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Everything posted by CureZen
You keep taking everything to the extreme. It'll either "Be abused by everyone cause it'll always happen" or "it'll never be used because it can't happen" I'm not saying it's a reliable method, reliability comes with high risk. Like syndicate weapons. You trade quality for possible anonymity. You can't make decisions like this on whether it will or won't happen. It's just something that CAN happen, with intent or by accident. Which is something this server desperately lacks these days. I'd like to add that Geneticist SE's are a completely different item from syringes. The SE isn't a fluid, you can't extract and slip it into someone's drink for example. It's an item of it's own.
I mean theres only a small choice that it'd work. And as with all throw objects, if you have throw active you can catch it.
Well admittedly the idea first came to me when working in med bay and realizing that to pass syringes to people I was just throwing them at them and I realized in all regard in real life that's a retarded idea. As for public availability, that's kinda the idea. I'm getting real tired of weapons that have a clear point of origin and access. I'd like a round for once where there's at least some QUESTION of what kinda antag you might be facing.
Currently the only items in the game that can inject people from a distance are syringe guns, which from a realistic stand point is just throwing syringes. Why not let us do that by just... y'know throwing syringes to inject people? Now obviously no one throws as well as an automated machine so for balance sake only make it like a 1/7 chance (listed of the top of my head, not to be taken as the exact example), and regardless of success or not the syringe needle will break on impact. And of course the normal events that might stop you from getting injected, such as an exosuit. I think it'd be fun, and it's not like chems are any easier to get. Y/N?
I first ran into you on tumblr rather than the station, so I'd seen most of this, but it was fun to see the development of the Jonah Varloss ship. Great art as always! Keep up the good work!
Reach the highest number without an admin posting
CureZen replied to Mrs Dobbins's topic in Civilian's Days
Shenanagins -
Reach the highest number without an admin posting
CureZen replied to Mrs Dobbins's topic in Civilian's Days
what in gods name is this about? -
Make EVA access and EVA Storage access the same access
CureZen replied to ProperPants's topic in Suggestions
I'd also like to tack on add cargo access to mining. For some baffling reason they're seperate which means if I get switched over to mining mid-round by the HoP 9/10 times they fuck off and I can't enter the mining area because I have to go through cargo. Or I slip in behind someone and then can't redeem my ores or leave! -
Give Vampire abilities a visible cooldown, ala Wizard spells
CureZen replied to Doukan's topic in Suggestions
I'd settle for the powers not being fuckin alphabetically sorted and the option disappearing when used. I can't count how many times I've blown my cover because instead of mistforming in then out I accidentally summoned bats or some shit. -
35. Learn the art of slight of hand. Know which hands will be visible at which side. Know the handheld sprite size of particular high risk objects. And know how your interactions with them leave notifications. Containers can specifically be operated with even on the ground. I've managed to survive using this several times. Such as being searched despite having agent card in my backpack by pulling off my back pack and handing it to the HoS at the same time pulling out the card from my satchel, which didn't make a noise. I slipped it into my pocket once he was done stripping me.
Mmmm close but what I want is more like
I'll try later. In the mean time, this is getting off topic. Pie launcher?
Ooooohhhh. Okay. See it only ever said "thats incompatible with the wrapper" or whatever.
In my foggy, distant memories of SS13 I remember opening a box and having a banana cream pie thrown in my face. I looked it up again, and apparently it IS a thing! Or at least it's instructions exist on the old SS13 wiki. I even broke into janitor's closet, robotics, and the kitchen to make it. But to my poor unfortunate soul, my quest was in vain. It is not on the paradise servers, and I was forced to leave naught but a box full of active mousetraps in a "SUSPICIOUS BOX" on the HoS's desk. Well I say shenanigans should take priority, let's get it! Unrelated by why can't gift wrap work on boxes?
Seems kinda pointless if I'm being honest. Defibrillators don't work unless the patient's body has enough health to not be dead. And if your in a position to heal a body back to functionality either he shouldn't have died in the first place, he'll rot before you get the supplies, or you're already in the medbay with the defibrillators and cloner. It'd be a neat hail mary, I just can't imagine it being used all too often except by sadists. And there are more important projects the coders can be working on.
Wait Medical's colour is blue... Medical is "the real heroes here" : Confirmed.
Can't really say I care much about races on Paradise anymore. While I find the lore of SS13 fascinating, for balance or anti greytide purposes all the species have been gimped against their lore into just mildly strange humans with arbitrary play style changes or no changes at all. The sprite for greys is just a glitch, but Kidan's debuff with the glasses is supposed to be balance for the claws and armor. They'll have to lose it if they want glasses, and then you just have a bug looking human. It's a dumb debuff that makes them useless outside roleplaying purposes but, meh, not my department. Honestly the only race I feel has a proper game changing implementation is the IPC's and thats just because their buffs and debuffs deal with things you're actually likely to encounter in common round play, rather than arbitrary things like "a buff to unarmed attacking" and "Resistance to cold, but not immunity" for "Harder time finding shoes" and "high flammability" Because everyone tries to commit murder or defend themselves unarmed, and you're sooooo likely to run into cold that isn't just exposure to space, which you'd need a suit for anyways.
