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Botany can make custom smokes caled rollie using plants and drying rac. What i wold thing wodl be nice is way to remowe plant from not lit rollie. It is quit frustating that thre is no way of remowing plant from somfing that is literaly piece of paper. My idea for it is if you actiwate in hand not lit rolie you disasemble it geting 1 piese of roling paper and plant that was inside bac. This is realy litle mostly qulity of live (and word realism) change and is propably first i dont hawe to wory abaut people teling that somfing is overpowerd. Sory for my english.
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Almost evry wepon printed by RnD comes locet in lockbox. This isnt a problem in itself it is realy simple and good way to not give RnD free wepons. Proble is that lockboxes are i thing only thing that cant be open without EMAG or sufitient ID. This is a problem in my opinion. Boxes from cargo can be opend with emiters or EMP (other ways exist to i thing). Secure locers are posible to open by trowing a spear enof or again EMP. Lockboxes are imposible to open by damaging them since there are counted as items and tring to hit them actiwate mesage abaut them being loced not atak them. EMP dont work i tryed acid dont work it youst mealts lockbox with item inside for some reson and explosions dont open them to. If you dont hawe aces on ID or EMAG you cant open them with shodnt be a case since loced crates and locers arent that safe and they hawe the same task. Sory for my english
Another idea i got from TG. When you thing abaut it medical is only departament that dont hawe way to make itself combat ready. Even engieniering has some tools with being able to hac evrywere from start and hawing great way of geting flametrowers more dedly (+ esiest deparament to make mashift wepons). Doctor has easy way to kill somone but only when he is not ready for it. Doctor can operate somone and take there heart out or can feed somone poison teling that he is feading cure. But only wepon doctor has against somone combat ready is syringe gun. You hawe 15u of any cheams chemistry makes for you to kill or stun somone. It is enof with good mixs and it is potentialy deadly wepon but... it is literaly usles against anyone wearing hardsuit. It is especjali paintful in figt with nuces since there is no way you cath nuce without armor so medcal cant make any worth using wepon against inwader. That why i thing ading piersing syringe is good idea. Maybe add it in crafting menu as combining of syringe and somfing for example plasteal. If not this then at least mace nukies armor not count as hardsuit when in combat mode for syringes.
I realy often read tg wiki since it is much beter in terms of tips and statistics. It is other code base but i for example got to know that fire suit and helmet stops presure damage or that botanist can use duratreath to make armor jumpsuits (+ this is only way to get statistics of armor even if not entirly rigt it gives some idea). Whyle doing it I read some things abaut system they hawe and i wanted to ask for implementing 3 things i read abaut (there are more adwance but other codbase already hawe it so it can help). First and thing that i thing is most dificult to implement is TG station adwance atmos. Atmosferic technitian as it stands is a realy boring job. I saw people doing triple supermater or termal generator but other that that only thing you can do is power turbine and make beter (at least i thing it is beter) mixs for flamtrower. I tryed once to replase whole station air to pure oxygen what shows how litle is there to do as atmosferic technisian. Tg has whole gas making system that wodl give atmos somfing to do over long shifts. Making beter oxygen tanks, doing stimulating tanks with some gases, making more usful flamtrowers. Those things wodl be good fun i thing and wodnt be to unbalance since ony thing atmos is good as traitor now is making plasma fires with im quit sure wodl get me baned if i ever use it. (maibe more aces with less suspition since air alarms are evrywere but this is not a point whot im talking abaut) Now system 2 i want to ask for inplementation chems factory. It is under "Guide to plumbing" on tg wiki and i thing it is intresting idea that wodl alow chemicysts at cost of long setup time make there job much esier. For example seting up automatic syntflesh pathes and charcoal pils factory. It wodl alow chemicyst for focus on more adwance chemicals while mashinery will make all basic one. it wodl also alowed for making healing station in random placeces on station that wodl make healing hems for esier healing (this wodl need somone expiriens and wiling to spend good time on setup). Third thing i wodl like to se inported from tg is there xenobiologi system. As it stands xenobilologi is almost not worth spending time on. Only things usful for whole station are speed potions and only reward for xenobiologist are satient animals and golems nothing for him personaly. Chemistri that the same department can do is much more rewarding and RnD similar. Toxin are similary usles for person doing them (unles you hawe hijac) but at least there are fast to do while xenobiologi taces a lot of time. For that reson i thing using TG xenobiologi system alows for much more rewards for player taking his time to learn xenobiologi. Things like regeneration extracts or time warping cameras wodl be fun adition that rewards players that spend there whole shifts working xenobiologi. Im not sure abaut balance here since xenobiology in TG is realy powerful but on the other hand as chemicyst I can make Asembly that fully heals you and protects you with metalfoam wals or mas produse maxcaps by the wirtu of large granads and bluspace brekers so balance is not realy somfing we hawe. Adytionaly seting up xenobiologi takes realy long time so it is rigt that for all this time spend they get fun toys to play with. Sory for my english
