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Generaldonothing last won the day on November 20 2024

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Virologist (10/37)



  1. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/23469 This pr has been opened which will implement the change fyi This is basically what the pr implements This scares me. it's like "the ancient ones" where the longer a story goes on the higher chance there is that someone writes something stupid related to it. I don't really think this is a good server for deep diving into the intricacies of domestic abuse on mars or something to that effect, nor do I believe this should be reflected in game in a way like that.
  2. https://tenor.com/view/post-this-cat-never-silly-gif-12845469456829762218
  3. I decided to make an indoors solar setup as the clown... and it actually worked? Suppose this means the station really does have no ceiling (my perspective) (coca perspective)
  4. Lists, sorted by the first value in their contents nolength - 357372 space - 169705 /datum/light_source - 124720 /datum/lighting_corner - 69370 crowbar - 48735 floorscorched1 - 48576 atom_update_icon_state - 47229 damaged1 - 47007 The volcanic floor - 33303 The floor - 28927 The liquid plasma - 27916 /datum/component/emissive_blocker - 24463 /list - 21210 - 21153 $metal - 15077 3 - 14714 The plating - 9252 dir - 8549 $glass - 6360 1 - 4052 path - 2805 d1 - 2773 power cable - 2746 programming - 2736 The bullet casing - 2584 The bullet - 2503 2 - 2437 initial - 2394 icon_state - 2207 Vox - 2150 materials - 1897 The lava - 1880 The shuttle floor - 1742 22 - 1581 The carpet - 1544 The snow - 1417 /obj/structure/cable - 1393 name - 1297 turf_covered - 1283 Medical - 1265 The necropolis floor - 1229 snow_dug - 1220 ID Scan - 1182 screwdriver - 1120 wood-broken - 1081 Security Level - 1076 Air supply pipe - 1073 movable_crossed - 1051 damaged - 997 combat - 969 The reinforced floor - 939 atom_dir_change - 919 disposal pipe - 872 pipe - 840 bashed - 827 0 - 819 item_attack - 798 5 - 753 Exosuit Equipment - 722 security_level_change_planned - 717 biotech - 688 Computer Boards - 665 MODsuit Modules - 665 pixel_x - 636 Equipment - 627 Weapons - 627 Human - 620 Signal - 619 The firelock - 606 blood - 587 /datum/component/decal - 559 magnets - 513 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply - 510 1459 - 508 whipped - 502 /datum/component/caltrop - 480 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt - 471 plastitanium_red_dam - 467 Misc. Machinery - 456 Scrubbers pipe - 453 Set Internals - 446 /datum/action/item_action/set_internals - 446 attacked - 442 The capacitor - 442 options - 440 Stock Parts - 437 /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment - 430 The cable coil - 425 $biomass - 418 engineering - 400 pixel_y - 381 The grass patch - 366 Misc - 362 Exosuit Modules - 361 security_level_changed - 360 /obj/structure/table - 356 The asteroid sand - 342 The glass - 342 chest - 342 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel - 339 prim - 330 parent_qdeleting - 329 egg - 326 d2 - 325 The circuit board (AI Holopad) - 320 nutriment - 317 Nutriment - 314 The camera assembly - 310 /obj/item/assembly/prox_sensor - 309 AI Modules - 306 The security camera - 304 Focus - 304 hacked - 304 Cyborg Upgrade Modules - 304 The matter bin - 300 c_tag - 297 The light tube - 294 /obj/item/stock_parts/capacitor - 292 id_tag - 291 Mining - 286 SS13 - 275 The energy weapon lens - 274 Water - 274 movable_moved - 268 Miscellaneous - 266 $gold - 260 air vent - 258 atom_entered - 257 The solar panel assembly - 257 sound/goonstation/voice/male_dying_gasp_1.ogg - 255 sound/goonstation/voice/female_dying_gasp_1.ogg - 255 id - 253 sound/goonstation/voice/deathgasp_1.ogg - 253 /datum/action/item_action/adjust - 252 Grey - 251 sound/effects/mob_effects/m_cougha.ogg - 251 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers - 250 sound/effects/mob_effects/f_cougha.ogg - 249 Engineering Machinery - 247 powerstorage - 247 MODsuit Construction - 247 The syringe - 247 meat - 246 addtrait knockedout - 231 Engineering - 228 heart - 223 The jungle grass - 222 The screwdriver - 218 donut - 218 The potted plant - 216 /obj/machinery/door/firedoor - 215 The window - 215 brute - 210 is attempting to bite their tongue off! - 210 bluespace - 209 24 - 208 16 - 208 min_oxy - 208 item_equip - 207 The shotgun slug - 207 protein - 206 /obj/item/stock_parts/matter_bin - 206 Protein - 206 slammed - 204 The shard - 204 air scrubber - 202 11 - 201 /datum/gas_mixture - 201 The wirecutters - 200 The micro-manipulator - 196 Adjust breath mask - 194 The breath mask - 194 /datum/vendor_crit/pop_head - 193 Item Throw - 193 Bluespace - 191 struck - 188 /obj/machinery/light - 187 The reinforced glass - 187 oxygen - 181 challenged - 178 stabbed - 178 Welding fuel - 177 6 - 175 The upgraded power cell - 175 no_examine - 173 The high-capacity power cell - 172 Nicotine - 171 Medical Machinery - 171 Research Machinery - 171 /icon - 169 nicotine - 169 not_selectable - 165 jungle - 165 chomp - 165 The alien floor - 164 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on - 164 The reinforced glass floor - 160 the jungle - 160 mining - 158 The micro-laser - 157 The egg - 156 Security - 153 Toggle Light - 153 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_light - 153 The fire extinguisher - 153 The cigarette - 153 /obj/item/gun/energy - 152 The oxygen tank - 152 Gygax - 152 Durand - 152 Phazon - 152 /mob/living/carbon/brain - 151 /obj/machinery/light/small - 151 The station bounced radio - 150 lava - 150 roundstart - 149 The fire alarm - 148 The light bulb - 147 Vulpkanin - 146 type - 145 The crowbar - 144 sound/ambience/ambigen1.ogg - 143 The circuit board (Recharger) - 143 strong - 143 /obj/structure/rack - 140 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on - 139 The emergency oxygen tank - 137 Cyborg - 137 titanium_blue_dam - 136 The goliath - 136 The riot foam dart - 135 H.O.N.K - 134 /turf/simulated/wall - 133 Odysseus - 133 Reticence - 133 category - 130 /mob/living/carbon/human - 128 Lifespan - 127 robusted - 124 /obj/item/flashlight - 123 $titanium - 122 14 - 121 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/cyan - 121 /datum/component/surgery_initiator/limb - 118 /obj/structure/table/wood - 118 Janitorial - 118 /obj/machinery/camera - 117 surgical_tool - 116 The power cell - 115 The super capacitor - 115 Cyborg Repair - 114 Ripley - 114 pipe manifold - 112 Salbutamol - 111 layer - 110 The beanbag slug - 110 time - 110 Tajaran - 109 /obj/structure/chair - 109 salbutamol - 108 The Salbutamol pill - 108 The body bag - 108 a - 107 Unathi - 107 titanium_dam - 106 /turf/simulated/floor - 105 body - 105 Air supply pipe manifold - 105 /obj/structure/table/reinforced - 104 The pipe - 103 The handcuffs - 102 pinched - 101 Holodeck Projector Floor - 100 Donk-pocket - 97 The wrench - 96 obj_deconstruct - 96 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill/patch - 95 toxins - 95 /mob/living/carbon/human/monkey/punpun - 93 $silver - 93 The pen - 93 epinephrine - 92 10 - 91 /obj/structure/chair/stool - 91 /obj/machinery/hologram/holopad - 90 The gas mask - 89 Captain - 87 /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall - 87 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply - 87 /obj/item/radio/intercom - 85 /datum/action/item_action/toggle - 84 The empty sandbag - 84 unsealed_clothing - 82 donor - 80 Blood - 80 /obj/machinery/alarm - 80 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/maintenance - 80 /obj/machinery/firealarm - 80 /obj/structure/window/reinforced - 79 hit - 79 powernet_power_change - 79 Epinephrine - 78 punch - 78 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/coffee - 77 The proximity sensor - 76 Teleportation Machinery - 76 Hydroponics Machinery - 76 The foam dart - 76 The circuit board (Suit Storage Unit) - 74 The health analyzer - 74 /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced - 74 /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced/grilled - 73 water - 72 milk - 72 The watcher - 72 The donut - 71 The emergency autoinjector - 71 The glass floor - 70 banana - 69 The red candle - 69 $plasma - 69 The flashbang - 69 /obj/structure/lattice/catwalk/mining - 69 4 - 68 The connector port - 68 emissives - 67 em_block_masking - 67 /datum/ai_law/inherent - 67 /obj/item/stack/cable_coil - 67 The floor plane master - 66 The energy sword - 66 disposal unit - 66 Service - 65 The folder - 65 /obj/item/storage/fancy/cigarettes/cigpack_robust - 65 150 - 65 The paper bin - 64 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/beaker - 64 The analyzer - 64 /obj/item/stack/ore/diamond - 64 The explosive bolt - 64 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/cans/cola - 63 Nian - 63 The welding tool - 63 The extended-capacity emergency oxygen tank - 62 autolink_id - 62 amount - 62 Toggle Helmet Light - 61 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_helmet_light - 61 connector port - 61 The legion - 61 atom_exited - 61 8 - 60 The buckshot shell - 60 bapped - 60 The metal rod - 60 The water - 59 The rubber shot - 59 neutral - 58 fungus - 58 Plasmaman - 58 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill - 58 The table frame - 58 The circuit board (Hydroponics Tray) - 58 Command - 57 The circuit board (Mech Bay Recharger) - 57 desc - 57 /obj/machinery/status_display - 57 The laser - 57 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/candy/candybar - 56 The plasma tank - 56 Space fungus - 56 /obj/machinery/power/apc - 55 Supply - 55 /obj/machinery/disposal - 55 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/ice - 54 /obj/item/stock_parts/micro_laser - 54 Science - 54 The circuit board (Solar's Best Hot Drinks Vendor) - 54 icon_regular_floor - 54 The mouse - 54 /datum/stack_recipe - 53 The mechanical toolbox - 53 The black shoes - 53 Research - 53 The rubber pellet - 53 The pellet - 53 The catwalk - 52 The brig floor - 51 /datum/component/largetransparency - 51 MOD standard core - 51 Burn-Mix Floor - 50 The circuit board (Cyborg Recharger) - 50 The beaker - 50 department - 50 Condensed Capsaicin - 50 Beer - 50 The match - 50 The hazard vest - 50 The sand - 49 Chief Medical Officer - 49 coffeepowder - 49 teapowder - 49 beer - 49 The metal - 49 /obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen - 49 The flashlight - 49 The power cable - 49 atom_initialized_on - 48 Chief Engineer - 48 30 - 48 Flip Cap - 48 /datum/action/item_action/flip_cap - 48 T-ray scanner - 48 The ash drake - 48 The defibrillator paddles - 48 Sand - 47 mfloor1 - 47 soymilk - 47 The flash - 47 The brown shoes - 47 head - 47 Machine - 47 The multitool - 47 The latex gloves - 47 sugar - 46 /datum/component/parry - 46 /obj/item/crowbar - 46 /obj/effect/turf_decal/stripes/line - 46 Silver Sulfadiazine - 45 /obj/item/reagent_containers/syringe/antiviral - 45 $uranium - 45 The identification card - 45 pipe_name - 45 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/monstermeat/goliath - 45 12 - 44 The circuit board (ShadyCigs Deluxe Vendor) - 44 /obj/item/storage/fancy/rollingpapers - 44 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/cans/thirteenloko - 44 The circuit board (Robust Softdrinks Vendor) - 44 /obj/item/stack/medical/bruise_pack - 44 Mining Outpost - 44 The space beer - 44 lips - 44 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden - 44 /obj/structure/chair/office/dark - 44 The Geiger counter - 44 The pocket fire extinguisher - 44 The miniature titanium crowbar - 44 bellows - 44 silver_sulfadiazine - 43 Activate - 43 wirecutter - 43 /obj/structure/table/glass - 43 /obj/structure/cable/yellow - 43 The pill bottle - 43 syndicate - 42 Styptic Powder - 42 no_blood - 42 /obj/machinery/light_switch - 42 The evidence bag - 42 The circuit board (NanoMed Vendor) - 42 atom_attackby - 42 The paper cup - 42 flour - 41 brain - 41 /obj/item/paper - 41 The radio headset - 41 /obj/structure/closet/emcloset - 41 vitamin - 41 /datum/action/item_action/hands_free/activate - 41 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat - 40 iron - 40 37 - 40 can-connector - 40 The SECURE AREA - 40 The proximity checker - 40 styptic_powder - 40 red - 39 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/external - 39 The emergency welding tool - 39 The fruiting cacti - 39 charcoal - 38 The soap - 38 classic_lights_closed - 38 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/syndicake - 38 The universal recorder - 38 The circuit board (Getmore Chocolate Corp Vendor) - 38 squeeks - 38 /obj/item/kirbyplants - 38 The frosted donut - 38 Subspace Telecomms - 38 The tape - 38 /obj/item/book - 37 plasma_dust - 37 Charcoal - 37 The Central Primary Hallway - 37 /obj/item/mod/module/storage - 37 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/dough - 36 The conveyor switch - 36 The shower - 36 sound/machines/shower/shower_mid1.ogg - 36 The circuit board (Cell Charger) - 36 The dragonsbreath shell - 36 The syringe (charcoal) - 36 Default White - 36 36 - 36 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible - 36 The emergency toolbox - 36 /datum/local_powernet - 36 The engraved floor - 36 telepathically cries - 36 /obj/item/hand_tele - 35 /obj/item/mmi/robotic_brain - 35 The circuit board (Microwave) - 35 resist_heat - 35 The cap - 35 The patch pack - 35 The monkey cube - 35 Lush Grass - 34 The plasteel - 34 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/wall_rusted_maybe - 34 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/cyan - 34 sound/items/geiger/low1.ogg - 34 sound/items/geiger/high1.ogg - 34 sound/items/geiger/ext1.ogg - 34 sound/items/geiger/med1.ogg - 34 The brute patch - 34 The burn patch - 34 Quartermaster - 33 stamped - 33 The circuit board (Sleeper) - 33 /datum/species/golem - 33 Vitamin - 33 black - 32 The compressed matter cartridge - 32 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/portables_connector - 32 The HIGH VOLTAGE - 32 The direction sign - 32 The firefighter helmet - 32 Milk - 32 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/bun - 32 The dragonsbreath round - 32 crank - 31 potato - 31 blackpepper - 31 The EXTERNAL AIRLOCK - 31 The circuit board (Thermomachine) - 31 The circuit board (SMES) - 31 The advanced trauma kit - 31 The emergency firesuit - 31 The white shoes - 31 Go save some lives! - 30 sal_acid - 30 Adjust sterile mask - 30 lootcount - 30 codes_txt - 30 Universal pipe adapter - 30 echoes - 30 The space milk - 30 Soy Milk - 30 The soy milk - 30 The sterile mask - 30 Phosphorus - 30 Head of Security - 29 rice - 29 0.25 - 29 0.5 - 29 The desk lamp - 29 The seclite - 29 The pine tree - 29 /obj/structure/closet - 29 /turf/simulated/floor/wood - 29 Scrubbers pipe manifold - 29 The timer - 29 /obj/item/organ/internal/regenerative_core/legion - 29 /obj/structure/stone_tile - 29 Salicylic Acid - 29 The Salicylic Acid pill - 29 unsealed_layer - 28 helmet_flags - 28 cream - 28 /datum/action/item_action/button - 28 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/fungus_maybe - 28 /obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet - 28 /obj/structure/sink - 28 The orange jumpsuit - 28 The orange shoes - 28 The hot drinks restocking unit - 28 The optical meson scanner - 28 Space cleaner - 28 Labor Camp - 28 /obj/structure/stone_tile/cracked - 28 Robust Coffee - 28 The teargas grenade - 28 Base MOD - 27 19 - 27 Haloperidol - 27 The green jumpsuit - 27 ice cup - 27 reagent_containers-food-drinks-coffee - 27 Have a drink! - 27 The oxygen deprivation first aid kit - 27 The remote signaling device - 27 43 - 27 Skrell - 27 Crew - 27 /obj/structure/sign/securearea - 27 The Robust Softdrinks restocking unit - 27 /obj/structure/chair/comfy/black - 27 The scanning module - 27 /obj/item/vending_refill/coffee - 27 Hack - 27 Medbay - 27 /obj/item/analyzer - 26 Head of Personnel - 26 shoved - 26 cherryjelly - 26 The Thunderdome helmet - 26 The multicolor pen - 26 The electrical toolbox - 26 The first-aid kit - 26 /obj/machinery/door/airlock - 26 Bishop Cybernetics mtr. - 26 /obj/structure/lattice - 26 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/watertank - 26 Prison - 26 The meat - 26 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/yellow - 26 The black jumpsuit - 26 /obj/structure/stone_tile/block - 26 Mannitol - 26 MOD storage module - 26 says - 25 The light fixture - 25 /obj/structure/closet/crate - 25 Space cigs taste good like a cigarette should. - 25 Probably not bad for you! - 25 watermelonjuice - 25 /obj/item/clothing/mask/cigarette - 25 The tool-belt - 25 The air floor - 25 The CO2 floor - 25 The plasma floor - 25 The N2O floor - 25 east bump - 25 anchored - 25 /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance - 25 /obj/item/clothing/mask/cigarette/cigar - 25 /obj/structure/stone_tile/block/cracked - 25 resupply canister - 25 mannitol - 25 The Mannitol pill - 25 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/egg - 24 sodiumchloride - 24 The wall - 24 The conveyor belt - 24 news - 24 catfish - 24 ephedrine - 24 slashed - 24 The circuit board (All-In-One Grinder) - 24 silicon - 24 The healthiest! - 24 40mm HE shell - 24 The heart - 24 heads - 24 The sturdy top-hat - 24 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/boiledrice - 24 The N2 floor - 24 The O2 floor - 24 The vacuum floor - 24 /turf/simulated/floor/plating - 24 /obj/structure/grille/broken - 24 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank - 24 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/public/glass - 24 /obj/structure/sign/poster/official/random - 24 south bump - 24 /obj/structure/bed - 24 The cigarette restocking unit - 24 /obj/structure/railing - 24 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/flatdough - 24 Deploy MODsuit - 24 /datum/action/item_action/mod/deploy - 24 atom_examine - 24 /obj/item/tank/internals - 24 modsuit - 24 The mod's storage - 24 The compact pickaxe - 24 Shallow Water - 23 medical - 23 Research Director - 23 The clipboard - 23 The laser gun - 23 orangejuice - 23 radium - 23 syringe (spaceacillin) - 23 Toggle Firemode - 23 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_firemode - 23 The armor - 23 The red jumpsuit - 23 Diona - 23 18 - 23 sound/ambience/ambimaint1.ogg - 23 /obj/structure/girder - 23 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/visible - 23 The pistol magazine (10mm) - 23 space cola - 23 The Brig - 23 /obj/item/vending_refill/cola - 23 thc - 23 Tetrahydrocannabinol - 23 candy - 23 /obj/item/vending_refill/cigarette - 23 The super matter bin - 23 The NanoMed restocking unit - 23 The shotgun magazine (12g slugs) - 23 /obj/item/mod/module/flashlight - 23 MOD flashlight module - 23 rolling paper pack - 22 storage-fancy-cigarettes-cigpack_robust - 22 Try our new nougat bar! - 22 Thirteen Loko - 22 reagent_containers-food-drinks-cans-cola - 22 Robust Softdrinks: More robust than a toolbox to the head! - 22 Refreshing! - 22 stack-medical-bruise_pack - 22 The scalpel - 22 The energy combat shield - 22 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers - 22 Hide - 22 Transmitter - 22 /obj/machinery/newscaster - 22 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/binary/pump - 22 The high-capacity power cell+ - 22 /obj/item/stock_parts/scanning_module - 22 The black gloves - 22 /obj/item/disk/nuclear - 22 The flare - 22 Robust packet - 22 /obj/item/vending_refill/wallmed - 22 roll of gauze - 22 The plant data disk - 22 The rolling paper - 22 limejuice - 21 capsaicin - 21 The circuit board (Body Scanner) - 21 gold - 21 shuttle - 21 Hydroponics - 21 Pressure Tank (Air) - 21 Toggle welding helmet - 21 broken - 21 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/cyan - 21 /obj/effect/turf_decal/stripes/corner - 21 /obj/item/light/tube - 21 The replacement lights - 21 sound/effects/picaxe1.ogg - 21 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/green - 21 The welding helmet - 21 /datum/component/material_container - 21 859 - 21 950 - 21 1003 - 21 955 - 21 621 - 21 399 - 21 1023 - 21 879 - 21 908 - 21 The advanced burn kit - 21 The IV Bag - 21 Engineer - 20 abductor - 20 00e61c146e8840c44812930aad6e3ed7 - 20 /obj/item/gun - 20 drilled - 20 The SWAT helmet - 20 orange - 20 Canister: [O2] - 20 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/donut - 20 29 - 20 The insulated gloves - 20 The hand labeler - 20 The upper body - 20 Kidan - 20 roars - 20 is crumbling into dust! - 20 The high-traction floor - 20 sound/ambience/ambisin1.ogg - 20 air injector - 20 plantmatter - 20 /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/preopen - 20 The Getmore Chocolate Corp restocking unit - 20 fire - 20 /obj/item/vending_refill/snack - 20 The lower body - 20 The left leg - 20 The left hand - 20 The right hand - 20 The left foot - 20 The right foot - 20 The electrode - 20 The penetrator round - 20 Warden - 20 sound/ambience/ambidanger.ogg - 19 grapejuice - 19 berryjuice - 19 lemonjuice - 19 Syndi-Cakes - 19 reagent_containers-food-snacks-candy-candybar - 19 Materials Research - 19 sound/items/taperecorder/taperecorder_hiss_mid.ogg - 19 sound/items/taperecorder/taperecorder_hiss_start.ogg - 19 cameras - 19 The industrial welding tool - 19 large air vent - 19 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north - 19 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/coffee - 19 /obj/machinery/requests_console - 19 /obj/structure/closet/firecloset - 19 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/fungus - 19 Squeek! - 19 runs in a circle - 19 /obj/structure/sign/electricshock - 19 gas pump - 19 /obj/machinery/door_control - 19 Kinetic Accelerator Offensive Mining Explosion Mod - 19 /obj/machinery/door/window/classic/reversed - 19 /obj/item/stock_parts/manipulator - 19 The igniter - 19 sound/creatures/mousesqueak.ogg - 19 31a4a9434f569b5f862ab747374f0e55 - 19 37c672d79be3f415ad9eadd454b0355b - 19 8ebaab510ac7d250da400e2ac1cc5f54 - 19 4782cee0f6f2c26c4d27a59baead6c08 - 19 d65e4168c3a45ecbcc091c59cb00d80c - 19 dfe3501ceb136eae77977df97ed2e901 - 19 f28b3bdad838986f35448b9d2fd76cc9 - 19 f620ef77153d1ec08173e4a98406d898 - 19 The ultra-high-power micro-laser - 19 The pico-manipulator - 19 Imported - 19 $diamond - 19 Firefighter - 19 Fluorosurfactant - 19 silver - 18 Syndicate - 18 state - 18 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/heat_exchanging - 18 Canister [Air] - 18 /obj/item/pen - 18 The donut box - 18 whiskey - 18 Draw - Draw one card - 18 /datum/action/item_action/draw_card - 18 /obj/item/reagent_containers/hypospray/autoinjector/epinephrine - 18 /obj/item/reagent_containers/syringe/insulin - 18 methamphetamine - 18 enzyme - 18 1.5 - 18 The circuit board (NanoMed Plus Vendor) - 18 The taser slug - 18 The circular saw - 18 /obj/machinery/access_button - 18 /obj/machinery/navbeacon - 18 The DANGER: FIRE - 18 sound/ambience/ambinice.ogg - 18 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/purple - 18 cleaner - 18 Head Of Security - 18 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown - 18 Plant-matter - 18 The goldgrub - 18 /obj/item/stack/ore - 18 species - 18 The brain - 18 The surgical drill - 18 HALT! - 18 halt - 18 /datum/action/item_action/halt - 18 Methamphetamine - 18 The box magazine (5.56x45mm) - 18 40mm grenade - 18 The SMG magazine (.45) - 18 alert:0 - 17 oil - 17 The microwave - 17 vodka - 17 space_drugs - 17 ketchup - 17 The cheap lighter - 17 The IV Bag - O- - 17 The zipties - 17 /datum/surgery_step/generic/cut_open - 17 is snapping their own bones! - 17 /obj/structure/grille - 17 The Arrival Shuttle Hallway - 17 north bump - 17 /turf/simulated/floor/carpet - 17 /obj/machinery/shower - 17 /obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction - 17 bucket - 17 The roller bed - 17 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/monkeycube - 17 The roll of gauze - 17 /obj/item/mod/module/magboot - 17 The bio suit - 17 The bio hood - 17 radio_telecoms - 16 bacon - 16 ash - 16 peanutbutter - 16 poisonberryjuice - 16 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/bottle/gin - 16 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/tea - 16 The box of donk-pockets - 16 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/donkpocket - 16 The circuit board (Booze-O-Mat Vendor) - 16 The syringes - 16 security_read - 16 The black cap - 16 /obj/item/scalpel/laser/manager - 16 38 - 16 48 - 16 patrol - 16 manual valve - 16 The bucket - 16 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/visible/cyan - 16 condensedcapsaicin - 16 The syringe (spaceacillin) - 16 The dropper - 16 The Research Lab - 16 The global positioning system (Fiery Signal) - 16 /obj/structure/closet/crate/necropolis/dragon - 16 /datum/action/innate/megafauna_attack/fire_cone - 16 /obj/structure/closet/crate/necropolis/dragon/crusher - 16 Fire Cone - 16 The liver - 16 The circuit board (ChemMaster 3000) - 16 The disabler beam - 16 The stunshot - 16 The pepperspray - 16 The mining satchel - 16 Nothing - 15 /obj/item/healthanalyzer - 15 security - 15 Ace of Spades - 15 sound/machines/kitchen/microwave_mid1.ogg - 15 Microwaving - 15 uranium - 15 nothing - 15 tomato - 15 The NO SMOKING - 15 corn - 15 crew - 15 /obj/item/stack/ore/bluespace_crystal - 15 Morphine - 15 welder - 15 beaten - 15 21 - 15 /obj/machinery/hydroponics/constructable - 15 /obj/machinery/conveyor - 15 The body bags - 15 The tape roll - 15 The NANOTRASEN - 15 /obj/item/pickaxe - 15 /obj/item/slime_extract - 15 The exosuit ion thrusters - 15 The Charcoal pill - 15 The EMP-proof cell - 15 haloperidol - 15 The Haloperidol pill - 15 The Methamphetamine pill - 15 happiness - 15 Happiness - 15 The mood stabilizer pill - 15 The nicotine patch - 15 Head of Security's Desk - 15 The syndicate MOD helmet - 15 The security gas mask - 15 /obj/item/clothing - 15 /obj/item/storage - 15 849 - 15 The wolpin cube - 15 /obj/item/stack/rods - 14 sound/weapons/thudswoosh.ogg - 14 warned - 14 rum - 14 corn_starch - 14 carbon - 14 facid - 14 /obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/plasma - 14 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/soybeans - 14 The vox breath mask - 14 metal - 14 The beaker box - 14 The syndicate encryption key - 14 /obj/machinery/space_heater - 14 APC electronics - 14 terminal - 14 /obj/machinery/door/poddoor - 14 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/cigarette - 14 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/outlet_injector/on - 14 autoclose - 14 delivery - 14 /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/random - 14 west bump - 14 The package wrapper - 14 /obj/machinery/ai_status_display - 14 The circuit board (Emitter) - 14 The circuit board (Teleporter Hub) - 14 Tank - 14 The Medbay - 14 The kitchen knife - 14 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/gibs - 14 The gutlunch - 14 The pipe manifold - 14 Mining Station West Wing - 14 The exosuit energy relay - 14 The armor booster module (Ranged weaponry) - 14 defib_ready - 14 The SMG magazine (9mm) - 14 advanced_surgical - 14 The hand drill - 14 The construction permit - 14 HUDSunglasses - 14 The circuit board (Sleeper - Syndicate) - 14 /obj/item/grenade/flashbang - 14 The security belt - 14 The white jumpsuit - 14 Supply Radio Encryption Key - 14 /obj/item/stack/sheet/glass - 13 The status display - 13 /datum/job/ai - 13 vanilla - 13 bluecherryjelly - 13 blumpkinjuice - 13 pumpkinjuice - 13 olivepaste - 13 morphine - 13 The circuit board (Chem Dispenser) - 13 wasabi - 13 The plasma envirosuit - 13 poofed - 13 The nitrile gloves - 13 Toggle Paddles - 13 Temperature control unit - 13 Toggle welding goggles - 13 60 - 13 The metal foam grenade - 13 The megaphone - 13 FUCK EVERYONE! - 13 The circuit board (Chemical Heater) - 13 The LBX AC 10 "Scattershot" - 13 /datum/action/item_action/zipper - 13 The bush - 13 The green Thunderdome armor - 13 The red Thunderdome armor - 13 KEEP CLEAR: DOCKING AREA - 13 /obj/item/stack/sheet/bone - 13 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/breadslice - 13 /obj/structure/sign/vacuum/external - 13 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south - 13 /obj/machinery/power/terminal - 13 /obj/machinery/hydroponics/soil - 13 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/grille_maybe - 13 /obj/structure/disposaloutlet - 13 The strange object - 13 /obj/structure/toilet - 13 /obj/item/photo - 13 The shovel - 13 The welding goggles - 13 The radiation suit - 13 The radiation hood - 13 tank - 13 /obj/structure/chair/office/light - 13 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_paddles - 13 The circuit board (Cloning Scanner) - 13 The health scanner HUD - 13 The cigarette butt - 13 The gas pump - 13 /datum/component/footstep - 13 The white crayon - 13 The orange crayon - 13 The mindshield bio-chip - 13 The egg box - 13 The hyper-capacity power cell - 13 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/candy/jellybean - 13 WARNING: BLAST DOORS - 13 atom_emag_act - 13 defibunit-paddles - 13 /datum/component/defib - 13 $bluespace - 13 The artificial bluespace crystal - 13 Aluminum - 13 The mousetrap - 13 The kinetic force - 13 /obj/item/mod/module/jetpack - 13 The military belt - 13 The duffelbag - 13 The stunbaton - 13 The security holobarrier projector - 13 21827473217e06b62591c0af43130724 - 13 The bio bag - 13 The light floor - 12 The mech bay recharge station - 12 states - 12 salglu_solution - 12 antihol - 12 /obj/item/stack/sheet/metal - 12 /datum/component/spawner - 12 The vox specialized nitrogen tank - 12 x - 12 defaults - 12 /obj/item/mod/module/armor_booster - 12 The large air vent - 12 The station intercom (General) - 12 slimejelly - 12 20 - 12 The necropolis tendril - 12 Response Team - 12 The deck of cards - 12 burnt - 12 raw pasta - 12 cornoil - 12 Hydrocodone - 12 Spaceacillin - 12 The circuit board (Soda Machine) - 12 white beet - 12 chilly - 12 apple - 12 grapes - 12 chili - 12 tomatojuice - 12 carrotjuice - 12 applejuice - 12 pineapplejuice - 12 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/coffee/robusta - 12 25 - 12 /obj/item/clothing/suit/chickensuit - 12 /datum/job/ntnavyofficer - 12 The plasma envirosuit helmet - 12 /obj/item/toy/crayon - 12 The box of crayons - 12 /obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/fyellow - 12 The medical belt - 12 The bluespace power cell - 12 The holographic energy sword - 12 The boxing gloves - 12 The rubber ducky - 12 The claymore - 12 /mob/living/silicon/ai - 12 portable air pump - 12 /obj/item/seeds/banana/mime - 12 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow - 12 Whiskey - 12 The circuit board (Oven) - 12 The pepper mill - 12 Black Pepper - 12 gas flow meter - 12 The Prison Wing - 12 color - 12 /obj/structure/fans/tiny - 12 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/security/glass - 12 The necropolis wall - 12 The box - 12 The nanotrasen paper bin - 12 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/brig - 12 The circuit board (YouTool Vendor) - 12 The space cleaner - 12 Toxins - 12 BOMB RANGE - 12 /obj/effect/baseturf_helper/lava_land/surface - 12 The pack of banana seeds - 12 The red crayon - 12 The yellow crayon - 12 The green crayon - 12 The blue crayon - 12 The purple crayon - 12 The black crayon - 12 The bio-chip case - 'Tracking' - 12 The tracking bio-chip - 12 The raw cutlet - 12 Electrification - 12 The defibrillator - 12 The IV Bag - A+ - 12 The fire axe - 12 The syndicate mask - 12 The security bowman headset - 12 Security Radio Encryption Key - 12 The sandbags - 12 The box of empty sandbags - 12 The mining radio headset - 12 The plant bag - 12 The automatic mining scanner - 12 The proto-kinetic accelerator - 12 kineticgun_empty - 12 The bluespace shelter capsule - 12 Security Records - 12 The engineering MOD helmet - 12 The hybrid turret gun - 12 turretlaser_stun - 12 The atmospheric MOD helmet - 12 The labcoat - 12 MOD injector syringe - 12 The chem bio-chip - 11 toxin - 11 aluminum - 11 mutagen - 11 Pest Killer - 11 The salt shaker - 11 Salt - 11 comm - 11 Beep - 11 The plasma internals tank - 11 The camera - 11 The circuit board (Teleporter Station) - 11 The circuit board (Cryotube) - 11 alarmmanager_triggered - 11 cellconsole_on - 11 supply - 11 The medical mask - 11 Adjust medical mask - 11 The athletic shorts - 11 Drask - 11 35 - 11 /mob/living/simple_animal/mouse - 11 /obj/item/stack/sheet/wood - 11 /obj/item/toy/crayon/red - 11 /obj/docking_port/stationary - 11 cell_type - 11 portable air scrubber - 11 Uncle Git's Special Reserve - 11 The circuit board (Grill) - 11 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/binary/valve - 11 /obj/item/seeds/ambrosia/deus - 11 /obj/effect/turf_decal/stripes/white/line - 11 The white sandals - 11 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/canister/oxygen - 11 locked - 11 mgibbl1 - 11 /obj/machinery/photocopier - 11 Canister: [N2O] - 11 The circuit board (Mining Equipment Vendor) - 11 opacity - 11 announcementConsole - 11 /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced/polarized - 11 recharge_comp - 11 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/meter - 11 The sunglasses - 11 The Starboard West Hallway - 11 The Kitchen - 11 The handheld defibrillator - 11 The silver coin - 11 /obj/structure/morgue - 11 Port Solar Array - 11 /obj/effect/turf_decal/bot - 11 The hemostat - 11 The pack of ambrosia vulgaris seeds - 11 The terminal - 11 /obj/structure/stone_tile/surrounding_tile - 11 The sandals - 11 The IV Bag - B+ - 11 Research Division - 11 hydrocodone - 11 MOD advanced ion jetpack module - 11 The helmet - 11 /datum/action/item_action/openclose - 11 The wet floor sign - 11 The global positioning system (MINE0) - 11 Coastline - 10 Assistant - 10 The mop - 10 31 - 10 /obj/machinery/porta_turret - 10 Pluto - 10 Harry - 10 Raiders - 10 Pluto, long since occupied with long-range sensors and scanners, stands ready to, and indeed continues to probe the far reaches of the galaxy. - 10 Saline-Glucose Solution - 10 The circuit board (Beer Machine) - 10 /obj/item/implant/chem - 10 The combat gloves - 10 The advanced first-aid kit - 10 /datum/alarm_manager - 10 Toggle Hardsuit Mode - 10 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_hardsuit_mode - 10 Toggle Helmet Mode - 10 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass - 10 The Ultra AC 2 - 10 Blocker - 10 7 - 10 screeches - 10 beep - 10 /obj/item/kitchen/sushimat - 10 /mob/living/simple_animal/slime/pet - 10 /obj/structure/chair/comfy/shuttle - 10 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east - 10 filled - 10 /obj/structure/filingcabinet/chestdrawer - 10 /obj/effect/spawner/random_barrier/obstruction - 10 pestkiller - 10 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/tank/air - 10 The grey cap - 10 Galactic Common - 10 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/canister/air - 10 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/miner - 10 Banana Juice - 10 The Booze-O-Mat restocking unit - 10 /obj/structure/chair/comfy/brown - 10 The motion-sensitive security camera - 10 The circuit board (Industrial Suit Storage Unit) - 10 The Prison Cell Block A - 10 Enable Gas Scanner - 10 The cloth - 10 The science radio headset - 10 The pest spray - 10 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/dirt_maybe - 10 Mining Station Storage - 10 /obj/item/organ/external/groin - 10 The head - 10 /obj/item/organ/external/hand - 10 The left arm - 10 /obj/item/organ/external/hand/right - 10 The right arm - 10 /obj/item/organ/external/foot - 10 /obj/item/organ/external/foot/right - 10 The right leg - 10 0.33 - 10 The ears - 10 /obj/item/vending_refill/medical - 10 The bio-chip case - 'Remote Chemical' - 10 Flour - 10 The flour sack - 10 The IV Bag - O+ - 10 The IV Bag - B- - 10 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_helmet_mode - 10 Toggle Jetpack - 10 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_jetpack - 10 The hardsuit jetpack upgrade - 10 The Hydrocodone pill - 10 The syndicate MOD gauntlets - 10 MOD armor booster module - 10 The syndicate MOD control unit - 10 The security armor - 10 The security cap - 10 Open/Close security jacket - 10 The security jacket - 10 The hatchet - 10 The backpack - 10 The pickaxe - 10 /obj/item/mod/module/welding - 10 MOD welding protection module - 10 The stok cube - 10 The neaera cube - 10 The farwa cube - 10 Science Radio Encryption Key - 10 Nude - 9 titles - 9 The secure briefcase - 9 syringe (insulin) - 9 reagent_containers-hypospray-autoinjector-epinephrine - 9 mopped - 9 sacid - 9 plasma - 9 ammonia - 9 lemonade - 9 wheat - 9 ambrosia - 9 15 - 9 /obj/item/kitchen/knife - 9 punctureimmune - 9 The eZ-13 mk2 Heavy Pulse Rifle - 9 the captain's antique laser gun - 9 Fire - 9 The anesthetic tank - 9 The d20 - 9 Toggle magboots - 9 4-way pipe manifold - 9 syndishuttle - 9 The tree - 9 warbles - 9 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/sunglasses - 9 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/wall_rusted_always - 9 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow - 9 The IV Bag - Saline Glucose - 9 The red-ink pen - 9 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/cola - 9 /obj/machinery/economy/atm - 9 /obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk - 9 The plant analyzer - 9 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/blood_often - 9 bread - 9 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/universal - 9 The cardboard - 9 The circuit board (Autolathe) - 9 Canister [Toxin (Plasma)] - 9 The solid plasma - 9 The Bridge - 9 The magboots - 9 - 9 Space Law - 9 Power Monitor - 9 /obj/machinery/recharge_station - 9 Tracking Beacon - 9 The earmuffs - 9 The secure safe - 9 smes-op1 - 9 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/purple - 9 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/siphon/on - 9 Toggle Research Scanner - 9 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_research_scanner - 9 /obj/structure/chair/wood/wings - 9 Insulin - 9 insulin - 9 Ash - 9 The circuit board (Deep Fryer) - 9 The science goggles - 9 The clockwork floor - 9 Lavaland Wastes - 9 The appendix - 9 The briefcase - 9 emergency autoinjector - 9 The NanoMed Plus restocking unit - 9 The bio-chip case - 'mindshield' - 9 /obj/item/vending_refill/boozeomat - 9 Griffeater Gin - 9 The circuit board (Exosuit Fabricator) - 9 /obj/item/storage/secure/briefcase - 9 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/candy/gummybear - 9 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/candy/gummyworm - 9 The SRM-8 Light Missile Rack - 9 The cloth footwraps - 9 The IV Bag - A- - 9 The grey jumpsuit - 9 Psilocybin - 9 The optical thermal scanner - 9 Restorative Nanites - 9 The syndicate_nanites Pill - 9 The 'Bulldog' Shotgun - 9 bulldogburst - 9 App - 9 The cultivator - 9 The satchel - 9 MOD expanded storage module - 9 The shaft miner's jumpsuit - 9 The mining boots - 9 The medical MOD helmet - 9 Adjust explorer gas mask - 9 Toggle explorer suit - 9 The explorer gas mask - 9 The explorer suit - 9 The explorer hood - 9 /obj/structure/lattice/catwalk - 8 /obj/item/ammo_box - 8 A.L.I.C.E. - 8 The bone gel - 8 Unstable mutagen - 8 oat - 8 Duke Purple tea - 8 reagent_containers-food-drinks-bottle-gin - 8 I hope nobody asks me for a bloody cup o' tea... - 8 Drink up! - 8 The circuit board (Food Processor) - 8 101 - 8 /obj/item/clothing/suit/judgerobe - 8 /obj/item/clothing/under/syndicate/tacticool - 8 The bronze ashtray - 8 The medical backpack - 8 sound/items/bikehorn.ogg - 8 The box of flashbangs (WARNING) - 8 The alien scalpel - 8 The alien drill - 8 The station map - 8 /datum/mutation/monkey - 8 eyes - 8 /datum/surgery_step/robotics/external/unscrew_hatch - 8 scratch - 8 /obj/item/gun/energy/laser - 8 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/high_volume - 8 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/snack - 8 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/bench/left - 8 /obj/effect/landmark/spawner/nukedisc_respawn - 8 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/cobweb_right_frequent - 8 /obj/effect/landmark/damageturf - 8 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/binary/valve/open - 8 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/universal - 8 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/binary/pump/on - 8 The blue pj's - 8 The circuit board (AutoDrobe Vendor) - 8 /datum/atom_hud/data/diagnostic/basic - 8 In Pursuit - 8 The banana - 8 The iron coin - 8 The Central Primary Hallway APC - 8 emitter - 8 The blue-ink pen - 8 minor - 8 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/red - 8 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/engineering/glass - 8 Toggle Mode - 8 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_mode - 8 noslip-damaged1 - 8 noslip-scorched1 - 8 /obj/structure/chair/wood - 8 The Dormitories - 8 power storage unit - 8 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/air_sensor - 8 gas sensor - 8 /obj/structure/chair/stool/bar - 8 /obj/machinery/cryopod - 8 The BIOHAZARD - 8 The prescription glasses - 8 spaceacillin - 8 /obj/item/petcollar - 8 The gas filter - 8 The safety pickaxe - 8 /obj/structure/sign/nanotrasen - 8 /obj/effect/mapping_helpers/no_lava - 8 54 - 8 The leg - 8 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/monkey - 8 The lungs - 8 The kidneys - 8 The eyeballs - 8 The cautery - 8 FixOVein - 8 The raw bacon - 8 The raw catfish - 8 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/candy/cotton - 8 The pulse - 8 defib - 8 The Nanotrasen Saber SMG - 8 The elite syndicate hardsuit - 8 The elite syndicate hardsuit helmet - 8 The suspicious multitool - 8 The L6 SAW - 8 The toploader magazine (5.56mm) - 8 The specialized magazine (.75) - 8 The handgun magazine (.50ae) - 8 The bluespace beaker - 8 The grenade casing - 8 The alien saw - 8 MOD electronic stamp - 8 The hard hat - 8 The red pj's - 8 The winter hood - 8 EVA suit - 8 EVA helmet - 8 The PDA - 8 The engineering beret - 8 The engineering MOD gauntlets - 8 MOD magnetic stability module - 8 The engineering radio headset - 8 Engineering Radio Encryption Key - 8 The engineering scanner goggles - 8 The energy gun - 8 energy_disable - 8 The inflatable wall - 8 The atmospheric MOD gauntlets - 8 The modsuit extinguisher nozzle - 8 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/chocolatebar - 7 Gulstaff - 7 The air injector - 7 /turf/space - 7 The red phone - 7 called - 7 The box of drinking glasses - 7 Thunderdome - 7 The glass ashtray - 7 The spare handcuffs - 7 ale - 7 mercury - 7 cola - 7 vomit - 7 acetone - 7 bbqsauce - 7 soysauce - 7 Maltese Falcon - 7 The tray - 7 The fork - 7 HONKED - 7 The medbay - 7 /obj/item/pda - 7 medcomp - 7 The advanced toolbelt - 7 The bluespace rapid pipe dispenser - 7 The circuit board (R&D Server) - 7 The suspicious looking toolbox - 7 The pill bottle (???) - 7 The night vision goggles - 7 Chimpanzee - 7 sound/items/squeaktoy.ogg - 7 quacked - 7 bludgeoned - 7 Hesphiastos Industries alt. - 7 slime - 7 /obj/item/gun/energy/laser/retro - 7 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet - 7 /datum/species/monkey - 7 40 - 7 /turf/simulated/wall/mineral/titanium - 7 /obj/effect/spawner/window/shuttle - 7 Port Auxiliary Solar Array - 7 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/engineering - 7 The evidence bag box - 7 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/oil_maybe - 7 /turf/simulated/floor/engine - 7 /obj/structure/closet/crate/freezer - 7 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/right - 7 /obj/structure/sink/kitchen - 7 The destination tagger - 7 33 - 7 The bedsheet - 7 E-Z-Nutrient - 7 /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters - 7 /obj/item/seeds/potato/sweet - 7 The Cargo Office - 7 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/canister/sleeping_agent - 7 The Central Primary Hallway Vent Pump #1 - 7 The Central Primary Hallway Air Scrubber #1 - 7 /obj/machinery/door/window - 7 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/canister/toxins - 7 charge - 7 /obj/machinery/computer/crew - 7 /obj/structure/closet/radiation - 7 radiation collector array - 7 The shooting target - 7 power - 7 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/officer/corporate - 7 /obj/machinery/computer/general_air_control/large_tank_control - 7 The Medbay Reception - 7 The AI Satellite Antechamber - 7 The medical duffelbag - 7 Virology - 7 /obj/structure/bookcase - 7 The budget insulated gloves - 7 - 7 The trash bag - 7 The monkey cube box - 7 The plastic bag - 7 The nutrient sac - 7 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/gutlunch/grublunch - 7 sniffs. - 7 trills. - 7 The manual valve - 7 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/lavaland - 7 Mining Station Airlock - 7 The bone setter - 7 The retractor - 7 The pack of potato seeds - 7 Sugar - 7 The jaws of life - 7 The experimental welding tool - 7 The combat RCD - 7 The tactical turtleneck - 7 The security satchel - 7 Toggle mining winter coat - 7 The mining winter coat - 7 Zip/Unzip mining bomber jacket - 7 The mining bomber jacket - 7 Science Standard Operating Procedures - 7 Power-ON Cartridge - 7 The RADIOACTIVE AREA - 7 R.O.B.U.S.T. Cartridge - 7 The tranquilizer darts - 7 The service radio headset - 7 Service Radio Encryption Key - 7 The circuit board (PACMAN-type Generator) - 7 Krokodil - 7 Genetics Data Disk - 7 The horrible tie - 7 sound/ambience/ambimine.ogg - 6 The coastline - 6 None - 6 General Do-Nothing - 6 Dominic Woolery - 6 The suspicious beacon - 6 17 - 6 57 - 6 /datum/stack_recipe/window - 6 ethanol - 6 Messaging Server - 6 The circuit board (Claw Game) - 6 Earth - 6 Eath - 6 Syndicate Operative - 6 Ex-convict, reformed after lengthy rehabilitation, doesn't normally ask for good salaries - 6 Caught littering on the NSS Cyberiad - 6 /datum/species/human - 6 /datum/species/abductor - 6 The circuit board (Prize Counter) - 6 coffee - 6 diphenhydramine - 6 diethylamine - 6 phenol - 6 chlorine - 6 bananahonk - 6 thirteenloko - 6 lime - 6 cherry - 6 ambrosia deus - 6 carrot - 6 The oven - 6 oliveoil - 6 corazone - 6 Dress for success! - 6 The autolathe - 6 The cigarette packet - 6 The DromedaryCo packet - 6 budget insulated gloves - 6 /obj/item/clothing/head/that - 6 /obj/item/clothing/under/color/black - 6 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/black - 6 114 - 6 Bar - 6 Premium Havanian Cigar - 6 The badmin brew - 6 The shot glass - 6 pet collar - 6 The katana - 6 Chameleon Change - 6 The infrared emitter - 6 shakes its head - 6 /obj/item/stack/cable_coil/random - 6 The plate armour - 6 The medieval helmet - 6 /datum/surgery_step/fix_vein - 6 2048 - 6 44 - 6 exclaims - 6 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/techshell - 6 /obj/item/stack/sheet/durathread - 6 Use Held Object - 6 Untitled - 6 41 - 6 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/titanium - 6 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest - 6 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeast - 6 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/grille_often - 6 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/trinary/filter - 6 gas filter - 6 /obj/machinery/sleeper - 6 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/bench/right - 6 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/fungus_probably - 6 /obj/machinery/conveyor/west - 6 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/cobweb_right_rare - 6 The circuit board (Seed Extractor) - 6 /obj/item/seeds/apple/gold - 6 The work boots - 6 /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced/tinted - 6 /obj/structure/sign/fire - 6 onion - 6 The snack bowl - 6 The Port Primary Hallway - 6 /obj/effect/turf_decal - 6 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/bench - 6 /obj/structure/filingcabinet - 6 /obj/item/seeds/corn/snapcorn - 6 /obj/item/cigbutt - 6 Ammonia - 6 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/blood_maybe - 6 /obj/machinery/economy/slot_machine - 6 The cable restraints - 6 /obj/machinery/door/window/classic/normal - 6 explosive - 6 The desk bell - 6 The film cartridge - 6 /obj/machinery/computer/secure_data - 6 /obj/effect/spawner/window - 6 /obj/structure/disposalpipe/sortjunction - 6 /obj/machinery/constructable_frame/machine_frame - 6 The box of paper cups - 6 - 6 - 6 Legal Standard Operating Procedures - 6 smes-op0 - 6 /obj/structure/railing/corner - 6 /obj/structure/window/plasmareinforced - 6 Command Standard Operating Procedures - 6 Area - 6 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/chinese/chowmein - 6 The riot shield - 6 The airlock electronics - 6 n2_sensor - 6 The rapid pipe dispenser - 6 /obj/machinery/power/port_gen/pacman - 6 P.A.C.M.A.N.