Security is syndicate: confirmed
Get rid of the god awful Experimentor already.
CureZen replied to Cupcakes_n_Hacksaws's topic in Suggestions
While I'm loathe to agree with Fox about much of anything, I dunno about bringing telescience back. Theoretically it's supposed to be incredibly difficult to figure out the neccessary inputs for any given square. And this would balance out that extreme power level by slowing down the teleportation rate; but ever since that fuckin excel file was made that does all the math for you instantly, even on calibration. Any idiot who got their hands on a labcoat could slap a humanized monkey in a suit with max sensors and grab a hand held health monitor to steal everything short of the singularity. Even faster if they just meta'd the knowledge of where everything was. At least now it's not just open to the grey tide, and honestly building it isn't actually that difficult. That being said the experimentor is faaaaaaar from an adequate replacement, and to be frank it's actually anti-fun. Most of you don't recall that this is actually a milder version of it. It used to be able to shoot fire balls and the EMP blast was not nearly so limited in size. And it's STILL a PoS. At best, you get some dumb objects that serve only to cause a mess and some research you can be arrested for; at worse the thing explodes after producing eight cats, glitching itself requiring deconstruction and reconstruction, and emp-ing several times and freaking out the A.I. because it makes an alarm every. damn. time. It's annoying to me as the bloody psychiatrist because EVERY TIME it gets used I eventually have to evacuate my office because the wall got blown off and the whole damn place is exposed to a vacuum. It may be RNG but it plays HEAVILY in favor of killing you and inconveniencing others, and should you succeed the reward is just NOT worth it. I'll be honest I didn't even know you could get implants and I've spent DAYS with the fucking thing because I was convinced it had a hidden purpose. (Which after delving into the code itself... no, no it does not) I concur with the rest, as the present code stands, empty building space would be a more constructive use of that room. -
I play Psychiatrist almost exclusively; barring when its given to someone else, or when I want to experiment with something. And yeah I've noticed that most other players who take the role tend to SSD 20 mins in as well. Though I may as well throw in any 2 cents for the SoP. This is more or less on point. The Psychiatrist is a glorified MD with specific responsibilities and dangers, and so doesn't require that much special attention. SoP should probably reflect that if a patient is in your office, they are likely there against their will. There are only ever four types of patients they're going to work with, willing violent, willing emotional, unwilling arrested and unwilling ordered. Willing violent patients are likely trying to murder you but will take their time. Willing emotional are probably just looking to RP a bit and ditch work/annoying players; these are your god send. Unwilling patients were ordered there by a superior or were under arrest, and the distinction is whether they're trying to kill you to escape, in which case you're only really wasting your time. Or its a worker just throwing a pissfit, and might be calmed over time through talking. Both can be exceedingly dangerous if not handled correctly. There is a reason the locker STARTS with enough ether to knock someone out. Reflecting that, I'd probably throw out or edit 4 to be "The Psychiatrist is required to alert the CMO or HoS of use of straitjacket or muzzle." not because they should use it indiscriminately but because if they have to use it, chances are they will not have the time to wait for a reply. I Concur that 6 should have "under supervision" tacked onto it. I'd also suggest something pertaining to syringe guns as I almost always carry one on my person as I'm not supposed to be carrying stunrods or pepper spray.
I don't see a reason for them to NOT see it. I'm not suggesting allies, summoning a demon doesn't end in allies. But no reason the magically powerful/aware can't see such magical beast
They get the Pickpocket gloves which are supposed to let you steal IDs with no message just like pick pocketing, but I don't know anyone important who stands still in public spaces doing nothing for any amount of time. Or anyone who wouldn't notice their ID suddenly missing So they're kinda useless. Personally if I had the time I'd make some kind of device that cloaks items to look like other items. Maybe nothing that would hold up to examination but if someone's just searching through your backpack, they wouldn't notice. Or hell make it look like a high priority item when it's really just a bomb.
Comparing Geneticist powers to Security tasers is Apple and Lemons. Security is given them from the get go because to help them with their responsibility while genetics doesn't even have station responsibility. Mostly because the job attracts players who are so bad about caring about anyone but themselves their primary charge was removed from them. But if we ARE going to make that comparison, then the point is still moot as security is to keep it in it's pants until code blue or higher. Asking the same of a power, or series of powers, that have a much higher risk to the station then a taser is not asking much. Especially since genetics can just print the powers and keep clean until they need it for something. RnD can't carry grenades outside of lab when green, Robotics is only to sell exosuits to their respective departments, toxins isn't even allowed to leave their lab with it's equipment, security can't randomly search or use weapons other than a flash or stun stick when green, and any idiot sporting a weapon in the halls is asking to be arrested. You're not getting job banned for SoP errors unless you have catastrophically fucked up on multiple different levels, likely on a karma job. And the idea that genetics should be treated specially just because their combat tools take a while to get is blatant favoritism. Why is this even a long discussion? It's an IC change that's easy to do and should at the very least make it so security doesn't have to constantly keep tabs on the geneticist(s) waiting for them to assault someone or something because they ALWAYS DO.
Half of what genetics does on a round to round basis violates SoP anyways but they don't get fired. I just attribute it to that these kinda jobs attract the players that just want absurd amounts of power and no responsibility.