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About aBlueFoxNight

  • Birthday 09/05/1993

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Grey Tider

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  1. That blue tomato in the lower right corner... Worst thing ever, I slipped 3 times on it. But the Corgi puppies, so many puppies!!!!!!
  2. I play Unathi 90% of the time, and to be honest the only thing that needs to change is the ability to wear magboots. Other than that I think unathi are a good race, perhaps make them really susceptible to temperature changes but at the same time that might limit the ability to go into a cryo tube. Other than than that you can get creative RP'ing them, just like any other race.
  3. Here's some ideas if you want them: Make (Runtime, Pun Pun, Ian) into food and serve them to the crew. Disable the Engine and have the station run solely on solar power. Fill the atmospherics system with N2O to put the station in good spirits. Make at least 5 of _____bot, emag them, and set them loose on the station... If only we had buttbots.
  4. Another tip: Make sure to complete each action to until it says that you've done so. If you don't your hand will slip and you'll 'cause some damage up to and including internal bleeding. If you do slip it's good to monitor the patients blood level to make sure they're not losing any blood. As for an infection, you'll want to make sure they're not taking any toxins damage, it's the first sign of an infection. If you need to do urgent surgery you can skip the anesthesia however, keep in mind that it's one: going to be very painful, and two: any surgery where you open the chest will most likely break their ribs.
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