-type Portable Generator - 6 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/binary/volume_pump/on - 6 The Medical Treatment Center - 6 - 6 0.1 - 6 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/atmos - 6 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/medical - 6 /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen - 6 Service Standard Operating Procedures - 6 Mint Toxin - 6 /obj/effect/spawner/random_barrier/possibly_welded_airlock - 6 Plant-B-Gone - 6 Toggle Mister - 6 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_mister - 6 The penlight - 6 The cyborg analyzer - 6 /obj/structure/closet/l3closet/scientist - 6 Starboard Solar Array - 6 The poster - Nanotrasen Logo - 6 The clown shoes - 6 The tank transfer valve - 6 The abandoned minebot - 6 Mining Station Quartermaster's Office - 6 Oil - 6 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/goliath/beast/tendril - 6 The space bats - 6 The potato - 6 The pack of apple seeds - 6 The circuit board (SmartFridge) - 6 The pack of corn seeds - 6 The circuit board (Clone Pod) - 6 The d4 - 6 oxygen-4 - 6 /obj/item/vending_refill/youtool - 6 The YouTool restocking unit - 6 The shotgun internal magazine - 6 The DENIED rubber stamp - 6 The multi lens immolator cannon - 6 The heavy immolation beam - 6 The light immolation beam - 6 The golden bike horn - 6 The assistant's formal uniform - 6 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 - 6 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 - 6 The circuit board (SUPERPACMAN-type Generator) - 6 The combat knife - 6 Sulphuric acid - 6 Diethylamine - 6 The shotgun dart - 6 The dart - 6 Toggle advanced blood-red magboots - 6 The advanced blood-red magboots - 6 The circuit board (Biogenerator) - 6 The bunny slippers - 6 The fingerless gloves - 6 /obj/item/mod/module/storage/large_capacity - 6 /obj/item/stamp - 6 The small parcel - 'EFTPOS access code' - 6 Absinthe - 6 The security MOD helmet - 6 The holobadge - 6 The inflatable door - 6 /obj/item/disk - 6 The cleaner grenade - 6 The oxygen grenade - 6 The box of pill bottles - 6 Eternal Candle pack - 6 The pipette - 6 Slime Jelly - 6 The IV Bag - Slime Jelly - 6 The IV Bag - O- Vox Blood - 6 The laser tag gun - 6 The laser tag beam - 6 Button/Unbutton labcoat - 6 The medical radio headset - 6 Medical Radio Encryption Key - 6 The medical MOD gauntlets - 6 The EMT labcoat - 6 The paramedic vest - 6 The crutches - 6 /obj/item/storage/bible - 6 The scientist labcoat - 6 The ointment - 6 Soft sand - 5 Omnizine - 5 icons/obj/guns/projectile.dmi - 5 displace - 5 Janitor - 5 AI - 5 CentComm - 5 traitor - 5 retractor - 5 Space - 5 The centcom officer's bowman headset - 5 109 - 5 The flux anomaly core - 5 /obj/item/match - 5 The matchbox - 5 Premium Cigar - 5 The shaker - 5 ice - 5 gin - 5 synthanol - 5 eznutriment - 5 Cryoxadone - 5 Perfluorodecalin - 5 Diphenhydramine - 5 iced_beer - 5 goldschlager - 5 Baking - 5 nav_z2 - 5 sound/machines/kitchen/grill_mid.ogg - 5 The grill - 5 Grilling - 5 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/orange - 5 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/canister/nitrogen - 5 Canister: [N2] - 5 The foam force crossbow - 5 28 - 5 The toxin first aid kit - 5 cryo cell - 5 pda - 5 The zippo lighter - 5 The space cola - 5 75 - 5 The leather satchel - 5 The Nuclear Operative action figure - 5 The Syndicate flag - 5 The science backpack - 5 The electric razor - 5 /obj/item/teleportation_scroll - 5 ckeyhere - 5 hemostat - 5 /datum/surgery_step/internal/manipulate_organs/implant - 5 /datum/surgery_step/internal/manipulate_organs/extract - 5 /datum/surgery_step/internal/manipulate_organs/mend - 5 /datum/surgery_step/internal/manipulate_organs/clean - 5 scalpel - 5 66 - 5 26 - 5 no_breath - 5 /obj/item/gun/energy/gun - 5 /obj/structure/shuttle/engine/propulsion/burst - 5 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwestcorner - 5 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeast - 5 pink - 5 /obj/structure/chair/comfy/beige - 5 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/pump - 5 /obj/item/radio/intercom/department/security - 5 chopped - 5 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/personal - 5 /obj/machinery/conveyor/east - 5 Medical Records - 5 /obj/item/seeds/grape/green - 5 /obj/item/seeds/lime - 5 /obj/item/seeds/wheat/oat - 5 sound/machines/kitchen/oven_loop_mid.ogg - 5 glyphosate - 5 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tofu - 5 The stethoscope - 5 /obj/machinery/washing_machine - 5 /obj/effect/decal/remains/human - 5 Vomit - 5 vomit_1 - 5 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/left - 5 /obj/effect/turf_decal/loading_area - 5 /obj/machinery/computer/arcade - 5 /obj/item/seeds/ambrosia/gaia - 5 The GRANTED rubber stamp - 5 weak_omnizine - 5 /obj/item/seeds/chili/ice - 5 Supply Records - 5 /obj/machinery/computer/shuttle/mining - 5 /obj/machinery/computer/prisoner - 5 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/canister/carbon_dioxide - 5 Canister [CO2] - 5 /obj/structure/table/wood/poker - 5 /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced/polarized/grilled - 5 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/command/glass - 5 /obj/machinery/power/emitter - 5 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/water_cooler - 5 Standard Operating Procedures - 5 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/heat_exchanging/junction - 5 The floor painter - 5 /datum/painter/floor - 5 - 5 Engineering Standard Operating Procedures - 5 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/trinary/filter/flipped - 5 control_area - 5 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/wallmed - 5 The disposal unit - 5 - 5 skills - 5 - 5 /obj/machinery/chem_master - 5 Chemistry - 5 /obj/machinery/bodyscanner - 5 /obj/machinery/optable - 5 /obj/effect/landmark/start/doctor - 5 The box of latex gloves - 5 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/corp/right - 5 Security Standard Operating Procedures - 5 industrial_lights_closed - 5 The box of injectors - 5 /obj/structure/sign/biohazard - 5 dna - 5 Cream - 5 brown - 5 /obj/item/shard - 5 Glyphosate - 5 The air tank - 5 /obj/effect/landmark/burnturf - 5 The Starboard East Hallway - 5 The Robotics Lab - 5 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks - 5 The suppressor - 5 /obj/item/vending_refill/autodrobe - 5 rdcomp - 5 The circuit board (Circuit Imprinter) - 5 The spade - 5 Candle pack - 5 The pack of ambrosia deus seeds - 5 Pistachios pack - 5 /obj/structure/closet/coffin - 5 The Escape Shuttle Hallway - 5 The bear trap - 5 The HIGH EXPLOSIVES - 5 The poster - Here For Your Safety - 5 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface - 5 /obj/structure/stone_tile/slab/cracked - 5 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/mining/glass - 5 The gas mixer - 5 magic - 5 The poster - Help Others - 5 The bio-chip implanter - 5 The bio-chip pad - 5 frostoil - 5 The pack of rice seeds - 5 The pack of orange seeds - 5 The pack of wheat seeds - 5 The pack of sugarcane seeds - 5 The pack of grape seeds - 5 Corn Oil - 5 The ear of corn - 5 Capsaicin Oil - 5 The pack of chili seeds - 5 The poster - Fruit Bowl - 5 Cola - 5 circuit board - 5 The circuit board (Candy Maker) - 5 pulse_pistol_DESTROY - 5 The S-1 X-Ray Projector - 5 The green shoes - 5 The leather shoes - 5 hcell - 5 The armor booster module (Close combat weaponry) - 5 The psychiatrist's pill bottle - 5 The minttoxin Pill - 5 /obj/item/mod/module/storage/syndicate - 5 The syndicate MOD chestplate - 5 The syndicate MOD boots - 5 MOD syndicate storage module - 5 /obj/item/mod/module/dna_lock - 5 MOD DN-MP shield lock - 5 mod_activate - 5 /obj/item/mod/module/noslip - 5 MOD anti slip module - 5 The rocket shell - 5 The projectile - 5 The portable seed extractor - 5 The cargo cap - 5 - 5 Supply Standard Operating Procedures - 5 Advanced Scanner - 5 Gear - 5 10 Marker Beacons - 5 Kinetic Accelerator - 5 Diamond Pickaxe - 5 Nanotrasen Minebot - 5 /obj/item/mod/module/rad_protection - 5 MOD radiation detector module - 5 The security backpack - 5 BreatheDeep Cartridge - 5 The medical doctor's jumpsuit - 5 /obj/item/mod/module/t_ray - 5 MOD t-ray scan module - 5 Phenol - 5 Acetone - 5 The box of patch packs - 5 /obj/item/clothing/suit/redtag - 5 The defibrillator gauntlets - 5 The chewed gum - 5 purrs - 4 hisses - 4 Food - 4 icons/obj/items.dmi - 4 tgui.bundle.js - 4 The circuit board (AI Core) - 4 Runtime - 4 sound/effects/footstep/water1.ogg - 4 sound/effects/footstep/lava1.ogg - 4 sound/effects/meatslap.ogg - 4 /turf/simulated/mineral/random/high_chance/volcanic - 4 Bald - 4 Microwave - 4 SyndiCat - 4 The mounted RCD - 4 Motion - 4 9 - 4 icon - 4 /mob/dead/observer - 4 white - 4 Lockbox (Mindshield Implants) - 4 Coffee - 4 tequila - 4 Vodka - 4 psilocybin - 4 dr_gibb - 4 potassium - 4 fuel - 4 omnizine - 4 honey - 4 capulettium_plus - 4 sugarcane - 4 vinegar - 4 mayonnaise - 4 judge's robe costume - 4 clothing-suit-chickensuit - 4 tacticool turtleneck - 4 /obj/item/clothing/suit/ianshirt - 4 The deep fryer - 4 Hell Water - 4 The madmin malt - 4 hell_water - 4 /obj/item/clothing/head/bearpelt - 4 The circuit board (Nanotrasen Merchandise Vendor) - 4 Cohiba Robusto Cigar - 4 The ammunition box (Beanbag shells) - 4 Photo album - 4 The SRX-13 Heavy Missile Launcher - 4 teleport - 4 comm_logs - 4 /mob/living/silicon/robot - 4 /mob/living/silicon/robot/drone - 4 The large beaker - 4 The circuit board (Engi-Vend Vendor) - 4 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/meson/engine - 4 /obj/item/stock_parts/cell/potato - 4 Ants - 4 ants - 4 The box of tear gas grenades (WARNING) - 4 The straight jacket - 4 The blindfold - 4 Toggle Voice Changer - 4 The stechkin pistol - 4 Devils Kiss - 4 The syndicate minibomb - 4 The ebeam - 4 The pulse pistol - 4 #700b08 - 4 The alien bone gel - 4 The alien retractor - 4 The box of spare handcuffs - 4 The inteliCard - 4 crust - 4 The industrial backpack - 4 The sniper rounds (.50) - 4 The air horn - 4 The gavel block - 4 min - 4 The wizards staff - 4 All - 4 /datum/surgery_step/cavity/remove_item - 4 /datum/surgery_step/cavity/place_item - 4 /datum/surgery/intermediate/manipulate/extract - 4 /obj/item/scalpel/laser - 4 multitool - 4 /datum/job_objective/further_research - 4 barks - 4 s - 4 virus_immunity - 4 /obj/item/gun/energy/gun/advtaser - 4 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bucket - 4 /obj/item/toy/crayon/blue - 4 /obj/item/bikehorn/rubberducky - 4 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sushi_Tobiko - 4 /obj/structure/fermenting_barrel - 4 /mob/living/simple_animal/pet/cat/Runtime - 4 very loud - 4 Drop Held Object - 4 Swap Hands - 4 Face North - 4 Face South - 4 Face East - 4 Face West - 4 ckey - 4 58 - 4 56 - 4 /obj/docking_port/mobile/pod - 4 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west - 4 /obj/structure/closet/wardrobe/black - 4 /obj/item/radio/beacon - 4 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeastcorner - 4 /obj/structure/shuttle/engine/heater - 4 /obj/structure/shuttle/engine/propulsion - 4 /obj/effect/landmark/start/assistant - 4 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/security - 4 The maintenance access - 4 power_key - 4 /obj/structure/closet/wardrobe/white - 4 network - 4 /obj/machinery/airlock_controller/air_cycler - 4 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/cobweb_left_rare - 4 Zip/Unzip suspicious bomber jacket - 4 The DISPOSAL LEADS TO SPACE - 4 The solar tracker - 4 /obj/structure/filingcabinet/filingcabinet - 4 /obj/structure/safe/floor - 4 The plastic fork - 4 The circuit board (Vendomat Vendor) - 4 The circuit board (Sustenance Vendor Vendor) - 4 /obj/item/radio/intercom/locked/prison - 4 /obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_2 - 4 The Cargo Bay - 4 Pressure Tank (Toxins) - 4 The circuit board (ClothesMate Vendor) - 4 /obj/machinery/conveyor_switch/oneway - 4 The circuit board (Hatlord 9000 Vendor) - 4 The circuit board (Suitlord 9000 Vendor) - 4 exploding fruit - 4 lid_plastic_jug_ez - 4 captain - 4 The rapid-crate-sender (RCS) - 4 Maintenance Air Supply - 4 /obj/machinery/computer/security - 4 /obj/machinery/mineral/equipment_vendor - 4 /obj/machinery/keycard_auth - 4 The d6 - 4 The toner cartridge - 4 The poster - Grey Tide - 4 /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced/plasma/grilled - 4 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/partial - 4 /obj/item/flag/nt - 4 /obj/machinery/newscaster/security_unit - 4 /obj/structure/plasticflaps - 4 The circuit board (PTech Vendor) - 4 /obj/item/cartridge/clown - 4 /obj/structure/barricade/wooden - 4 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil - 4 4-way air supply pipe manifold - 4 /obj/machinery/door/window/reinforced/normal - 4 /obj/item/storage/secure/safe - 4 Power Alarms - 4 The Courtroom - 4 /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced/plasma - 4 /obj/structure/closet/crate/can - 4 /obj/structure/sign/radiation/rad_area - 4 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/fullgrass - 4 engine - 4 The Gravity Generator - 4 The Aft Primary Hallway - 4 The circuit board (SecTech Vendor) - 4 /obj/item/restraints/handcuffs - 4 /obj/machinery/flasher - 4 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/visible/green - 4 The riot shotgun - 4 Toggle Barrier Spread - 4 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_barrier_spread - 4 The circuit board (Mr. Chang Vendor) - 4 External Gas to Loop - 4 Security Equipment Storage - 4 /obj/item/melee/baton - 4 on - 4 mair_in_meter - 4 Mixed Air Supply Tank - 4 The hand tele - 4 engie_cams - 4 Nitrogen - 4 The circuit board (SecDrobe Vendor) - 4 /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/street_judge - 4 /obj/structure/mopbucket/full - 4 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/scrubber - 4 The Security Office - 4 /obj/structure/chair/sofa - 4 Gas filter (N2 tank) - 4 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/visible/purple - 4 The circuit board (Virtual Gameboard) - 4 The medical wrench - 4 wrenched - 4 Port to Filter - 4 healing - 4 death - 4 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden - 4 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/apple - 4 Mix to Filter - 4 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/salmonmeat - 4 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/visible/yellow - 4 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/medical - 4 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/binary/valve/digital - 4 Mix to MiniSat - 4 The poster - Punch Shit - 4 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/maintenance_hatch - 4 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/corp/left - 4 Dr. Gibb - 4 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical3 - 4 /obj/effect/turf_decal/delivery/red - 4 The muzzle - 4 sound/machines/kitchen/deep_fryer_1.ogg - 4 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/generic - 4 /obj/machinery/power/smes - 4 /obj/item/reagent_containers/spray/plantbgone - 4 The poster - Bless This Spess - 4 Bubblish - 4 Feed - 4 jiggles - 4 blorbles - 4 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old - 4 /obj/machinery/computer/mech_bay_power_console - 4 Chips - 4 Telepad - 4 The poster - Information on Air - 4 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/cobweb2 - 4 /obj/effect/turf_decal/delivery - 4 chicken suit - 4 The AutoDrobe restocking unit - 4 The Chapel - 4 Signal Ace 2 - 4 The poster - Ambrosia Vulgaris - 4 The pack of cannabis seeds - 4 Space drugs - 4 /obj/item/seeds/cannabis/rainbow - 4 The plate - 4 sound/effects/clownstep1.ogg - 4 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/insulated - 4 proximity sensor - 4 The poster - Safety: Report - 4 The circuit board (Shoelord 9000 Vendor) - 4 The lantern - 4 ineffectively hit - 4 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/glass - 4 /obj/effect/mapping_helpers/airlock/access/all/engineering/maintenance - 4 Mining Station Infirmary - 4 Mining Station Locker Room - 4 The colossus - 4 /datum/point - 4 Penguin chick - 4 The clown suit - 4 stat_trait - 4 lying_down - 4 The bike horn - 4 The bio-chip implanter (mindshield) - 4 The sausage - 4 The spaghetti - 4 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/cutlet - 4 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/tomato - 4 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/spaghetti - 4 The white beet - 4 /obj/item/seeds/redbeet - 4 The pack of white beet seeds - 4 The tomato - 4 /obj/item/seeds/tomato/blue - 4 The pack of tomato seeds - 4 The rice - 4 Frost Oil - 4 The chilly pepper - 4 The pack of chilly pepper seeds - 4 The apple - 4 blue - 4 Rice - 4 The rice sack - 4 The wheat - 4 Vanilla - 4 The vanilla pod - 4 The pack of vanilla pod seeds - 4 The sugarcane - 4 The oat - 4 The pack of oat seeds - 4 The bunch of grapes - 4 The chili - 4 The phasic scanning module - 4 The cloning pod #1 - 4 The exosuit fabricator - 4 The medal of captaincy - 4 The calming painting - 4 The handgun magazine (.45) - 4 The double emergency oxygen tank - 4 The B.S.G - 4 The B.S.G power cell - 4 The orb of pure bluespace energy - 4 The circuit board (CondiMaster 3000) - 4 The pulse pistol power cell - 4 Marauder radio - 4 The fire first-aid kit - 4 The burn auto-mender - 4 The burn mini-patch - 4 The blue jumpsuit - 4 The yellow jumpsuit - 4 The pink jumpsuit - 4 The blue plaid skirt - 4 The red plaid skirt - 4 The blue purple skirt - 4 The blue shoes - 4 The yellow shoes - 4 The purple shoes - 4 The spare IDs - 4 The riot shotgun internal magazine - 4 Robotics - 4 forces_open_doors_item_varient - 4 /datum/component/surgery_initiator - 4 The ammo box (40mm grenades) - 4 The psilocybin Pill - 4 The shotgun magazine (12g dragon's breath) - 4 The C-20r SMG - 4 Mauler radio - 4 Dark Gygax radio - 4 The advanced magboots - 4 The dress shoes - 4 The medical HUDSunglasses - 4 The blue cap - 4 The alien bone setter - 4 The alien FixOVein - 4 The alien cautery - 4 The alien hemostat - 4 The sniper rounds (penetrator) - 4 The syndicate sniper rifle - 4 The shotgun magazine (12g buckshot slugs) - 4 The gavel hammer - 4 The suspicious bomber jacket - 4 The black suit jacket - 4 /obj/item/mod/module/stamp - 4 MOD stamper module - 4 The poster - Work For A Future - 4 Space Parts & Space Vendors Cartridge - 4 The garrote - 4 The lethal injection syringe - 4 - 4 Guide to Faxes - 4 The circuit board (Ore Redemption) - 4 The Nanotrasen flag - 4 The poster - Safety: Internals - 4 /obj/item/stack/spacecash - 4 The leather wallet - 4 /obj/item/screwdriver/power - 4 Jetpack (Carbon Dioxide) - 4 The engineering MOD control unit - 4 The engineering MOD chestplate - 4 The engineering MOD boots - 4 /obj/item/mod/module/tether - 4 MOD emergency tether module - 4 h+cell - 4 The circuit board (AI Laws Storage) - 4 The super-capacity power cell - 4 The security MOD gauntlets - 4 The barrier grenade - 4 The industrial duffelbag - 4 The engineering holobarrier projector - 4 ATMOS holofan projector - 4 /datum/component/proximity_monitor - 4 The portable flasher - 4 The push broom - 4 The captain's rapier - 4 The atmospheric MOD control unit - 4 The atmospheric MOD chestplate - 4 The atmospheric MOD boots - 4 MOD firefighting tank - 4 Toggle atmospheric magboots - 4 The atmospheric magboots - 4 The medical blanket - 4 The circuit board (Refrigerated Medicine Storage) - 4 The sterile masks - 4 The advanced defibrillator paddles - 4 /obj/item/mod/module/injector - 4 MOD injector module - 4 4no raisins - 4 The bioengineer labcoat - 4 The roboticist labcoat - 4 Firefighting foam - 4 The manual mining scanner - 4 The orange beanie - 4 sound/ambience/ambispace.ogg - 3 light_off - 3 Male - 3 Surgery Observation - 3 /datum/status_effect/limited_bonus/revivable - 3 green - 3 Common - 3 Fore Port Solar Control - 3 /area/station/service/kitchen - 3 sound/effects/footstep/asteroid1.ogg - 3 sound/effects/footstep/grass1.ogg - 3 sound/effects/footstep/catwalk1.ogg - 3 generaldonothing - 3 /obj/item/rcd - 3 Shaved - 3 Alpha - 3 MC Debug - 3 The dview - 3 The MULEbot (#1) - 3 Cell 1 - 3 The navigation beacon - 3 Admin Level - 3 /obj/item/gun/energy/disabler - 3 AI display - 3 74 - 3 hydrogen - 3 The fax machine - 3 Unbranded - 3 icons/obj/arcade_images/backgroundsprite.png - 3 The plastic ashtray - 3 cognac - 3 Crank - 3 Jenkem - 3 sodium - 3 Oculine - 3 liquidgibs - 3 Universal Enzyme - 3 hotsauce - 3 coldsauce - 3 saltshakersmall - 3 peppermillsmall - 3 wasabibottle - 3 Empty - 3 The bag of dice - 3 Tools - 3 The rolling pin - 3 The gold medal - 3 ERT - 3 Default - 3 robot - 3 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 - 3 The uranium - 3 S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type Portable Generator - 3 The bo staff - 3 The suspicious looking deck of cards - 3 The surgery duffelbag - 3 The lemon - 3 berry - 3 /obj/item/storage/backpack/satchel_flat - 3 Bag of Holding - 3 /obj/item/storage/backpack - 3 The HoNkER BlAsT 5000 - 3 Adjust balaclava - 3 The officer beret - 3 The suspicious looking duffelbag - 3 The big red button - 3 Meow! - 3 meows - 3 sound/creatures/dog_bark1.ogg - 3 chips - 3 reagent_containers-food-snacks-chips - 3 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/chips - 3 Syndicate Cigarettes - 3 storage-fancy-cigarettes-syndicate - 3 /obj/item/storage/fancy/cigarettes/syndicate - 3 The electropack - 3 beat - 3 Medical Beamgun - 3 Mauler - 3 Shuttle Airlock - 3 syndinavigation - 3 The die - 3 gibbers - 3 cable coil - 3 mime crayon - 3 stack-cable_coil-random - 3 Stop by for all your artistic needs! - 3 Just like Kindergarten! - 3 /obj/item/toy/crayon/mime - 3 The bread tube - 3 +EVERYTHING - 3 Unathi Sharp Snout - 3 Straight Bushy Tail - 3 /obj/item/reagent_containers/dropper - 3 /datum/surgery_step/robotics/external/repair/brute - 3 /datum/surgery_step/robotics/external/repair/burn - 3 bonegel - 3 saw - 3 Nanotrasen Navy Officer - 3 63 - 3 rr - 3 ss - 3 no_hair - 3 /obj/item/restraints/handcuffs/cable - 3 /obj/item/latexballon - 3 /obj/item/toy/crayon/green - 3 /obj/item/toy/crayon/orange - 3 /obj/item/toy/crayon/purple - 3 /obj/item/stack/sheet/plasteel - 3 weak - 3 /mob/living/carbon/alien/humanoid/queen/large - 3 /datum/species/unathi - 3 /datum/species/moth - 3 /datum/species/drask - 3 /mob/living/simple_animal/pet/dog/corgi/Ian - 3 F3 - 3 79 - 3 81 - 3 Commemorative Plaque - 3 /turf/simulated/floor/mineral/titanium - 3 /obj/structure/closet/walllocker/emerglocker/north - 3 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwestcorner - 3 /obj/structure/closet/wardrobe/mixed - 3 /obj/item/wrench - 3 /obj/structure/closet/toolcloset - 3 /obj/structure/computerframe - 3 /obj/machinery/mass_driver - 3 The poster - Obey - 3 The shoulder holster - 3 Print Report - 3 YEAH! - 3 /datum/action/item_action/YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH - 3 /obj/machinery/biogenerator - 3 10u milk - 3 /obj/structure/closet/cabinet - 3 input_dir - 3 passive vent - 3 /obj/machinery/kitchen_machine/grill - 3 Stationary Air Scrubber - 3 flashlight - 3 assembly-prox_sensor - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/sustenance - 3 The bread slice - 3 The plastic knife - 3 The plastic spoon - 3 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/slab - 3 /obj/structure/curtain/open/shower - 3 /obj/structure/weightmachine/stacklifter - 3 /obj/structure/closet/crate/trashcart - 3 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/autodrobe - 3 /obj/item/seeds/onion/red - 3 /obj/item/rollingpaper - 3 The poster - Free Tonto - 3 /obj/item/dice - 3 flutters - 3 scarybat - 3 /obj/structure/kitchenspike - 3 /obj/item/seeds/carrot/parsnip - 3 oculine - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/cargo/tech - 3 The broken tile - 3 The poster - EAT. - 3 loot - 3 The baseball bat - 3 /obj/effect/landmark/start/shaft_miner - 3 /datum/mob_type/bug - 3 /obj/item/paper_bin - 3 /obj/machinery/computer/shuttle/labor - 3 Central Access - 3 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold4w/hidden/supply - 3 /obj/machinery/field/generator - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/procedure/iaa - 3 /obj/machinery/computer/station_alert - 3 /obj/machinery/computer/card - 3 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 - 3 /obj/structure/marker_beacon/dock_marker/collision - 3 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwest - 3 /obj/structure/dispenser - 3 req_access - 3 cell_monitor - 3 /obj/structure/dispenser/oxygen - 3 /obj/machinery/computer/atmos_alert - 3 /turf/simulated/floor/bluegrid - 3 squawks - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/security - 3 sunglasses - 3 The Security Lobby - 3 The Fore Primary Hallway - 3 The ammunition box (Rubbershot shells) - 3 The Engineering Control Room - 3 /obj/structure/chair/comfy/teal - 3 The Engineering Foyer - 3 The bulletproof helmet - 3 The security bulletproof vest - 3 The security riot suit - 3 /obj/machinery/power/treadmill - 3 treadmill - 3 The coffee mug - 3 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/binary/valve/digital/open - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/janitor - 3 APC frame - 3 Electromagnetic Generator - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/detective - 3 /obj/structure/janitorialcart - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/engineering/engineer - 3 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/thermomachine/freezer - 3 Prisoner Processing - 3 /obj/machinery/shieldwallgen - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/engineering/atmospheric_technician - 3 The personal AI device - 3 Nitrogen Outlet Valve - 3 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/reagents - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/chemist - 3 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/cryo_cell - 3 The Medbay APC - 3 The Medbay Vent Pump #1 - 3 The Medbay Air Scrubber #1 - 3 /obj/machinery/defibrillator_mount/loaded - 3 Gas filter (O2 tank) - 3 The damp rag - 3 bounced a check off - 3 /obj/machinery/computer/operating - 3 /obj/structure/closet/crate/freezer/iv_storage - 3 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/trinary/mixer - 3 Gas mixer (N2/O2) - 3 Jeremy - 3 The Bar - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/bartender - 3 cryoxadone - 3 /obj/machinery/chem_heater - 3 Gas filter (N2O tank) - 3 Gas filter (Toxins tank) - 3 The flask - 3 Marauder - 3 /obj/structure/sign/lifestar - 3 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/corp - 3 /obj/item/radio/intercom/custom - 3 /obj/item/storage/toolbox/emergency - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/chef - 3 brays - 3 The brute trauma treatment kit - 3 The universal enzyme bottle - 3 /obj/structure/closet/l3closet - 3 pie - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/doctor - 3 Aft Maintenance - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/hydroponics - 3 Med-U Cartridge - 3 The water flower - 3 The latex glove - 3 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/chameleon/noslip - 3 boots (cult) - 3 /obj/item/seeds/cannabis - 3 The ENGINEERING - 3 The CHEMISTRY - 3 The Embellished Enigma packet - 3 /obj/effect/turf_decal/bot_white - 3 sex - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/virologist - 3 The tajaran heart - 3 /obj/machinery/mech_bay_recharge_port - 3 The Robust packet - 3 The Nanotrasen-brand Rapid Paint Applicator - 3 The Mech Bay - 3 The Man-Machine Interface - 3 The wolpin cube box - 3 Rum - 3 Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum - 3 toast - 3 /obj/machinery/mecha_part_fabricator - 3 The Genetics Lab - 3 The poster - Energy Swords - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/rnd/roboticist - 3 /obj/item/lighter/random - 3 /obj/machinery/door/morgue - 3 nitrogen - 3 The Chapel Office - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/rnd/geneticist - 3 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/research - 3 The poster - Nanomichi Ad - 3 The poster - Kill Syndicate - 3 The circuit board (Protolathe) - 3 TestChamber - 3 The rollie - 3 quills - 3 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/scientist - 3 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/ash - 3 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/xeno - 3 The circuit board (Destructive Analyzer) - 3 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/rnd/scientist - 3 The poster - Revolver - 3 The bomb suit - 3 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/leafybush - 3 The balaclava - 3 The poster - Cohiba Robusto Ad - 3 The clown wig and mask - 3 /turf/simulated/mineral/random/volcanic - 3 /turf/simulated/mineral/uranium/volcanic - 3 mineralSpawnChanceList - 3 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/brig/gulag - 3 /obj/effect/gibspawner/robot - 3 /obj/structure/ore_box - 3 /turf/simulated/mineral/volcanic/lava_land_surface - 3 The pack of glowshroom mycelium - 3 /obj/item/seeds/glowshroom/glowcap - 3 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/maintenance/external - 3 The machine repair kit - 3 Mining Station Mechbay - 3 /obj/item/stack/ore/uranium - 3 The passive vent - 3 The port to space - 3 The Vetus Speculator - 3 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/hivelord/legion/tendril - 3 The ancient goliath - 3 Syndifox - 3 Tom - 3 Forklift - 3 Paperwork - 3 Ian - 3 Renault - 3 Pete - 3 The pig - 3 Commander Clucky - 3 Betsy - 3 The grey baby slime (282) - 3 The grey baby slime (634) - 3 The grey baby slime (156) - 3 E-N - 3 The grey baby slime (23) - 3 Giggles Von Honkerton - 3 movable_disposing - 3 The warning cone - 3 The poster - Syndicate Recruitment - 3 The tracking bio-chip kit - 3 The global positioning system (SEC0) - 3 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/cheesewedge - 3 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/potato - 3 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/cabbage - 3 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/doughslice - 3 /obj/item/seeds/firelemon - 3 The pack of lemon seeds - 3 The orange - 3 The cherries - 3 /obj/item/seeds/cherry/blue - 3 The pack of cherry pits - 3 The sugar sack - 3 The pack of carrot seeds - 3 The ambrosia vulgaris branch - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/clothing - 3 The d8 - 3 The d10 - 3 The d12 - 3 tool_attack - 3 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/cookiedough - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/hatdispenser - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/suitdispenser - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/shoedispenser - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/engivend - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/cart - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/chinese - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/assist - 3 The combat uniform - 3 The gold engraved zippo - 3 The double-barreled shotgun - 3 The double-barrel shotgun internal magazine - 3 The upgraded teleporter - 3 The rubber stamp - 3 The hide mantle - 3 The roughspun robes - 3 The SMG magazine (Toxin Tipped 9mm) - 3 The SMG Magazine (Incendiary 9mm) - 3 The SMG magazine (Armour Piercing 9mm) - 3 The plasma pistol - 3 The plasma bolt - 3 The charged plasma bolt - 3 The Mind Flayer - 3 The flayer ray - 3 iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACAAAAAgCAYAAABzenr0AAAAaXpUWHREZXNjcmlwdGlvbgAAeJwlx70KgCAUBtDZ+xQfukd/q0so4aDvIGjpUIFKvX6D2zkCm96Ng7KG3lhqfm5IrMNI7MuhJUgsM7EU85laT22+RUhwTizkUiExETuKv2K3gHYKyhr6AZq3GAuWckZCAAAB80lEQVRYhe2Wv2sTYRjHPxEjlFhRkQh3kE5mECk4FBGXWxsMGcT1QBAHazZThM6lQzuKm8v9BV4uZBPepQ3lKII4ZfOO9yBHuIISOsah3qU29t47TSlKvvByD8/zvM/75fu8P64ghOAicelCV58TmBPIS+DN+vp41gQuz7rgl0+iE9v37huPVfmFLPeAYRjjlZWqMs91+1M+IUQhbY5SgVbrxbjX66HrOgDvum95WXs1ZZ+ElBKATruNYRjjNBKZWqDrOqZZZzQ6AuDj+w9JLLZLpQUsy0nypZRomqasnXkPjEZHtDZf0//6eSpWXVpme2MHx7ZZe9jEK3tJTNW6XKdgzxUMw4hhGCW+YRix54pJ0sHxJ26ZCrlOwbUbi0qft+pN5aQhlwLfDr8n47QvRiWs5CIwcwU4AFbBNOuZauZS4EqxmIzTvhhxCyzL4emT58qaf3QTntyEt8o3E/swiqiEFbyydz4KVJeWgWPZF69fTeQP/HCS9PMUzFyBUmmB7Y2d1DhMWpBVgcwELMvBsW12B/s8uv0AgN3BPneLd1Lz15rNvycgpUTXdeqNBn7Xp15rAOB3fczaszPnBUGgrK0k4Lp9Ou02AJqm4Q0CHNsG+MX+3cKbW1tKApmfY2XSGVA9x5kInCf+rX/COYE5gf+SwA+gkresq8vsAAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== - 3 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 - 3 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 - 3 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 - 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3 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 - 3 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 - 3 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 - 3 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 - 3 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 - 3 Plasma - 3 Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky - 3 The shotgun speedloader (Buckshot) - 3 The combat shotgun - 3 The combat shotgun internal magazine - 3 The advanced energy gun - 3 nucgun_kill - 3 The energy katana - 3 /datum/action/item_action/voice_changer/toggle - 3 The voice changer - 3 obscured_wires - 3 The night vision health scanner HUD - 3 Antihol - 3 The antihol Pill - 3 The spaceacillin Pill - 3 Toxin - 3 Holo-Cigar - 3 The syringe gun spring - 3 /obj/item/vending_refill/secdrobe - 3 The ion bolt - 3 Health Analyzer Upgrade - 3 Dark Gygax - 3 The leather jacket - 3 The poster - The Owl - 3 The jackboots - 3 fried potato - 3 The speed loader (caps) - 3 The agreeable glasses - 3 Roll of cloth - 3 Botanist belt - 3 The pack of onion seeds - 3 divinity - 3 bun - 3 hot peppers - 3 The large crowbar - 3 Capulettium Plus - 3 The fake death pill - 3 corporate security jumpsuit - 3 /obj/item/envelope - 3 The mail bag - 3 Runic mind - 3 Juan Walker - 3 The loader MOD helmet - 3 EFTPOS scanner - 3 The explorer bag - 3 The explorer satchel - 3 Tape Box - 3 The skills HUD sunglasses - 3 The white gloves - 3 rglass - 3 The advanced MOD helmet - 3 /obj/item/mod/module/jetpack/advanced - 3 /obj/item/mod/module/dispenser - 3 MOD mirage grenade dispenser module - 3 The disabler - 3 The engineer's jumpsuit - 3 The engineer's jumpskirt - 3 The backpack water tank - 3 The bomb hood - 3 The riot helmet - 3 The magnate MOD helmet - 3 The atmospherics duffelbag - 3 The backpack firefighter tank - 3 The extinguisher nozzle - 3 The firesuit - 3 The atmospheric technician's firefighting helmet - 3 The Medical Marijuana Packet - 3 medlaptop - 3 The poster - Borg Fancy v2 - 3 The point of sale - 3 Surgery Cleaner - 3 IV Bags - 3 /obj/item/clothing/suit/bluetag - 3 /obj/item/gun/energy/laser/tag/red - 3 The red laser tag armour - 3 /obj/item/gun/energy/laser/tag/blue - 3 The blue laser tag armour - 3 The safeguard MOD helmet - 3 The brute auto-mender - 3 The brute mini-patch - 3 The medical MOD control unit - 3 The medical MOD chestplate - 3 The medical MOD boots - 3 The beret - 3 The rescue MOD helmet - 3 The paramedic's jumpsuit - 3 Button/Unbutton EMT labcoat - 3 /obj/item/stack/medical - 3 The emergency nitrogen tank - 3 The botanist's jumpsuit - 3 Adjust botany bandana - 3 The botany bandana - 3 The plant data disks box - 3 The hydroponic HUD - 3 The "LiquidFood" ration - 3 The poster - Lamarr - 3 The research MOD helmet - 3 The vox heart - 3 The scientist satchel - 3 The scientist's jumpsuit - 3 Button/Unbutton scientist labcoat - 3 The scientist's jumpskirt - 3 Proximity detection field - 3 Admin Tickets - 3 The Gamma Armory APC - 2 Nosey little bastard aren't you? - 2 ti - 2 vars - 2 lightpurple - 2 - 2 r_arm - 2 Lightning - 2 Booze-O-Mat - 2 Floor Painter - 2 Drinking Glass - 2 Speed - 2 /turf - 2 Any - 2 /datum/job/assistant - 2 Timer: 29 ([0x210092e0]), TTR: 3057.5, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x210092e1], callBack.object: the blood[0x2002b2a](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/writing), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 2 sound/effects/footstep/carpetbarefoot1.ogg - 2 sound/effects/footstep/glassbarefoot1.ogg - 2 size - 2 /datum/library_category - 2 standard - 2 /obj/item/mod/module/hydraulic - 2 sealed_clothing - 2 debug - 2 A - 2 Alice Blue - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/raw_bacon - 2 Poly - 2 Seraph - 2 The communications console - 2 The advanced pinpointer - 2 Replacement Organ Storage - 2 The nuclear authentication disk - 2 /obj/item/radio - 2 minttoxin - 2 /obj/machinery - 2 /datum/atom_hud/data/human/security/basic - 2 The soil - 2 23 - 2 53 - 2 pAI - 2 Telecommunications Relay - 2 /obj/effect/meteor/dust - 2 /obj/effect/meteor/medium - 2 47 - 2 /datum/stack_recipe_list - 2 /datum/stack_recipe/dangerous - 2 Mentor - 2 /client/proc/cmd_admin_pm_context - 2 help - 2 The newscaster - 2 The radiation collector array - 2 /obj/machinery/atmospherics - 2 The global positioning system (Echoing Signal) - 2 data - 2 /obj/item/trash/waffles - 2 /obj/item/clothing/under/chameleon - 2 /obj/item/gun/projectile/automatic/pistol - 2 /obj/machinery/computer/cryopod - 2 The chemical bio-chip kit - 2 The wall recharger - 2 Patron - 2 Wine - 2 irishcream - 2 spacemountainwind - 2 applejack - 2 lube - 2 cocoa - 2 bath_salts - 2 Lysergic acid diethylamide - 2 corn_syrup - 2 green_vomit - 2 synthflesh - 2 Potassium Iodide - 2 lazarus_reagent - 2 Mutadone - 2 carpet - 2 phosphorus - 2 sonic_powder - 2 capulettium - 2 clothing-suit-ianshirt - 2 /obj/item/clothing/under/suit/navy - 2 T-Borg's Tonic Water - 2 tonic - 2 The classic chef's apron - 2 bear pelt hat - 2 clothing-head-that - 2 Warning, not all hats are dog/monkey compatible. Apply forcefully with care. - 2 clothing-under-color-black - 2 Pre-Ironed, Pre-Washed, Pre-Wor-*BZZT* - 2 orange shoes - 2 clothing-shoes-black - 2 Put your foot down! - 2 apparel - 2 The officer jacket - 2 The bronze medal - 2 Name - 2 door - 2 Wonderizing - 2 The silver medal - 2 flogged - 2 The doctor's mug - 2 The spotlight - 2 The incision management system - 2 sound/items/AirHorn2.ogg - 2 cell-o2 - 2 seclaptop - 2 magenta - 2 The CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Cannon - 2 Space Mountain Wind - 2 The space suit - 2 The space helmet - 2 The box of construction permits - 2 potato battery - 2 clothing-glasses-meson-engine - 2 The box of Pest-B-Gon mousetraps - 2 adminordrazine - 2 devilskiss - 2 The captain's spare ID - 2 The central command ID card - 2 AVD-CNED IMS - 2 160 - 2 Delay - 2 The rapid-construction-device (RCD) - 2 amanita - 2 The assault belt - 2 /obj/item/clothing/mask/luchador - 2 Toggle advanced magboots - 2 The blood-red hardsuit - 2 Toggle Helmet - 2 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_helmet - 2 /obj/item - 2 The Nanotrasen representative's uniform - 2 The black trench coat - 2 Button/Unbutton black trench coat - 2 The smiles von wiggleton - 2 The captain's duffelbag - 2 The suspicious duffelbag - 2 /obj/item/organ/internal/heart/gland/bloody - 2 #661553 - 2 The turret - 2 The robot left arm - 2 The robot right arm - 2 The robot left leg - 2 The robot right leg - 2 The black space helmet - 2 The mech bay power port - 2 /mob/living/simple_animal/pet/cat/kitten - 2 The box of spare zipties - 2 The pizza box - 2 Body - 2 Ack-Ack - 2 geckers - 2 howls - 2 The butcher's cleaver - 2 The rocket launcher - 2 153 - 2 Semki pack - 2 Ready Declaration Device - 2 The carrot shiv - 2 The basketball - 2 The beach ball - 2 The rainbow - 2 The cheap sunglasses - 2 The waistcoat - 2 The magus helm - 2 The paper googly eyes - 2 item_afterattack - 2 /datum/component/ducttape - 2 The broom - 2 The ushanka - 2 The old soviet uniform - 2 The sexy-clown suit - 2 lower - 2 +ADMIN - 2 /obj/item/stack/medical/bruise_pack/advanced - 2 /obj/item/organ/internal - 2 Internal Bleeding (abstract) - 2 /datum/surgery/intermediate/bleeding - 2 /datum/surgery_step/glue_bone - 2 /datum/surgery_step/treat_burns - 2 /datum/surgery/intermediate/robotics/repair/burn - 2 /datum/surgery/intermediate/robotics/manipulate_organs/extract - 2 /datum/surgery_step/robotics/manipulate_robotic_organs/implant - 2 /datum/surgery_step/robotics/manipulate_robotic_organs/extract - 2 /datum/surgery_step/robotics/manipulate_robotic_organs/install_mmi - 2 /datum/surgery_step/robotics/manipulate_robotic_organs/mend - 2 implant object - 2 /datum/surgery_step/limb/attach/robo - 2 /datum/surgery_step/limb/mechanize - 2 /datum/surgery/intermediate/manipulate/extract/xeno - 2 bonesetter - 2 drill - 2 /obj/item/robot_parts - 2 /obj/item/organ/external - 2 groin - 2 /mob/living/simple_animal/slime - 2 Off-Duty - 2 Maintenance Technician - 2 Atmospheric Technician - 2 Surgeon - 2 Pharmacist - 2 Pathologist - 2 Psychologist - 2 Xenoarcheologist - 2 Biomechanical Engineer - 2 /datum/job_objective/make_cyborg - 2 Forensic Technician - 2 Human Resources Agent - 2 Mail Carrier - 2 Spelunker - 2 Cook - 2 Hydroponicist - 2 Custodial Technician - 2 Journalist - 2 Hair Stylist - 2 za - 2 yowls - 2 rur - 2 qr - 2 tao - 2 chitters - 2 declares - 2 ks - 2 Sinta'unathi - 2 z - 2 /mob/living/simple_animal/diona - 2 Tarkus - 2 no_germs - 2 resist_cold - 2 sound/voice/borg_deathsound.ogg - 2 sound/effects/mob_effects/m_machine_cougha.ogg - 2 sound/effects/mob_effects/f_machine_cougha.ogg - 2 is powering down! - 2 sound/effects/slime_squish.ogg - 2 sound/voice/shriekcough.ogg - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/bottle/molotov - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/rag - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/croissant - 2 /obj/item/assembly/signaler - 2 /mob/living/simple_animal/bot/cleanbot - 2 /mob/living/simple_animal/bot/floorbot - 2 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/improvised - 2 /obj/item/camera - 2 /obj/item/storage/box - 2 /obj/item/garrote/improvised - 2 /obj/item/gun/throw/crossbow - 2 /obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/bananium - 2 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet/black - 2 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet/blue - 2 /obj/item/stack/sheet/cloth - 2 /obj/item/bombcore/chemical - 2 /obj/item/stack/sheet/leather - 2 /obj/item/toy/crayon/yellow - 2 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/security/sunglasses - 2 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/health/sunglasses - 2 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/health - 2 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/diagnostic/sunglasses - 2 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/sunglasses/reagent - 2 /obj/item/clothing/mask/gas - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meatsteak - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sandwich - 2 /datum/reagent/slimejelly - 2 /datum/reagent/consumable/cherryjelly - 2 /obj/item/melee/baseball_bat - 2 /obj/item/organ/internal/brain - 2 /obj/item/instrument/violin - 2 /obj/item/stack/sheet/animalhide/goliath_hide - 2 Paramedic - 2 Botanist - 2 /datum/emote/flip - 2 /datum/emote/spin - 2 /datum/emote/living/blush - 2 /datum/emote/living/bow - 2 /datum/emote/living/burp - 2 /datum/emote/living/choke - 2 /datum/emote/living/collapse - 2 /datum/emote/living/dance - 2 /datum/emote/living/jump - 2 /datum/emote/living/deathgasp - 2 /datum/emote/living/drool - 2 /datum/emote/living/quiver - 2 /datum/emote/living/frown - 2 /datum/emote/living/gag - 2 /datum/emote/living/glare - 2 /datum/emote/living/grin - 2 /datum/emote/living/grimace - 2 /datum/emote/living/look - 2 /datum/emote/living/bshake - 2 /datum/emote/living/shudder - 2 /datum/emote/living/point - 2 /datum/emote/living/pout - 2 /datum/emote/living/scream - 2 /datum/emote/living/shake - 2 /datum/emote/living/sigh - 2 /datum/emote/living/sigh/happy - 2 /datum/emote/living/sit - 2 /datum/emote/living/smile - 2 /datum/emote/living/smug - 2 /datum/emote/living/sniff - 2 /datum/emote/living/snore - 2 /datum/emote/living/stare - 2 /datum/emote/living/strech - 2 /datum/emote/living/sulk - 2 /datum/emote/living/sway - 2 /datum/emote/living/swear - 2 /datum/emote/living/tilt - 2 /datum/emote/living/tremble - 2 /datum/emote/living/twitch - 2 /datum/emote/living/whimper - 2 /datum/emote/living/wsmile - 2 /datum/emote/living/custom - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/blink - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/cross - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/chuckle - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/cough - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/moan - 2 pained - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/giggle - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/gurgle - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/inhale - 2 breathy - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/inhale/sharp - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/kiss - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/wave - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/yawn - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/exhale - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/laugh - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/scowl - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/sign - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/sign/signal - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/faint - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/twirl - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/alien/humanoid/hiss - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/alien/humanoid/roar - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/alien/humanoid/gnarl - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/brain/alarm - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/brain/alert - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/brain/whistle - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/brain/beep - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/brain/boop - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/clap - 2 /datum/species/slime - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/crack - 2 /datum/species/diona - 2 /datum/species/skeleton - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/cry - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/wince - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/squint - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/facepalm - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/grumble - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/hug - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/mumble - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/nod - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/scream/screech - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/gasp - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/raise - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/salute - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/shrug - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/sneeze - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/slap - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/wink - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/highfive - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/highfive/dap - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/highfive/handshake - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/snap - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/fart - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/wag - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/wag/stop - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/monkey/roll - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/monkey/scratch - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/flap - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/flap/angry - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/flutter - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/quill - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/warble - 2 /datum/species/kidan - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/clack - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/clack/click - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/drask_talk/drone - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/drask_talk/hum - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/drask_talk/rumble - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/creak - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/slime/squish - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/slime/bubble - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/slime/pop - 2 /datum/species/vulpkanin - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/howl - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/growl - 2 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/rattle - 2 /datum/emote/living/groan - 2 /datum/emote/living/silicon/ping - 2 /datum/emote/living/silicon/buzz - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/diona_chirp - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/pet/dog/bark - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/pet/dog/yelp - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/pet/cat/meow - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/pet/cat/purr - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/mouse/squeak - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/gorilla/ooga - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/slime/bounce - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/slime/jiggle - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/slime/light - 2 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/slime/vibrate - 2 Q - 2 X - 2 W - 2 pill1.png - 2 Target Lower Body - 2 Equip Held Object - 2 Next Intent - 2 Walk (Hold) - 2 Stop Pulling - 2 Admin Help - 2 Dsay - 2 Throw Mode (Toggle) - 2 Say - 2 Local OOC - 2 Invisimin - 2 Admin PM - 2 Toggle Minimal HUD - 2 Player Panel - 2 Target Head/Eyes/Mouth - 2 Target Right Arm/Hand - 2 Target Left Arm/Hand - 2 Target Right Leg/Foot - 2 Target Left Leg/Foot - 2 Target Upper Body - 2 Move North - 2 Move South - 2 Move East - 2 Move West - 2 Me - 2 OOC - 2 Msay - 2 Asay - 2 Aghost - 2 Movement Lock (Prevents Moving When Held) - 2 -2 - 2 crbrass - 2 /turf/simulated/mineral - 2 /area/shuttle - 2 Old Note #6 - 2 The Arrival Shuttle Hallway Vent Pump #1 - 2 The Arrival Shuttle Hallway Air Scrubber #1 - 2 /obj/structure/closet/wardrobe/grey - 2 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeastcorner - 2 Fore-Port Secondary Maintenance Vent Pump #1 - 2 Port Maintenance Vent Pump #1 - 2 Auxiliary Tool Storage - 2 The Security Checkpoint - 2 crisps - 2 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/peppertank - 2 /obj/structure/mirror - 2 /obj/machinery/recharger - 2 /mob/living/simple_animal/mouse/gray - 2 The cap gun - 2 The forensic scanner - 2 The jacket - 2 Tip Fedora - 2 /datum/action/item_action/tip_fedora - 