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About Citinited

  • Birthday 01/06/1993

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  1. Ytterbium, J'eff, a couple of other engineers and I built a pretty nice plasma box.
  2. Oh boy, where to start? - You can make shotguns with any type of pipe, not just straight pipe (try firing a round through a connector!) - Use a pen on a food dish to rename it - You can use a wielded fireaxe to one-shot windows and grilles - You can keep windows like crew monitoring console open in a second screen, to keep an eye on them - To add on to the pure love thing, you can fluff dead mobs and they will still synthesize pure love - Screwdriver vents to place paper in them
  3. While this idea is interesting in theory, in practice it basically turns into a tedious minigame that you have to do basically every round in order to get enough information to figure out what's going on over the radio. Also, tgstation already tried this, and the consensus was that it was not great. https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/23693
  4. The floor scrubbers remove the N2O... (But eh it probably should have a big air scrubber)
  5. This is the inevitable result of joining the round as a pink vulpkanin and managing to royally piss off your department. (Security thought I was a changeling and proceeded to execute me. Here you can see the brig physician attempting to chop off my head with a chainsaw after performing multiple botched executions)
  6. 1a. What is your opinion on the Github's current lack of contributors and the Github having such a low rate of new PR submissions? 1b. How do you plan to address the recent large amount of time between PRs being submitted and them getting merged / rejected? 1c.What "large" things (such as Lavaland) would you want to add to the codebase, and how would you go about adding those things? 2. What do you see as Paradise's key strengths? What do you see as its weak points, and how do you plan to address those weak points? 3. Where do you see the server in a few years' time?
  7. Actually, no, I'm not trying to "spin" anything, I was trying to list the things you missed from your post. Obviously didn't read it thoroughly as I listed duplicate things. Sorry.
  8. You also forgot: Do not sense pain so will operate perfectly fine and under no slowdown until they are put into crit Are incredibly easy to revive, just weld and go Do not need to eat except if every APC they can find is out of charge, in which case they merely operate under a slowdown Can lose their head and not die from it Immune to a bunch of organ stuff like internal bleeding Immune to toxin, clone, and oxygen damage Have their own language that no other race can understand EDIT: also welding immunity That's a bunch of upsides that need to be balanced *somehow*.
  9. "Ve are going to steal... THE MOON!"
  10. IPCs will never be invulnerable to EMPs F
  11. That cucumber sprite might be a little big (think of all the other fruit / veg slices which aren't that large), but it looks like a nice enough sprite and recognisable. I'd probably suggest giving a list of recipes you want adding, how you'd grow it, what sort of traits it would have etc. to help out whoever decides to give you a hand with this.
  12. Updated with new guides!
  13. I can do better I swear I also built my own supermatter engine and got 330MW from one radiation collector :D. It ended up glowing black!
  14. My super-sneaky nuke ops trap! Only vox will understand
  15. Oh god the new forum layout broke all the links and there's no quick fix ;_; Expect this to be updated in a couple days.
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