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Everything posted by Sparkyninja

  1. Add to the point any concealed weapons they may carry.
  2. I'd be happy with them remaining karma free if the ability to CUT THEIR DAMN TAILS OFF was included. I'd be very happy under those circumstances.
  3. Shooting an attacker with a revolver in the hand has the advantage of potentially breaking said target's hands, which can help the Blueshield stop an attacker from using their weapons. I know its not commonly seen to happen, but I like the option of breaking a bone of a Head's attacker. It ultimately makes them easier to capture both short term and over a longer period of time, considering they need surgery to fix it, which can allow Security to pin the filthy animal down.
  4. I have found the revolver useful in several situations as a Blueshit, notibly for shooting dark lords and arsehats who I feel deserve broken bones but not death. I did however find out recently from others that e shields bloke ballistic rounds which I feel limits the usefulness of the revolver, if they were able to bypass such OP blocks it'd give a solid, very good reason for the blueshit to have a revolver. As relying on the detective for such things NEVER ends well for all parties involved.
  5. Ehhhh, all those certainly sound like Borgs with super powers, names included, slightly hypocritical there... To be honest, I personally don't like the idea of AI-slaved mechs, it'll literally make the already rightly overpowered AI even more overpowered if it goes malf and one of these borgs are slaved to them. With regards to MMIs in mechs, I think a good fix would be to allow close range interfacing with computers. With Ripleys in mind this fixes all the issues MMI ripleys have with cycling airlocks and using the mining shuttle, otherwise it takes an alert miner (Rare I know) to help the Mech out (Though I DID have a round as a miner where I assisted a MMI Ripley, we ended up basically mining the entire right side of the asteroid) EDIT: Also what would these super mechs, in particular the engineering and Security Super mech do when the station is calm? You're saying these mechs fill in on the big jobs but those big jobs are rare and both borgs and players can fill them in easily. All it takes with a breach is a regular engie borg and a couple of engineers to seal and fix up any pipes, the borg is already effective enough at sealing up breaches. And the whole security barrier idea with the Super Sec borg sounds like everyone's worst nightmare if either the AI is malf or Security is shit.
  6. Hurray for suggestion of the month!
  7. You don't seem to understand, theres literally a thread a few spots away from you named Victory Points. In it, Neca clearly states that winning or acheiving goals in game should never or will never equate to karma, in a way that means that you should never get karma for... RP, rather you get karma by the good ole fashion impressing of someone. Karma isn't a progress meter, its not like you NEED karma to go, "Hurr durr luk at me ev4yone, I'm popular" its literally only there to promote people to be decent. With this in mind I rather despise the recent bitching at the Karma system, while it has flaws with regards to meta karma giving that doesn't mean that a system totally not related to the enjoyment of the game needs changed or replaced.
  8. Well in my end of the country its the former! GRRRR
  9. This I agree with on all counts to the point I will verbally abuse any officers not doing so (As a civvie) Or directly order them to (As any form of Command) drop their shittiness. Alas, this is quite hard at times... The issue I have with this one is the fact that, as a Captain, it is perfectly reasonable IC wise to presume that while the immediate threat has passed, a threat may still remain. Just because all known threats have been dealt with doesn't mean there are no more threats. I personally lower to green alert after about 10-20 minutes at blue after a situation calls for Red alert, maybe such a system would be preferable. Already do this with gleeful brutality towards said HoPs. Would recommend every Captain does the same. I think the bolting of secure areas should remain, it narrows down the possibilty of those who enter them to those who have the tools, which can help Security should the likes of the AI upload board be stolen, etc etc. I think that would promote Supersec assholes who end up doing other jobs instead of their own. I think access to other departments for other officers during red alert should remain the job of the HoP and Captain on the advice of the HoS. Contrary to my previous point, I fully agree with this. Pretty certain the admuns enforce this, so it would become part of the SOP anyway. I think the current 5 minute cut off should remain, it gives Command a little lee way with regards to the handling of emergancies, gives other heads time to force the recall should the Captain/AI be Shitlers and allows a recall should the likes of a rare competent Engineer show up and tell Command they can fix the MANY breaches with ease. 7-10 doesn't allow evacuation of crew, full stop. Whenever 7-12 is activated, its intention is to prevent further contamination by destroying EVERYTHING, including all crew. It is presumed Lore wise (I THINK) that any crew that escapes during 7-10 are moped up be a Death Squad later on. Ehhh, I like and dislike this cause it not even guarenteed now that even loyalty implanted people (Looking at you shitcurity) will follow the Captain's orders, regardless of immediate threat or not. It also promoted the tyranical Captains to supress EVERYONE with little regard to the actual situation. I'd only love it if crew members were punished for denying a reasonable order. Any others I haven't specified input to are ones I have no opinion of.