2 /datum/action/item_action/print_forensic_report - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/candy/candy_corn - 2 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless - 2 /obj/machinery/seed_extractor - 2 /obj/random/plushie - 2 The circuit board (Recycler) - 2 The Prison Wing Vent Pump #1 - 2 /obj/machinery/kitchen_machine/oven - 2 /obj/machinery/igniter - 2 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/passive_vent - 2 Only the finest! - 2 Button/Unbutton black suit jacket - 2 tofu - 2 The Sustenance Vendor restocking unit - 2 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/sustenance - 2 kitchen knife - 2 reagent_containers-food-snacks-tofu - 2 Enjoy your meal. - 2 Primary Tool Storage - 2 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/wood - 2 /obj/structure/plasticflaps/mining - 2 /obj/machinery/airlock_controller/access_controller - 2 /obj/structure/dresser - 2 /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/royalblack - 2 /obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/entertainment/television - 2 volume - 2 /obj/structure/weightmachine/weightlifter - 2 /obj/item/soap - 2 Pressure Tank (Oxygen) - 2 The circuit board (BODA Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/cans/sodawater - 2 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/corner - 2 /obj/item/seeds/angel - 2 The rolling paper pack - 2 /obj/structure/punching_bag - 2 sound/weapons/genhit1.ogg - 2 /turf/simulated/floor/grass - 2 /obj/structure/flora/rock/jungle - 2 dough - 2 home_destination - 2 /obj/structure/flora/grass/jungle - 2 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/freezer - 2 /obj/structure/closet/crate/secure - 2 req_one_access - 2 writing1 - 2 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/vault - 2 /obj/machinery/computer/supplycomp - 2 The circuit board (CargoDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/qm - 2 known_by - 2 The secret documents - 2 The stool - 2 /obj/item/stack/tile/mineral - 2 /obj/item/chair/stool - 2 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/freezer/meat - 2 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/white/hollow - 2 /obj/item/stack/sheet/cardboard - 2 The cargo screwdriver - 2 The Quartermaster's Office - 2 /obj/structure/marker_beacon/dock_marker - 2 /obj/item/holder/mouse - 2 Justice gas pump - 2 /obj/structure/noticeboard - 2 The labor shuttle console - 2 /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/cobweb_left_frequent - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/banana - 2 toner - 2 The Nanotrasen Representative's Office APC - 2 The CargoDrobe restocking unit - 2 request - 2 /turf/simulated/floor/beach/water - 2 /obj/structure/closet/crate/internals - 2 /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment/corner - 2 Button/Unbutton clown soldier's coat - 2 The Cargo Technician action figure - 2 /obj/effect/turf_decal/stripes/red/corner - 2 /obj/effect/turf_decal/stripes/red/line - 2 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/cart - 2 Honkworks 5.0 - 2 Carts to go! - 2 /obj/structure/bookcase/sop - 2 base_state - 2 The prisoner IDs - 2 Security Blast Door - 2 /obj/machinery/shieldgen - 2 The circuit board (LawDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/lawyer - 2 The Law Office - 2 /obj/item/assembly/timer - 2 - 2 Hacking - 2 - 2 Engineering notes on single-stage Supermatter engine, Vroo-Looum-Kloo The supermatter engine is a very powerful, yet strange method of power generation. This guide will serve as a pocket reference for the myriad of anomalous behaviors it may exhibit throughout your shift. Below is a table of events and their effects. D Class: Events that only affect certain types of NON-STANDARD setups, minimial operator intervention required. These events occur instantly and engineering will be alerted on telecomms. D-1: About 200 moles of nitrous oxide are released by the crystal. D-2: About 200 moles of nitrogen are released by the crystal D-3: About 250 moles of CO2 are released by the crystal C Class: Events with mild effects to standard setups. Operator intervention MAY be required. Engineering will be alerted on telecomms. C-1: 250 moles of oxygen are released by the crystal C-2: 250 moles of plasma are released by the crystal C-3: The temperature at which the engine starts to lose integrity is lowered for a few minutes. B Class: Events with significant effects to standard setups. Action may need to be taken to prevent a delamination event. B-1: The amount of plasma and O2 released by the engine is doubled for a few minutes. B-2: The amount of heat released by the engine is increased for a few minutes. B-3: The engine's EER is raised slightly above critically for several minutes, regardless of outside factors. A Class: Events with SEVERE effects to standard setups. Action will need to be taken to prevent a delamination event. A-1: The engine's APC is shorted due to a power spike, requiring its wires to be mended. A-2: The engine's air alarm resets its self as an effect of radiological interference. A-3: The amount of plasma and O2 released by the engine is quadrupled for a few minutes. S Class events: Events that require immediate intervention and a specialized response to prevent a delamination event. Coordination with other departments is HIGHLY recommended. A warning will be broadcasted on engineering communications before these events. Arc Type: The engine's EER is raised massively several minutes, resulting it a supercritical state. Heat Type: The amount of heat released by the engine is massively increased for several minutes. In the event that an anomaly NOT on this list presents itself, contact your local Nanotrasen Engineering Officer as soon as possible. -Vroo-Looum-Kloo, Senior Engine Technician. - 2 /obj/machinery/flasher_button - 2 /obj/item/mounted/frame/apc_frame - 2 Engineering Engine Super APC - 2 Engineering Secure Storage - 2 EVA Storage - 2 YAP - 2 barks! - 2 shakes its head. - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/corgi - 2 /mob/living/simple_animal/pet/dog/corgi/puppy - 2 The Heads of Staff Meeting Room - 2 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/engineering_welding - 2 /obj/machinery/computer/brigcells - 2 sound/ambience/ambimalf.ogg - 2 /obj/item/stock_parts/cell/high - 2 The Magistrate's Office - 2 The Reset AI module - 2 The Supermatter Engine Air Scrubber #1 - 2 The key - 2 /obj/structure/closet/fireaxecabinet - 2 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/visible/red - 2 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/genericbush - 2 Poly wanna cracker! - 2 restraints-handcuffs - 2 Crack capitalist skulls! - 2 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/security - 2 command - 2 The gravitational generator - 2 The Chief Engineer's Quarters - 2 /obj/structure/reflector/single - 2 /obj/machinery/computer/communications - 2 Gas to Filter - 2 heat_proof - 2 The supermatter crystal - 2 /obj/machinery/camera/motion - 2 Gas to Chamber - 2 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/glass - 2 Aft Maintenance Vent Pump #1 - 2 /obj/structure/statue/chickenstatue - 2 reagent_containers-food-snacks-chinese-chowmein - 2 Taste 5000 years of culture! - 2 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/engineering_personal - 2 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/supply - 2 Cell 2 - 2 The inflatable barrier box - 2 /obj/item/inflatable - 2 Output Release - 2 Cell 3 - 2 Cell 4 - 2 The circuit board (JaniDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/janitor - 2 /obj/effect/landmark/start/janitor - 2 Engraved Fountain Pen - 2 Supermatter Engine Anomaly Reference - 2 The practice laser gun - 2 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/command - 2 /obj/machinery/computer/teleporter - 2 judge's helmet - 2 clothing-under-rank-security-officer-corporate - 2 Beat perps in style! - 2 Cell 5 - 2 The circuit board (DetDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/detective - 2 /obj/machinery/teleport/hub - 2 The circuit board (EngiDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/ce - 2 /obj/machinery/power/smes/engineering - 2 The Atmospherics Maintenance APC - 2 Atmospherics Control Room - 2 Atmospherics Maintenance - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/atmos - 2 Escape Pod Hatch - 2 External to Filter - 2 Filter to External - 2 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/thermomachine/freezer/on - 2 Waste to Port - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/chemist - 2 The cryo cell - 2 45 - 2 /obj/structure/transit_tube/horizontal - 2 /obj/machinery/computer/arcade/battle - 2 /obj/machinery/computer/arcade/orion_trail - 2 The Arcade - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/grapes - 2 Paradise Punch - 2 glass bottle - 2 o2_sensor - 2 Surgery 1 - 2 Pure to Port - 2 Oxygen Outlet Valve - 2 clicks - 2 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/thermomachine/heater - 2 The Head of Security's Quarters - 2 The circuit board (BarDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/bartender - 2 Officer Pingsky - 2 The red swimsuit - 2 /obj/structure/sign/nosmoking_1 - 2 The Surgery Observation APC - 2 Gas filter (CO2 tank) - 2 air_sensor - 2 The Telecoms Central Compartment Vent Pump #1 - 2 The Telecoms Central Compartment Air Scrubber #1 - 2 Cryogenics - 2 waste_sensor - 2 Gas Mix Inlet Valve - 2 N2O Outlet Valve - 2 n2o_sensor - 2 Plasma Outlet Valve - 2 tox_sensor - 2 CO2 Outlet Valve - 2 co2_sensor - 2 Mixed Air Outlet Valve - 2 toggle_jobs - 2 The head of security's mug - 2 32 - 2 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/sparsegrass - 2 broadcasting - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/chef - 2 The circuit board (Gibber) - 2 /obj/item/storage/bag/tray - 2 /obj/item/kitchen/rollingpin - 2 /obj/machinery/computer/guestpass - 2 /obj/machinery/cryopod/robot - 2 /obj/item/storage/firstaid/fire - 2 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/cobweb - 2 Hydroponics Vent Pump #1 - 2 /obj/machinery/dna_scannernew - 2 /obj/item/storage/firstaid/o2 - 2 The Brigston flag - 2 The clown's rubber stamp - 2 /obj/structure/bedsheetbin - 2 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/cmo/secure/sec_storage - 2 The circuit board (MediDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/md - 2 clucks - 2 gib1 - 2 The circuit board (Power Compressor) - 2 The circuit board (Power Turbine) - 2 /obj/machinery/cooker/deepfryer - 2 /obj/item/storage/firstaid/toxin - 2 The HARD VACUUM AHEAD - 2 /obj/machinery/processor - 2 The emergency plasma tank - 2 The circuit board (HydroDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/botanist - 2 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/drip - 2 canister - 2 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/watertank/high - 2 Aft-Starboard Secondary Maintenance Vent Pump #1 - 2 The circuit board (Plant DNA Manipulator) - 2 Virology Vent Pump #1 - 2 Virology Air Scrubber #1 - 2 /obj/structure/table_frame - 2 The circuit board (NutriMax Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/nutrient/ez - 2 We like plants! - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/ammonia - 2 /obj/item/c_tube - 2 Waste Out - 2 Fore Starboard Solar Control - 2 /obj/item/seeds/aloe - 2 /obj/item/storage/box/monkeycubes - 2 The blue medical scrubs - 2 gas mixer - 2 The blue surgical cap - 2 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/personal/patient - 2 13 - 2 The circuit board (ViroDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/virologist - 2 The poster - 12 Gauge - 2 /obj/effect/landmark/spawner/rev - 2 The Library - 2 /turf/simulated/floor/mech_bay_recharge_floor - 2 The poster - Fun Police - 2 slime_comp - 2 /obj/item/storage/fancy/crayons - 2 The circuit board (Monkey Recycler) - 2 The poster - Rebels Unite - 2 The glass bottle - 2 /obj/item/seeds/berry/glow - 2 The circuit board (E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR) - 2 /obj/machinery/iv_drip - 2 /obj/effect/landmark/start/scientist - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/roboticist - 2 The E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR Lab - 2 sound/ambience/ambicha1.ogg - 2 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/roboticist - 2 /obj/machinery/computer/scan_consolenew - 2 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank/chem - 2 over_lid_0 - 2 The circuit board (GeneDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/geneticist - 2 The poster - Safety: Eye Protection - 2 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/pew/left - 2 /obj/item/trash/pistachios - 2 /obj/structure/chair/sofa/pew/right - 2 The bible - 2 cannabis - 2 The gold coin - 2 /obj/item/coin/gold - 2 The Research Testing Lab - 2 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/scrubber/huge - 2 Huge Air Scrubber - 2 pistachios - 2 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/boozeomat - 2 Research and Development - 2 The Research Testing Chamber Air Scrubber #1 - 2 /obj/machinery/driver_button - 2 area_atmos - 2 The XENOBIOLOGY - 2 The circuit board (SciDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/rd - 2 Kentucky Fried Vox - 2 Chemistry Cleaner - 2 The Starboard Solar Maintenance APC - 2 /obj/machinery/chem_dispenser - 2 Aft Starboard Solar Control - 2 /obj/structure/sign/explosives - 2 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/research_reagents - 2 The circuit board (CritterCare Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/vending_refill/crittercare - 2 /obj/item/fish_eggs/babycarp - 2 /obj/structure/closet/cardboard - 2 burn_sensor - 2 Burn Mix - 2 /obj/item/transfer_valve - 2 Barber's Scissors - 2 wine - 2 The poster - Kosmicheskaya Stantsiya 13 Does Not Exist - 2 The stunprod - 2 hackProof - 2 nanomob_avatar - 2 Spiral Shots - 2 area_type - 2 Labor Camp Security Vent Pump #1 - 2 Labor Camp Airlock - 2 /obj/structure/stone_tile/slab - 2 scrubber outlet - 2 edible_bug - 2 The old duct tape - 2 Mining Station Quartermaster's Office Vent Pump #1 - 2 Mining Station Quartermaster's Office Air Scrubber #1 - 2 idqm - 2 Mining Station Communications Air Scrubber #1 - 2 The power storage unit - 2 Gas to Cooling Loop - 2 /obj/structure/glowshroom - 2 The toy mouse - 2 cookie - 2 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/oil - 2 /obj/effect/turf_decal/bot/left - 2 Mining Station Cafeteria - 2 /obj/effect/turf_decal/box - 2 Mining Station East Wing - 2 harebell - 2 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/basilisk/watcher/tendril - 2 /obj/structure/stone_tile/surrounding - 2 /obj/item/storm_staff - 2 The heat exchange to port - 2 The global positioning system (Angelic Signal) - 2 /obj/item/stack/ore/gold - 2 /obj/structure/closet/crate/necropolis/colossus/crusher - 2 /datum/action/innate/megafauna_attack/spiral_attack - 2 /obj/structure/closet/crate/necropolis/colossus - 2 The magmawing watcher - 2 The bubblegum - 2 1-i - 2 Experiment 35b - 2 shock_immunity - 2 The red wizard hat - 2 The forsaken cat - 2 Primary Power - 2 The MULEbot (#2) - 2 Greentext - 2 Sergeant-at-Armsky - 2 Officer Beepsky - 2 Pun Pun - 2 Sergeant Araneus - 2 The Floorbot - 2 Monkey - 2 The Cleanbot - 2 AI Private - 2 The udder - 2 The monkey (579) - 2 The monkey (474) - 2 The monkey (797) - 2 The farwa (514) - 2 The tajaran liver - 2 0.4 - 2 The monkey (770) - 2 OSI-495 - 2 The monkey (443) - 2 Prison Ofitser - 2 Brad - 2 Legion - 2 floored - 2 human_receive_cpr - 2 /datum/component/squeak - 2 The rainbow crayon - 2 Jolly Jug - 2 genetic - 2 The poster - Syndicate Pistol - 2 Centcom Radio Encryption Key - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/human - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/fries - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/corn - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meatball - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/soydope - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/potato/sweet - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/ambrosia/vulgaris - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/friedegg - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/monstermeat/spidereggs - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/shrimp - 2 backpack water tank - 2 The lime - 2 /obj/item/seeds/orange - 2 The pack of lime seeds - 2 Diluted Omnizine - 2 The ambrosia deus branch - 2 /obj/item/vending_refill/cargodrobe - 2 /obj/item/vending_refill/bardrobe - 2 The carrot - 2 piano - 2 The Most Robust Men Award for Robustness - 2 text - 2 navigation - 2 The poster - Space Cops. - 2 worn shirt - 2 The ClothesMate restocking unit - 2 The d1 - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/syntiflesh - 2 sake - 2 Tonic Water - 2 The chef's hat - 2 The cup - 2 /obj/item/vending_refill/engidrobe - 2 sturdy top-hat - 2 The hat restocking unit - 2 black jumpsuit - 2 The suit restocking unit - 2 black shoes - 2 The shoe restocking unit - 2 The medal of command - 2 The medal of valor - 2 The bronze heart medal - 2 The robust security medal - 2 The smart science medal - 2 The excellent engineering medal - 2 The superior service medal - 2 The magnificient medical medal - 2 The meritous legal medal - 2 The stable supply medal - 2 /obj/item/vending_refill/dinnerware - 2 The combat boots - 2 The Nanotrasen naval captain's uniform - 2 The emergency response team headset - 2 Nanotrasen ERT Radio Encryption Key - 2 The circuit board (Telecommunications Relay) - 2 Cognac - 2 Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/candy/cotton/red - 2 The chain of command - 2 The captain's rubber stamp - 2 Seraph radio - 2 The X-XR Triple-barrel X-Ray Stream Projector - 2 The XMG-9 Autocannon - 2 The Medistan flag - 2 /obj/item/vending_refill/medidrobe - 2 The toy sword - 2 The Command flag - 2 The poster - High-Class Martini - 2 The Emergency Shuttle - 2 The blood-red hardsuit helmet - 2 The SWAT mask - 2 Jetpack (Oxygen) - 2 Badminka Vodka - 2 The incendiary grenade - 2 engineering scanner goggles - 2 The Engi-Vend restocking unit - 2 Candy - 2 The vox plushie - 2 Kitchen - 2 /obj/item/storage/box/drinkingglasses - 2 box of drinking glasses - 2 /obj/item/vending_refill/hydroseeds - 2 APLU "Ripley" Construction and Operation Manual - 2 The smoke bomb - 2 accounts - 2 Adminordrazine - 2 The meteor gun - 2 The potato battery - 2 The meteor - 2 The singuloth knight's hammer - 2 Mjolnir - 2 The singularity hammer - 2 The mini energy crossbow - 2 The bolt - 2 The pulse rifle - 2 The pulse rifle power cell - 2 pulse_DESTROY - 2 The snowmobile key - 2 Ether - 2 The instakill rifle - 2 The instagib laser - 2 The M1911-P - 2 The infinite-capacity power cell! - 2 m1911_DESTROY - 2 The xray laser gun - 2 The xray beam - 2 The dual feed shotgun internal tube - 2 The accelerator laser cannon - 2 The accelerator laser - 2 The M-90gl Carbine - 2 The grenade launcher - 2 The grenade launcher internal magazine - 2 m90burst - 2 perfluorodecalin - 2 The emergency stabilization medipen - 2 The sentience potion - 2 Pancuronium - 2 The pancuronium Pill - 2 The silver_sulfadiazine Pill - 2 Cyanide - 2 The cyanide Pill - 2 The salbutamol Pill - 2 The blood Pill - 2 The perfluorodecalin Pill - 2 The shotgun magazine (12g taser slugs) - 2 The gyrojet pistol - 2 The Desert Eagle - 2 The speed loader (.357) - 2 The Unica 6 auto-revolver - 2 The revolver cylinder - 2 The pack of berry seeds - 2 The pack of fly amanita mycelium - 2 The foam Enforcer - 2 The Enforcer foam magazine - 2 /datum/action/item_action/hands_free/activate/always - 2 Captain's Encryption Key - 2 The nanotrasen representative's headset - 2 Nanotrasen Representative's Encryption Key - 2 /obj/item/vending_refill/scidrobe - 2 The rainbow shoes - 2 The diamond-tipped exosuit drill - 2 gas mask (gas_alt) - 2 /obj/item/clothing/mask/chameleon - 2 The rainbow gloves - 2 The captain's gloves - 2 The pirate bandana - 2 The circuit board (SyndiMed Plus Vendor) - 2 The black and red space suit - 2 Military PDA - 2 The ritual knife - 2 The Wizard Federation flag - 2 The magus robe - 2 The cap gun revolver cylinder - 2 The mad scientist's labcoat - 2 The Arrival Shuttle - 2 The ESCAPE PODS - 2 The circuit board (Operating Computer) - 2 soy - 2 D.E.T.E.C.T. Cartridge - 2 The hat - 2 !var_edit - 2 The Vendomat restocking unit - 2 The onion - 2 The vice officer's jumpsuit - 2 The scratch card - 2 1000 Credits - 2 The poster - Missing Gloves - 2 The cargo technician's jumpsuit - 2 The cargo technician's jumpskirt - 2 The supply radio headset - 2 The poster - Red Rum - 2 The meson eyes - 2 The orange hard hat - 2 The Robust Gold packet - 2 The poster - The Griffin - 2 The loader MOD gauntlets - 2 MOD loader hydraulic arms module - 2 Easy-Record DELUXE - 2 The executive suit - 2 The clown soldier's coat - 2 Syndi cakes - 2 The coin press - 2 PDA - 2 The PTech restocking unit - 2 - 2 Medical Standard Operating Procedures - 2 Prisoner #13-001 - 2 Prisoner #13-002 - 2 Prisoner #13-003 - 2 Prisoner #13-004 - 2 Prisoner #13-005 - 2 Prisoner #13-006 - 2 Prisoner #13-007 - 2 The internal affairs radio headset - 2 IAA Radio Encryption Key - 2 Station Repairs and Construction - 2 Law office's rubber stamp - 2 The rainbow cap - 2 The poster - Cleanliness - 2 The spare PDAs - 2 Status Display - 2 Easy-Record - 2 The circuit board (Identification Card Compartmentalizer) - 2 R.O.B.U.S.T. DELUXE - 2 The crew pinpointer - 2 Holster - 2 /datum/action/item_action/accessory/holster - 2 The blueshield's coat - 2 The blue tie - 2 The officer's mug - 2 /obj/item/aiModule - 2 The advanced MOD gauntlets - 2 MOD advanced magnetic stability module - 2 handcuffs - 2 The Generic restocking unit - 2 The security MOD control unit - 2 The security MOD chestplate - 2 The security MOD boots - 2 MOD ion jetpack module - 2 The warden's jumpsuit - 2 The warden's jumpskirt - 2 Krav Maga gloves - 2 generator_part - 2 The industrial satchel - 2 The station blueprints - 2 Toggle superior welding goggles - 2 The superior welding goggles - 2 chow mein - 2 The MrChangs restocking unit - 2 swatted - 2 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/poison/bees/queen - 2 The flyswatter - 2 swept - 2 The light replacer - 2 The janitorial holosign projector - 2 The janitor spray nozzle - 2 Custodial Locator - 2 CustodiPRO Cartridge - 2 The magnate MOD gauntlets - 2 The laceup shoes - 2 The practice laser - 2 The SecDrobe restocking unit - 2 The coat - 2 The blue jacket - 2 The red jacket - 2 DL-88 charge pack - 2 The captain rubber ducky - 2 The circuit board (AtmosDrobe Vendor) - 2 The antique laser gun - 2 The psychologist labcoat - 2 The skills HUD - 2 The cookies 'n' cream fudge - 2 The peanut fudge - 2 The atmospherics backpack - 2 The security wirecutters - 2 The poster - Dig for Glory! - 2 The poster - State Laws - 2 The black swimsuit - 2 The circuit board (ChemDrobe Vendor) - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/berries - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/berries/poison - 2 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/cans/grape_juice - 2 The dodgeball - 2 The safeguard MOD gauntlets - 2 The head of security's jumpsuit - 2 The head of security's jumpskirt - 2 The telescopic shield - 2 The X-01 MultiPhase Energy Gun - 2 The circuit board (ChefDrobe Vendor) - 2 The circuit board (Plasteel Chef's Dinnerware Vendor Vendor) - 2 The poster - Stay Healthy! - 2 Glove Snippers - 2 The purple medical scrubs - 2 The chief medical officer's labcoat - 2 The advanced compact defibrillator - 2 The advanced hypospray - 2 The mime crayon - 2 The rescue MOD gauntlets - 2 /obj/item/mod/module/defibrillator - 2 The extraction beacon assembly kit - 2 station - 2 The fulton extraction pack - 2 The plasma cutter - 2 The plasma blast - 2 The circuit board (Disk Compartmentalizer) - 2 The coroner labcoat - 2 The coveralls - 2 The circuit board (Smart Virus Storage) - 2 Sneezing - 2 viruses - 2 Cough - 2 The circuit board (MegaSeed Servitor Vendor) - 2 The syringe (insulin) - 2 Tray - 2 Waffles - 2 The stok cube box - 2 The neaera cube box - 2 The farwa cube box - 2 Bath Salts - 2 /obj/item/mod/module/balloon - 2 MOD balloon blower module - 2 The diagnostic HUD - 2 The circuit board (RoboDrobe Vendor) - 2 The research director's labcoat - 2 The reactive stealth armor - 2 The research director's mug - 2 Button/Unbutton bioengineer labcoat - 2 Button/Unbutton roboticist labcoat - 2 Lamarr - 2 The slime scanner - 2 The silver ring - 2 The gold ring - 2 Circuit Imprinter - 2 The research MOD gauntlets - 2 MOD advanced reagent scanner module - 2 The circuit board (Slime Extract Storage) - 2 The cannabis leaf - 2 The fire fighting grenade - 2 The CUSTODIAN - 2 The RESTROOM - 2 The circuit board (Labour Equipment Vendor) - 2 The circuit board (Ore Redemption - Labour) - 2 The KEEP CLEAR: DOCKING AREA - 2 hangingbag - 2 /obj/item/pickaxe/drill/jackhammer - 1 asays - 1 Abductor Agent - 1 /datum/weather/ash_storm - 1 Keep on keeping on! - 1 Outstanding! - 1 allTickets - 1 TIMER_UNIQUE - 1 . - 1 CentComm's profligacy frays another thread. - 1 melee attacks - 1 sound/items/toysqueak1.ogg - 1 arrest - 1 Alternate Construction Area - 1 Aft Primary Hallway - 1 AI Satellite Antechamber - 1 arrival - 1 /turf/space, /area/space - 1 UP - 1 Error 196: motor functions failing. - 1 YES! YES!! YES!! - 1 NO! NO!! NO!! - 1 icons/mob/clothing/under/misc.dmi - 1 You feel like you're able to stave off the inevitable for a little longer. - 1 You're starting to feel them stiffen under you, but you keep going. - 1 Combat - 1 xantholne-pai - 1 Drone - 1 beeps - 1 chirps - 1 yaps - 1 Robotic - 1 Oxygen - 1 /datum/action/innate/terrorspider/ventsmash - 1 /datum/action/innate/minedrone/toggle_light - 1 -90 - 1 -45 - 1 12.5 - 1 rainbow - 1 lastKnownIP - 1 North - 1 address - 1 /datum/track - 1 toy - 1 storage-box-snappops - 1 /datum/vendor_crit/shatter - 1 /datum/supermatter_event/delta_tier - 1 sprinkles - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/space/hardsuit/mining - 1 Bible - 1 /obj/item/spellbook/oneuse/mime - 1 ShadyCigs Ultra - 1 SmartFridge - 1 Camera Monitor - 1 Ahh, yes, you're so clever, var editing that. - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/tobacco - 1 /obj/item/assembly/signaler/anomaly/grav - 1 Resin Wall (55) - 1 Hunter - 1 uniform - 1 icons/obj/grenade.dmi - 1 advtaserstun4 - 1 icons/mob/inhands/items_lefthand.dmi - 1 icons/obj/cult.dmi - 1 .357 revolver - 1 extended - 1 /obj/singularity - 1 Acid - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/newplayer_start - 1 14796 - 1 /datum/feedback_variable - 1 Chemist - 1 /datum/event_container/mundane - 1 Running DO - 1 /datum/station_department/command - 1 /obj/item/radio/headset/bot - 1 Defeat Professor Unicorn - 1 Halloween - 1 /datum/regional_powernet - 1 /datum/chatOutput - 1 Glimmerflare - 1 /datum/element/earhealing - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010314]), TTR: 196.5, wait:12 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e923], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200400f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /datum/element/waddling - 1 The transit tube pod - 1 1345 - 1 1213 - 1 1343 - 1 /datum/excited_group - 1 /datum/pipeline - 1 icons/obj/bureaucracy.dmi - 1 /datum/money_account_database/main_station - 1 totalcash - 1 /datum/supply_packs/misc/randomised - 1 The ferry shuttle - 1 In transit - 1 bitflags - 1 gvars_datum_protected_varlist - 1 /datum/event/alien_infestation - 1 sound/effects/footstep/wood1.ogg - 1 sound/effects/footstep/floor1.ogg - 1 sound/effects/footstep/plating1.ogg - 1 sound/effects/footstep/carpet1.ogg - 1 sound/effects/footstep/glass1.ogg - 1 wood - 1 sound/effects/footstep/woodbarefoot1.ogg - 1 sound/effects/footstep/hardbarefoot1.ogg - 1 woodbarefoot - 1 sound/effects/footstep/woodclaw1.ogg - 1 sound/effects/footstep/hardclaw1.ogg - 1 woodclaw - 1 sound/effects/footstep/heavy1.ogg - 1 heavy - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid - 1 sentient animal - 1 chemistry_tools.json - 1 CYBERPUNK_drug_prefixes - 1 84 - 1 MASK_INVERSE - 1 OUTLINE_SHARP - 1 FILTER_OVERLAY - 1 WAVE_BOUNDED - 1 WAVE_SIDEWAYS - 1 alpha - 1 /mob/new_player - 1 General Do-Nothing has started the game. - 1 Space Station 13 - 1 biodome_beach.dmm - 1 shelter_alpha - 1 emergency_bar - 1 lavaland_bridge_horizontal_1.dmm - 1 lavaland_bridge_vertical_1.dmm - 1 |Event| Splashscreen Empty - 1 /datum/programmatic_book - 1 center - 1 java - 1 grey - 1 /datum/mod_theme - 1 atmospheric - 1 /obj/item/mod/module/magboot/advanced - 1 advanced - 1 /obj/item/resonator - 1 /obj/item/mod/module/ash_accretion - 1 loader - 1 rescue - 1 /obj/item/mod/module/reagent_scanner/advanced - 1 research - 1 safeguard - 1 magnate - 1 /obj/item/bikehorn - 1 cosmohonk - 1 elite - 1 /obj/item/mod/module/anomaly_locked/kinesis/prebuilt/prototype - 1 prototype - 1 responsory - 1 apocryphal - 1 corporate - 1 rail thin - 1 very short - 1 TRAIT_BLIND - 1 TRAIT_SHOW_WIRE_INFO - 1 bluespace_speed_trait - 1 /mob - 1 Humanoid Optics - 1 Disposals - 1 One - 1 Department Backpack - 1 If you feel you are right, stand firmly by your convictions. - 1 Movement - 1 Monday - 1 January - 1 y - 1 sound/AI/newroundsexy.ogg - 1 /datum/recipe/microwave/boiledegg - 1 /datum/recipe/oven/bun - 1 /datum/recipe/grill/bacon - 1 /datum/recipe/candy/chocolate_bar - 1 /datum/client_login_processor/load_preferences - 1 /datum/looping_sound/supermatter - 1 Noise - 1 :o - 1 Owlman - 1 Experimental Dissection - 1 F4 - 1 1-Rover-1 - 1 Jim - 1 the Powerful - 1 Master - 1 Shadow - 1 Killiam Shakespeare - 1 Abel - 1 Aida - 1 Whittier - 1 Anablop - 1 Blip - 1 Agua - 1 Abby - 1 Aaron - 1 Abbott - 1 Gigglesworth - 1 Invisible Man - 1 Ablation - 1 Legendary - 1 Laser Shark - 1 Aleksandr - 1 Alekseev - 1 accept - 1 ATM - 1 adorable - 1 an ID card - 1 a dead skrell - 1 The bubblegum_arena_human - 1 /datum/surgery_step/internal - 1 Port Asteroid Maintenance - 1 Picket Sign - 1 The labor camp points manager - 1 NTV Argos shuttle navigation computer - 1 /area/space/centcomm - 1 Tool Storage - 1 The mirror - 1 ghastly rejuvenator - 1 syndicate_nanites - 1 beer2 - 1 polonium - 1 /obj/item/stack - 1 /obj/effect/forcefield - 1 /datum/news_announcement/bluespace_research - 1 /datum/pipes/atmospheric - 1 /obj/effect/proc_holder/spell - 1 /datum/disease/anxiety - 1 /datum/symptom/beard - 1 bizwarn - 1 /datum/uplink_item/discounts - 1 , - 1 adminmsg - 1 Unintelligable - 1 SCRAMBLE - 1 /datum/mutation/disability/hallucinate - 1 /datum/objective/eldergod - 1 Assassinate - 1 /datum/theft_objective/antique_laser_gun - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/engine/cult - 1 /obj/item/spellbook/oneuse/fireball - 1 /obj/item/gun/magic/staff/change - 1 /obj/item/contract - 1 Living - 1 The tachyon-doppler array - 1 The holopad - 1 Cargo Bay - 1 Arrival Shuttle Requests Console - 1 The airlock access button - 1 The gas sensor - 1 closedicons/obj/doors/airlocks/station/maintenance.dmi - 1 closed_lightmaskicons/obj/doors/airlocks/station/overlays.dmi - 1 /obj/effect/meteor/meaty - 1 /obj/effect/meteor/goreops - 1 /obj/effect/meteor/pumpkin - 1 /datum/stack_recipe/cult - 1 The crematorium - 1 The floor safe - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/megafauna/dragon - 1 gravity - 1 /client/proc/deadmin_self - 1 /client/proc/check_antagonists - 1 /client/proc/ban_panel - 1 /client/proc/play_local_sound - 1 /client/proc/object_talk - 1 /datum/admins/proc/spawn_atom - 1 /client/proc/reload_admins - 1 /client/proc/cmd_admin_list_open_jobs - 1 /proc/possess - 1 /client/proc/edit_admin_permissions - 1 /client/proc/respawn_character - 1 /client/proc/callproc - 1 /client/proc/openAdminTicketUI - 1 /client/proc/ticklag - 1 /client/proc/view_runtimes - 1 /obj - 1 unknown - 1 client - 1 key - 1 step_x - 1 /client/proc/camera_view - 1 Water Balloon - 1 The gas flow meter - 1 /datum/asset/simple/tgui - 1 Arrivals Shuttle - 1 /datum/gear/mob_hunt_game - 1 /datum/gear/accessory/scarf - 1 Mundane - 1 sol - 1 Monkey Recycler - 1 /obj/effect/hallucination/bolts - 1 /obj/effect/hallucination/delusion - 1 /obj/effect/hallucination/abduction - 1 lithium - 1 Random - 1 /area/station/service/chapel - 1 You feel a chill run down your spine. - 1 :r - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump - 1 shit - 1 #000000#000000133133133133133133133133133133133000 - 1 /mob/living/silicon/ai/proc/announcement - 1 The inactive AI - 1 Happy - 1 mainmenu - 1 /mob/living/silicon/robot/proc/sensor_mode - 1 /datum/feed_channel - 1 Central Command - 1 Quartermaster's Office - 1 ghost - 1 /datum/stack_recipe/cable_restraints - 1 #00aedb - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/map_loader - 1 goon/browserassets/js/jquery.min.js - 1 /obj/structure/window/reinforced/polarized - 1 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable - 1 /obj/item/projectile/beam/lasertag - 1 /obj/machinery/door - 1 /obj/structure/beebox - 1 /obj/machinery/hydroponics - 1 /area/adminconstruction - 1 /obj/mecha - 1 /obj/item/smallDelivery - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/kinetic_accelerator/crossbow - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/syndie_kit/teleporter - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile/revolver - 1 /obj/item/implanter/freedom - 1 /obj/item/melee/energy/sword/saber/blue - 1 /obj/item/melee/energy/sword/saber/red - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile/automatic/sniper_rifle/syndicate - 1 /obj/item/storage/belt/grenade/tactical - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/syndie_kit/modsuit/elite - 1 /obj/item/grenade/chem_grenade/metalfoam - 1 /obj/item/book/manual/random - 1 /area/space - 1 /area/syndicate_mothership - 1 /obj/screen - 1 valid - 1 battle - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ed3e]), TTR: 199.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ed30], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007d44](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 clipboard_over - 1 unique_source_[0x200009d]_111 - 1 unique_source_[0x200009f]_112 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000a0]_113 - 1 newscaster_normal - 1 unique_source_[0x20000a7]_115 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000d9]_125 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000ef]_131 - 1 The contractor zippo lighter - 1 unique_source_[0x20000f1]_132 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000f2]_133 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000f4]_134 - 1 The operating table - 1 unique_source_[0x2000164]_138 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000165]_139 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ca0d]), TTR: 204.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ca0c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002dd7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 terror_black_toxin - 1 null fruit - 1 bad coding - 1 Chocolate Milk - 1 Hot Coco - 1 chocolate - 1 Tea - 1 Goldschlager - 1 Bilk - 1 Iced Tea - 1 Nuka Cola - 1 Moonshine - 1 Space Beer - 1 Sake - 1 Kahlua - 1 Gin and Tonic - 1 Cuba Libre - 1 White Russian - 1 blackrussian - 1 Whiskey Cola - 1 Beepksy Smash - 1 The Manly Dorf - 1 Irish Coffee - 1 Atomic Bomb - 1 b52 - 1 Three Mile Island Iced Tea - 1 longislandicedtea - 1 Manhattan Project - 1 manhattan - 1 Allies Cocktail - 1 martini - 1 Booger - 1 Admin Freeze - 1 neurotoxin - 1 Barefoot - 1 Red Mead - 1 Mead - 1 Cafe Mocha - 1 cafe_latte - 1 Acid Spit - 1 Amasec - 1 Changeling Sting - 1 screwdrivercocktail - 1 Neurotoxin - 1 gargleblaster - 1 Dublin Drop - 1 Hippies Delight - 1 Banana Honk - 1 Silencer - 1 Lemonade - 1 Kira Special - 1 Rewriter - 1 ginsonic - 1 gintonic - 1 cider - 1 jackrose - 1 Synthanol - 1 Robot Tears - 1 Chocolate Pudding - 1 Vanilla Pudding - 1 Cherry Shake - 1 Blue Cherry Shake - 1 Drunken Blumpkin - 1 Pumpkin space latte - 1 Gibb Floats - 1 Hooch - 1 Bacchus' Blessing - 1 hooch - 1 Fernet Cola - 1 fernet - 1 Arnold Palmer - 1 icetea - 1 Sidecar - 1 Sontse - 1 tequilasunrise - 1 Ahdomai Eclipse - 1 antifreeze - 1 Tears of Fyrsskar - 1 Die Seife - 1 lye - 1 Slime Mold - 1 booger - 1 Islay Whiskey - 1 Ultramatter - 1 singulo - 1 Lean - 1 Space Drugs - 1 pump up - 1 ???? - 1 toiletwater - 1 Surge - 1 thermite - 1 Tofu - 1 Olive Oil - 1 Mayonnaise - 1 BBQ Sauce - 1 Hell Ramen - 1 vhfcs - 1 Fake cheese - 1 Weird cheese - 1 Partially hydrogenated space-soybean oil - 1 soybeanoil - 1 Gravy - 1 porktonium - 1 Vinegar - 1 acetic_acid - 1 mitocholide - 1 cryostylane - 1 Rezadone - 1 carpotoxin - 1 Sterilizine - 1 Pentetic Acid - 1 Salicyclic Acid - 1 atropine - 1 Lazarus Reagent - 1 Life - 1 Teporone - 1 Menthol - 1 mint - 1 Foam surfactant - 1 fluorine - 1 Foam - 1 fluorosurfactant - 1 Sulfuric Acid - 1 sulfur - 1 hair_dye - 1 colorful_reagent - 1 hairgrownium - 1 Soapification - 1 pure love - 1 hugs - 1 Acetaldehyde - 1 chromium - 1 Acetic Acid - 1 acetaldehyde - 1 virus plasma - 1 sucrose agar - 1 Mix Virus - 1 virusfood - 1 Mix Virus 5 - 1 mutagenvirusfood - 1 Mix Virus 6 - 1 sugarvirusfood - 1 Mix Virus 7 - 1 weakplasmavirusfood - 1 Mix Virus 8 - 1 plasmavirusfood - 1 Mix Virus 9 - 1 diphenhydraminevirusfood - 1 Bee Explosion - 1 Nitroglycerin - 1 glycerol - 1 sorium_vortex - 1 sorium - 1 LDM Vortex - 1 liquid_dark_matter - 1 Black Powder - 1 saltpetre - 1 Black Powder Kaboom - 1 blackpowder - 1 flash_powder_flash - 1 flash_powder - 1 Phlogiston - 1 Phlogiston Dust - 1 phlogiston - 1 smoke_powder_smoke - 1 smoke_powder - 1 sonic_powder_deafen - 1 clf3_firefighting - 1 firefighting_foam - 1 shock_explosion - 1 teslium - 1 Confetti - 1 cyanide - 1 confettibomb - 1 confetti - 1 Initropidril - 1 neurotoxin2 - 1 Rotatium - 1 lsd - 1 unique_source_[0x20001a4]_143 - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/civilian/barber - 1 barber's uniform - 1 /obj/item/storage/backpack/duffel/mining_conscript - 1 brown trench coat - 1 unique_source_[0x20001e5]_144 - 1 welding goggles - 1 unique_source_[0x20001e6]_145 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008013]), TTR: 199.5, wait:14 Flags: , callBack: [0x210119b7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200601a](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210118f0]), TTR: 206.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010b37], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200594e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/storage/labcoat - 1 Arrival Airlock - 1 unique_source_[0x20002d8]_156 - 1 unique_source_[0x20002f3]_161 - 1 Fool - 1 unique_source_[0x2000369]_172 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000373]_174 - 1 unique_source_[0x200037d]_177 - 1 The UNUM! deck - 1 Red 0 - 1 unique_source_[0x200038d]_181 - 1 unique_source_[0x20003aa]_185 - 1 The soda water - 1 sodawater - 1 brownstar - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008079]), TTR: 210, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x210115c4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002a44](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20003ca]_191 - 1 unique_source_[0x20003eb]_196 - 1 unique_source_[0x20003ec]_197 - 1 scythe - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bfe2]), TTR: 199.5, wait:14 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b431], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20065fc](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000415]_204 - 1 The security newscaster - 1 a unique ID - 1 a butt fax - 1 unique_source_[0x20004b0]_217 - 1 unique_source_[0x20004bb]_219 - 1 The gold cup - 1 3rd place toolbox tournament 2567 - 1 The thunderdome badge - 1 unique_source_[0x20005e4]_244 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000636]_255 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000672]_265 - 1 Thunderdome Access - 1 unique_source_[0x20006e3]_280 - 1 unique_source_[0x20006e7]_281 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000750]_294 - 1 slapped - 1 The grumpy fox plushie - 1 Adjust grumpy fox plushie - 1 red fox plushie - 1 unique_source_[0x20007b1]_302 - 1 unique_source_[0x20007ba]_305 - 1 Canister: [O2] (CRYO) - 1 unique_source_[0x20008cb]_313 - 1 unique_source_[0x20008d6]_316 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cd51]), TTR: 208.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c0d4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003de1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000942]_320 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21006e14]), TTR: 207.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x21006e01], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004da4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200097c]_321 - 1 The teleporter control console - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a19]_329 - 1 State - 1 /mob/living/silicon/proc/subsystem_law_manager - 1 Antimov - 1 /datum/ai_law/zero - 1 *ERROR* - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a85]_339 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a92]_341 - 1 Gamma Armory APC - 1 CentCom Supply - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b88]_360 - 1 The clusterbang - 1 unique_source_[0x2000ba3]_363 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000bb0]_364 - 1 pizza box - 1 /obj/structure/beebox/unwrenched - 1 The replica katana - 1 bitten - 1 sound/weapons/bite.ogg - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101272d]), TTR: 210.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011183], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20045f3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210095af]), TTR: 193, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x210095b0], callBack.object: the spotlight[0x2000c79](/obj/machinery/light/spot), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000c98]_379 - 1 The butts - 1 The telescopic baton - 1 smacked - 1 The tactical grenades - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d42]_394 - 1 Timer: 11 ([0x210055f4]), TTR: 18054, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x210055f5], callBack.object: the blood[0x2000d67](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d6d]_399 - 1 Supply Shuttle - 1 The ninja suit - 1 The ninja hood - 1 Timer: 12 ([0x2100564a]), TTR: 18054, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100564b], callBack.object: the blood[0x2000d96](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000dbe]_400 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000dc2]_401 - 1 The mysterious scroll - 1 smashed - 1 unique_source_[0x2000dcb]_403 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000ddd]_406 - 1 The robust cigarette packet - 1 The engraved zippo lighter - 1 unique_source_[0x2000dfa]_409 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e07]_411 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e14]_415 - 1 The admin ID card - 1 Toilet - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e81]_424 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000eb6]_433 - 1 Sol Freighter - 1 Desert Eagle - 1 Patriotic Suit - 1 gun-projectile-automatic-pistol-deagle-gold - 1 Liberation Station: Your one-stop shop for all things second amendment! - 1 Float like an astronaut, sting like a bullet! - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile/automatic/pistol/deagle/gold - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/costume/patriotsuit - 1 The bio-chip implanter (adrenalin) - 1 Wrestling Belt - 1 Toggle blood-red magboots - 1 The black pirate coat - 1 The bomber jacket - 1 Zip/Unzip bomber jacket - 1 The ablative armor vest - 1 Deathsquad suit - 1 Santa's hat - 1 The flame decal welding helmet - 1 The blue flame decal welding helmet - 1 The white decal welding helmet - 1 Toggle flame decal welding helmet - 1 Toggle blue flame decal welding helmet - 1 Toggle white decal welding helmet - 1 The scientist duffelbag - 1 /obj/item/organ/internal/heart/gland/slime - 1 Timer: 16 ([0x21006acc]), TTR: 18055, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21006acb], callBack.object: the blood[0x200115e](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: 15 ([0x21006a53]), TTR: 18055, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21006a52], callBack.object: the blood[0x2001113](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2001133]_495 - 1 sound/machines/sm/loops/calm.ogg - 1 l_arm - 1 l_leg - 1 r_leg - 1 unique_source_[0x2001153]_497 - 1 Timer: 17 ([0x21006b00]), TTR: 18055, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21006aff], callBack.object: the blood[0x2001183](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 The ion carbine - 1 Go end some lives! - 1 [0x200120c]_2055 - 1 [0x20011d9]_2054 - 1 [0x20011c3]_2057 - 1 Gin - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101139d]), TTR: 208.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011254], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20034ee](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 C4 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a423]), TTR: 195.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a3b6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005cee](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Syndicate Nuclear Team Shuttle - 1 unique_source_[0x2001217]_536 - 1 unique_source_[0x200121a]_538 - 1 The Nuclear Fission Explosive toy - 1 /obj/item/organ/internal/heart/gland/pop - 1 The mushroom pizza slice - 1 unique_source_[0x20012a0]_556 - 1 Timer: 19 ([0x21006f13]), TTR: 18055, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21006f12], callBack.object: the blood[0x2001301](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 cleaved - 1 Syndicate Jail Cell - 1 unique_source_[0x200132b]_569 - 1 unique_source_[0x200132c]_570 - 1 Timer: 22 ([0x21006f3c]), TTR: 18055, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21006f3b], callBack.object: the blood[0x200132f](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 [0x2001328]_2063 - 1 [0x2001329]_2064 - 1 Timer: 23 ([0x21006f5b]), TTR: 18055, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21006f5a], callBack.object: the blood[0x2001349](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 datadisk_gene - 1 unique_source_[0x2001356]_573 - 1 unique_source_[0x200136b]_575 - 1 unique_source_[0x200137f]_582 - 1 unique_source_[0x20013fd]_600 - 1 unique_source_[0x200141f]_611 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001422]_612 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001456]_625 - 1 telesci - 1 151 - 1 The Syndicate SIT Shuttle - 1 The Syndicate Elite Shuttle - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bb8a]), TTR: 197.