Pretty self-explanatory title there, basically just share stories of your dirty hissing deeds. Or your heroic ones, both make for good stories after all, and everyone loves a good hero and villain!
My most interesting shift so far has probably been the shift just before my Mr. Garuda got kidnapped by shadowlings. He was thralled relatively midway through the round when I was responding to a call as the paramedic. Of course, that call had to be in maintenance, and... shenanigans ensued and I was taken down without much fanfare. Of course, after that I assisted in taking down a couple officers and then took them to the glorious shadowling masters!
Push came to shove, and the thralls reached that critical mass, letting the masters ascend. Suffice to say, one of them took a liking to my lizard and ended up taking him with them for a week. He was pretty bad off by the end and didn't remember any of it, at least this part is in my headcanon.