  10. There was a Rev change to include the Blueshit, Rep and magistrate as targets of the Revolution should the population be above 40 at round start. ALSO, my faxes are simple and to the point, no fathing around with my faxes!
  11. It would've been infinitely more funny if I was the Captain.
  12. I see the true face of it yes...
  13. Tl;DR Lockers r amazeballs
  14. That shift was the shittiest Vampire shift I've ever played as a Captain, literally 5 minutes in I hear over the radio, "Why the fuck does the clown have Full access?" I terminated the (vampiric) HoP but that didn't stop the clown giving others full access... Through other Command issues the round didn't get much better... Felt like a babysitter watching over annoying children who bicker and bitch over EVERYTHING GOD DAMN.
  15. Yes, he should be able to bite their tail latching onto it. You are a genius Streaky.
  16. My sticker for suggestion of the year goes to PJB, I love this idea. 10/10
  17. BY THE POWER VESTED IN ME BY THE CRAPTAIN'S COLLEGE. I, CAPTAIN WILKINSON DECLARE TODAY IVAN OOZE DAY Even though I got slaughtered by a cult later on and Ivan decided to go cultist cause why not?
  18. Last round there I tried starting out as a more advisery Representative than a sit in the office one. Well, it gave good insight as to how you perhaps SHOULDN'T advise Command; Round started pretty badly, CMO SSD on round start, included that in my opening fax. Then the Captain SSD'd, "advised" strongly that he be put in cryo, stripped, which happened. We also didn't have a HoS, which became important when the HoP pretty much flat out refused to take up acting captain The warden was then to be promoted to HoS and then straight away to Captain, which I didn't think would be the best, for the player playing the warden nor command (Considering someone playing warden basically never expects to end up commanding the station) So I advised a compromise, 50-50 in regular times, or HoS's sole commands in times of emergancy. I feel this kinda tied me to my fate however, as after this I didn't get a moment of time, outside of getting a termination reinstated due to a misunderstanding, to write down, sit back and advise as a third party. I felt I ended up becoming a major part of the decision makings of Command, such as a loylaty implantation, an execution(!) and several other actions throughout. I basically felt more like a Captain than a Rep, not an issue usually, but I didn't expect it for that round, so felt a little overwhelmed. The situation wasn't even alliviated by the arrival of a new Captain, who pretty much tossed around doing whatever fitted, checking in every so often but otherwise not being a fixer the station needed! Sooo to Tl;Dr this little tale; I can see how being more advisery would be great to even mentor new Captains in and remind Command and indirectly though heads, other staff of their roles, however Reps in this role WILL find themselves drawn into actually COMMANDING parts of the station, by virtue of Heads relying too heavily on their advice.
  19. Given the fact the hype HAS died down I think this sort of Karma job suits for the station now, rather than the notion that everyone has to appease the fucking AI before getting to go on the away mission
  20. Or do it the ole' fashioned way, cuff the officer with his own cuffs and drag him through the corridors in a high intensity chase with all his co-workers firing tasers and hitting him while you robust your way through like, 10 of them, only to be taser spammed by the DAMN SEC BORG WHO NEVER SEEMS TO RUN OUTTA GOD DANG CHARGE. GAAAAAH
  21. That'll die down in a week or so when everyone has done the gateways
  22. To start off with the end of your idea. The NT Rep isn't a head of staff. Never was intended to be, never WILL be. They just represent Nanostrasen (Which Command should do already...) If you have the second in the line to the throne as some guy that can only fax Central, then you'll quickly find the HoS barging the Rep out of the way due to the fact the Rep does sweet fuck all otherwise (Unless the Rep is burning the Captain.) The HoP's power also gives him that little bit of authority, a by the books HoP can request all paperwork is done, no matter what, so you have to try and be nice to them. Finally, the issue with the line is the exact reason the recruiter is there in the first place! I admit the recruiter DOES need a better position (Thinking along the terms of combining a few embassies and having it face out towards the bridge) but the recruiter already serves the purpose of taking weight off the HoP's shoulders... Only thing that needs done is for all those IDIOTS to actually go to the recruiter when they are told to.
  23. Ohhhh yissss
  24. Added a little story about Wilkinson's time in Nanotrasen employment, its a tad over the top I know but ahhhhhhhhhhh.
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