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bb4f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20086d6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The uranium ore - 1 The phone - 1 creature - 1 sound/effects/pageturn1.ogg - 1 Always forward, never back... - 1 unique_source_[0x200161a]_644 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001617]_643 - 1 1 Credit - 1 unique_source_[0x2001631]_647 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001632]_648 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001645]_652 - 1 shanked - 1 Timer: 24 ([0x21007b6b]), TTR: 18056, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21007b6a], callBack.object: the blood[0x200168c](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 The Wizbust Softdrinks - 1 Timer: 25 ([0x21007b93]), TTR: 18056, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21007b92], callBack.object: the blood[0x20016c9](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 PDA mug - 1 The ShadyCigs Deluxe - 1 computer_on - 1 unique_source_[0x2001724]_663 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001725]_664 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001726]_665 - 1 The black suit - 1 Mugwort - 1 mugwort - 1 unique_source_[0x200176e]_668 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001770]_669 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001782]_673 - 1 The sleeper - 1 unique_source_[0x200178f]_678 - 1 unique_source_[0x20017f3]_681 - 1 The wizard plasma envirosuit helmet - 1 unique_source_[0x2001803]_684 - 1 unique_source_[0x200182b]_688 - 1 a book - 1 a toolbox - 1 The witch hat - 1 The witch robe - 1 The magic shoes - 1 wizard hat - 1 Wizarditis culture bottle - 1 clothing-head-wizard - 1 Sling spells the proper way with MagiVend! - 1 FJKLFJSD - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/wizard - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/wizarditis - 1 unique_source_[0x2001871]_693 - 1 The flat cap - 1 Button/Unbutton mad scientist's labcoat - 1 The captain's suit - 1 unique_source_[0x20018b5]_694 - 1 unique_source_[0x20018d6]_695 - 1 The sexy-clown wig and mask - 1 unique_source_[0x200193b]_700 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001937]_699 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001933]_698 - 1 unique_source_[0x200192d]_696 - 1 unique_source_[0x200192f]_697 - 1 The saloon girl dress - 1 The hair flower pin - 1 Head of Staff - 1 3923664137 - 1 6000 - 1 9000 - 1 Morpheus Cyberkinetics alt. - 1 Ward-Takahashi alt. - 1 Xion Manufacturing Group alt. - 1 +MENTOR - 1 Bishop Cybernetics alt. - 1 Bishop Cybernetics - 1 Icon State 1 - 1 https://admin.webhook.one - 1 https://webhook.one - 1 https://mentor.webhook.one - 1 keyhere - 1 _maps/map_files/RandomRuins/LavaRuins/lavaland_biodome_clown_planet.dmm - 1 _maps/map_files/RandomRuins/SpaceRuins/way_home.dmm - 1 Short Tail - 1 Bushy Tail - 1 Slime People - 1 /obj/item/organ/internal/heart/gland - 1 /datum/surgery/intermediate/open_cavity/implant - 1 /datum/surgery/intermediate/open_cavity/implant/robotic - 1 Apply Robotic Prosthetic - 1 /datum/surgery/robo_attach - 1 fixovein - 1 /obj/item/stack/medical/ointment/advanced - 1 /obj/item/stack/nanopaste - 1 /obj/item/mmi - 1 Striped Tail - 1 Tiny Tail - 1 Plain Wings - 1 /datum/surgery_step/slime/cut_flesh - 1 /datum/surgery_step/generic/drill - 1 mouth - 1 /datum/surgery_step/generic/amputate - 1 /datum/surgery_step/limb/attach - 1 /datum/surgery_step/proxy/robo_limb_attach - 1 /mob/living/carbon/alien/humanoid - 1 /datum/surgery_step/saw_carapace - 1 /datum/surgery_step/robotics/external/amputate - 1 /obj/effect/proc_holder/spell/recruit - 1 /obj/effect/proc_holder/spell/charge_up/bounce/lightning/lightnian - 1 /obj/effect/proc_holder/spell/charge_up/bounce/magnet - 1 loudly skrees - 1 rustles - 1 hs - 1 rubs their antennae together - 1 click - 1 bubbles and pops - 1 blob - 1 imparts - 1 rumbles - 1 hoorb - 1 chatters - 1 år - 1 Good evening, crew. To reduce power consumption and stimulate the circadian rhythms of some species, all of the lights aboard the station have been dimmed for the night. - 1 blah - 1 lorem - 1 snarls - 1 gra - 1 toots - 1 honk - 1 exaggerates - 1 dyen - 1 sss - 1 transmits - 1 chunkyfingers - 1 r - 1 Siik'tajr - 1 rad_immunity - 1 is twisting their own neck! - 1 zz - 1 vv - 1 Chittin - 1 is attempting to bite their antenna off! - 1 oo - 1 uu - 1 o - 1 mm - 1 m - 1 Orluum - 1 sound/voice/drasktalk.ogg - 1 is self-warming with friction! - 1 sound/voice/dionatalk1.ogg - 1 liver - 1 is losing branches! - 1 plants - 1 lash - 1 Flood - 1 Back - 1 Boy - 1 Surfer - 1 smash - 1 Dioxide - 1 Outsider - 1 Bark - 1 Oxide - 1 Castle - 1 Lens - 1 Crystal - 1 HONK - 1 nian - 1 is attempting to nibble their antenna off! - 1 faithless - 1 no_fatness - 1 waterbreathing - 1 is melting into a puddle! - 1 sound/voice/shriek1.ogg - 1 no_clone_scan - 1 Default Green - 1 /obj/item/picket_sign - 1 /obj/item/pneumatic_cannon/ghetto - 1 /obj/item/grenade/iedcasing - 1 /datum/reagent/fuel - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/cans - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/bottle - 1 /obj/item/melee/baton/cattleprod - 1 /obj/item/kitchen/knife/shiv - 1 /obj/item/restraints/legcuffs/bola - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/gun/nuclear - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/temperature - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/decloner - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/ionrifle/carbine - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/kinetic_accelerator/crossbow/large - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/xray - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/immolator - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/plasma_pistol - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/arc_revolver - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/lasercannon - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/lwap - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/disabler/cyborg - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/disabler/silencer - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/bot/ed209 - 1 /obj/item/robot_parts/robot_suit - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/bot/secbot - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/bot/secbot/griefsky - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/bot/honkbot - 1 /obj/item/robot_parts/r_arm - 1 /obj/item/storage/toolbox - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/bot/medbot - 1 /obj/item/flamethrower - 1 /obj/item/weldingtool - 1 /obj/item/assembly/igniter - 1 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/pulseslug - 1 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/incendiary/dragonsbreath - 1 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/frag12 - 1 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/ion - 1 /obj/item/grenade/chem_grenade - 1 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/improvised/overload - 1 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/lasershot - 1 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/confetti - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile/revolver/doublebarrel/improvised - 1 /obj/item/weaponcrafting/receiver - 1 /obj/item/chainsaw - 1 /obj/item/circular_saw - 1 /obj/item/spear - 1 /obj/item/camera/spooky - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/papersack - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/donkpockets/empty - 1 /obj/item/organ/internal/eyes/cybernetic/flashlight - 1 /obj/item/soap/ducttape - 1 /obj/item/stack/tape_roll - 1 /obj/item/arrow/rod - 1 /obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/latex - 1 /obj/item/bikehorn/golden - 1 /obj/item/instrument/trombone/sad - 1 /obj/item/toy/crayon/black - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet/cyan - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet/green - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet/orange - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet/purple - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet/red - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet/royalblack/ten - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet/royalblue/ten - 1 /obj/structure/curtain - 1 /obj/item/bombcore/toxins - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/bone - 1 /obj/item/clothing/accessory/necklace/talisman - 1 /obj/item/clothing/accessory/necklace/skullcodpiece - 1 /obj/item/clothing/gloves/bracer - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/skull - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/hooded/goliath - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/hooded/drake - 1 /obj/item/match/firebrand - 1 /obj/item/stack/medical/splint/tribal - 1 /obj/item/kitchen/knife/combat/survival/bone - 1 /obj/item/spear/bonespear - 1 /obj/item/pickaxe/bone - 1 /obj/item/scythe/bone - 1 /obj/item/fireaxe/boneaxe - 1 /obj/item/grown/log - 1 /obj/structure/bonfire - 1 /obj/item/cultivator/rake - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bucket/wooden - 1 /obj/structure/guillotine - 1 /obj/item/tank/jetpack/improvised - 1 /obj/item/tank/internals/oxygen - 1 wrench - 1 /obj/item/thermal_drill - 1 /obj/item/thermal_drill/diamond_drill - 1 /obj/item/storage/toolbox/fakesyndi - 1 /datum/reagent/paint/red - 1 /obj/structure/snowman/built - 1 /obj/item/snowball - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/heart - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/singleeye - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/googlyeyes - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/paperclock - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/jack_o_lantern - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/ghost - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/spider - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/spiderweb - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/skull - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/skeleton - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/cauldron - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/snowman - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/christmas_stocking - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/christmas_tree - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/snowflake - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/candy_cane - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/mistletoe - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/holly - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/tinsel - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/tinsel/red - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/tinsel/blue - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/tinsel/yellow - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/tinsel/purple - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/tinsel/green - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/tinsel/orange - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/tinsel/black - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/tinsel/halloween - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/arrowed_heart - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/heart_chain - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/four_leaf_clover - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/pot_of_gold - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/leprechaun_hat - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/easter_bunny - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/easter_egg - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/easter_egg/yellow - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/easter_egg/red - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/easter_egg/purple - 1 /obj/item/decorations/sticky_decorations/flammable/easter_egg/orange - 1 /obj/structure/decorative_structures/metal/statue/metal_angel - 1 /obj/structure/decorative_structures/metal/statue/golden_disk - 1 /obj/structure/decorative_structures/metal/statue/sun - 1 /obj/structure/decorative_structures/metal/statue/moon - 1 /obj/structure/decorative_structures/metal/statue/tesla - 1 /obj/structure/decorative_structures/metal/statue/tesla_monument - 1 /obj/structure/decorative_structures/flammable/grandfather_clock - 1 /obj/structure/decorative_structures/flammable/lava_land_display - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/vest/durathread - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/durathread - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/misc/durathread - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/beret/durathread - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/beanie/durathread - 1 /obj/item/clothing/mask/bandana/durathread - 1 /obj/item/storage/belt/fannypack - 1 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/security - 1 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/diagnostic - 1 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/science - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/ghost_sheet - 1 /obj/item/bedsheet - 1 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/cowboy - 1 /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/lizardboots - 1 /obj/item/stack/sheet/animalhide/lizard - 1 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/ducky - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/hooded/salmon_costume - 1 /obj/item/fish/salmon - 1 /obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/voice_modulator - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/jellysandwich/slime - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/jellysandwich/cherry - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger/jelly/slime - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger/jelly/cherry - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger/baseball - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/notasandwich - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sushi_Ebi - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/Ebi_maki - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sushi_Ikura - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/Ikura_maki - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sushi_Inari - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/Inari_maki - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sushi_Sake - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/Sake_maki - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sushi_SmokedSalmon - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/SmokedSalmon_maki - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sushi_Masago - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/Masago_maki - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/Tobiko_maki - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sushi_TobikoEgg - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/TobikoEgg_maki - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sushi_Tai - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/Tai_maki - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/pet/cat/cak - 1 /obj/item/instrument/guitar - 1 /obj/item/instrument/eguitar - 1 /obj/item/instrument/banjo - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/mushroom_bowl - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/ash_flora/shavings - 1 /obj/item/oar - 1 /obj/vehicle/lavaboat - 1 /datum/gear/donor/id_decal_gold - 1 /datum/gear/novelty_mug - 1 /datum/gear/instrument/xylo - 1 /datum/gear/racial/vox_robes - 1 Scientist - 1 Virologist - 1 Magistrate - 1 Nanotrasen Representative - 1 Blueshield - 1 /datum/gear/glasses/prescription - 1 Accessories - 1 /datum/gear/accessory/armband_job/sci - 1 /datum/gear/lipstick/lime - 1 /datum/gear/hat/capsolgov - 1 /datum/gear/uniform/pants/caopants - 1 /datum/gear/suit/witch - 1 /datum/gear/gloves/goldring - 1 /datum/gear/shoes/whiteshoes - 1 /datum/emote/help - 1 peculiar - 1 gagging - 1 /datum/emote/living/shiver - 1 chill - 1 /datum/emote/living/nightmare - 1 /datum/emote/living/twitch_s - 1 /datum/emote/living/carbon/blink_r - 1 joyful - 1 bubbly - 1 unpleasant - 1 smooching - 1 tired - 1 happy - 1 /datum/emote/living/carbon/brain/notice - 1 /datum/emote/living/carbon/brain/flash - 1 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/airguitar - 1 /datum/species/machine - 1 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/eyebrow - 1 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/palm - 1 bothered - 1 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/pale - 1 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots - 1 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/magboots/clown - 1 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/johnny - 1 strange - 1 /datum/emote/living/carbon/human/monkey/tail - 1 /datum/species/vox - 1 /datum/species/skrell - 1 /datum/species/tajaran - 1 weak hissing - 1 irritated - 1 annoyed - 1 /datum/emote/living/silicon/buzz2 - 1 /datum/emote/living/silicon/yes - 1 /datum/emote/living/silicon/no - 1 /datum/emote/living/silicon/law - 1 /datum/emote/living/silicon/halt - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/mouse/white - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/gorilla/cargo_domestic - 1 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/slime/noface - 1 /datum/emote/living/simple_animal/slime/colon_three - 1 F5 - 1 F6 - 1 F7 - 1 F8 - 1 F9 - 1 F10 - 1 Ctrl2 - 1 Ctrl3 - 1 Ctrl4 - 1 Ctrl5 - 1 R - 1 G - 1 F1 - 1 O - 1 L - 1 T - 1 M - 1 F12 - 1 ShiftB - 1 ShiftE - 1 ShiftQ - 1 H - 1 V - 1 B - 1 U - 1 Y - 1 E - 1 Insert - 1 C - 1 Delete - 1 CtrlW - 1 CtrlS - 1 CtrlD - 1 CtrlA - 1 Numpad8 - 1 Numpad4 - 1 Numpad6 - 1 Numpad1 - 1 Numpad3 - 1 Numpad5 - 1 Numpad2 - 1 S - 1 D - 1 Ctrl - 1 /datum/character_save - 1 1024 - 1 Tab - 1 default - 1 Equip Held Object To Suit Storage - 1 Toggle Holster - 1 Parry - 1 Rest - 1 Resist - 1 Whisper - 1 Jump to Location Four - 1 Switch Intents - 1 Store Location One - 1 Store Location Two - 1 Jump to Location One - 1 Equip Held Object To Bag - 1 Equip Held Object To Belt - 1 Jump to Location Three - 1 Give Item (Toggle) - 1 Jump to Core - 1 Store Location Three - 1 Jump to Location Two - 1 Store Location Four - 1 [2023-10-30T15:38:00] Logged in at - 1 lighting_backdrop_lit - 1 /datum/log_record - 1 plane_masters_game - 1 AO - 1 /datum/event/spawn_morph - 1 Silicon - 1 Robot - 1 Station Level - 1 Memorial Plaque - 1 The Arrival Shuttle Hallway APC - 1 Arrivals External Access - 1 [0x200199e]_2068 - 1 [0x20019b4]_2069 - 1 [0x20019a9]_2071 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100809d]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100809e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20019bb](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/mineral/titanium/blue - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ae38]), TTR: 195.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a3af], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006155](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/pods - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/spawner/carp - 1 /obj/structure/closet/wardrobe/xenos - 1 /obj/effect/landmark - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c041]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c040], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001a2e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c433]), TTR: 196, wait:11 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bbea], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200604d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cfd3]), TTR: 196.5, wait:11 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c81b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007444](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Fore-Port Secondary Maintenance APC - 1 The space heater - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100de2f]), TTR: 195, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d6d3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200520d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210089b6]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x210089b7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001aff](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2001af4]_2072 - 1 [0x2001af9]_2073 - 1 [0x2001af7]_2075 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21007de6]), TTR: 204.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x21006c51], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005076](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011483]), TTR: 201.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011482], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003e70](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c8e7]), TTR: 199.5, wait:14 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bfe3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005f37](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Security Checkpoint APC - 1 The Security Checkpoint Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Security Checkpoint Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Vacant Office APC - 1 The Vacant Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Vacant Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Vacant Office - 1 The Vacant Office - 1 The Auxiliary Tool Storage APC - 1 Auxiliary Tool Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Auxiliary Tool Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Port Maintenance APC - 1 dheight - 1 Timer: 26 ([0x21007fdc]), TTR: 18056.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21007fdb], callBack.object: the blood[0x2001c7a](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100babf]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100babe], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001c85](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21007ee4]), TTR: 199.5, wait:14 Flags: , callBack: [0x21006e15], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200554d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008363]), TTR: 195, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008364], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001ca2](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Fore Port Solar Maintenance APC - 1 The chips - 1 The Aft-Port Maintenance APC - 1 Aft-Port Maintenance Vent Pump #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011606]), TTR: 200.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101081c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008798](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2001d4d]_725 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001d3e]_723 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d23c]), TTR: 193, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d23b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001d62](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2001d86]_2076 - 1 [0x2001d8d]_2077 - 1 [0x2001d8a]_2079 - 1 [0x2001df8]_2081 - 1 [0x2001df3]_2080 - 1 [0x2001df7]_2083 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001e27]_732 - 1 Timer: 27 ([0x21008191]), TTR: 18056.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21008190], callBack.object: the blood[0x2001e1c](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2001e32]_735 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d287]), TTR: 183, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d286], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001e3e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: 28 ([0x210081bc]), TTR: 18056.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x210081bb], callBack.object: the blood[0x2001e6a](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2001e73]_737 - 1 The station intercom (Security) - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d28c]), TTR: 187, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d28b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001ea4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Waste Disposal APC - 1 Waste Disposal Vent Pump #1 - 1 The disposal bay door - 1 unique_source_[0x2001ee4]_741 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001ee6]_742 - 1 The Garden APC - 1 The Garden Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Garden Air Scrubber #1 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001f5f]_744 - 1 /obj/structure/sign/double/map/left - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cdbe]), TTR: 209.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cd64], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001e65](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 density - 1 /obj/machinery/power/tracker - 1 solar tracker - 1 unique_source_[0x2001fcc]_747 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001fc9]_746 - 1 The Detective action figure - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008b9a]), TTR: 198.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x210088df], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008e0c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bf5b]), TTR: 190, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bf5a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001fe6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/double/map/right - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c6ba]), TTR: 195, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c6b9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002007](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d310]), TTR: 197.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cdc0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001fce](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/three_course_meal - 1 The Film Noir: Proper Procedures for Investigations - 1 /obj/item/book/manual/detective - 1 Detective Work Between your bouts of self-narration, and drinking whiskey on the rocks, you might get a case or two to solve. To have the best chance to solve your case, follow these directions: Go to the crime scene. Take your scanner and scan EVERYTHING (Yes, the doors, the tables, even the dog.) Once you are reasonably certain you have every scrap of evidence you can use, find all possible entry points and scan them, too. Return to your office. Using your forensic scanning computer, scan your Scanner to upload all of your evidence into the database. Browse through the resulting dossiers, looking for the one that either has the most complete set of prints, or the most suspicious items handled. If you have 80% or more of the print (The print is displayed) go to step 10, otherwise continue to step 8. Look for clues from the suit fibres you found on your perp, and go about looking for more evidence with this new information, scanning as you go. Try to get a fingerprint card of your perp, as if used in the computer, the prints will be completed on their dossier. Assuming you have enough of a print to see it, grab the biggest complete piece of the print and search the security records for it. Since you now have both your dossier and the name of the person, print both out as evidence, and get security to nab your baddie. Give yourself a pat on the back and a bottle of the ships finest vodka, you did it!. It really is that easy! Good luck! - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e154]), TTR: 202.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100de3b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20047a1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Locker Room APC - 1 The Locker Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Locker Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100beb5]), TTR: 193, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100beb4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20020d7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Incinerator APC - 1 The Incinerator Vent Pump #1 - 1 The brown fedora - 1 The smoking pipe - 1 /obj/item/seeds/cocoapod/vanillapod - 1 /obj/item/seeds/watermelon/holy - 1 /obj/item/seeds/tower/steel - 1 The Port Primary Hallway APC - 1 The portable air pump - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cc51]), TTR: 194, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cc50], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002148](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bc7e]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bc7d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200219d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Garden - 1 /turf/simulated/wall/clockwork - 1 /obj/structure/closet/wardrobe/pjs - 1 The recycler - 1 /obj/machinery/recycler - 1 [0x200221f]_756 - 1 The Prison Wing APC - 1 The Prison Wing Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/item/paper/crumpled - 1 The Locker Toilets APC - 1 The Locker Toilets Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Locker Toilets Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ef5c]), TTR: 195.5, wait:11 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ef5b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20073d8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 robustharvestnutriment - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210082ec]), TTR: 205, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x210082e5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002ff1](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008dd4]), TTR: 193, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008dd5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20022b8](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/urinal - 1 /obj/machinery/mineral/stacking_machine - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bec7]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bec6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20022dc](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d518]), TTR: 205.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d456], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006b7d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b303]), TTR: 190, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b304], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200230f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cc58]), TTR: 189, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cc57], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200232c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c4d6]), TTR: 210, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c434], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007aac](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/mineral/stacking_unit_console - 1 delivery chute - 1 unique_source_[0x2002367]_762 - 1 unique_source_[0x200236b]_763 - 1 unique_source_[0x200236d]_764 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002371]_765 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002373]_766 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b719]), TTR: 184, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b71a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002377](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b334]), TTR: 186, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b333], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200238e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Primary Tool Storage APC - 1 Primary Tool Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Primary Tool Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/assist - 1 The Vendomat - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b9fb]), TTR: 187, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b9fa], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20023b0](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008e03]), TTR: 183, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008e04], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20023d4](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100fd26]), TTR: 210.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100fd27], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20072c0](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The cabinet - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b74f]), TTR: 187, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b74e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20024b7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bd2e]), TTR: 186, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bd2d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20024f7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Cargo Bay APC - 1 The Cargo Bay Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Cargo Bay Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/feral_cat/forsaken - 1 cat - 1 [0x2002346]_2084 - 1 [0x2002494]_2085 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ed80]), TTR: 204.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ed7d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004b14](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/artvend - 1 dispover-charge - 1 unique_source_[0x2002566]_777 - 1 The mythril coin - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100885d]), TTR: 198.5, wait:14 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100885c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004329](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 violin - 1 65 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100beef]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100beee], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200258f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e15a]), TTR: 195, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100de30], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008a48](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b818]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b817], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20025ba](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c52c]), TTR: 195, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c4d8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006dbb](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 [0x200253e]_2087 - 1 [0x2002542]_2088 - 1 [0x2002540]_2092 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002623]_783 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cbd0]), TTR: 194, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cbcf], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200262a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c799]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c79a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200262d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ccfb]), TTR: 187, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ccfa], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200264d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/bobross - 1 the void of space - 1 /obj/item/flashlight/lamp/green - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010b39]), TTR: 206.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x210103c5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20058f7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b852]), TTR: 184, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b851], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002695](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b41b]), TTR: 183, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b41a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20026ad](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b4c8]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b4c6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20026bf](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c06f]), TTR: 200.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b50f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001d26](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c802]), TTR: 195, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c801], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002705](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/conveyor/west/ccw - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/tank/toxins - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b8a5]), TTR: 195, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b8a3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002745](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200275b]_790 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100adfc]), TTR: 186, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100adfb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002764](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/clothing - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/lightsout - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/tank/oxygen - 1 The BODA restocking unit - 1 soda water - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/sovietsoda - 1 reagent_containers-food-drinks-cans-sodawater - 1 For Tsar and Country. - 1 unique_source_[0x20027f3]_793 - 1 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/blue/hollow - 1 The poster - Atmosia Declaration of Independence - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ae1c]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ae1b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002859](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/hatdispenser - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c82f]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c830], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20028a8](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c674]), TTR: 189, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c672], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20028b1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Aft-Port Secondary Maintenance - 1 The Aft-Port Secondary Maintenance APC - 1 Aft-Port Secondary Maintenance Vent Pump #1 - 1 unique_source_[0x20028ce]_796 - 1 /obj/item/seeds/tobacco/space - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ae36]), TTR: 195, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ae35], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20028e0](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/flora/junglebush - 1 The old dough - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/chef/classic - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c8f5]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c8f6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20028f6](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Fore-Port Maintenance APC - 1 Fore-Port Maintenance Vent Pump #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/tool - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/suitdispenser - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cc15]), TTR: 190, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cc14], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002917](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c832]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c831], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200291e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c821]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c820], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200292d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210093a3]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x210093a4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200293f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/flora/rock/pile/largejungle - 1 /obj/structure/flora/junglebush/large - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b4e1]), TTR: 186, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b4e0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002976](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bde0]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bddf], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200297e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/shoedispenser - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c9b6]), TTR: 215.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c8e8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006518](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 energy gun - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile/shotgun/automatic/combat - 1 /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance/three - 1 unique_source_[0x2002a2d]_806 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ee67]), TTR: 195.5, wait:11 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ee63], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20049f9](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2002a4b]_807 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002a71]_808 - 1 /obj/machinery/smartfridge/drying_rack - 1 The Vault APC - 1 The Vault Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Vault Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21002a40]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21002a3f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002ac3](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c8e5]), TTR: 187, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c8e4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002ad3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 generic_door - 1 /obj/structure/falsewall - 1 unique_source_[0x2002af1]_815 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002b07]_816 - 1 The harmonica - 1 harmonica - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c9e4]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c9e3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002b2c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/freezer/money - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21007f94]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x21007f95], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002b5d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The worn out insulated gloves - 1 unique_source_[0x2002b74]_820 - 1 The Quartermaster's Office APC - 1 The Quartermaster's Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Quartermaster's Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/effect/mapping_helpers/airlock/polarized - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210031cc]), TTR: 184, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x210031cb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002b87](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2002b9f]_821 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b056]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b055], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002ba1](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ac07]), TTR: 200.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100abcb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003ce6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b0e1]), TTR: 184, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b0e0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002ba8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/crate/hydroponics - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/mouse/brown/Tom - 1 The Port Emergency Storage APC - 1 Port Emergency Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Port Emergency Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/cargotech - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/security/mining - 1 unique_source_[0x2002c0b]_824 - 1 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/beerkeg/nuke - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a7be]), TTR: 200.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008aca], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20056bf](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b1ea]), TTR: 190, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b1e9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002c50](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: 31 ([0x210093d7]), TTR: 18057.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x210093d6], callBack.object: the blood[0x2002c64](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100caa7]), TTR: 187, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100caa6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002c69](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210094c6]), TTR: 184, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x210094c7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002c72](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/nuclearbomb - 1 r_code - 1 Bomb Light - 1 Port Emergency Storage Air Alarm - 1 /obj/structure/closet/crate/medical - 1 The Mining Dock APC - 1 The Mining Dock Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Mining Dock Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Mining Dock Airlock - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ca41]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ca42], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002cee](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Aft Port Solar Maintenance APC - 1 Engineering External Access - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a83c]), TTR: 194, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a83b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002d05](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: 32 ([0x21009470]), TTR: 18057.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100946f], callBack.object: the blood[0x2002d24](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ca6e]), TTR: 198.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c9b7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200698f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d4ca]), TTR: 204.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d30f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002223](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/cargodrobe - 1 Quartermaster action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-cargo-tech - 1 Upgraded Assistant Style! Pick yours today! - 1 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/cargotech - 1 unique_source_[0x2002d91]_834 - 1 /obj/structure/door_assembly/door_assembly_mai - 1 50 Credits - 1 unique_source_[0x2002d96]_836 - 1 [0x2002cf7]_2094 - 1 [0x2002e4a]_2095 - 1 [0x2002d9f]_2097 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002da5]_837 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210103c4]), TTR: 214.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ef11], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005f5e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: 33 ([0x210095ab]), TTR: 3058, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x210095aa], callBack.object: the blood[0x2002dd6](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/writing), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2002de1]_838 - 1 /obj/item/coin/silver - 1 /obj/structure/safe - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c4c5]), TTR: 212, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c43c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20039dc](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c9fd]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c9fc], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002e2b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/clockwork/lavaland_air - 1 The wired rod - 1 /obj/item/mop - 1 The Execution APC - 1 Execution Vent Pump #1 - 1 Execution Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009b38]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009b39], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002e81](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Cargo Office APC - 1 The Cargo Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Cargo Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The photocopier - 1 /obj/machinery/autolathe - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cd33]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cd34], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002ef4](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Justice Blast Door - 1 maxcharge - 1 /obj/item/seeds/potato - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/revolver - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a89d]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a89c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002f7f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009ae8]), TTR: 187, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009ae9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002f76](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ebbc]), TTR: 202.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e8c7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200551a](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009e9f]), TTR: 184, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009ea0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002f89](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The russian revolver - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a9c5]), TTR: 186, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a9db], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002fc5](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Toggle Stand - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/slab/gorilla - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c53f]), TTR: 209.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ba70], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200362b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: 34 ([0x21009a91]), TTR: 18058, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21009a90], callBack.object: the blood[0x2002fe4](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /datum/mob_type/water - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100eedb]), TTR: 207.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ee70], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004e0f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a92c]), TTR: 184, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a92b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200301c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ceb5]), TTR: 187, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ceb4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200302d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance/two - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/suit/mafia - 1 unique_source_[0x2003036]_865 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100f68a]), TTR: 196.5, wait:12 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f689], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001f74](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/status_display/supply_display - 1 /obj/item/stamp/granted - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ab44]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100aa89], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20030b8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Brig APC - 1 The Brig Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Brig Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/door/window/reinforced/reversed - 1 Disposals Maint - 1 unique_source_[0x2003135]_868 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ab48]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ab43], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200313b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/ripped - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cab4]), TTR: 187, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cab3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200316b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ce01]), TTR: 195, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c82d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006f51](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 prisoner supression system - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cef8]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cef7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20031ad](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c83d]), TTR: 204, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c4c4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003e2a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The baguette - 1 The Office Supplies APC - 1 Office Supplies Vent Pump #1 - 1 Office Supplies Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a24c]), TTR: 193, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a24d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20031c3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20031bd]_876 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c3cd]), TTR: 196.5, wait:12 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011c7c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20025ec](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/disposalpipe/broken - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a9eb]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a9e3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20031df](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20031e7]_878 - 1 The Nanotrasen Representative's Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Nanotrasen Representative's Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b580]), TTR: 190, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b57f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003203](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/welded - 1 dwidth - 1 [0x20033e6]_2100 - 1 [0x2003179]_2098 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cf71]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cf70], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200325e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c03c]), TTR: 207.