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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. I don't have any specific memories from dealing with assistants, but nowadays whenever i even see an assistant strolling into a department that isn't medbay my first thought is always "oh no. they're gonna do something stupid". In general i notice a pattern in assistants being the ones that have the lowest rp standard, buuuut that may just be me being constantly harassed by tiders
  2. Greetings, one and all. Quinn here. those who have extremely good memory may know that i used to play around the server as the roboticist Sarah Lancer. Well... that was last year. And since it's been this long i thought it'd be fun to make a second introduction to get reaquainted with things. I started playing through march of 2021 to may of the same year, before... stopping. Basically due to some economic issues my family was going through, threat of getting impounded, having to hide the stuff we cared about, etc. my stuff was pretty much stored away in another house. Okay, whatever, its a 5 minute walk and i can still use my 'puter, cool. Except due to University it severely limited my availability to like... 4-5 hours a day, which wasn't ideal for playing. so because of that, and my keyboard's shortcut keys dying, i was unable to play at all after... barely two months. But now things are on the verge of changing. My stuff will be coming home soon (i'd give it a month), i got a new keyboard, my return is imminent and... i am just as nervous as i was when i first joined. im pretty sure i forgot everything i used to know about the game's controls and even job mechanics, so... my return might be a bit hard. regardless, i hope my return is for good. i loved this game, and i'd love nothing more than to be a much more active part of the community. Maybe i could take on different jobs? But anyway, that's about it. See you around, spess men
  3. Will definitely update this as i can. this is the most important info first and foremost
  4. ==Nanotrasen Employement Form: Sarah Lancer== Full Name: Sarah Jessica Lancer Age: 20 DOB: 17/5/2536 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: O+ Sexual orientation: Lesbian Place of Birth: City of New California, Earth Certifications: -Highschool Graduate//Aged 16//NC-Academy -Robotics certificate//Aged 19//El Dorado Insitute of Technology Employment History: Security Records: [Clearance//Security] Medical Records: [Clearance//Medical] Personnel Photo:
  5. Thanks a lot man! Hope to see you around the station more often!
  6. Thanks for the nice comments, y'all! im currently set in robotics and constantly learning new stuff about the role! very fun!
  7. Hello Y'all. Im Quinn. maybe a few of you recognize me as Sarah Lancer from the last couple of days. ive been reluctant to play SS13 for years, but now that i gave it a shot, its pretty damn good! currently my character is going through a pretty normal career progression; from civvie, to janitor, to cargo tech, and currently as a new shaft miner. my hope is that i can eventually learn enough to promote her to roboticist, and much, much later research director. i dont know what else to say sooooo see y'all later
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