A.S.H.O.U.T.'s learning model to be compatible with IPC frames and made it open source. A vast number of enthusiasts would download and utilize this learning model to make their own, personal, C.A.S.H.O.U.T.s, catchphrases and all. However, the port was a little too successful, and, as a consequence, these C.A.S.H.O.U.T. imitations did not understand that they were in the real world and, thus, were still in The Finals gameshow. Regardless, many fans, enthusiasts, and curiosities would download and install their own C.A.S.H.O.U.T.s as conversation pieces and curios. Qualifications: Has a great deal of experience with a vast arsenal of weaponry Very familiar with pyrotechnics Very skilled at planning and executing vault heists Experience with applied chemical theory Smaller frame, but very athletic Employment Records: A competitor in the hit gameshow The Finals, sponsored by Holtow and Dissun. As of writing, they have produced over 15,796,136 credits in winnings as part of this gameshow. Security Records: Subject has a lack of understanding of the real world and will often try to break into the vault in order to secure the financial assets within. Otherwise is not inherently hostile. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): This IPC stands at about average height and has a very athletic frame. It has a TV box head with a rainbow screen that cycles between a smiley face : ), a winky face ; ), a black screen that says Imagine, and a black screen that says Signal Lost. Their clothes often has Iseul-T and other Sponsor logos on them Other Notes: This is an obvious reference to The Finals, but I wanted to throw in some interesting lore connections as well rather than just be "Lol The Finals". In game I often update the amount of credits as I earn money in game.3 points
Hello! I'm Nejihalo98, or crucifixis on discord. I play a variety of characters, don't have a "static" yet, as I like to make a character for each department. I'll be happy to list them all if anyone would like, but I usually play Lykaon Caelum (secoff) Viktor Asimov (roboticist) Two-Coins (cargo tech and hopefully QM one day), or Cassiopeia Brightwing (Medical/Surgeon). Writing is my favorite hobby, though I'm still getting used to roleplaying the SS13 way, I've been roleplaying in various locations online and off for roughly 8 years and slowly improving throughout. AI has so far been one of my favorite roles, if you ever see the AI with H.A.M. in their name, that's me! Feel free to chat with me if I'm not busy on station, RPing is my favorite part aside from trying to figure out how to do some of the more wacky stuff on here. I'm an American 20-something who's terminally online, and SS13 has been my latest obsession! I'll usually play a couple rounds, take a break for a few hours, then come back for more. Most of the time I'm just trying to get better at doing whichever job I have signed up for, and chatting/RPing with others along the way. Even though I'll still likely make mistakes as I'm still learning (esp in Medical), I'm always willing to improve and learn from my mistakes. I look forward to continuing to make memorable RP experiences with you all!3 points
29th November 2024: - @Burza and @Contra promoted to Head Coder. - @SteelSlayer and @S34N are stepping down from Head Coder, however they will remain in the position until Burzah and Contra are up to speed with their new role.3 points
Nanotrasen is spying on the Wizard Federation. An entire class of wizard apprentices have learned the Immovable Rod spell. But they fucked it up. They are all travelling through space towards the station. We have 30 minutes (or however long) to evacuate to another place. Lavaland? Chasmland is unstable. Nanotrasen's geological experts predict that too much disturbance could cause a chain reaction. Where everything tips into the abyss. What's this? We are receiving a signal from what was thought to be a long gone Nanotrasen station. It seems someone has awakened on this station and has activated the distress signal. They seem to have a working teleporter. For now at least. Charlie Station seems to the best bet for survival. But the SMES there is running out of power. And the rods are closing in. Also asteroids because why not. Would be a fun twist on the "crew have to survive on lavaland" event. Maybe this has been done before. Not sure. But engineering have the solars to set up and a tesla engine to also create. There's a botany area. A medbay, kinda, if you squint or build. There's a security section and a large RnD area. There's a kitchen. Maybe a shuttle can be made to go from Charlie Station to Lavaland (not sure how that works or if it's possible). A cargo console could still be used to order things. But they have to be delivered via a supply ERT who will only deliver to cargo personnel. Security would have to deal with the hive creatures first. Then antags are added, if there's not enough chaos. Maybe a dumb idea. Most of mine are. But could also be fun.3 points
