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Everything posted by NTXUb

  1. but if you can't get all-access everything and some of the most dangerous weapons on the station at roundstart then you can't be the hero the station deserves
  2. how about it has something to do with the cult or singularity instead? the blob isn't exactly all that ominous or mysterious
  3. this post did deserve it's own thread
  4. nss utopia looks pretty cool
  5. sci-fi/fantasy blends do exist, but ss13 isn't exactly one of them
  6. because it's a sci-fi game the space wizard? yes the space wizard is incredibly out-of-place too
  7. And I thank you for the lengthy explanation on why, I now see why magic should never be added. because it's a sci-fi game
  8. sounds like your average extended round to me
  9. http://www.worlds.net/ it's much better
  10. i'm sorry but i'm not really seeing the point of this
  11. that's something that should be worked out when you're safely in cuffs and aren't poised to potentially whip out an energy gun at any second
  12. please, never play security
  13. this needed to be posted twice
  14. hi welcome to paradise station
  15. mimes should be able to kill clowns and clowns should be able to kill mimes
  16. i think you're severely overestimating how hard it is for a traitor to get a hardsuit anyway
  17. That's nice to know, but I still feel that doesn't balance out Spaceproof, No breathing, and extra melee damage. 'incredibly powerful' absolutely balances out with 'incredibly slow', but i agree that you should get rid of 'no breathing' at least
  18. you mean in the item's description when you examine it, or just whenever you get close to it?
  19. NTXUb

    Blob rounds

    also, on your other points- you either make the blob easy enough for one person to defeat, or you invite the whole station down to attack it at once. you can't do both, unless you feel like making it absolutely impossible for the blob.
  20. NTXUb

    Blob rounds

  21. NTXUb

    Blob rounds

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