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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. I like this idea. Advanced stun revolver is crap and I usually end up swapping it for an AEG wherever I can
  2. I just realized I probably get the spare all the time specifically because I’m NOT one of these shitters being discussed.
  3. As a person with over 100 blueshield hours I’ll chime in here and agree that it’s more of an issue with the people who play blueshield rather than the function of the role itself. From what I’ve seen it’s extremely uncommon to not get the spare, or at least an access upgrade but I can definitely see why it’s frustrating to not have it. Standing on the other side of an atmos airlock while the CE is screaming for you is no help at all. As for power gaming I guess this is always going to be a debate. You are one person looking after 8 people spread out to different sides of the station. It’s not an easy job once shit hits the fan, I don’t think asking for a jump gene injection and an AEG to supplement your very underwhelming stun revolver on red alert is all that big of a deal. If you’re running around with a full medbay, 6 guns, an RCD and methed up with every combat implant...yeah that might be a different story.
  4. Hello paradise I’ve been playing here for a while now, made some good IC friendships and gauged the server enough to know that you guys don’t completely despise me so I figured I’d finally introduce myself here as well as the discord. My main character right now is Brandy Smith, a lot of you probably already know her. My main jobs as Brandy are blueshield, warden and HoS. Brandy is an interesting duality for me as a character because she is a complete sweetheart with a saintly patience who doesn’t smoke, drink, swear or abuse clowns (imagine!) while simultaneously being beaten, stabbed, shot, set on fire and verbally berated to the point of almost being OOC attacks. Some of her other notable characteristics that she loves coffee drinks, she loves clowns and has been known to let them off on minor crimes and give them gifts, she is a recovering alcoholic and generally prefers to avoid the bar and situations where alcohol is present. If you ever see me in game feel free to PDA me or stop by office for a chat, and if you ever see me stuck on warden duty bringing me a latte or coffee is a quick way to get on my good side. Also I would like to issue a blanket apology to anyone who has suffered at the hands of my OOC drunkenness while handling weapons. Llinos Owen, Edgar Miller and others I am so very sorry. You know what I did, I’ve learned my lesson
  5. Solid advice all around! I’ve been getting deeper into the roleplay aspect of the game lately and really finding I enjoy it a lot more than clicking spacemen. Another good idea I’ve started employing is to decide likes/dislikes for your character that actually pertain to the game. For example I have a character that loves clowns, always asks them for a joke and usually starts with 1 or 2 load out items that are given as gifts to worthy clowns. I have a character that’s a vegetarian and harasses the chef for a dish with no meat. Another good way to get characters involved is to read their description, it only takes a moment and might open up some back story information IE “what happened to your leg” or “how did you get that scar”. Anyone who has taken the time to put more than a sentence in their character description is probably on board for at least a little RP
  6. Kinda sounds like something any greytider can do as long as they know where to draw the line between greytiding and self antagging, but as a sec main I love anything that spices up the early half of a round before antag unga is in full swing
  7. >gets called shitcurity it is the job you’re always doing wrong no matter how you do it after all
  8. I unironically love these please share more. Also remember that one time a greytider DIDN’T steal the checkpoint locker? Yeah me neither
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