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MisterMan last won the day on June 4 2024

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  1. Thanks! That's exactly what I was going for, as I do love a battle of attrition.
  2. Syndicate Combat Training - A particularly lethal martial art taught to elite syndicate operatives, focusing on raw damage. Purchasable by agents for 70 TC. Grants 40% reduced stamina damage. Basic Attacks: Harm - Deals 10 damage. Deals 5 bonus damage to targets that are aggressively grabbed (or floored) and 10 bonus damage to targets that are neck-grabbed. Grab - All grabs start as aggressive. Throwing someone into someone else deals more damage and downs them both for an extended amount of time. Combo Attacks: > > > Shatter - A forceful strike intended to break bone, fracturing the targeted limb. Needs to be executed twice to fully break the head or chest. > > > Rupture - A targeted jab that bursts blood vessels, causing internal bleeding in the targeted body part. Additionally removes 10% of their blood. > > > > Shock - A specialized attack that targets the organs, with different effects based on the targeted body part. Head: Inflicts brain damage, confuses, and blurs vision temporarily. Chest: Damages the heart and lungs, deals oxygen and minor stamina damage (enough to slow down). Lower Body: Damages the liver, forcing the target to vomit blood and dealing significant stamina damage. Arms: Retargets to chest. Legs: Retargets to lower body. > > > > > > > > Obliterate - A finishing move that carries enough force to sever the targeted limb. Has varying effects depending on the target's state. Standing: Knocks the target down and severs their arm/leg, launching it several tiles. Floored: Severs the target's arm/leg and removes 50% of their blood, spraying it on nearby walls. Dead: Severs any limb, breaks bones and inflicts internal bleeding on body parts near the targeted one. (beheading people with your bare hands is awesome)
  3. I'm sure you've still got some robustness buried deep down within you
  4. Recently I thought of a small addition to Corporate Judo: "Golden Bolt" - a 15 move combo that instantly stuns the target when completed, accompanied by a yellow flash of light and taser firing sound. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Swap to empty hand > I believe this would be beneficial for the following reasons: Acts as a fun skill shot for people to try, with the added bonus of being an insane flex if completed. Has practically no implications on balance; there are far easier ways of stunning someone if they let you get 15 consecutive hits.
  5. I suppose this is the result of dying five times every round
  6. speaking as an incredibly robust antagonist (of course) You kinda just have to go for it. You will be disappointingly unsuccessful multiple times, but eventually you'll get past the jitters and learn the ropes. At that point, you'll have to worry about people watching you, but dchat won't be interested in you until then, if it makes you feel any better. Either way, a silent panel of judges is just that. Silent. Try to take your mind off the people that may or may not be watching you, take a deep breath and try your best.
  7. oh hey that too
  8. Fair point. You could do the same thing with an energy sword however, and you wouldn't have to stand still for it. A longer execution timer or a [x] damage requirement for the decap to work could prevent this problem though.
  9. Overview: Disclaimer: I am ass at coding and this is just a concept General: Specifics: Utility:
  10. that sounds disgusting
  11. Martial arts: Martial arts are one of the better choices one could take as a traitor. They're strong, can't be taken away from you, and require nothing but your hands. Then why aren't they used more often? Simply put, they're hard to use effectively. One slip-up and you'll be put at the merciless hands of security. Hopefully this guide will help you avoid that. General tips: All your grabs start out as blue (aggressive) grabs. You can quickly press Z after a short delay to reinforce a grab further, making it impossible to escape out of, or immediately grab and throw someone. Utilize stuns-based moves first before focusing on doing damage. Useful hotkeys for martial arts are Z, which uses the item in your hand, X, which switches hands, 1-4, which switch intents, and R, which toggles throw mode. Avoid getting hit by bolas at all cost. These will slow you down to a crawl, and make you an easy target for anyone. All combos are performed by clicking on someone with one intent, and then using another, unless otherwise stated. A harm, harm combo would be performed by clicking on someone with harm intent twice, for example. Sleeping Carp: Sleeping carp is a martial art focused on defense. While you lack many of the stuns of CQC, when throw mode is enabled, you will deflect any and all projectiles if you're standing up. Attacking or throwing/catching something will disable throw mode, however. Beware of flashbangs, batons, and other non-projectile based stuns. Keelhaul: Harm, Grab. Inflicts a short stun, and does some stamina damage. This move does not stun if they are already stunned, but still does stamina damage. It is also the only move that does stamina damage or stuns. Crashing Waves Kick: Harm, Disarm. Does some damage and knocks the target away. Gnashing Teeth: Harm, Harm. Does large amounts of consecutively increasing damage. Close Quarters Combat: Unlike Sleeping Carp, CQC is all about offense. You have a variety of combos that can knock someone out in seconds, meaning if you gain the element of surprise, you're essentially guaranteed to win. Enabling throw mode gives you a high chance to block melee attacks. Unlike Sleeping Carp, you have zero protection against taser or disabler fire. A successful disarm on an opponent will take their item and put it in your hand. If you're resting, attacks with harm intent inflict a short stun. This can be paired with CQC kick to knock someone out incredibly fast. Slam: Grab, switch hands, Harm. Inflicts a lengthy stun and does some damage. Only works on people standing up. CQC Kick: Harm, Harm. Deals decent damage, and knocks someone back. On stunned targets, knocks them out for thirty seconds and does some brain damage. Restrain: Grab, switch hands, Grab. Inflicts a stun and some stamina damage. Disarm after performing this combo to knock someone out for thirty seconds, and do some brain damage. Pressure: Disarm, Grab. Deals large amounts of stamina damage. Consecutive CQC: Disarm, Disarm, Harm. Does large amounts of damage, and small amounts of stamina damage. Useful for dealing damage to an incapacitated target without kicking them away.
  12. He gets paid to clean, and clean he will.
  13. I thought you had a lot less time in the game, maybe a few weeks not six whole ass years imagine my surprise
  14. six and a half years yet still unrobust
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