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About jubba890

  • Birthday July 20

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Grey Tider

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  1. You would then have rival gods and thralls competing as well as having security hunting you down. I feel like slings should just take more damage to light and increasing cool downs on their teleport ability. This would make it much more easier to contain and hunt slings.
  2. I have been playing geneticist for 4 years now and I am always driven insane by the servers beeping. The servers can be heard through the walls and when I walk away from them the sound persists. I would like to do genetics without having the servers beep through the walls every other minute. Please help a geneticist out. Edit: no game setting allows me to turn the sound off.
  3. Most of the stuff in this long post is mostly nerfs to antags and buffs to the nerfs that you just added. Some things are good like the telegun and maybe the shadowling concept. But a lot of these are new restrictions on antags, making it less fun to play.
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