Sory i did not realise engieniering hardsuit has eyes protection
There is realy usful implants, for example welding shield implant that alow you to weld without eyes damage and protect from flashing. Seems like ideal thing for engienier since he welds thinks all the time and you cant wear mesons scaner and hardsuit and still hawe eyes protection (at least i thing you cant) but im not seing much people usig implants. There is realy good reson bechand it. Whole procidiur of going to RnD and asking for implant is quit short, lets say 5 minut for sake of nice numbers (since there is often 3 people waiting for somfing and going from one part of station to other take some time). But after that you hawe to: go to medbay, pray there is veteran medic (since new medic wont risk doing implants often), pray veteran medic isnt ocupy with broken bones or IB, pray veteran medic is nice and agree to spend his time on surgery, and after all this you hawe nice 5 to 10 minuts waiting for surgery to be ower. whole procedure migt take somfing like 20 minuts from 2h 20min of shift. This taces a lot of time you coudl spend making space boxing ring or ideal granade to detonate in escape shutle. Because of that only implants i se use are surgery tulset since medical crew can skip a lot of procedure since departments work togeder much beter that they work with other departmants. Now after long story why i think time take in geting implant is problem here is my sugestion: There is item used only by nuke ops or bought from sole trayder that skip this potencjali 20 minut proces of geting implanted ..... autoimplanter. My idea is to add auto implanter as one of hi-tech items for RnD. if it need to be it can be nerf for example whole proces take a minut of standing still but it wodl still greatly reduse time needed for implantation. Abaut tech lewel needed to produse one im thinking of somfing like wormhole generator 3 level 6 and one level 4. You can also add blocade for combat implants like rebuter that can be oweriten by EMAG but that is youst my idea for balancing. Sory for my english.
My only answer is ok i understand fear of EMP tomatos but whot deparment isnt op if you know whot you are doing? Cargo - guns, Sec - guns and armor, Sci - hi tech guns mechs and granads, engieniering can just destroy station at all time and even medbay has virologist that can realy destroy somone day with viruse and combo good toxin + siringe gun is realy hard to beat without hardsuit. Realistycli speking only botani can do the same things as hemistry but is much less flecibel and take much more time to make there things. only thing botany is best at is making much stuf but whot is beter in person runig araund with 100 evryfing healing plants and person runing with 15 evryfing healing pils. From my expierien i rayli used more that 8 healing plants only exeption beaing one time as ash walker hawing evryfing healing gas plant from terarium ship but that was quit ekstream enwiroment (i was runig araund in ash storm). Edid I youst thoug abaut other thing botany is beter, stealf. Not evryone understand whot botany can do and it is hard to see if somfing is normal plant or genetycly made granade and whot is even funnier both are perfectly legal (but this is more problem of law, that balance of department). And you can cheac if somfing is granade by trowing it or scaning it with plant scaner which giwes all neded information.
I wodnt agre fully. Botany can make more thinks that chemistry and scicheam and potencjali make beter healing that chemistry BUT granads made from plants are weaker and hawe less uses that the one made by shichem (Botany can kill realy well people but only people, not cyborgs or simple mobs and cant destroy walls) and veteran chemicyst can make much beter healing chemical that botany just on smaler scale. Other thing is that botany if it is competend gets it power spike (healing and kiling plants) araund 1-1.30h in game while chemistry and scicheam get it near start of the game. Aditionaly i didnt saw anynyone other that me making realy deadly plants and if you know how ewry departament is powerful. Sec get most wepons and aces to geting more, Sci hawe literaly factory of slims, granads, best wepons from RnD and mechs from robotists, Cargo hawe ability to get medical suply and guns when stole at least one emiter and engienering can literaly make station ending disasters like singularyty and tesla and aces evrywere by hacing. In all this mahem botany isnt that strong. Sory for my english again
Im often botanist and i realy like how much stuf you can do if you know the system. From trait generation to in plant chem making you can make evryfing from powerful granade to healing plant beter that most things chemistry can make on mass scale with growing bluspace crystals somwer in a midle. Whot i want to ask is to add to blood tomato 15% generation of iron. It is theme fiting since iron replenish blod and generation of metal is nofing new (stealcaps, glow-berys with uranium). It would alow to make beter healing plant since there are no blood replenishing chems in plants (at least i dont know any), give more posibilites of in plant chemistri since so far no plant produse iron and it would make growing blood tomato finaly usful since there is no to much ways you can use 20% blood generation since as far as im aware eating blood dosnt replenish your blood suply. It would be wery minor change in code. Sory for my english it, isnt my natiwe language.