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c039], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003414](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The card box - 1 20% - 1 Office Supplies - 1 /datum/mob_type/ghost - 1 /datum/mob_type/normal - 1 /area/station/maintenance/turbine - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a96f]), TTR: 193, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a96e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20032ee](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/injection - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cd62]), TTR: 208.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cb42], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001c7b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 code - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/suit/mafia/vest - 1 unique_source_[0x2003328]_890 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003330]_891 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d1be]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d1bd], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003337](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2003343]_895 - 1 unique_source_[0x200335a]_896 - 1 unique_source_[0x200337d]_897 - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/ntrep - 1 73 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cac9]), TTR: 184, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cac8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200339a](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/largecrate - 1 unique_source_[0x20033df]_899 - 1 [0x20033de]_898 - 1 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/security - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/soldiercoat - 1 unique_source_[0x200341c]_901 - 1 The Expedition room APC - 1 The Expedition room Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Expedition room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 10 Credits - 1 unique_source_[0x2003426]_902 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003430]_903 - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/start/cargo_technician - 1 /obj/machinery/mineral/ore_redemption - 1 76 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100eaa7]), TTR: 192.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100eaa6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200349b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100acb7]), TTR: 214.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a913], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005255](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/fedora - 1 /obj/item/clothing/mask/bandana/skull - 1 Adjust skull bandana - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b944]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b945], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20034c9](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The recharger - 1 Timer: 35 ([0x2100a2d1]), TTR: 9058.5, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100a2d0], callBack.object: the blood[0x20034ce](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a9f5]), TTR: 193, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a9ea], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20034da](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100eef8]), TTR: 204.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100eedd], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20047b3](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200350e]_916 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003510]_917 - 1 The Assembly Line Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Assembly Line Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Courtroom APC - 1 The Courtroom Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Courtroom Air Scrubber #1 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003580]_919 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003583]_920 - 1 The Nanotrasen Representative's Office - 1 /obj/item/camera_assembly - 1 Timer: 36 ([0x2100a38d]), TTR: 18058.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100a38c], callBack.object: the motor oil[0x20035b8](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a49a]), TTR: 187.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a49b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003627](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100eabb]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100eaba], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003609](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2003619]_923 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b5c3]), TTR: 186, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b5c2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003659](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Engineering Secure Storage APC - 1 Engineering Secure Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Engineering Secure Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 unique_source_[0x200368e]_926 - 1 The Law Office APC - 1 The Law Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Law Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bbf9]), TTR: 194.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bbf8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20060b2](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c12f]), TTR: 207.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bdd1], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001d55](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Expedition room - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ce1a]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ce19], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003714](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/conveyor_switch - 1 The Prisoner Lockers APC - 1 The Prisoner Lockers Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Prisoner Lockers Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Labor Camp Transfer - 1 unique_source_[0x2003792]_930 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a51c]), TTR: 193.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a51d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003795](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101231e]), TTR: 206, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x210122ac], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005cbd](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/button/windowtint - 1 Internal Affairs Agent action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-procedure-iaa - 1 OBJECTION! Get the rule of law for yourself! - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e11a]), TTR: 207.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d4cb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200237c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20037bb]_933 - 1 HoP Office - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cb84]), TTR: 190, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cb83], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200381f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200386b]_940 - 1 /obj/structure/closet/wardrobe/orange/prison - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/pet/sloth/paperwork - 1 Ahhhh - 1 yawns - 1 snores. - 1 dozes off. - 1 unique_source_[0x200387a]_943 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d5e7]), TTR: 192.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d5e6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003892](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e34a]), TTR: 212, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dd0a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005d54](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Heads of Staff Meeting Room APC - 1 The Heads of Staff Meeting Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Heads of Staff Meeting Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Privacy Shutters - 1 The Central Maintenance APC - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b5f3]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b5f4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20038b1](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d492]), TTR: 197.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d491], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008142](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Engineering Hardsuit Storage - 1 The Engineering Hardsuit Storage APC - 1 The Engineering Hardsuit Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Engineering Hardsuit Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 north bump Engineering - 1 unique_source_[0x2003952]_952 - 1 The light switch - 1 Prisoner #81-776 - 1 The EVA Storage APC - 1 EVA Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 EVA Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Head of Personnel's Quarters APC - 1 The Head of Personnel's Quarters Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Head of Personnel's Quarters Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Mounted flash - 1 /obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/rainbow - 1 The Technical Storage APC - 1 Technical Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Technical Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 - 1 Engineering Textbook - 1 Experienced user's guide Setting up Wrench all pieces to the floor Add wires to all the pieces Close all the panels with your screwdriver Use Open the control panel Set the speed to 2 Start firing at the singularity generator When the singularity reaches a large enough size so it starts moving on it's own set the speed down to 0, but don't shut it off Remember to wear a radiation suit when working with this machine... we did tell you that at the start, right? - 1 Singularity Safety in Special Circumstances Power outage A power problem has made the entire station loose power? Could be station-wide wiring problems or syndicate power sinks. In any case follow these steps: Step one: PANIC! Step two: Get your ass over to engineering! QUICKLY!!! Step three: Get to the Area Power Controller which controls the power to the emitters. Step four: Swipe it with your ID card - if it doesn't unlock, continue with step 15. Step five: Open the console and disengage the cover lock. Step six: Pry open the APC with a Crowbar. Step seven: Take out the empty power cell. Step eight: Put in the new, full power cell - if you don't have one, continue with step 15. Step nine: Quickly put on a Radiation suit. Step ten: Check if the singularity field generators withstood the down-time - if they didn't, continue with step 15. Step eleven: Since disaster was averted you now have to ensure it doesn't repeat. If it was a powersink which caused it and if the engineering apc is wired to the same powernet, which the powersink is on, you have to remove the piece of wire which links the apc to the powernet. If it wasn't a powersink which caused it, then skip to step 14. Step twelve: Grab your crowbar and pry away the tile closest to the APC. Step thirteen: Use the wirecutters to cut the wire which is conecting the grid to the terminal. Step fourteen: Go to the bar and tell the guys how you saved them all. Stop reading this guide here. Step fifteen: GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!!! Shields get damaged Step one: GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!!! FORGET THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN, SAVE YOURSELF!!! - 1 The Prisoner Lockers - 1 unique_source_[0x2003aaf]_969 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d378]), TTR: 184.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d377], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003ac0](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100add8]), TTR: 192.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100add9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003aca](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/standard_unit - 1 EVA Gear and You: Not Spending All Day Inside - 1 Contents A forward on using EVA gear Donning a Civilian Suits Putting on a Hardsuit Final Checks EVA Gear and You: Not Spending All Day Inside Or: How not to suffocate because there's a hole in your shoes EVA gear. Wonderful to use. It's useful for mining, engineering, and occasionally just surviving, if things are that bad. Most people have EVA training, but apparently there are some on a space station who don't. This guide should give you a basic idea of how to use this gear, safely. It's split into two sections: Civilian suits and hardsuits. Civilian Suits The bulkiest things this side of Alpha Centauri These suits are the grey ones that are stored in EVA. They're the more simple to get on, but are also a lot bulkier, and provide less protection from environmental hazards such as radiaion or physical impact. As Medical, Engineering, Security, and Mining all have hardsuits of their own, these don't see much use, but knowing how to put them on is quite useful anyways. First, take the suit. It should be in three pieces: A top, a bottom, and a helmet. Put the bottom on first, shoes and the like will fit in it. If you have magnetic boots, however, put them on on top of the suit's feet. Next, get the top on, as you would a shirt. It can be somewhat awkward putting these pieces on, due to the makeup of the suit, but to an extent they will adjust to you. You can then find the snaps and seals around the waist, where the two pieces meet. Fasten these, and double-check their tightness. The red indicators around the waist of the lower half will turn green when this is done correctly. Next, put on whatever breathing apparatus you're using, be it a gas mask or a breath mask. Make sure the oxygen tube is fastened into it. Put on the helmet now, straight forward, and make sure the tube goes into the small opening specifically for internals. Again, fasten seals around the neck, a small indicator light in the inside of the helmet should go from red to off when all is fastened. There is a small slot on the side of the suit where an emergency oxygen tank or extended emergency oxygen tank will fit, but it is reccomended to have a full-sized tank on your back for EVA. Hardsuits Heavy, uncomfortable, still the best option. These suits come in Engineering, Mining, and the Armory. There's also a couple Medical Hardsuits in EVA. These provide a lot more protection than the standard suits. Similarly to the other suits, these are split into three parts. Fastening the pant and top are mostly the same as the other spacesuits, with the exception that these are a bit heavier, though not as bulky. The helmet goes on differently, with the air tube feeing into the suit and out a hole near the left shoulder, while the helmet goes on turned ninety degrees counter-clockwise, and then is screwed in for one and a quarter full rotations clockwise, leaving the faceplate directly in front of you. There is a small button on the right side of the helmet that activates the helmet light. The tanks that fasten onto the side slot are emergency tanks, as well as full-sized oxygen tanks, leaving your back free for a backpack or satchel. FINAL CHECKS: Are all seals fastened correctly? Do you either have shoes on under the suit, or magnetic boots on over it? Do you have a mask on and internals on the suit or your back? Do you have a way to communicate with the station in case something goes wrong? Do you have a second person watching if this is a training session? If you don't have any further issues, go out and do whatever is necessary. - 1 The Bridge APC - 1 The Bridge Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Bridge Air Scrubber #1 - 1 sound/ambience/signal.ogg - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100aacf]), TTR: 198.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a7bf], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005355](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/hop - 1 The Blueshield's Office APC - 1 The Blueshield's Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Blueshield's Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100eb16]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100eb15], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003b6d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Security Lobby APC - 1 The Security Lobby Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Security Lobby Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Magistrate's Office APC - 1 The Magistrate's Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Magistrate's Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/clown - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/blueshield - 1 67 - 1 /obj/item/paper/blueshield - 1 [0x2003c1a]_2104 - 1 [0x2003c15]_2103 - 1 [0x2003ce9]_2106 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b331]), TTR: 182.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b332], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003c4a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/book/manual/wiki/security_space_law - 1 /obj/item/folder/blue - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/blue - 1 Technical Storage - 1 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/engine - 1 Prisoner #89-165 - 1 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/mime - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d904]), TTR: 190.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d905], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003d5a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/account_database - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d70]_1007 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d78]_1008 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d7e]_1009 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d8b]_1013 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d98]_1015 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d034]), TTR: 197, wait:12 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d02e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003af2](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Engineering APC - 1 Engineering Vent Pump #1 - 1 Engineering Air Scrubber #1 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003dbd]_1023 - 1 The Warden's Office APC - 1 The Warden's Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Warden's Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21002aa2]), TTR: 183.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x21002aa0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003dc5](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2003dc9]_1025 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d402]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d401], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003dd9](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ab5d]), TTR: 188.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ab5e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003e3a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d80e]), TTR: 183.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d80d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003e5a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Head of Personnel's Quarters - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d92e]), TTR: 190.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d92d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003e7c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ab6c]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ab4a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003e8d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ac17]), TTR: 182.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ac18], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003ebf](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The cell management computer - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101116b]), TTR: 207.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e8a0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002c2e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d69d]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d69c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003f0e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 R&D Core - 1 The Assembly Line - 1 unique_source_[0x2003f5a]_1036 - 1 /obj/item/cartridge/engineering - 1 /obj/item/painter - 1 unique_source_[0x2003fa6]_1046 - 1 Magistrate's rubber stamp - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e203]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e202], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003fe0](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004000]_1054 - 1 The AI Upload Chamber APC - 1 AI Upload Turret Control - 1 The AI Upload Chamber Vent Pump #1 - 1 The AI Upload Chamber Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Messaging Server Room APC - 1 The Messaging Server Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Messaging Server Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/message_server - 1 /datum/data_pda_msg - 1 /obj/machinery/blackbox_recorder - 1 unique_source_[0x2004030]_1056 - 1 The Aft Primary Hallway APC - 1 The Aft Primary Hallway Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Aft Primary Hallway Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dae3]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dae2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004086](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200409e]_1065 - 1 unique_source_[0x20040bb]_1067 - 1 Timer: 37 ([0x2100ad85]), TTR: 18059.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100ad84], callBack.object: the blood[0x20040ee](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 The Crewsimov core AI module - 1 The AI Upload Chamber Air Alarm - 1 /obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/circuits/aiupload/experimental - 1 /obj/item/aiModule/cctv - 1 unique_source_[0x200411f]_1070 - 1 Engineering Main - 1 The Chief Engineer's Quarters APC - 1 The Chief Engineer's Quarters Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Chief Engineer's Quarters Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Supermatter Engine APC - 1 The Supermatter Engine Vent Pump #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dbdb]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dbda], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004178](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/vehicle/secway - 1 unique_source_[0x20041a5]_1071 - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/magistrate - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ee2e]), TTR: 196.5, wait:11 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ec9d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004a59](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: 38 ([0x2100ae40]), TTR: 18059.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100ae3f], callBack.object: the blood[0x20041c2](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d15d]), TTR: 194, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d15e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20041c6](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20041ca]_1072 - 1 The Gravity Generator APC - 1 The Gravity Generator Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Gravity Generator Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e150]), TTR: 183.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e14f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004205](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d9ba]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d9bb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004219](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/assist/free - 1 The Chief Engineer's Quarters Air Alarm - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/card/minor/ce - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/scrubbers - 1 unique_source_[0x2004267]_1086 - 1 The Secure Armory APC - 1 The Secure Armory Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Secure Armory Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/impassable/gamma - 1 The gamma armory hatch - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210108b9]), TTR: 202, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f06e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005479](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Warden's Office - 1 The Fore Primary Hallway APC - 1 The Fore Primary Hallway Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Fore Primary Hallway Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b0a6]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b0a7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20042c6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009d4c]), TTR: 211, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009c7d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200376c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b1b4]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b1b5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20042f3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ab2d]), TTR: 203.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a85c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20041f4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 flutters its wings - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/cracker - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dc2f]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dc2e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004318](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b705]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b706], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004338](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/warden - 1 unique_source_[0x200435d]_1100 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004352]_1099 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b0fe]), TTR: 192.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b0ff], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200436f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100df99]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100df98], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200437c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100df9b]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100df9a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004386](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/gravity_generator/main/station - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e015]), TTR: 187.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e016], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20043a6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20043ea]_1107 - 1 unique_source_[0x20043f4]_1109 - 1 unique_source_[0x20043ee]_1108 - 1 /obj/machinery/alarm/engine - 1 /obj/structure/reflector/double - 1 The Secure Armory - 1 Brig Equipment Storage - 1 Start Game - 1 [0x200440c]_2107 - 1 [0x2004410]_2108 - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/supermatter_crystal/engine - 1 supermatter crystal - 1 /obj/structure/reflector/box - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e009]), TTR: 182.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e008], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20045f8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/turretid/stun - 1 /obj/item/radio/intercom/private - 1 Bluespace Harvester - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/random - 1 east bump Engineering - 1 unique_source_[0x20046a7]_1128 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e7f7]), TTR: 184.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e7f8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20046a1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Security Equipment Storage APC - 1 Security Equipment Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Security Equipment Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Prison Cell Block A APC - 1 The Prison Cell Block A Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Prison Cell Block A Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Fore Maintenance APC - 1 The Dormitories APC - 1 The Dormitories Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Dormitories Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Dormitories - 1 The Mr Chang's APC - 1 The Mr Chang's Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Mr Chang's Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e140]), TTR: 190.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e13f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20046f7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Dormitory Toilets APC - 1 The Dormitory Toilets Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Dormitory Toilets Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Aft Maintenance APC - 1 The Engineering Control Room APC - 1 The Engineering Control Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Engineering Control Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dedc]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dedb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004724](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012298]), TTR: 209.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101226c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20076a4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Engineering Foyer APC - 1 The Engineering Foyer Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Engineering Foyer Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/noslip - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dd3d]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dd3c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004769](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210127a0]), TTR: 213.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012098], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005b56](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 [0x2004778]_1135 - 1 /obj/machinery/flasher/portable - 1 auto_patrol - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/security - 1 The SecTech - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21007d7c]), TTR: 205.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x21006c81], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007a36](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 gibs - 1 /obj/structure/chair/comfy/red - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ec40]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ec3f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20047c7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100de40]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100de3f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20047f8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 west bump Engineering - 1 The Engineering Equipment Storage APC - 1 Engineering Equipment Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Engineering Equipment Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Engineering Security Doors - 1 The Supermatter Engine - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ab92]), TTR: 193.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ab6d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004843](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100331f]), TTR: 211.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100331e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200257a](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Output to Waste - 1 Toggle ablative trenchcoat - 1 The Detective's Office APC - 1 The Detective's Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Detective's Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 sound/ambience/ambidet1.ogg - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cac6]), TTR: 186, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cac7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20048df](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Custodial Closet APC - 1 The Custodial Closet Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Custodial Closet Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The NT Default Core AI Module - 1 The Corporate core AI module - 1 /obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/circuits/aiupload/highrisk - 1 /obj/item/aiModule/freeform - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e39a]), TTR: 205.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dba9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006deb](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b5a1]), TTR: 183.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b5a2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004941](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Engineering Equipment Storage - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cf59]), TTR: 210.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cf58], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20038ef](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: 39 ([0x2100b6d1]), TTR: 18060, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100b6d0], callBack.object: the motor oil[0x200498d](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d318]), TTR: 210.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d319], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003c3e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e89d]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e89c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20049b2](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100edbc]), TTR: 210, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d735], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20047d8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 east bump Important Area - 1 /obj/item/folder/red - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100be03]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100be04], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004a1b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210095ec]), TTR: 210.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008d36], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200305a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/l3closet/janitor - 1 The Captain's Office APC - 1 The Captain's Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Captain's Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d926]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d925], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004a53](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004ada]), TTR: 192.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004ad9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004a93](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004cfa]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004cf9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004aa3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009a37]), TTR: 207.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x210095ed], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20037b4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ec9f]), TTR: 188.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100eca0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004aea](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100db8f]), TTR: 208, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d04d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008562](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/door/window/brigdoor - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210122af]), TTR: 204.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x210122a9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008137](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Captain's Bedroom APC - 1 The Captain's Bedroom Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Captain's Bedroom Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Teleporter APC - 1 The Teleporter Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Teleporter Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/drone_fabricator - 1 The Firing Range APC - 1 The Firing Range Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Firing Range Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e760]), TTR: 184.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e75f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004bd2](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Janitor action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-civilian-janitor - 1 Come and get your janitorial clothing, now endorsed by janitors everywhere! - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e445]), TTR: 188.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e444], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004c1d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/captain - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ba44]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ba45], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004c51](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 authority - 1 comdom - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/captains - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/general_air_control - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/tool/free - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/engineering_electrical - 1 [0x20050be]_2118 - 1 [0x2004dc4]_2117 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004ce4]_1202 - 1 The Security Office APC - 1 The Security Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Security Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ebc3]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ebc2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004d03](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004d31]_1206 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010b61]), TTR: 196.5, wait:12 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010b60], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007057](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Mr Chang's - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e9f0]), TTR: 192.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e9f1], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004d4f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 72 - 1 absinthe - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ba4c]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ba4d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004d7c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100de75]), TTR: 200.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d47d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004732](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b446]), TTR: 204.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100aad0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005cd3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/drone_control - 1 The Engineering SMES APC - 1 The Engineering SMES Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Engineering SMES Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Engineering SMES - 1 unique_source_[0x2004dca]_1215 - 1 engine outlet injector - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c01c]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c01d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004dd4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/target_stake - 1 radio_magnet - 1 The Firing Range - 1 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/red/partial - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010226]), TTR: 208.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010227], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007756](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/teleport/station - 1 The Construction Area - 1 The Construction Area APC - 1 The Construction Area Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Construction Area Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a29f]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a2a0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004edd](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004eef]_1220 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ecc2]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ecc1], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004f24](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Detective - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/detdrobe - 1 Detective action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-security-detective - 1 Apply your brilliant deductive methods in style! - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/detective - 1 /obj/vehicle/janicart - 1 /obj/structure/sign/barber - 1 unique_source_[0x2004f6f]_1230 - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/pet/dog/fox/Renault - 1 owner - 1 Chief Engineer action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-engineering-engineer - 1 Guaranteed to protect your feet from industrial accidents! - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009a92]), TTR: 201.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x210088a9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007d8f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d7e6]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d7e5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004fe8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d0df]), TTR: 212.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d06b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008837](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dfa7]), TTR: 209.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dfa6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001b10](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/magnetic_controller - 1 autolink - 1 w - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210079d3]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x210079d5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004ff6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ebc7]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ebc6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005010](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Prisoner Processing APC - 1 Prisoner Processing Vent Pump #1 - 1 Prisoner Processing Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Barber Shop APC - 1 The Barber Shop Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Barber Shop Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Barber Shop - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e879]), TTR: 214.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x210108b2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200702f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b804]), TTR: 195.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b717], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005748](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Atmospherics Control Room APC - 1 Atmospherics Control Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 Atmospherics Control Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Atmos Blast Door - 1 The Atmospherics APC - 1 Atmospherics Vent Pump #1 - 1 Atmospherics Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bd01]), TTR: 187.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bd02], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20050b0](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20050cd]_1243 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101088d]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101088e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20050d4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ed76]), TTR: 201.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ec58], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005f6e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008ed5]), TTR: 212, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008e5f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007bcf](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100be56]), TTR: 195.5, wait:11 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100be55], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001b7d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005127]_1247 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ecea]), TTR: 182.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ece9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200513e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Psych Room APC - 1 The Psych Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Psych Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The ZAS Atmospherics Division plaque - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/atmoscontrol - 1 /obj/structure/sign/atmosplaque - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/security/engineering - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c3fc]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c3fd], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200517f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Atmospheric Technician action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-engineering-atmospheric_technician - 1 Guaranteed to protect your feet from atmospheric accidents! - 1 area power controller - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010229]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010228], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20051a0](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b847]), TTR: 215.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b805], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20059e9](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b9ed]), TTR: 193.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b9ee], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20051b0](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/displaycase/captain - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210103e1]), TTR: 214, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100edbd], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003762](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The pinpointer - 1 Timer: 103 ([0x21007f8a]), TTR: 491, wait:300 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21003c78], callBack.object: Experiment 35b[0x3000004](/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/creature), callBack.delegate:LoseTarget(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004ad4]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004ad3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005229](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/psychiatrist - 1 64 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cbaa]), TTR: 212.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cba9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20079aa](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011cf5]), TTR: 202.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011ccf], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200365e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ecee]), TTR: 188.