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Grey Tider

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  1. NT made it that way so everyone could keep tabs on QM and his cargonia uprise plans...But yeah that is odd they don't have shutters too.
  2. I love these the Permit one is my favorite!
  3. You really up your game on this one. The first one was like a flower budding only giving me a tiny peek into your talent. But when I look into this one I can see and feel something and that right there is the quality I always look for in Abstract Art. Please keep showing your art!
  4. @LurapaI actually saw someone doing this in-game and it worked like a charm. Yeah a contacty with full TC payout and hijack is kinda easy for them to cripple the station but for the contractor asking as in RP I like that better then the time where one half near killed me just to do it after he missed the stun with his baton.
  5. I do! Sec took everything out the locker and put it in front of the sec checkpoint door...that's the day greytider didn't break in...
  6. Orca drawings then deletes from realitys if goes past 1 hour. If orca beats hour they geat treatys
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