Okay guys, I am going to keep this SHORT. I stress the word SHORT greatly. Please forgive any grammatical mistakes in advance Anyway, I have recently noted the not so recent addition of laptops to the station. And I must say, I am VERY impressed with what they can do. Not only can you personalize your laptop based on how many credits you would like to spend, but your id determines what you have access to. (cool right?) What I would like to inquire is, what could be done to even further improve them. The one idea that kept coming back to me was the ability to HACK. Yes people, I did just say the h-word. HACK. What I was thinking is that, players could use the laptops to hack into different consoles around the station (comms. console as example). Now I know that would cause rapid abuse right?? Wrong. As a countermeasure, the AI would get an alert letting him/her know about the hacking. The only thing would be, there would be no id specified to the laptop doing the hacking. Still allowing traitors to remain unknown..... Please show your love or hate by commenting below. Any and all ideas are appreciated. -------Informerpo your favorite murderboner :mrgreen: