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Everything posted by orelbon
This seems like it would cause the same problem you're trying to solve, lol.
Also make clean bots prioritize blood over dirt...its annoying af when the station is full of blood and they are going around cleaning dirt.
Yes pleas engineering is so bland, we barely have anything to do. Also i would love to help you map if you chose to start on it.
https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/2486 Not Finished, Still a work in progress
Like is said in the PR this does not replace the suit the HoP spawns with, it changes the one he has in his locker, even nienhaus liked it even if she liked the old one a bit better, and it doesn't have to match with the hat to be a nice suit, which i kinda does i don't see how the new suit and the hat don't match.
and anyways i need some way to know this is going somewhere if i do make the sprites because its hard for me at the moment
i only edited the human HoP suit since i'm new to this you can't expect me to know how to make one for vox
Bay liked the final edit of the suit so im wondering if you guys do too. http://baystation12.net/forums/threads/ ... -edit.116/ https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/1506
Probably because the actual Interrogation room sucks and nobody uses it, along with about 75% of the rest of the brig. The brig could really use some rebuilding from scratch, but that's just my two cents. i rarely go pass the brig medical only when running away from lord singuloth or narsei into the labor camp shuttle.
exactly like the first one.except 3 doors instead of 1
I think it be a good idea to extend the armory hallway north next to the secure armory and give it blast doors that the warden or HoS Can open so that we can actually get armed quickly in case of an emergency.
i dont know i just felt like walls are a bit lacking but if you think so, anyways i just think the more detailed the sprite the more immersive.
I just wanted to know what you guys think of this.i don't expect this to go anywhere im just seeing how you like it.
Can the warden and HoS get security news casters instead of regular ones, the only i know who currently has one is the HoP and he never uses it.
Do you really think engineers fill maintenance with cameras lol half of them don't even set up the singulo
You do realize that most people only use those slots for back ups all the stuff i put in my box are in case i run out of things on my belt, same thing would happen with a vest. although you are right it would make for a few more items you can hold.
im pretty shure you can hoard items just as much with a box, also why not make it just 4 slots or 3? Anyways the only things you could fit there are flashbangs cuffs stuff like that nothing major.
Also if anything id be happy with just nerfing the EMp strength of the singulo so i don't accidentally get killed the first time.
Can you add camera assemblies as something you can make from metal sheets, being dependent on other departments for things like cameras seems stupid considering engineering should have the ability to make their own.
i never got why the detective get a gun holster instead of security officers when he doesn't really have much use for it, i mean i can see how it kinda fits into the role but the detective doesn't gets to fire his gun much anyways so.
when i say severely crippled i mean like you lose all your limbs, so i can at least call for help on the radio.
Can the damage an emp does to an IPC be nerfed, like instead of outright killing you it stuns you and severely cripples you, id be nice for IPCs to have at least a chance against someone if they fire an EMP like sydies and such.
Hah lol "and now you die"
ah yeah its pretty bad, i really never use it much.
wait i dont get it, what exactly is it you want removed?