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100eced], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200525c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Pipes and You: Getting To Know Your Scary Tools - 1 Contents Author's Forward Basic Piping Insulated Pipes Atmospherics Devices Heat Exchange Systems Final Checks HOW TO NOT SUCK QUITE SO HARD AT ATMOSPHERICS Or: What the fuck does a "passive gate" do? Alright. It has come to my attention that a variety of people are unsure of what a "pipe" is and what it does. Apparently there is an unnatural fear of these arcane devices and their "gases". Spooky, spooky. So, this will tell you what every device constructable by an ordinary pipe dispenser within atmospherics actually does. You are not going to learn what to do with them to be the super best person ever, or how to play guitar with passive gates, or something like that. Just what stuff does. Basic Pipes The boring ones. Most ordinary pipes are pretty straightforward. They hold gas. If gas is moving in a direction for some reason, gas will flow in that direction. That's about it. Even so, here's all of your wonderful pipe options. Straight pipes: They're pipes. One-meter sections. Straight line. Pretty simple. Just about every pipe and device is based around this standard one-meter size, so most things will take up as much space as one of these. Bent pipes: Pipes with a 90 degree bend at the half-meter mark. My goodness. Pipe manifolds: Pipes that are essentially a "T" shape, allowing you to connect three things at one point. 4-way manifold: A four-way junction. Pipe cap: Caps off the end of a pipe. Open ends don't actually vent gas, because of the way the pipes are assembled, so, uh. Use them to decorate your house or something. Manual/Digital Valves: A valve that will block off gas flow when turned. Manual valves can't be used by the AI or cyborgs because they don't have hands, but they can access digital valves. Manual/Digital T-Valves: Like a straight valve, but at the center of a manifold instead of a straight pipe, allowing you to swap between two different pipe networks. Insulated Pipes Special Public Service Announcement. Our regular pipes are already insulated. These are completely worthless. Punch anyone who uses them. Devices: They actually do something. This is usually where people get frightened, afraid, and start calling on their gods and/or cowering in fear. Yes, I can see you doing that right now. Stop it. It's unbecoming. Most of these are fairly straightforward. Gas Pump: Take a wild guess. It moves gas in the direction it's pointing (marked by the red line on one end). It moves it based on pressure, the maximum output being 4500 kPa (kilopascals). Ordinary atmospheric pressure, for comparison, is 101.3 kPa, and the minimum pressure of room-temperature pure oxygen needed to not suffocate in a matter of minutes is 16 kPa (though 18 is preferred using internals, for various reasons). Volume pump: This pump goes based on volume, instead of pressure, and the possible maximum pressure it can create in the pipe on the receiving end is double the gas pump because of this, clocking in at an incredible 9000 kPa. If a pipe with this is destroyed or damaged, and this pressure of gas escapes, it can be incredibly dangerous depending on the size of the pipe filled. Don't hook this to the distribution loop, or you will make babies cry and the Chief Engineer brutally beat you. Passive gate: This is essentially a cap on the pressure of gas allowed to flow in a specific direction. When turned on, instead of actively pumping gas, it measures the pressure flowing through it, and whatever pressure you set is the maximum: it'll cap after that. In addition, it only lets gas flow one way. As with pumps, the red handle on a passive gate indicates the direction the passive gate will output its gas when active. Unary vent: The basic vent used in rooms. It pumps or siphons gas in or out of a room depending on the setting. Controlled by the room's air alarm system. Scrubber: The other half of room equipment. Filters air and can suck it in entirely in what's called a "panic siphon". Activating a panic siphon without very good reason will kill someone. Don't do it. Scrubbers also have an extended mode that can be enabled to expand the range and increase the amount of gas being filtered. Passive Vent: Passive vents are the lesser known cousin to Unary vents. Passive vents will exchange gas between the surrounding atmosphere and its connected pipe until the pressure between the two has reached an equilibrium. Meter: A little box with some gauges and numbers. Fasten it to any pipe or manifold, and it'll read you the pressure in it. Very useful. Gas mixer: Two sides are input, one side is output. Mixes the gases pumped into it at the ratio defined. The side perpendicular to the other two is "node 2", for reference. Can output this gas at pressures from 0-4500 kPa. Gas filter: Essentially the opposite of a gas mixer. One side is input. The other two sides are output. The selected gas type will be filtered into the perpendicular output pipe, the rest will continue out the other side. Can also output from 0-4500 kPa. Heat Exchange Systems Will not set you on fire. These systems are used to transfer heat only between two pipes. They will not move gases or any other element, but will equalize the temperature (eventually). Note that because of how gases work (remember: pv=nRt), a higher temperature will raise pressure, and a lower one will lower temperature. Pipe: This is a pipe that will exchange heat with the surrounding atmosphere. Place in a fire for superheating. Place in space for supercooling. Bent Pipe: Take a wild guess. Junction:Junction:The point where you connect your normal pipes to heat exchange pipes. Not necessary for heat exchangers, but necessary for H/E pipes/bent pipes. Heat Exchanger: These funky-looking bits attach to an open pipe end. Put another heat exchanger directly across from it, and you can transfer heat across two pipes without having to have the gases mix. This normally shouldn't exchange with the ambient air, despite being totally exposed. Just don't ask questions... Final Checks That's about it for pipes. Remember to turn your magboots on and keep a fire extinguisher near. Go forth, armed with this knowledge, and try not to break, burn down, or kill anything. Please. - 1 The Escape Pod Four - 1 unique_source_[0x20052a0]_1268 - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/secdrobe - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011129]), TTR: 193, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011128], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20052f3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/chair/barber - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101085d]), TTR: 188.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101085c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005306](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c41a]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c41b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200534a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010391]), TTR: 192.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010390], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200535f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x200554e]_2127 - 1 [0x200528f]_2126 - 1 [0x2005360]_2129 - 1 The Interrogation APC - 1 Interrogation Vent Pump #1 - 1 Interrogation Air Scrubber #1 - 1 unique_source_[0x20053c0]_1279 - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/start/barber - 1 The Central Primary Hallway Air Alarm - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ebac]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ebad], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200541b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010393]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010392], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005467](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/engine/n2 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d316]), TTR: 201.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c8cb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003bc7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012ae0]), TTR: 207.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101295a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001d30](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005475]_1286 - 1 reformed - 1 unique_source_[0x20054bb]_1295 - 1 Captain's Office - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c4e3]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c4e4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005512](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Cold Room APC - 1 /obj/item/soap/nanotrasen - 1 The Arcade APC - 1 The Arcade Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Arcade Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210111b4]), TTR: 188, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x210111b5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005591](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d34b]), TTR: 212.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d315], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003945](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200559d]_1303 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100965e]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100965d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20055f2](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e23b]), TTR: 194.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e1c8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001dae](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/atmos - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/trinary/tvalve/digital/flipped - 1 digital switching valve - 1 The PTech - 1 /obj/machinery/gameboard - 1 /obj/machinery/prize_counter - 1 unique_source_[0x2005676]_1333 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101078a]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010789], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005679](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/dye_generator - 1 The Bar APC - 1 The Bar Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Bar Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/structure/sign/directions/evac - 1 /obj/structure/sign/directions/engineering - 1 The Chemistry APC - 1 Chemistry Vent Pump #1 - 1 Chemistry Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Medical Treatment Center APC - 1 The Medical Treatment Center Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Medical Treatment Center Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Cryogenics APC - 1 Cryogenics Vent Pump #1 - 1 Cryogenics Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold4w/hidden - 1 The Surgery 1 APC - 1 Surgery 1 Vent Pump #1 - 1 Surgery 1 Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Atmospherics Distribution Loop - 1 The Atmospherics Distribution Loop APC - 1 Atmospherics Distribution Loop Vent Pump #1 - 1 Atmospherics Distribution Loop Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Evidence Room - 1 The Evidence Room APC - 1 The Evidence Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Evidence Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100f682]), TTR: 190.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f681], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005704](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Fore Maintenance - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/arcade - 1 /obj/structure/musician/piano - 1 The Starboard West Hallway APC - 1 The Starboard West Hallway Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Starboard West Hallway Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Chemistry Air Alarm - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/patch_packs - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/chemdrobe - 1 Chemist action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-medical-chemist - 1 Our clothes are 0.5% more resistant to acid spills! Get yours now! - 1 Surgery 1 Air Alarm - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical2 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21003361]), TTR: 209.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21003360], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007eed](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cc9b]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cc9c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20057a9](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Waste Loop - 1 Waste In - 1 Air to Port - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold4w/visible - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/engine/o2 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210109dd]), TTR: 184.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x210109dc], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20057d4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e19a]), TTR: 205.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100de76], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004048](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ebc9]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ebc8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20057e7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011430]), TTR: 190, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101142f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20057f8](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/arcade/claw - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a807]), TTR: 214.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009c9c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20036b2](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Drinks for dummies Heres a guide for some basic drinks. Manly Dorf: Mix ale and beer into a glass. Grog: Mix rum and water into a glass. Black Russian: Mix vodka and kahlua into a glass. Irish Cream: Mix cream and whiskey into a glass. Screwdriver: Mix vodka and orange juice into a glass. Cafe Latte: Mix milk and coffee into a glass. Mead: Mix Enzyme, water and sugar into a glass. Gin Tonic: Mix gin and tonic into a glass. Classic Martini: Mix vermouth and gin into a glass. - 1 unique_source_[0x200584e]_1356 - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/start/chemist - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cccf]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ccd0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200586c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The body scanner - 1 /obj/structure/table/tray - 1 [0x200587d]_1360 - 1 The Surgery APC - 1 The Surgery Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Surgery Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d349]), TTR: 192, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d34a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200588a](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Distro to Waste - 1 Mix to Port - 1 The fluffy pink handcuffs - 1 /obj/item/restraints/handcuffs/pinkcuffs - 1 unique_source_[0x20058d3]_1366 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005937]_1374 - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/arcade/recruiter - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/retaliate/carp/koi - 1 carp - 1 blurps - 1 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/beerkeg - 1 unique_source_[0x20058fb]_1368 - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/condiment/peppermill - 1 unique_source_[0x2005905]_1371 - 1 /obj/effect/mapping_helpers/airlock/windoor/access/any/medical/general - 1 unique_source_[0x200592c]_1373 - 1 Distribution Loop - 1 N2 to Pure - 1 The Head of Security's Quarters APC - 1 The Head of Security's Quarters Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Head of Security's Quarters Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210110f7]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x210110f6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20059b2](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/crab/Coffee - 1 clacks - 1 req_access_txt - 1 unique_source_[0x20059d9]_1378 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008b72]), TTR: 190, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008b73], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20059e1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010c79]), TTR: 204, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x210103e2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20033c3](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /datum/action/item_action/print_report - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010733]), TTR: 190.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010732], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20059ee](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005a1c]_1381 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010412]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010411], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005a25](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210093dc]), TTR: 209, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100900a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007965](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/holosign_switch - 1 Mix to Distro - 1 Pure to Mix - 1 unique_source_[0x2005a65]_1382 - 1 /obj/structure/closet/lasertag/red - 1 /obj/structure/closet/lasertag/blue - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210111bb]), TTR: 188, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x210111ba], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005aa0](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008be9]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008bea], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005aa3](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101227d]), TTR: 200.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012059], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002654](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Bartender action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-civilian-bartender - 1 Guaranteed to prevent stains from spilled drinks! - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e2b8]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e2b9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005ab7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005abb]_1385 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005ace]_1386 - 1 Air To Distro - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/engine/air - 1 [0x2005b3f]_1391 - 1 The AI Satellite Atmospherics APC - 1 AI Satellite Atmospherics Turret Control - 1 The AI Satellite Atmospherics Vent Pump #1 - 1 The AI Satellite Atmospherics Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The AI Satellite Hallway APC - 1 AI Chamber Hallway Turret Control - 1 The AI Satellite Hallway Vent Pump #1 - 1 The AI Satellite Hallway Air Scrubber #1 - 1 [0x2005b46]_1392 - 1 The AI Chamber APC - 1 AI Chamber Turret Control - 1 The AI Chamber Vent Pump #1 - 1 The AI Chamber Air Scrubber #1 - 1 sound/ambience/ambitech.ogg - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/retaliate/araneus - 1 spiders - 1 ray - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101143d]), TTR: 190, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101143c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005b55](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100aa63]), TTR: 201.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a808], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003d23](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Primary Cryogenic Dormitories APC - 1 The Primary Cryogenic Dormitories Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Primary Cryogenic Dormitories Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Fore-Starboard Maintenance APC - 1 Bar Office Maintenance - 1 unique_source_[0x2005b82]_1399 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005b86]_1400 - 1 The Medbay Reception APC - 1 The Medbay Reception Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Medbay Reception Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010764]), TTR: 183.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010763], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005b9d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Surgery Observation Vent Pump #1 - 1 Surgery Observation Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010b33]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010b34], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005c18](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101af9f]), TTR: 215.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x210127a1], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20057ec](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Telecoms Central Compartment APC - 1 sound/ambience/ambisin2.ogg - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010cfa]), TTR: 188, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010cf9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005c1f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005c30]_1406 - 1 The cryogenic freezer - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210111c2]), TTR: 196, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x210111c1], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005c53](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005c6b]_1410 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005c71]_1411 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005c76]_1412 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005c7e]_1413 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d3ff]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d400], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005c89](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210115f9]), TTR: 188, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x210115fa], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005c92](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Surgery 2 APC - 1 Surgery 2 Vent Pump #1 - 1 Surgery 2 Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Surgery 2 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010b5b]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010b5a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005cc6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21002ab7]), TTR: 197.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x21002ab6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200735d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ddba]), TTR: 200.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d858], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007a7c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d114]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d115], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005cea](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/tcomms/core/station - 1 Automated Announcement - 1 Emergency Response Team Officer - 1 Solar Federation Specops Lieutenant - 1 Name (Job) - 1 --DISABLE-- - 1 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/security/hos - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011a81]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011a80], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005d25](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100f075]), TTR: 200.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ee05], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005f24](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c842]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c843], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005d46](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/barsign - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101196e]), TTR: 195, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101196b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005d67](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010d25]), TTR: 193, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010d24], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005d72](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/bonegel - 1 [0x2005d73]_1433 - 1 The AI Satellite Antechamber APC - 1 AI Antechamber Turret Control - 1 The AI Satellite Antechamber Vent Pump #1 - 1 The AI Satellite Antechamber Air Scrubber #1 - 1 MiniSat External Access - 1 Air Out - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/hos - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b312]), TTR: 205, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009f2a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003766](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005e37]_1441 - 1 The electric guitar - 1 eguitar - 1 played metal on - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010cfd]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010cfc], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005f11](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2005dd6]_2144 - 1 [0x2005ff8]_2145 - 1 [0x2005f05]_2147 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d3d8]), TTR: 186, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d3d9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005f20](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a304]), TTR: 194.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a305], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20082ff](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Primary Cryogenic Dormitories - 1 unique_source_[0x2005f65]_1448 - 1 The cake-hat - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ebd4]), TTR: 201.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e414], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200260e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/brflowers - 1 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/sunnybush - 1 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/ywflowers - 1 unique_source_[0x200601e]_1456 - 1 /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/white - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008ef1]), TTR: 206.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008ed3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001b57](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Kitchen APC - 1 The Kitchen Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Kitchen Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/item/radio/intercom/department/medbay - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210115bf]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x210115be], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006090](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d463]), TTR: 193, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d464], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20060ae](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 check_synth - 1 The Kitchen Air Alarm - 1 unique_source_[0x2006114]_1462 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ef36]), TTR: 199.5, wait:14 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ee2f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004f8e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/engine/vacuum - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/engine/n20 - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/engine/plasma - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/engine/co2 - 1 /obj/structure/transit_tube/station - 1 The AI Satellite Hallway - 1 The AI Chamber - 1 unique_source_[0x200620e]_1467 - 1 The synthesizer - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011252]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011251], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006213](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006236]_1469 - 1 unique_source_[0x200623c]_1470 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006242]_1471 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006248]_1472 - 1 unique_source_[0x200624e]_1473 - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/med_data - 1 The Cloning Lab APC - 1 The Cloning Lab Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Cloning Lab Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Aft Secondary Maintenance APC - 1 Internal Medbay Maintenance - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010b70]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010b71], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200628f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/transit_tube/cap - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012397]), TTR: 186, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x210122d2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200629b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210123f1]), TTR: 195.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101227e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001f27](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210123b0]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012398], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200629e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210123e5]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x210123b1], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20062a7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012400]), TTR: 188, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x210123e6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20062ab](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/toy/pet_rock - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210112e8]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x210112e7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20062d3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010aae]), TTR: 194.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ec99], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004978](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Chef action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-civilian-chef - 1 Our clothes are guaranteed to protect you from food splatters! - 1 grinder_jam - 1 /obj/machinery/gibber - 1 /obj/machinery/smartfridge/foodcart - 1 rolling pin - 1 storage-bag-tray - 1 Mm, food stuffs! - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/masks - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011976]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011975], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200630b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The AI Satellite Service - 1 The AI Satellite Service APC - 1 AI Satellite Service Bay Turret Control - 1 The AI Satellite Service Vent Pump #1 - 1 The AI Satellite Service Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012245]), TTR: 190, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x210121e7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200636a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ab40]), TTR: 195.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100aa64], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20036ac](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210122a8]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012246], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006372](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210081a8]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x21007fa9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006375](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101131d]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101131c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006387](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/mob_battle_terminal/blue - 1 /obj/machinery/icemachine - 1 Medical Storage - 1 unique_source_[0x20063d0]_1488 - 1 The Medical Storage APC - 1 Medical Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Medical Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012067]), TTR: 195, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012066], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200642a](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Turbine APC - 1 The Turbine Vent Pump #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c024]), TTR: 198.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b846], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200579c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Griffin action figure - 1 The Head of Security action figure - 1 The Clown's Office APC - 1 The Clown's Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Clown's Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/retaliate/goat/chef - 1 EHEHEHEHEH - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/freezer/fridge - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/freezer/kitchen - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21002a47]), TTR: 186, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012800], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006485](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20064df]_1503 - 1 /obj/machinery/bluespace_beacon - 1 /obj/item/toy/plushie/deer - 1 The Owl action figure - 1 /obj/item/flag/clown - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/clown - 1 /obj/structure/statue/bananium/clown - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/chinese - 1 unique_source_[0x200661f]_1515 - 1 The Hydroponics APC - 1 Hydroponics Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The mint - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/cloning - 1 /obj/machinery/clonepod/biomass - 1 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/gibs/xeno/body - 1 xgibhead - 1 unique_source_[0x2006674]_1524 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006699]_1526 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012069]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012068], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200669e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b3d4]), TTR: 203.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ab41], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20037ab](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/item/flag/sec - 1 The Security Officer action figure - 1 unique_source_[0x20066b7]_1528 - 1 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/secofficer - 1 unique_source_[0x20066d9]_1530 - 1 The milk cream - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/start/chef - 1 unique_source_[0x20066f1]_1533 - 1 unique_source_[0x20066f3]_1534 - 1 The poster - 50th Anniversary Vintage Reprint - 1 The Chief Medical Officer's Quarters APC - 1 The Chief Medical Officer's Quarters Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Chief Medical Officer's Quarters Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Medical Secondary Storage APC - 1 Medical Secondary Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Medical Secondary Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: 42 ([0x2100d924]), TTR: 9063.5, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100d922], callBack.object: the blood[0x200671f](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/item/circuitboard/operating - 1 turbinecomp - 1 unique_source_[0x2006759]_1541 - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/battle_mob_point - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011343]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011344], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006757](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The banana lamp - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e7e5]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e7e6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200676c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 oink? - 1 oinks - 1 rolls around - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/meat/ham - 1 The Paramedic APC - 1 Paramedic Vent Pump #1 - 1 Paramedic Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21002a8f]), TTR: 187, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x21002da3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200678d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100df71]), TTR: 195, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100df72], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20067af](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Medical Secondary Storage Air Alarm - 1 Medical Doctor action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-medical-doctor - 1 Make those blood stains look fashionable! - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/scrubs/purple - 1 The nurse's suit - 1 unique_source_[0x20067e9]_1564 - 1 unique_source_[0x20067ec]_1565 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100880f]), TTR: 196.5, wait:11 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008116], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002e0b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010467]), TTR: 205.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f032], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200703a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210119b5]), TTR: 202.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010c7f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006435](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Mime's Office APC - 1 The Mime's Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Mime's Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 It clucks happily. - 1 lays an egg. - 1 Cluck! - 1 pecks at the ground - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d974]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d975], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200684d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Morgue APC - 1 The Morgue Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Morgue Air Scrubber #1 - 1 sound/ambience/ambimo1.ogg - 1 The Chief Medical Officer's Quarters - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e26c]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e26d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006876](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011960]), TTR: 203, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101194e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005643](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/defibrillator_mount - 1 The medical gown - 1 unique_source_[0x200688e]_1571 - 1 Timer: 44 ([0x2100dbbf]), TTR: 18063.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100dbbe], callBack.object: the robot debris[0x2006892](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/gibs/robot/down), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/medical/gown - 1 [0x200688d]_1572 - 1 Timer: 45 ([0x2100dbc7]), TTR: 9063.5, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100dbc6], callBack.object: the blood[0x20068a0](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ce6a]), TTR: 190, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x210093cc], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200689a](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20068ac]_1574 - 1 /obj/machinery/power/compressor - 1 comp_id - 1 gas turbine compressor - 1 /obj/machinery/power/turbine - 1 gas turbine generator - 1 The Escape Pod Three - 1 /obj/item/flag/mime - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/mime - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/cow/betsy - 1 Moo? - 1 moos - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e848]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e849], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006914](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The autopsy camera - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011a2f]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011a2e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006920](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006933]_1580 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21003cdf]), TTR: 214.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21003cde], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004c20](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Extinguisher Cabinet Frame - 1 Timer: 46 ([0x2100dcd4]), TTR: 9063.5, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100dcd3], callBack.object: the blood[0x2006960](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 capacity - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012117]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012107], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200697a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x20068c5]_2149 - 1 [0x20068c1]_2148 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101213d]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012116], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006985](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ef95]), TTR: 212.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ef71], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002d1b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/vacuum - 1 [0x2006a39]_2153 - 1 [0x20068d9]_2151 - 1 [0x2006990]_2156 - 1 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/tranquillite - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dfae]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dfaf], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20069a8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The ambulance - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/paramedic - 1 /obj/structure/closet/paramedic - 1 unique_source_[0x20069e4]_1593 - 1 /obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen/nitrogen - 1 /obj/item/crutches - 1 Medical Secondary Storage - 1 unique_source_[0x2006a29]_1596 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b670]), TTR: 204.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b3d5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003dca](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/HolodeckControl - 1 Empty Court - 1 Botanist action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-civilian-hydroponics - 1 Do you love soil? Then buy our clothes! - 1 /obj/machinery/smartfridge - 1 unique_source_[0x2006aa8]_1603 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210044a6]), TTR: 195, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x210044a7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006a8c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Enable Reagent Scanner - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/card/minor/cmo - 1 unique_source_[0x2006aac]_1604 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006ab2]_1606 - 1 Timer: 47 ([0x2100deed]), TTR: 3064, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100deec], callBack.object: the drips of blood[0x2006ac1](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/drip), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006ac4]_1607 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006ac7]_1608 - 1 The nurse's dress - 1 unique_source_[0x2006acb]_1609 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21003163]), TTR: 186, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101150c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006ad1](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/spawner/xeno - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/canister - 1 /obj/structure/closet/masks - 1 unique_source_[0x2006b30]_1617 - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical1 - 1 The Aft-Starboard Secondary Maintenance APC - 1 unique_source_[0x2006b63]_1620 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21003ce7]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21003164], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006b6a](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101145f]), TTR: 208.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101145e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007e01](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101136c]), TTR: 195.5, wait:11 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101136d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006010](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Botany - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011a6a]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011a69], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006bd3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Virology APC - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100330f]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100330e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006bde](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: 48 ([0x2100e165]), TTR: 9064, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100e164], callBack.object: the blood[0x2006bf9](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006c3d]_1623 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004cea]), TTR: 187, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004ce9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006c2f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: 49 ([0x2100e176]), TTR: 18064, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100e175], callBack.object: the blood[0x2006c42](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 info - 1 /obj/effect/landmark/start/coroner - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ed7c]), TTR: 195, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ed3f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006c5d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c437]), TTR: 212, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bb86], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006a0c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Morgue - 1 Virus Food - 1 /obj/structure/sign/deathsposal - 1 Virology Air Supply - 1 unique_source_[0x2006cc2]_1626 - 1 Timer: 50 ([0x2100e211]), TTR: 3064, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100e210], callBack.object: the drips of blood[0x2006cca](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/drip), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile - 1 The apron - 1 The Fore Starboard Solar Maintenance APC - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004e46]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004e45], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006d03](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/hydronutrients - 1 ammonia bottle - 1 reagent_containers-glass-bottle-nutrient-ez - 1 Aren't you glad you don't have to fertilize the natural way? - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210081b4]), TTR: 193, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004e3c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006d66](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/syringes - 1 /obj/item/coin - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101245a]), TTR: 215.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x210123f2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20030bb](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006d6b]_1629 - 1 The money bag - 1 unique_source_[0x2006d6e]_1630 - 1 The cardboard tube - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100321a]), TTR: 197.5, wait:12 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100318f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001e0c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 pack of cannabis seeds - 1 seeds-aloe - 1 THIS'S WHERE TH' SEEDS LIVE! GIT YOU SOME! - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012a68]), TTR: 190, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012a67], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006ddc](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011a7e]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011a7d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006e0d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/pandemic - 1 [0x2006e88]_2158 - 1 [0x2006e8f]_2159 - 1 [0x2006e8c]_2161 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006edd]_1645 - 1 /obj/structure/chair/wheelchair - 1 /obj/item/flag/med - 1 Timer: 51 ([0x2100e74e]), TTR: 3064.5, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100e74d], callBack.object: the drips of blood[0x2006ef9](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/drip), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Runtime plushie - 1 unique_source_[0x2006f0c]_1648 - 1 The roach - 1 /obj/structure/mopbucket - 1 /obj/item/cigbutt/roach - 1 /obj/docking_port/stationary/whiteship - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e2bc]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e2bd], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006f4c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006f60]_1654 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ed94]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ed83], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006f8b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006f7e]_1655 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21006855]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21006854], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006f9e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21007da5]), TTR: 192, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x21007d89], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006fbf](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006fcb]_1661 - 1 Timer: 52 ([0x2100e869]), TTR: 9064.5, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100e868], callBack.object: the blood[0x2006fde](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: 54 ([0x2100e86f]), TTR: 3064.5, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100e86e], callBack.object: the drips of blood[0x2006fe4](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/drip), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: 53 ([0x2100e86b]), TTR: 3064.5, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100e86a], callBack.object: the drips of blood[0x2006fe0](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/drip), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: 55 ([0x2100e871]), TTR: 9064.5, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100e870], callBack.object: the blood[0x2006fe6](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c370]), TTR: 186, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100873d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006ff7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2006ffb]_2163 - 1 [0x2006ff3]_2162 - 1 [0x2006ff9]_2165 - 1 The Human Harvest - From seed to market - 1 Growing Humans Why would you want to grow humans? Well I'm expecting most readers to be in the slave trade, but a few might actually want to revive fallen comrades. Growing pod people is easy, but prone to disaster. Find a dead person who is in need of cloning. Take a blood sample with a syringe. Inject a seed pack with the blood sample. Plant the seeds. Tend to the plants water and nutrition levels until it is time to harvest the cloned human. It really is that easy! Good luck! - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100af71]), TTR: 207.