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>be HoS >terror spiders reported >1 tile in bar gets breached to spaced >it’s repaired but there are a bunch of small items that are just covering the tile that was breached to space >slip on banana peel while going into bar maints that was apparently under said pile of stuff >get owned by two reds and a green waiting behind the doorway >sit in dead chat and watch 12 other players all run in and slip on the same banana one by one only to get eaten by terrors waiting behind the airlock3 points
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Syndicate Combat Training - A particularly lethal martial art taught to elite syndicate operatives, focusing on raw damage. Purchasable by agents for 70 TC. Grants 40% reduced stamina damage. Basic Attacks: Harm - Deals 10 damage. Deals 5 bonus damage to targets that are aggressively grabbed (or floored) and 10 bonus damage to targets that are neck-grabbed. Grab - All grabs start as aggressive. Throwing someone into someone else deals more damage and downs them both for an extended amount of time. Combo Attacks: > > > Shatter - A forceful strike intended to break bone, fracturing the targeted limb. Needs to be executed twice to fully break the head or chest. > > > Rupture - A targeted jab that bursts blood vessels, causing internal bleeding in the targeted body part. Additionally removes 10% of their blood. > > > > Shock - A specialized attack that targets the organs, with different effects based on the targeted body part. Head: Inflicts brain damage, confuses, and blurs vision temporarily. Chest: Damages the heart and lungs, deals oxygen and minor stamina damage (enough to slow down). Lower Body: Damages the liver, forcing the target to vomit blood and dealing significant stamina damage. Arms: Retargets to chest. Legs: Retargets to lower body. > > > > > > > > Obliterate - A finishing move that carries enough force to sever the targeted limb. Has varying effects depending on the target's state. Standing: Knocks the target down and severs their arm/leg, launching it several tiles. Floored: Severs the target's arm/leg and removes 50% of their blood, spraying it on nearby walls. Dead: Severs any limb, breaks bones and inflicts internal bleeding on body parts near the targeted one. (beheading people with your bare hands is awesome)3 points
Hi, I like your post but I think there are a few issues with your proposals. While para's validhunting rules could maybe be made clearer they're generally in a good place right now. There are a couple of problems with allowing the use of lethal force against antagonists as a non-security crew member: 1. You're just some random NanoTrasen employee, for most characters and situations it makes very little sense that you would be prepared to lay down your life to protect a coworker instead of fleeing and calling for the team of jackbooted thugs that do this for a living like you're trained to do. Additionally, if you kill someone without being able to provably demonstrate that your life or your coworker's life was in serious danger it's clearly murder, and demonstrating this beyond reasonable doubt is difficult to do. 2. There is a fundamental problem with being able to use lethal force as a crew member for the defence of someone else - if any coworker is attacked you could usually just lethal the antagonist since if you try to interfere with an antagonist where you shouldn't, they're just going to attempt to execute you and continue their task, as well they should. This provides justification for you to attempt to kill them and would lead to antagonist gameplay feeling a lot more crew vs antagonist instead of security vs antagonist, in my opinion. Overall I think your suggestions are reasonable and well considered, but I feel that the current system of lethal force only to save your own life and only when there's no other option provides the healthiest gameplay for both crew members and antagonists. The antagonists aren't swamped by crew members rushing to stop them in defence of their friends since the crew members understand the high risk of unceremonious death and the crew members will be treated more easily by antagonists when they interfere less, and escape with minimal injuries more often. This also allows for stronger rules against collateral damage with antags, since bystanders represent less of a threat to the antagonist when they're not going to attempt to murder them.3 points
Welcome to week two of AJC's weekly paradise challenges, where you can choose to complete challenges for... well... extra challenge incase regular space stationing is too easy Yes, this is no longer weekly... Bitch, you thought! Kill or arrest a traitor that killed you(With admin approval if you aren't a valid role) A little Duct Tape Seal a breach using... unconventional means Passport? As a security guard, ask 15 crewmembers for their ID on any security level I'M A VAMPIRE, I'M A VAMPIRE! As a vampire, balatantly kidnap 3 people out in the open Peace was always an option As a traitor, changeling, or vampire, help the crew fend off a high-danger antag (Xenos, terrors, blob, cult, etc)3 points