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S34N last won the day on March 25 2023

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  1. Yo, this thread is most definitely going to be the subject of a reply from a CM or Headmin, mainly because the scope of it requires input at their level, and headmins are the primary responsible party for the initial stages of admin applications. That being said, just to address one point: Our policy for disclosing/discussing notes has been unchanged for a long time. GA's simply won't do this with you. If you have concerns over your note history and have a valid reason to want a discussion or disclosure, you need to message a headmin. They are the only ones that will even consider this.
  2. I think this is a very legit approach to tackling this issue, and is worth investigating.
  3. Yeah, this conversation is clearly going nowhere. Every point you make has a valid counterpoint but you don't even stop to consider it. Mira took time out of her day to provide us with a large-enough sample size for 2 months of data, and you do nothing but complain about it and provide strawman arguments while slinging vague accusations. Your PRs got closed, it sucks, but that doesn't mean everyone is out to get you and are silently plotting to smother your ideas. Could communication have been better? Yes, I think this has been established. You started a very reasonable discussion and pointed out, rightly, that there is always room for improvement. Don't ruin it and leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth by arguing for the sake of it. I am personally done with this thread because of your attitude. Let the cogs turn and the improvements that follow from this be set in motion.
  4. I mean literally the last one you linked has a comment explaining why just before the PR was closed. Mira's PR dataset is clearly stated as being PRs opened from after January 14th (With one being opened late on the 13th), so the first and second ones in your list do not fall within the timeframe.
  5. I massively agree that votes should be public information. I've benefited from seeing who's voted and been able to approach them to see what they'd like changed for a PR to be merged. Rarely it's "no I dont see this working at all", often it leads to changes and a merged PR. If someone harasses a voter on a subject, it's easy for us to take action against them. We don't want genuine harrassment in our community. Sadly the word "harassed" has been used in the past as a catch-all for people disagreeing with others in DMs, this isn't really harassment it's just creative differences. But we can take action against genuine problem people. The private dev channel is not some secret cabal of balance discussion. It happens sometimes but most of the time it's people pinging others regarding reviews and neeing to vote, people discussing explots that have been reported (this is very common as we have a lot of currently reported exploits), and charlie shittalking about banning everyone who disagrees with him. I don't think that being open for viewing would achieve anything apart from hinder discussion on genuinely private topics.
  6. This sounds like the best way to handle it, let them reorder through cargo instead of "magically" teleporting it back. NAD should be the only item that teleports back (so it functions fine in nukies)
  7. I personally think we should trial it in a smaller way, see how effective it is.
  8. I like these ideas a lot. The only foggy point that jumps out at me is how we would handle people who "freeze" before then dying, as dead people don't process temps (so they can't warm up again) nor does the embryo advance. Would this system just mean they would be a dormant body until revived? Edit: Samman has a point regarding neurotoxin. It perhaps should do greater harm to you if there is an embryo present. That would mitigate people using them in combat, while medical staff would be able to handle this somewhat easily.
  9. I like your bot change suggestions. The janiborg changes were partially put forward in https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15864 but that PR became a big mess so it was never put through. Not well versed enough in medical, miner, or sci balance to comment on those. Xenos could do with some more anti-mech mechanics. Clings definitely need a rework they are terrible.
  10. You could even make it require some mcguffin from cargo
  11. I would like to see this enabled. Paradise players are well known to be conservative with change, but once they are used to it there are no problems. Force them to get used to this system, break up the map meta.
  12. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/18640
  13. Make them bulky, use more power than regular batons, and 2 hit stun.
  14. tree
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