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100af72], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002599](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012ad0]), TTR: 200.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011ad7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003109](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/virology/glass - 1 unique_source_[0x2007071]_1666 - 1 Main Distro to Aux Distro Valve - 1 The atmospherics beret - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010cb1]), TTR: 214.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f063], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20043c9](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: 56 ([0x2100e91f]), TTR: 3064.5, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100e91d], callBack.object: the drips of blood[0x200708a](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/drip), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010c0b]), TTR: 195, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010c00], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007092](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100edf2]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ed95], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20070cb](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ee62]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100edf3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20070cd](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b428]), TTR: 200, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b313], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003a3c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/l3closet/virology - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011998]), TTR: 207, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011961], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200681d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2007106]_1673 - 1 Timer: 57 ([0x2100e9e2]), TTR: 18064.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100e9e1], callBack.object: the xeno gibs[0x200711c](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/gibs/xeno), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 xgib1 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007138]_1676 - 1 Timer: 58 ([0x2100ea8f]), TTR: 9064.5, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100ea8e], callBack.object: the motor oil[0x2007160](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil/streak), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100df87]), TTR: 213.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100df1d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006287](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Starboard East Hallway APC - 1 The Starboard East Hallway Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Starboard East Hallway Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bd82]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21007ee7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20071e6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011340]), TTR: 214.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f6e5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001fdd](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The rock - 1 unique_source_[0x20071ff]_1679 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007201]_1680 - 1 /obj/structure/closet/body_bag - 1 Timer: 59 ([0x2100eaea]), TTR: 9064.5, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100eae9], callBack.object: the blood[0x200720a](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter - 1 electrified_until - 1 /obj/item/crowbar/red - 1 unique_source_[0x2007211]_1681 - 1 The clown officer cap - 1 The clown officer's coat - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/officercoat - 1 Button/Unbutton clown officer's coat - 1 Genetics - 1 [0x200705d]_2166 - 1 [0x20071cd]_2167 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dc6a]), TTR: 211.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011bc3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20047e0](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Mech Bay APC - 1 The Mech Bay Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Mech Bay Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Xenobiology Lab APC - 1 The Xenobiology Lab Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Xenobiology Lab Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Chamber 5 Containment Blast Doors - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010460]), TTR: 207.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ef37], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005874](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The bronze cup - 1 unique_source_[0x2007390]_1691 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c796]), TTR: 208.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c573], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20022bd](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Library APC - 1 The Library Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Library Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen/engi/empty - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/virodrobe - 1 Virologist action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-medical-virologist - 1 Viruses getting you down? Nothing a change of clothes can't fix! - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100eff4]), TTR: 193.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100eff5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20073ee](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100eff9]), TTR: 196.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100eff8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20073ff](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010c5f]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010c0e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200740a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008b83]), TTR: 209.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21007f60], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20053b1](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 [0x200742c]_2169 - 1 [0x2007430]_2170 - 1 [0x200742e]_2172 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007442]_1701 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d437]), TTR: 194.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d438], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005122](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Library Air Alarm - 1 /obj/machinery/bookbinder - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008108]), TTR: 193, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008107], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007449](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100edad]), TTR: 182.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100edae], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007464](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e7cc]), TTR: 191.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e7cd], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007470](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: 60 ([0x2100ecb8]), TTR: 18065, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100ecb9], callBack.object: the motor oil[0x2007475](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/engineering - 1 unique_source_[0x200749c]_1705 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007492]_1704 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010c7d]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010c60], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200749a](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20074a4]_1706 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210095f3]), TTR: 214.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004d8e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001a95](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/firecloset/full - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100effb]), TTR: 192.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100effa], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007551](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: 61 ([0x2100ed27]), TTR: 18065, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100ed26], callBack.object: the blood[0x2007567](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/punch_shit - 1 Timer: 62 ([0x2100ed2b]), TTR: 18065, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100ed2a], callBack.object: the blood[0x2007578](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Farwa - 1 unique_source_[0x200762f]_1709 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100fe0c]), TTR: 206.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100fe0b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006129](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100aaa6]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100aaa5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007616](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100331a]), TTR: 207.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21003319], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20019cc](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The poster - Foam Force Ad - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100f015]), TTR: 182.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f014], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20076cb](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ab31]), TTR: 201.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008b84], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005e2a](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100f01d]), TTR: 193.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f01c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20076e7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e355]), TTR: 202, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dcef], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20085e1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/fun_police - 1 Timer: 63 ([0x2100ee09]), TTR: 18065, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100ee07], callBack.object: the blood[0x20076ed](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: 64 ([0x2100ee0d]), TTR: 18065, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100ee0c], callBack.object: the blood[0x20076fd](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 The poster - Hacking Guide - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009448]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009447], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007717](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/toy/crayon/white - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c8f1]), TTR: 205.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011fe7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002284](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2007729]_1719 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007743]_1720 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008831]), TTR: 190, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008830], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200773b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012741]), TTR: 206, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x210123a7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003ecb](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Genetics Lab APC - 1 The Genetics Lab Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Genetics Lab Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Science Maintenance - 1 The E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR Chamber APC - 1 The E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR Chamber Vent Pump #1 - 1 The E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR Chamber Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/monkey_recycler - 1 The slime management console - 1 unique_source_[0x200778b]_1728 - 1 /obj/structure/sign/directions/medical - 1 unique_source_[0x20077b8]_1730 - 1 The contraband poster - Rebels Unite - 1 /obj/item/poster/random_contraband - 1 /obj/item/toy/crayon/spraycan - 1 unique_source_[0x20077b9]_1731 - 1 The contraband poster - Grey Tide - 1 unique_source_[0x20077bb]_1732 - 1 The Robotics Lab APC - 1 The Robotics Lab Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Robotics Lab Air Scrubber #1 - 1 unique_source_[0x20077f4]_1740 - 1 /obj/item/seeds/berry - 1 CORPSE disposal unit - 1 /obj/item/trash/chips - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100f04b]), TTR: 191.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f04a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007824](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010c82]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010c7c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200784b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The contraband poster - Syndicate Pistol - 1 unique_source_[0x200787d]_1744 - 1 /obj/item/toy/crayon/random - 1 unique_source_[0x2007882]_1747 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210093ca]), TTR: 188, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x210093c9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007890](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210111ac]), TTR: 209.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010d00], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006d1c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009b20]), TTR: 186.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009b1f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200789d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20078b9]_1748 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004a2a]), TTR: 193, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004a29], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20078c7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/seeds/apple - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004349]), TTR: 205.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101245b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002483](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR - 1 /obj/machinery/r_n_d/experimentor - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/bottle/dragonsbreath - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21003127]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21003126], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20078e4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20078f1]_1752 - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/camera_advanced/xenobio - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a326]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a325], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007945](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Research Director's Quarters APC - 1 The Research Director's Quarters Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Research Director's Quarters Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Server Coldroom APC - 1 The Server Coldroom Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Server Coldroom Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100f05f]), TTR: 185.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f05e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007997](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20079b8]_1760 - 1 unique_source_[0x20079b6]_1759 - 1 The grilled cheese sandwich - 1 unique_source_[0x20079ff]_1762 - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/robotics - 1 The robotics control console - 1 idrd - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/card/minor/rd - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/mecha - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ec7a]), TTR: 206.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d76c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006290](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b6e0]), TTR: 186.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b6df], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007a3d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The closet - 1 The improvised gauze - 1 unique_source_[0x2007a6a]_1768 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007a73]_1769 - 1 Timer: 65 ([0x2100f693]), TTR: 18065.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100f692], callBack.object: the blood[0x2007a79](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/item/storage/fancy/cigarettes/cigpack_random - 1 unique_source_[0x2007a8c]_1771 - 1 The black lipstick - 1 unique_source_[0x2007a90]_1772 - 1 The small light fixture frame - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b5a3]), TTR: 199.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d0a0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008d75](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 clothing-under-rank-rnd-roboticist - 1 You turn me TRUE, use defines! - 1 Roboticist action figure - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/RD - 1 /obj/machinery/r_n_d/server/robotics - 1 /obj/machinery/r_n_d/server/core - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100f031]), TTR: 211.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f017], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20071a8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR Lab APC - 1 The E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR Lab Vent Pump #1 - 1 The E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR Lab Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The test chamber blast doors - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210054b5]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x210054b4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007b2f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2007b45]_1782 - 1 The Electrical Maintenance APC - 1 Electrical Maintenance Vent Pump #1 - 1 Electrical Maintenance Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Chapel Office APC - 1 The Chapel Office Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Chapel Office Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Chapel APC - 1 The Chapel Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Chapel Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a3cc]), TTR: 193, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a3cb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007b83](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Weyland-Yutani - Building Better Worlds Autonomous Power Loader Unit "Ripley" Specifications: Class: Autonomous Power Loader Scope: Logistics and Construction Weight: 820kg (without operator and with empty cargo compartment) Height: 2.5m Width: 1.8m Top speed: 5km/hour Operation in vacuum/hostile environment: Possible Airtank Volume: 500liters Devices: Hydraulic Clamp High-speed Drill Propulsion Device: Powercell-powered electro-hydraulic system. Powercell capacity: Varies. Construction: Connect all exosuit parts to the chassis frame Connect all hydraulic fittings and tighten them up with a wrench Adjust the servohydraulics with a screwdriver Wire the chassis. (Cable is not included.) Use the wirecutters to remove the excess cable if needed. Install the central control module (Not included. Use supplied datadisk to create one). Secure the mainboard with a screwdriver. Install the peripherals control module (Not included. Use supplied datadisk to create one). Secure the peripherals control module with a screwdriver Install the internal armor plating (Not included due to Nanotrasen regulations. Can be made using 5 metal sheets.) Secure the internal armor plating with a wrench Weld the internal armor plating to the chassis Install the external reinforced armor plating (Not included due to Nanotrasen regulations. Can be made using 5 reinforced metal sheets.) Secure the external reinforced armor plating with a wrench Weld the external reinforced armor plating to the chassis Additional Information: The firefighting variation is made in a similar fashion. A firesuit must be connected to the Firefighter chassis for heat shielding. Internal armor is plasteel for additional strength. External armor must be installed in 2 parts, totaling 10 sheets. Completed mech is more resiliant against fire, and is a bit more durable overall Nanotrasen is determined to the safety of its investments employees. Operation Coming soon... - 1 /obj/structure/displaycase/labcage - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/rd - 1 ai-fixer - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/aifixer - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/rdconsole/experiment - 1 /obj/item/extinguisher - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210044c8]), TTR: 190.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x210044c9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007c00](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/engine/xenobio - 1 The Aft-Starboard Maintenance APC - 1 Aft-Starboard Maintenance Vent Pump #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/kitchen_machine/microwave - 1 /obj/structure/door_assembly - 1 The cyborg recharging station - 1 /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/chaplain - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b0a9]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b0a8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007c3b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2007c80]_1809 - 1 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/gibs/robot - 1 /obj/item/paper/monitorkey - 1 The Server Coldroom - 1 The airlock - 1 /obj/machinery/light_construct/small - 1 The black zippo lighter - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black - 1 578 - 1 684 - 1 The Research Lab APC - 1 The Research Lab Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Research Lab Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Solar's Best Hot Drinks - 1 The scientist's mug - 1 The Server Room APC - 1 The Server Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Server Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/rdservercontrol - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21005500]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x210054fd], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007d39](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2007d48]_1824 - 1 The floor tiles - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/plasteel - 1 /obj/machinery/crema_switch - 1 27 - 1 holywater - 1 The black carpet - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009f26]), TTR: 189.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009f25], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007dae](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2007db2]_1832 - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/genedrobe - 1 Geneticist action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-rnd-geneticist - 1 unique_source_[0x2007e35]_1836 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007e49]_1837 - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/monitor - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210127fd]), TTR: 203, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012740], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20046af](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004acb]), TTR: 193.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004aca], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007e72](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/r_n_d/circuit_imprinter - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/rdconsole/robotics - 1 unique_source_[0x2007e82]_1840 - 1 Sci RD Office 1 - 1 /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/rd/secure - 1 /obj/item/cartridge/signal/toxins - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/thermomachine/freezer/on/server - 1 Server room temperature control unit - 1 /obj/item/toy/plushie/slimeplushie - 1 /obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/extract - 1 [0x20080b2]_2174 - 1 [0x2007f4e]_2173 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007ee3]_1852 - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/thermomachine/freezer/on/coldroom - 1 Cold room temperature control unit - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100aa3a]), TTR: 206.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100aa39], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002f2d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210086e6]), TTR: 190.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x210086e7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007f1c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Xenobiology Lab - 1 /obj/structure/mineral_door/wood - 1 /obj/structure/crematorium - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a317]), TTR: 190.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a316], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007fac](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a3b4]), TTR: 183.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a3b3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007fbc](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/trash/tapetrash - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/wood - 1 /obj/item/trash/liquidfood - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010773]), TTR: 183.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010774], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200800c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004e5c]), TTR: 194.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004e5b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200801b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/ambrosia_vulgaris - 1 unique_source_[0x20080cf]_1861 - 1 /obj/item/trash/tastybread - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011473]), TTR: 194.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011474], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20080db](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a5c4]), TTR: 185.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a5c3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008118](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c0ca]), TTR: 215.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c0c1], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006311](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210115c3]), TTR: 202, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010c8e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003d9d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/cannabis - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21007e42]), TTR: 192.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x21007e41], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200815b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200816d]_1870 - 1 unique_source_[0x200816b]_1869 - 1 unique_source_[0x2008169]_1868 - 1 The candle - 1 The crushed can - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ad8b]), TTR: 183.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ad8c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200817e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b1b7]), TTR: 187.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b1b6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200818f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Research and Development APC - 1 Research and Development Vent Pump #1 - 1 Research and Development Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Science Toxins Storage APC - 1 The Science Toxins Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Science Toxins Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Research Testing Lab APC - 1 The Research Testing Lab Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Research Testing Lab Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Testing Lab Shutters - 1 light_power - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210088b3]), TTR: 188.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x210088b2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20081c0](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The poster - Communist State - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e221]), TTR: 187.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e222], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20081fa](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/stack/packageWrap - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b9e9]), TTR: 193.5, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b9e8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008211](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bfb7]), TTR: 195, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x210127fe], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003177](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/bombcloset - 1 /obj/effect/spawner/random_barrier/wall_probably - 1 unique_source_[0x2008267]_1883 - 1 The pistachios - 1 The Shady Jim's Super Slims - 1 unique_source_[0x2008298]_1885 - 1 Wrapp Artiste Patron - 1 patron - 1 unique_source_[0x20082bd]_1888 - 1 unique_source_[0x20082c9]_1889 - 1 unique_source_[0x20082fc]_1890 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b309]), TTR: 211.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ab46], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20058d7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Research Testing Chamber APC - 1 The rastacap - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008b7e]), TTR: 194.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008b7f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008329](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: 67 ([0x21010c78]), TTR: 18066, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21010c77], callBack.object: the blood[0x2008328](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004a68]), TTR: 187.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004a67], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008338](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2008344]_1892 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ab7d]), TTR: 194.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ab7e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200834b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/r_n_d/protolathe - 1 The Science Toxins Storage - 1 /obj/machinery/sparker - 1 Test Igniter - 1 unique_source_[0x20083b7]_1897 - 1 The vox kidneys - 1 /obj/structure/bed/roller - 1 /obj/item/organ/internal/heart/vox - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/rdconsole/core - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/area_atmos - 1 unique_source_[0x2008429]_1901 - 1 unique_source_[0x2008421]_1900 - 1 Timer: 68 ([0x2101103c]), TTR: 18066.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2101103b], callBack.object: the robot debris[0x2008448](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/gibs/robot), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009f02]), TTR: 187.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009f01], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200846b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: 69 ([0x2101105b]), TTR: 18066.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2101105a], callBack.object: the blood[0x200848a](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: 70 ([0x2101105d]), TTR: 3066.5, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2101105c], callBack.object: the wet tracks[0x200848b](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/tracks), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: 72 ([0x21011069]), TTR: 18066.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21011068], callBack.object: the xeno blood[0x2008491](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/xeno), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Destructive Analyzer - 1 /obj/machinery/r_n_d/destructive_analyzer - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b4d9]), TTR: 195, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b429], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200526b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/chair/comfy/corp - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/scidrobe - 1 Research Director action figure - 1 clothing-under-rank-rnd-scientist - 1 Longing for the smell of plasma burnt flesh? - 1 The advanced health analyzer - 1 unique_source_[0x20084e9]_1910 - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/outlet_injector - 1 unique_source_[0x20084f4]_1911 - 1 unique_source_[0x2008502]_1912 - 1 Timer: 73 ([0x210110eb]), TTR: 3066.5, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x210110ea], callBack.object: the wet tracks[0x2008522](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/tracks), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/tracks - 1 /obj/item/storage/bag/plasticbag - 1 Timer: 74 ([0x210110f5]), TTR: 18066.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x210110f4], callBack.object: the xeno blood[0x2008528](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/xeno), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2008563]_1913 - 1 Aft-Starboard Maintenance - 1 unique_source_[0x200858c]_1916 - 1 unique_source_[0x2008593]_1917 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ad08]), TTR: 183.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ad09], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20085f8](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/official/safety_internals - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a4b7]), TTR: 201, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012a18], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006733](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Escape Shuttle Hallway APC - 1 The Escape Shuttle Hallway Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Escape Shuttle Hallway Air Scrubber #1 - 1 unique_source_[0x20086a5]_1928 - 1 /obj/machinery/power/solar_control - 1 [0x20086ca]_1931 - 1 Timer: 75 ([0x21011258]), TTR: 18066.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21011256], callBack.object: the motor oil[0x20086da](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/oil), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b8ba]), TTR: 186.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b8b7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20086e7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 2023-10-30T15:39:35 [0x200879d]_2337 (198,62,2) (JMP) || the power storage unit lost power and turned off - 1 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/clown_shoes - 1 [0x2008726]_2177 - 1 [0x200871f]_2176 - 1 [0x2008724]_2179 - 1 unique_source_[0x2008772]_1936 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c6ec]), TTR: 189.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c6eb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008750](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/fishtank/bowl - 1 The Toxins Mixing Room APC - 1 The Toxins Mixing Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Toxins Mixing Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Toxins Mixing Room - 1 /obj/item/taperecorder - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100934b]), TTR: 213.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008836], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20031d4](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011444]), TTR: 187.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011445], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20087a1](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a7ec]), TTR: 195.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a7ed], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20087ce](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100462f]), TTR: 182.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004631], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20087e3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100abcc]), TTR: 182.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ab93], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20087f0](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/crittercare - 1 baby space carp eggs - 1 petcollar - 1 Stop by for all your animal's needs! - 1 House-training costs extra! - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008ecd]), TTR: 204.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008e6b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20083af](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/custodian - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/cans/badminbrew - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011039]), TTR: 190.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101103a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20088a4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a392]), TTR: 184.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a331], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20088ae](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 port to space - 1 unique_source_[0x20088f0]_1943 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ac8a]), TTR: 191.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ac62], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20088f3](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ac61]), TTR: 189.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ac08], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20088ef](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2008933]_1944 - 1 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/pointybush - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/plasmaresearch - 1 unique_source_[0x2008957]_1945 - 1 /obj/structure/sign/restroom - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/borg_fancy_2 - 1 unique_source_[0x2008961]_1946 - 1 The newspaper - 1 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/stalkybush - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/goonplaque/memorial - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/spray/cleaner - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004633]), TTR: 190.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004634], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20089b7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20089cb]_1949 - 1 /obj/item/restraints/handcuffs/cable/cyan - 1 Timer: 77 ([0x21011537]), TTR: 18066.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21011536], callBack.object: the blood[0x20089df](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/pet/penguin/baby - 1 squawk! - 1 shakes its beak. - 1 penguin - 1 gah - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21003cd8]), TTR: 194.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x21003cd7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20072b7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/spacecleanertank - 1 port to heat exchange - 1 Timer: 78 ([0x210115a9]), TTR: 3067, wait:3000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x210115a8], callBack.object: the wet tracks[0x2008a55](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/tracks), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 The Scientopia flag - 1 /obj/item/pen/fancy - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a46d]), TTR: 186.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a393], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008a81](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a4a1]), TTR: 189.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a46e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008a8b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 heat exchange to port - 1 unique_source_[0x2008ab1]_1954 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a2a1]), TTR: 182.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100aca5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008ab0](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a2a7]), TTR: 187.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a2a2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008ab7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2008ac4]_1955 - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/misc/assistantformal - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/mantle/old - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a2d2]), TTR: 195.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a2a8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008b22](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 burn chamber to port - 1 beautifully sliced - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/official/cleanliness - 1 /obj/structure/mecha_wreckage/ripley - 1 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/molten_object/large - 1 The mech painting - 1 unique_source_[0x2008b38]_1957 - 1 Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a2d6]), TTR: 183.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a2d3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008b75](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Toxins Launch Room - 1 /obj/structure/disaster_counter/toxins - 1 The Toxins Launch Room APC - 1 The Toxins Launch Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 The Toxins Launch Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a319]), TTR: 188.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a2d7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008b78](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ce07]), TTR: 207, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c54d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20069b8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a329]), TTR: 190.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a31b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008b7e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a507]), TTR: 186.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a49f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008b8e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011a4a]), TTR: 189.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011a4b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008b9a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/assembly/mousetrap/armed - 1 unique_source_[0x2008bbd]_1966 - 1 unique_source_[0x2008bba]_1965 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a5bf]), TTR: 185.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a57d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008be5](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2008c01]_1968 - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/light - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a52a]), TTR: 186.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a50c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008c10](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c9ff]), TTR: 199.5, wait:14 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c888], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20069cd](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/doppler_array - 1 [0x2008c68]_2182 - 1 [0x2008be9]_2181 - 1 [0x2008c25]_2184 - 1 /obj/item/restraints/legcuffs/beartrap - 1 armed - 1 Timer: 81 ([0x210119d5]), TTR: 18067, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x210119d4], callBack.object: the blood[0x2008c2f](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/item/bodybag - 1 The borgi plushie - 1 /obj/item/toy/plushie/robo_corgi - 1 unique_source_[0x2008c41]_1971 - 1 unique_source_[0x2008c6f]_1972 - 1 /obj/item/restraints/handcuffs/cable/green - 1 unique_source_[0x2008c7d]_1974 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a55c]), TTR: 187.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a54c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008c86](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The tacticool turtleneck - 1 unique_source_[0x2008c9e]_1977 - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/misc/swimsuit/black - 1 unique_source_[0x2008d71]_1978 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010363]), TTR: 207.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010315], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004117](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a569]), TTR: 196.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a55d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008d6c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/flora/tree/palm - 1 /obj/structure/sink/puddle - 1 /obj/structure/table/holotable/wood - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b38a]), TTR: 204.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b30a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005c40](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/sunglasses/yeah - 1 The Toxins Test Area APC - 1 Toxins Test Chamber - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/airless - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008ef9]), TTR: 196.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008ef8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008e13](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/riveted - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c41d]), TTR: 195.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c41c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008e4a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b430]), TTR: 210.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b38b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20062ce](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2008e76]_1987 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011364]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011363], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006a41](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010d27]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010d26], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006281](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100de98]), TTR: 193.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100de97], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004630](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The station intercom (Medbay) - 1 Huge Air Scrubber (ID 5) - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101226b]), TTR: 198.5, wait:14 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101126e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008213](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101217b]), TTR: 188, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101213e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006231](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2003ff9]_1052 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004a40]_1158 - 1 Reachable - 1 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/boss - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/lava/smooth/mapping_lava - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2102fb45]), TTR: 4651.5, wait:4500 Flags: , callBack: [0x2102fb44], callBack.object: Glimmerflare[0x2024d06](/obj/effect/nanomob), callBack.delegate:despawn(), source: - 1 Mix to Gas - 1 Atmos to Loop - 1 /turf/simulated/mineral/random/labormineral/volcanic - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/mineral/plastitanium/red - 1 /obj/machinery/mineral/labor_prisoner_shuttle_console - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/color/orange - 1 /obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/clown_hat - 1 /obj/item/card/id/prisoner/random - 1 The Labor Camp Security APC - 1 Labor Camp Security Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Labor Camp APC - 1 Labor Camp Vent Pump #1 - 1 Labor Camp Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/shuttle/labor/one_way - 1 Labor Camp Security APC - 1 unique_source_[0x2008ebc]_1991 - 1 unique_source_[0x2008ec2]_1993 - 1 /obj/machinery/economy/vending/cola/free - 1 The poster - Clown - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/clown - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101213b]), TTR: 195.