I was having a round as AI today and everything was going fine the typical open this lock that and suddenly i see a syndicate agent teleport into the bridge in instinctively go to warn security and the command staff when i head energy sword sounds and think, SHIT THEY'RE IN MY CORE, so i switch to my core and the syndicate borg was there happily pounding away at my chassis, my first instinct was to flash him but he soon just cut power from my APC, so that was it 10 minutes into the game and all i was able to do was open and close a couple of doors. what im asking isnt a removal of the syndi borg but a rebalance as in its current stage it can easily get into my satellite avoiding all my motion detectors, and my turrets all because hes synthetic. he can also bolt close/open , shock and deactivate doors, making the need for an AI greater. furthermore he has an energy sword that can kill a person in 4 hits, if anything i would like to see the ability for AIs to defend themselves against them, or if anything slow them down, like the cameras recognizing that they are foreign borgs and having the motion alarms go off, because even if you can warn the crew of the impending doom you won't be able to provide assistance considering you have a syndi borg knocking at your front door. over all i think that a rebalance would create better game play for the AI as well as the syndicate considering they don't have to strategize much to take the AI out if they have a sindi borg.