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Frank last won the day on September 26 2024

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  1. The only thing you should know is that you were deeply missed
  2. Can we just have all of them in rotation? They are all great
  3. Nice. You could also add a line in the SOP against command members giving out their drip to others as well (e.g. a CMO giving out their labcoat to a doctor). This adds more confusion and it's just not necessary.
  4. The only machine that I can think of where it's worth even considering swapping beakers in is the chem master. It's still a nice little QoL change and I'm all for it.
  5. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/23469 The PR adds genderless, which is none but not genderfluid. So genderless is either a less snowflaky term for nonbinary or the same thing (none). Either way, I can get behind this change as long as misgendering someone is never going to be penalized.
  6. Wanna add more social constructs? Sure go ahead. But why nonbinary? Why not just call it none? Some races don't have two genders or any genders at all. Why not make it easier for ourselves and call it none?
  7. Where can I buy these???
  8. While I can't say I fully disagree with you, what exactly does it improve? With how fast a crewmember can go from cloner to key witness, I don't think this change will have the desired effect. Leaving a revivable corpse behind for the good of the community doesn't exactly sound tempting. Murder is murder even if they are revivable and you have a photo.
  9. Not all shower thoughts turn into good ideas. Besides the problem of a traitor simply reviving their victim after taking a picture, there is also the problem of a traitor taking a picture of a targets corpse that they didn't even kill. After the morgue photoshoot they will simply go "lol i did it" and leave. This is fraud. Fraud is bad. I know murder objectives are unfun for the victim but lets be real here. There are way better solutions to this problem.
  10. Violet alert would be cool if level 7 biohazards were more severe. I just don't see where it would be useful otherwise. Paramedics can easily request more access as long as there is a hop or captain around, and I don't think I have declined printing jaws of life for a paramedic ever.
  11. You ever notice how a lot of blind people wear dark glasses? Some do this for fashion or because they play the saxophone, but most of the time it's because of photophobia.
  12. I can't say that I fully agree with you here. Personally I feel like it's very underrated and overlooked, but it has several downsides and I do consider it a niche pick. While it is a multi use item, you do need preparation before you can use it effectively, especially in combat. The addition of modsuits also means that you can't use the implant while wearing it or your modsuit will get depowered. I also feel like the cling EMP ability is way more problematic and overpowered than the EMP kit.
  13. Since Rurik said everything I wanted to say I will try to make this short. Firstly, changing major aspects of combat based on what lowpop antags are doing is not optimal. I get that para is on lowpop most of the week, but everything else is made for highpop. This includes officer and antag balance, maps, the entire economy, our server capacity etc etc. This leads to inconsistency, which in my humble opinion is very bad. Secondly, @MattTheFicus I hope you think of this thread as a civilized discussion between gentlemen (and possibly gentlewomen). I don't think anyone here wants to see you castigated over this change. Make no mistake, your work will always be appreciated even if it might be controversial. EDIT: Wait, it's not even your PR. Disregard everything!
  14. No I think not. Carp has been rebalanced too but I'd rather not reintroduce carpsaw.
  15. CQC has been reworked. It's no longer as overpowered as it used to be before the combat rework. Back in 2021 was one of the most popular traitor items for several reasons. It was too good and really unfun to be at the recieving end of. I still haven't tried the rework but I assume that it's not as broken as it used to be. I'd like to use it more often, but it's really expensive. So why not let it be on discount? I don't see many traitors using CQC and this could help.
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