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101213c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008ef6](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a6a6]), TTR: 192.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a69d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008f03](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2008f19]_1997 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a758]), TTR: 194.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a6ba], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008f41](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004d8f]), TTR: 196.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a759], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008f44](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21006c73]), TTR: 214.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100550a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003505](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009622]), TTR: 189.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x210095f2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008f52](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/lusty_xenomorph - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold4w/hidden/scrubbers - 1 4-way scrubbers pipe manifold - 1 unique_source_[0x2008fa8]_2000 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009662]), TTR: 195.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009650], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008ff2](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/machinery/mineral/equipment_vendor/labor - 1 /obj/item/toy/figure/mech/fireripley - 1 /obj/machinery/mineral/ore_redemption/labor - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a56e]), TTR: 195, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a4b8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20079f6](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Labor Camp APC - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210099c2]), TTR: 196.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009696], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200903d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/flora/ash/stem_shroom - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210099d3]), TTR: 196.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x210099c3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009046](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: 82 ([0x21012044]), TTR: 18067.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21012043], callBack.object: the blood[0x200905d](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/old), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 /obj/structure/flora/ash/rock/style_random - 1 The Assistant action figure - 1 unique_source_[0x2009072]_2009 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009a70]), TTR: 187.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009a0b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009077](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2009074]_2010 - 1 /obj/structure/flora/ash/leaf_shroom - 1 The Mining Station West Wing APC - 1 Mining Station West Wing Vent Pump #1 - 1 Mining Station West Wing Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/effect/turf_decal/caution/stand_clear - 1 /datum/mob_type/fighting - 1 The Mining Station Quartermaster's Office APC - 1 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/external/glass - 1 The Mining Station Locker Room APC - 1 Mining Station Locker Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 Mining Station Locker Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/computer/card/minor/qm - 1 The global positioning system (QM) - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011c27]), TTR: 4671.5, wait:4500 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011c26], callBack.object: Pyroghast[0x2002fe1](/obj/effect/nanomob), callBack.delegate:despawn(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dd32]), TTR: 203.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dd31], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20053e3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The Mining Station Communications APC - 1 Mining Station Communications Vent Pump #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/mining - 1 Cooling Loop to Gas - 1 /obj/machinery/tcomms/relay/mining - 1 /datum/mob_hunt/pyroghast - 1 The Mining Station Life Support APC - 1 Mining Station Life Support Vent Pump #1 - 1 Mining Station Life Support Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c014]), TTR: 190.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c013], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009276](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a687]), TTR: 190.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a642], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009281](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/toy/figure/crew/miner - 1 Mining Station Catwalk - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold4w/visible/cyan - 1 /turf/simulated/mineral/ancient - 1 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/insectguts - 1 The fortune cookie - 1 The Mining Station Production Room APC - 1 Mining Station Production Room Vent Pump #1 - 1 Mining Station Production Room Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Mining Station Cafeteria APC - 1 Mining Station Cafeteria Vent Pump #1 - 1 Mining Station Cafeteria Air Scrubber #1 - 1 The Mining Station South Maintenance APC - 1 Mining Station Production Room Air Alarm - 1 /obj/machinery/mineral/mint - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101273d]), TTR: 187.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101273e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009387](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009d84]), TTR: 183.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009d83], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009391](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210127bd]), TTR: 184.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x210127be], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20093ca](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/structure/closet/crate/secure/loot - 1 /area/station/science - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009aa2]), TTR: 208.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009aa3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200432e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /area/station/service/library - 1 unique_source_[0x200945d]_2028 - 1 unique_source_[0x2009461]_2029 - 1 unique_source_[0x2009463]_2030 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011968]), TTR: 196.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011969], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200946a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ae02]), TTR: 207, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ade7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003630](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/sign/directions/cargo - 1 /obj/machinery/mineral/processing_unit_console - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210089dc]), TTR: 185.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x210089db], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20094a0](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Mining Station Mechbay APC - 1 Mining Station Mechbay Vent Pump #1 - 1 Mining Station Mechbay Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/mineral/unloading_machine - 1 /obj/machinery/mineral/processing_unit - 1 /datum/mob_hunt/glimmerflare - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b2e9]), TTR: 195.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b2e8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20094ed](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Mining Station Custodial Storage APC - 1 Mining Station Custodial Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Custodial Storage Maintence - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011ba8]), TTR: 197.5, wait:12 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011b4d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004625](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b6cb]), TTR: 196.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b6ca], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009560](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d35f]), TTR: 198, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b6d6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200506f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20095a0]_2040 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ddde]), TTR: 203.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dddf], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005a8f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/item/firealarm_electronics - 1 The Mining Station Storage APC - 1 Mining Station Storage Vent Pump #1 - 1 Mining Station Storage Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Catwalk Access - 1 The Mining Station East Wing APC - 1 Mining Station East Wing Vent Pump #1 - 1 Mining Station East Wing Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011a42]), TTR: 201.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010b6d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004f40](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012a3f]), TTR: 182.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012a40], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200964d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/effect/spawner/window/grilled - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a3fa]), TTR: 196.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a3f9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009675](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100df77]), TTR: 206, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cdc2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200510e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/structure/firelock_frame - 1 Aft-Port Maintenance Vent Pump #5 - 1 The Mining Station Infirmary APC - 1 Mining Station Infirmary Vent Pump #1 - 1 Mining Station Infirmary Air Scrubber #1 - 1 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/medical/glass - 1 Infirmary - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a66e]), TTR: 186.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a66d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20096c8](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 shield - 1 The Mining Station East Maintenance APC - 1 Mining Outpost Requests Console - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210093df]), TTR: 185.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x210093e0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009701](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Mining Station Airlock APC - 1 Mining Station Airlock Vent Pump #1 - 1 Mining Station Airlock Air Scrubber #1 - 1 Main Airlock - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011b72]), TTR: 206.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x21021c0c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20051a9](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d089]), TTR: 209, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d048], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20062df](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b0f4]), TTR: 188.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b0f3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009724](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d057]), TTR: 197.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d056], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006017](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dc91]), TTR: 199.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dc90], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001bfe](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/effect/turf_decal/caution - 1 Aft-Port Maintenance Vent Pump #2 - 1 The message monitoring console - 1 lid0 - 1 cap-north.png - 1 sheet-metal.png - 1 pod_idle.gif - 1 placeholder.png - 1 fa-regular-400.eot - 1 safe_dial.png - 1 bishop_black.png - 1 Cyberiad_nanomap_z1.png - 1 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/hierophant - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/indestructible/hierophant/two - 1 can-o3 - 1 The scrubber outlet - 1 /obj/structure/fluff/drake_statue - 1 down1 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d3f3]), TTR: 199.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d3f4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20055b4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/boss/see_through - 1 ventoff - 1 The burn chamber to port - 1 /obj/structure/stone_tile/center - 1 cap - 1 /obj/structure/necropolis_gate/locked - 1 /obj/structure/necropolis_gate/legion_gate - 1 4way - 1 /obj/structure/stone_tile/surrounding/cracked - 1 /obj/structure/fluff/drake_statue/falling - 1 The global positioning system (Malfunctioning Signal) - 1 /obj/structure/closet/crate/necropolis/ancient/crusher - 1 /obj/structure/closet/crate/necropolis/ancient - 1 BUZZES - 1 The Turbine Vent Pump #3 - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/indestructible/hierophant - 1 Mix to Gas Turbine - 1 CO2 to Pure - 1 /obj/item/stack/ore/silver - 1 Aft Port Solar Control - 1 Plasma to Pure - 1 Unfiltered to Mix - 1 N2O to Pure - 1 Gas Mix Outlet Valve - 1 The global positioning system (Bloody Signal) - 1 The digital switching valve - 1 /obj/structure/closet/crate/necropolis/bubblegum - 1 /obj/structure/closet/crate/necropolis/bubblegum/crusher - 1 /datum/action/innate/megafauna_attack/triple_charge - 1 gurgles - 1 1-n - 1 Violence Free Area - 1 Triple Charge - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012ab3]), TTR: 186.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012ab4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200970b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012ac7]), TTR: 183.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012ac8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2009607](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 (0,0) - 1 Abductor Ship - 1 Your mind says 'Hello'. - 1 You get a headache. - 1 Sanity returns. Or does it? - 1 Your headache is gone, at last. - 1 You start coughing. - 1 Your throat stops aching. - 1 You feel lightheaded. - 1 You regain some control of your movements - 1 clumsy - 1 You twitch. - 1 Your mouth tastes like soap. - 1 You feel nervous. - 1 You feel much calmer. - 1 You can't seem to see anything. - 1 You can see now, in case you didn't notice... - 1 blind - 1 You feel a peculiar prickling in your eyes while your perception of colour changes. - 1 Your eyes tingle unsettlingly, though everything seems to become a lot more colourful. - 1 colorblind - 1 It's kinda quiet. - 1 You can hear again! - 1 deaf - 1 Your eyes feel weird... - 1 You can see clearly now - 1 nearsighted - 1 Thomething doethn't feel right. - 1 You now feel able to pronounce consonants. - 1 Uh oh! - 1 Well thank god that's over with. - 1 comic_sans - 1 Your vocal cords feel alien. - 1 Your vocal cords no longer feel alien. - 1 wingdings - 1 You feel unable to express yourself at all. - 1 You feel able to speak freely again. - 1 mute - 1 You feel a strange sickness permeate your whole body. - 1 You no longer feel awful and sick all over. - 1 You feel blubbery and lethargic! - 1 You feel fit! - 1 slow_digestion - 1 You feel Swedish, however that works. - 1 Ye feel like a rite prat like, innit? - 1 You no longer feel like being rude and sassy. - 1 chav - 1 The feeling of Swedishness passes. - 1 YOU FEEL LIKE YELLING! - 1 You feel like being quiet.. - 1 You can't seem to form any coherent thoughts! - 1 Your mind feels more clear. - 1 You feel buff! - 1 You feel wimpy and weak. - 1 A pair of horns erupt from your head. - 1 Your horns crumble away into nothing. - 1 You feel very dizzy... - 1 You regain your balance. - 1 You notice a strange cold tingle in your fingertips. - 1 You suddenly feel rather hot. - 1 You no longer feel uncomfortably hot. - 1 Your fingers feel warmer. - 1 You feel hungry. - 1 You don't feel quite so hungry anymore. - 1 Your leg muscles feel taut and strong. - 1 Your leg muscles shrink back to normal. - 1 You don't feel entirely like yourself somehow. - 1 You feel secure in your identity. - 1 You suddenly notice more about others than you did before. - 1 You no longer feel able to sense intentions. - 1 Your body feels like it can alter its appearance. - 1 Your body doesn't feel capable of altering its appearance. - 1 You feel you can project your thoughts. - 1 You no longer feel you can project your thoughts. - 1 Your mind can see things from afar. - 1 Your mind can no longer can see things from afar. - 1 You feel no need to breathe. - 1 You feel the need to breathe, once more. - 1 Your wounds start healing. - 1 Your regenerative powers feel like they've vanished. - 1 Your skin is icy to the touch. - 1 Your skin no longer feels icy to the touch. - 1 Your body is filled with warmth. - 1 Your body is no longer filled with warmth. - 1 Your fingers feel numb. - 1 Your fingers no longer feel numb. - 1 no_fingerprints - 1 Your skin feels dry and unreactive. - 1 Your skin no longer feels dry and unreactive. - 1 Everything around you seems bigger now... - 1 Everything around you seems to shrink... - 1 dwarf - 1 Your muscles hurt. - 1 Your muscles shrink. - 1 hulk - 1 You feel smarter. - 1 You feel dumber. - 1 telekinesis - 1 You feel unusually sober. - 1 You feel like you could use a stiff drink. - 1 alcohol_tolerance - 1 Your mind feels closed. - 1 You feel oddly exposed. - 1 You feel one with your surroundings. - 1 You begin to fade into the shadows. - 1 You become fully visible. - 1 You feel oddly visible. - 1 More information seems to reach your eyes... - 1 The amount of information reaching your eyes fades... - 1 meson_vision - 1 Were the lights always that bright? - 1 The ambient light level returns to normal... - 1 night_vision - 1 You stop noticing the glare from lights... - 1 Lights begin glaring again... - 1 flash_protection - 1 pacifism - 1 innate - 1 The cargorilla ID - 1 punpun_s - 1 The fancy uniform - 1 baby - 1 The tajaran lungs - 1 The tajaran kidneys - 1 The farwa eyeballs - 1 working - 1 Sol Common - 1 /datum/mutation/disability/clumsy - 1 clown_s - 1 collectable chef's hat - 1 The antag token - 1 Random Plushie - 1 pill bottle (???) - 1 Candy's ID Card (Clown) - 1 /obj/item/storage/pill_bottle/random_drug_bottle - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/collectable/chef - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/wheat - 1 MULEbot - 1 /obj/item/mod/control/pre_equipped/loader - 1 high-capacity water tank - 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/bot/mulebot - 1 dodgeball - 1 MOD control unit - 1 flask of holy water - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/bottle/holywater - 1 /obj/item/beach_ball/dodgeball - 1 beautifully honks - 1 The gilded bike horn - 1 bikehorn - 1 b - 1 deathgasp - 1 The sad trombone bio-chip - 1 mob_emoted_deathgasp - 1 unique_source_[0x2000047]_97 - 1 unique_source_[0x200004a]_98 - 1 unique_source_[0x200005a]_100 - 1 unique_source_[0x200005c]_102 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ef2e]), TTR: 210.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d472], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200879b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000083]_104 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000087]_105 - 1 unique_source_[0x200008b]_106 - 1 unique_source_[0x200008e]_107 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000092]_108 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000095]_109 - 1 unique_source_[0x200009b]_110 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000a6]_114 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000a9]_116 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100f0a4]), TTR: 195.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ef2f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008969](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20000af]_117 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000b3]_118 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000bf]_119 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000ca]_120 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000cf]_122 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000d5]_124 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000df]_127 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000e5]_128 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000ec]_130 - 1 unique_source_[0x20000f8]_135 - 1 The poster - Get Your LEGS - 1 unique_source_[0x2000105]_136 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000107]_137 - 1 unlocked - 1 unique_source_[0x200017b]_140 - 1 /obj/item/holder/diona - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/appendix - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/warmdonkpocket - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/mushroom/libertycap - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/mushroom/amanita - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger/plain - 1 /obj/item/seeds/poppy - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger/bigbite - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/burger/ppatty/red - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/tomato/blood - 1 /obj/item/stack/ore/bananium - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/redbeet - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/onion - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/boiledegg - 1 /obj/item/seeds/sunflower - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/beans - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/oat - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/boiledspaghetti - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/badrecipe - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/mushroom - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/whitebeet - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/citrus/lime - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/citrus/orange - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/olive - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/carrot - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/watermelon - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/ambrosia/deus - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/icecream - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/sliceable/bread - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/monstermeat/spiderleg - 1 gravy - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210088dd]), TTR: 201.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008879], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2008e48](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000180]_141 - 1 unique_source_[0x20001a2]_142 - 1 mining conscription kit - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/carpet/twenty - 1 chest drawer - 1 random official poster - 1 /obj/item/poster/random_official - 1 box of crayons - 1 janitorial cart - 1 replacement lights - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/lights/mixed - 1 /obj/item/watertank/janitor - 1 /obj/item/stack/tile/noslip/loaded - 1 /obj/item/staff - 1 high-traction floor tile - 1 /obj/item/storage/backpack/clown - 1 wizards staff - 1 waitlight - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/browntrenchcoat - 1 foam force pistol - 1 /obj/item/clothing/glasses/welding - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile/shotgun/toy - 1 foam force shotgun - 1 USSP flag - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile/automatic/toy/pistol - 1 space violin - 1 black tango dress - 1 /obj/item/flag/ussp - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/pimpcoat - 1 expensive coat - 1 red team jersey - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/dress/blacktango - 1 /obj/item/clothing/gloves/ring/gold/blessed - 1 wedding band - 1 boxing gloves - 1 /obj/item/clothing/gloves/boxing/blue - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/color/red/jersey - 1 /obj/item/staff/broom - 1 broom - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/rawcookies/chocochips - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/rawcookies - 1 garlic - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/grown/mushroom/plumphelmet - 1 unique_source_[0x200021d]_147 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000220]_148 - 1 mflash-s - 1 unique_source_[0x200024c]_151 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210031ce]), TTR: 302, wait:250 Flags: , callBack: [0x210031cd], callBack.object: the DNA Modifier access console[0x2000255](/obj/machinery/computer/scan_consolenew), callBack.delegate:ready(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20002a0]_152 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010c4e]), TTR: 285.5, wait:100 Flags: , callBack: [0x210103aa], callBack.object: Ticker[0x21000056](/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker), callBack.delegate:handle_antagfishing_reporting(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20002d3]_154 - 1 unique_source_[0x20002d7]_155 - 1 unique_source_[0x20002e2]_157 - 1 d11 - 1 unique_source_[0x20002e8]_158 - 1 unique_source_[0x20002ee]_159 - 1 unique_source_[0x20002f2]_160 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000330]_162 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000334]_163 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000338]_164 - 1 unique_source_[0x200033a]_165 - 1 unique_source_[0x200033c]_166 - 1 The deck of tarot cards - 1 unique_source_[0x200034a]_167 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000353]_169 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000363]_171 - 1 unique_source_[0x200036d]_173 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000375]_175 - 1 unique_source_[0x200037b]_176 - 1 unique_source_[0x200037f]_178 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000381]_179 - 1 unique_source_[0x200038b]_180 - 1 unique_source_[0x200038f]_182 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000392]_183 - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/rawcutlet - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/monstermeat/xenomeat - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/carpmeat - 1 /obj/item/fish/electric_eel - 1 unique_source_[0x2000398]_184 - 1 unique_source_[0x20003b0]_186 - 1 Soda Water - 1 unique_source_[0x20003b3]_187 - 1 Brown Star - 1 Star-kist - 1 unique_source_[0x20003c3]_189 - 1 /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/bsa/front - 1 /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/bluespace_tap - 1 /obj/item/circuitboard/machine/dna_vault - 1 /obj/item/dna_probe - 1 Meteor Shield Satellite - 1 /obj/machinery/satellite/meteor_shield - 1 DNA Sampler - 1 /obj/item/circuitboard/computer/sat_control - 1 toilet in a box - 1 /obj/item/bathroom_parts - 1 Floorbot - 1 snow machine - 1 /obj/machinery/snow_machine - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/fire/firefighter - 1 gas mask - 1 emergency firesuit - 1 unique_source_[0x20003c6]_190 - 1 unique_source_[0x20003d5]_193 - 1 unique_source_[0x20003e4]_195 - 1 backpack firefighter tank - 1 /obj/item/watertank/atmos - 1 /obj/item/scythe - 1 /obj/item/clothing/under/plasmaman - 1 vox breath mask - 1 /obj/item/clothing/mask/breath/vox - 1 plasma envirosuit - 1 /obj/machinery/floodlight - 1 fuel tank - 1 emp grenades - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/emps - 1 emergency floodlight - 1 /obj/item/storage/toolbox/electrical - 1 electrical toolbox - 1 insulated gloves - 1 high-capacity power cell - 1 tool-belt - 1 /obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/yellow - 1 /obj/item/storage/belt/utility - 1 /obj/item/solar_assembly - 1 solar panel assembly - 1 Slime People Flag - 1 Snap-Pops - 1 unique_source_[0x2000406]_198 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000408]_199 - 1 Field Generator - 1 /obj/machinery/the_singularitygen - 1 energy ball generator - 1 Gravitational Singularity Generator - 1 /obj/machinery/the_singularitygen/tesla - 1 /obj/machinery/power/tesla_coil - 1 tesla coil - 1 grounding rod - 1 EM Acceleration Chamber - 1 /obj/machinery/power/grounding_rod - 1 /obj/structure/particle_accelerator/fuel_chamber - 1 space suit - 1 /obj/machinery/power/rad_collector - 1 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/supermatter_crystal/shard - 1 inflatable barrier box - 1 supermatter shard - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/space - 1 radiation hood - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/radiation - 1 unique_source_[0x200040a]_200 - 1 unique_source_[0x200040c]_201 - 1 /obj/item/storage/briefcase/inflatable - 1 unique_source_[0x2000411]_202 - 1 single_latch - 1 unique_source_[0x2000414]_203 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000417]_205 - 1 unique_source_[0x200041b]_206 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000421]_207 - 1 The Death Squad Officer action figure - 1 unique_source_[0x2000424]_208 - 1 The central command medal box - 1 The medal of exceptional heroism - 1 unique_source_[0x2000428]_209 - 1 The centcom bedsheet - 1 unique_source_[0x2000436]_210 - 1 cardboard - 1 glass - 1 wooden planks - 1 unique_source_[0x200043a]_211 - 1 sandstone brick - 1 /obj/item/stack/sheet/mineral/sandstone - 1 plastic - 1 unique_source_[0x2000441]_212 - 1 The Nanotrasen Vessel - 1 unique_source_[0x2000455]_213 - 1 The M1911 - 1 m1911burst - 1 unique_source_[0x2000469]_214 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000479]_215 - 1 unique_source_[0x200047e]_216 - 1 charcoal bottle - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/charcoal - 1 first-aid kit - 1 /obj/item/stack/sheet/plastic - 1 /obj/item/storage/firstaid/regular - 1 /obj/item/storage/firstaid/adv - 1 advanced first-aid kit - 1 machine repair kit - 1 /obj/item/storage/firstaid/machine - 1 brute trauma treatment kit - 1 /obj/item/storage/firstaid/brute - 1 fire first-aid kit - 1 unique_source_[0x20004b6]_218 - 1 unique_source_[0x20004c6]_222 - 1 unique_source_[0x20004ca]_223 - 1 unique_source_[0x20004d4]_224 - 1 unique_source_[0x20004d7]_225 - 1 unique_source_[0x20004d9]_226 - 1 unique_source_[0x20004dc]_227 - 1 unique_source_[0x200050c]_228 - 1 unique_source_[0x200050e]_229 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000511]_230 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000519]_231 - 1 Central Command rubber stamp - 1 /obj/item/kitchen/mould/bear - 1 /obj/item/kitchen/mould/worm - 1 /obj/item/kitchen/mould/bean - 1 /obj/item/kitchen/mould/ball - 1 /obj/item/kitchen/mould/cane - 1 /obj/item/kitchen/mould/cash - 1 /obj/item/kitchen/mould/coin - 1 /obj/item/kitchen/mould/loli - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/popcorn - 1 unique_source_[0x2000561]_232 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000565]_233 - 1 unique_source_[0x200056d]_234 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000570]_235 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000573]_236 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000577]_237 - 1 unique_source_[0x200059c]_238 - 1 unique_source_[0x20005a1]_239 - 1 unique_source_[0x20005a4]_240 - 1 unique_source_[0x20005a9]_242 - 1 unique_source_[0x20005ae]_243 - 1 The corgi plushie - 1 unique_source_[0x20005eb]_245 - 1 oxygen deprivation first aid kit - 1 toxin first aid kit - 1 unique_source_[0x2000629]_254 - 1 unique_source_[0x200063a]_256 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000646]_257 - 1 Flu virion culture bottle - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/flu_virion - 1 unique_source_[0x2000683]_266 - 1 unique_source_[0x20006bc]_274 - 1 unique_source_[0x20006d6]_275 - 1 unique_source_[0x20006da]_276 - 1 unique_source_[0x20006dc]_278 - 1 unique_source_[0x20006de]_279 - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/iv_bag - 1 cautery - 1 IV Bag - 1 unique_source_[0x200070c]_289 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000718]_291 - 1 unique_source_[0x200071b]_292 - 1 The Transport Shuttle - 1 unique_source_[0x200074f]_293 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000753]_295 - 1 The surgical drapes - 1 unique_source_[0x200076e]_296 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000771]_297 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000779]_298 - 1 unique_source_[0x20007a7]_299 - 1 unique_source_[0x20007ad]_301 - 1 unique_source_[0x20007ab]_300 - 1 unique_source_[0x20007b3]_303 - 1 unique_source_[0x20007b6]_304 - 1 The ghastly rejuvenator - 1 unique_source_[0x20007fd]_306 - 1 unique_source_[0x200083e]_308 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000840]_309 - 1 unique_source_[0x200084d]_310 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000868]_311 - 1 unique_source_[0x20008ca]_312 - 1 unique_source_[0x20008d2]_315 - 1 unique_source_[0x20008e1]_317 - 1 The Special Ops Shuttle - 1 unique_source_[0x20009b7]_323 - 1 unique_source_[0x20009bc]_324 - 1 unique_source_[0x20009ca]_325 - 1 unique_source_[0x20009ce]_326 - 1 unique_source_[0x20009e4]_327 - 1 unique_source_[0x20009eb]_328 - 1 WARNING: EXTERNAL AIRLOCK - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a1b]_330 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a24]_331 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a2c]_332 - 1 The white cat plushie - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a42]_333 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a44]_334 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a4f]_335 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a78]_336 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a7c]_337 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a7e]_338 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000a8e]_340 - 1 The shielded security hardsuit - 1 The shielded security hardsuit helmet - 1 Ares radio - 1 /obj/item/cautery - 1 /obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/latex/nitrile - 1 nitrile gloves - 1 unique_source_[0x2000ae6]_348 - 1 The Cargonia flag - 1 unique_source_[0x2000afb]_349 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000afd]_350 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b00]_351 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b02]_352 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b04]_353 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b0c]_354 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b13]_355 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b37]_356 - 1 crcd_charge10 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b6a]_357 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b6d]_358 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b6f]_359 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b94]_361 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000b96]_362 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000bb8]_365 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000bd3]_366 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000bfb]_374 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000be1]_368 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000be3]_369 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000be9]_370 - 1 /obj/item/pizzabox/margherita - 1 flour sack - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/condiment/flour - 1 monkey cube box - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/monkeycubes/farwacubes - 1 wolpin cube box - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/monkeycubes/wolpincubes - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/condiment/ketchup - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/monkeycubes/neaeracubes - 1 farwa cube box - 1 stok cube box - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/monkeycubes/stokcubes - 1 neaera cube box - 1 /obj/item/watertank - 1 /obj/item/seeds/chili - 1 pack of nettle seeds - 1 pack of chili seeds - 1 /obj/item/seeds/nettle - 1 unique_source_[0x2000beb]_371 - 1 beekeeper hat - 1 apiary - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/beekeeper_head - 1 /obj/item/book/manual/ripley_build_and_repair - 1 /obj/item/circuitboard/mecha/odysseus/peripherals - 1 /obj/item/mod/core/standard - 1 mech power core - 1 Shield Generator - 1 plasma tank - 1 /obj/item/mecha_parts/core - 1 tank transfer valve - 1 /obj/item/tank/internals/plasma - 1 machine prototype - 1 unique_source_[0x2000bed]_372 - 1 The space carp plushie - 1 unique_source_[0x2000bf3]_373 - 1 The cardborg helmet - 1 The cardborg suit - 1 unique_source_[0x2000c42]_375 - 1 The octopus plushie - 1 unique_source_[0x2000c47]_376 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000c49]_377 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210128d8]), TTR: 206.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x210119f9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005f2f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000c4f]_378 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210095c8]), TTR: 194, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x210095c7], callBack.object: the spotlight[0x2000c8c](/obj/machinery/light/spot), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000cc6]_380 - 1 Ares - 1 unique_source_[0x2000cdd]_382 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d09]_385 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c0c7]), TTR: 204, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b844], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006a48](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d06]_384 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d12]_387 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d0f]_386 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d16]_388 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d18]_389 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d1b]_390 - 1 The box of flashbulbs - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d1e]_391 - 1 The dirt grenade - 1 Carbon - 1 The holy water grenade - 1 The meat grenade - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d20]_392 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d3f]_393 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d4a]_395 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d4c]_396 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d69]_397 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000d6b]_398 - 1 The ninja gloves - 1 The ninja mask - 1 The ninja shoes - 1 The toolbox of robustness - 1 unique_source_[0x2000dc8]_402 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000dd9]_404 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000ddb]_405 - 1 The admin booze - 1 unique_source_[0x2000df6]_407 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000df9]_408 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e06]_410 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e09]_412 - 1 CentComm. Central R&D Database - 1 Lifetime ID Card - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e10]_414 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e2f]_416 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e33]_417 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e36]_418 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e39]_419 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e3d]_420 - 1 Durand radio - 1 oil tank - 1 /obj/item/machineprototype - 1 The offensive mining explosion - 1 The experimental kinetic accelerator - 1 kineticgun_h_empty - 1 The Mega Honk Grenade - 1 The bartender rare reagents kit - 1 Radium - 1 Gold - 1 Silver - 1 The disco light tiles - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e67]_421 - 1 The shamebrero - 1 The poncho of shame - 1 The rebel outfit - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e6e]_422 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e7f]_423 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e85]_425 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e9b]_426 - 1 The badmin payload - 1 The clown bomb - 1 unique_source_[0x2000e9f]_427 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000ea1]_428 - 1 The space dark - 1 ace - 1 2000 - 1 sarin - 1 The mountain max - 1 The vorpal hammer - 1 The volcano pot - 1 The astro eggs - 1 unique_source_[0x2000ea6]_429 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000ea8]_430 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000eb0]_431 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000eb4]_432 - 1 /obj/item/mod/module/power_kick - 1 MOD power kick module - 1 The sol gov universal self assembling gun parts kit - 1 The stun baton conversion kit - 1 The cycler shotgun - 1 MOD advanced external plating - 1 The slime oil potion - 1 Timer: 13 ([0x21005ca9]), TTR: 18054, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21005ca8], callBack.object: the blood[0x2000ed0](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000ed1]_438 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e93c]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e93b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20048f4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000eff]_442 - 1 The combat stimulant injector - 1 Synthflesh - 1 The dual auto-mender - 1 Pill Bottle (Salicylic Acid) - 1 unique_source_[0x2000f04]_443 - 1 The consciousness transference potion - 1 The variety pillbottle - 1 The styptic_powder Pill - 1 The morphine Pill - 1 The haloperidol Pill - 1 Lipolicide - 1 The lipolicide Pill - 1 The mutadone Pill - 1 The potass_iodide Pill - 1 Lexorin - 1 The lexorin Pill - 1 Carpotoxin - 1 The carpotoxin Pill - 1 The epinephrine Pill - 1 The condensedcapsaicin Pill - 1 The mannitol Pill - 1 The toxin Pill - 1 Xenomicrobes - 1 The xenomicrobes Pill - 1 The diethylamine Pill - 1 The fleshy mass - 1 The handheld body analyzer - 1 bodyanalyzer_charge10 - 1 184 - 1 DNA-Injector (Regeneration) - 1 1015 - 1 DNA-Injector (Tele.) - 1 unique_source_[0x2000f5f]_444 - 1 The bunch of berries - 1 The fly amanita - 1 unique_source_[0x2000f67]_445 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000f6e]_448 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000f7c]_449 - 1 The advanced space cleaner - 1 $plastic - 1 The plastic - 1 The titanium glass - 1 The titanium - 1 The sandstone brick - 1 The tommy gun - 1 The donksoft LMG - 1 The donksoft box magazine - 1 l6closed100burst - 1 The rapid syringe gun - 1 The chem sprayer - 1 Timer: 14 ([0x21006a2f]), TTR: 18055, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21006a2e], callBack.object: the blood[0x20010ce](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2000fbe]_450 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000fc4]_451 - 1 unique_source_[0x2000fc7]_452 - 1 The fusion ceramique - 1 The vile riot - 1 The hydro burgers - 1 The chaos red - 1 The tech wiggle - 1 The adrenal bio-chip - 1 The bio-chip implanter (EMP) - 1 The emp bio-chip - 1 The bio-chip implanter (explosive) - 1 The microbomb bio-chip - 1 The bio-chip implanter (macro-explosive) - 1 The macrobomb bio-chip - 1 The bio-chip implanter (freedom) - 1 The freedom bio-chip - 1 The bio-chip implanter (krav maga) - 1 The krav maga bio-chip - 1 The bio-chip implanter (storage) - 1 The storage bio-chip - 1 /obj/item/storage/belt - 1 The bluespace pocket - 1 The CH-PS "Firedart" Laser - 1 The mkIV Ion Heavy Scatter Cannon - 1 The FNX-66 Carbine - 1 The SOB-3 Clusterbang Launcher - 1 The captain's headset - 1 box of flashbangs (WARNING) - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/flashbangs - 1 Phazon radio - 1 helmet - 1 The mounted gravitational catapult - 1 The administrative cybernetic jumpsuit - 1 The night vision security HUD - 1 The blood-red magboots - 1 The SWAT shoes - 1 The battlemage armor - 1 The battlemage helmet - 1 The Nanotrasen naval officer's uniform - 1 The cable layer - 1 Santa's suit - 1 The hydraulic clamp - 1 The exosuit extinguisher - 1 helmet of justice - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/justice - 1 armor - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet - 1 bloodied security armor - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/vest - 1 H.O.N.K radio - 1 /obj/item/melee/baton/loaded - 1 laser gun - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/vest/bloody - 1 stunbaton - 1 The banana mortar - 1 The mousetrap mortar - 1 The optical material scanner - 1 The pirate outfit - 1 The bulletproof vest - 1 The cyborg visor - 1 Deathsquad helmet - 1 The blood-red helmet - 1 The roman legionaire helmet - 1 The red cap - 1 unique_source_[0x20010a3]_487 - 1 unique_source_[0x20010ab]_488 - 1 unique_source_[0x20010bd]_489 - 1 unique_source_[0x20010c2]_490 - 1 unique_source_[0x20010da]_491 - 1 unique_source_[0x20010e0]_492 - 1 unique_source_[0x20010e2]_493 - 1 unique_source_[0x20010e8]_494 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001144]_496 - 1 The dart pistol - 1 The emergency nanite kit - 1 nanocalcium - 1 Nano-Calcium - 1 The protoype nanite autoinjector - 1 unique_source_[0x2001156]_498 - 1 unique_source_[0x200118e]_499 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001199]_500 - 1 unique_source_[0x200119e]_501 - 1 unique_source_[0x20011a0]_502 - 1 unique_source_[0x20011a3]_503 - 1 unique_source_[0x20011a6]_504 - 1 The voice analyzer - 1 unique_source_[0x20011a9]_505 - 1 unique_source_[0x20011ac]_506 - 1 unique_source_[0x20011b1]_507 - 1 Steel Rain - 1 Tunguska Triple Distilled - 1 The FOURTH WALL - 1 unique_source_[0x20011f3]_526 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001208]_533 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001213]_534 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001216]_535 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001219]_537 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ad91]), TTR: 201.5, wait:16 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a6ea], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200744b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 #663f36 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001227]_539 - 1 #a70b03 - 1 unique_source_[0x200122f]_540 - 1 The jet harness (oxygen) - 1 *Detonate* - 1 Toggle Door - 1 Nuclear Agent Detomatix Cartridge - 1 unique_source_[0x2001249]_547 - 1 unique_source_[0x200124e]_548 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001261]_549 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001267]_550 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001269]_551 - 1 unique_source_[0x200126f]_552 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001276]_553 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001278]_554 - 1 unique_source_[0x200129d]_555 - 1 unique_source_[0x20012a5]_557 - 1 unique_source_[0x20012a7]_558 - 1 The syndicate personal AI device - 1 unique_source_[0x20012cb]_559 - 1 unique_source_[0x20012d8]_560 - 1 unique_source_[0x20012dc]_561 - 1 unique_source_[0x20012e1]_562 - 1 unique_source_[0x20012e3]_563 - 1 Timer: 18 ([0x21006f03]), TTR: 18055, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21006f02], callBack.object: the blood[0x20012e7](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20012f0]_564 - 1 unique_source_[0x20012f7]_565 - 1 Timer: 20 ([0x21006f16]), TTR: 18055, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21006f15], callBack.object: the blood[0x2001304](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20012fd]_566 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001313]_567 - 1 Timer: 21 ([0x21006f23]), TTR: 18055, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21006f22], callBack.object: the blood[0x2001318](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200132a]_568 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001336]_571 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001353]_572 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001367]_574 - 1 disabler - 1 unique_source_[0x200137e]_581 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001381]_583 - 1 unique_source_[0x200138c]_584 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001395]_585 - 1 unique_source_[0x20013a0]_586 - 1 The sniper rounds (Bleed) - 1 riot helmet - 1 forensic scanner - 1 /obj/item/detective_scanner - 1 unique_source_[0x20013be]_592 - 1 unique_source_[0x20013dc]_593 - 1 riot suit - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/riot - 1 riot shield - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/riot - 1 unique_source_[0x20013f5]_599 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001402]_601 - 1 unique_source_[0x200140b]_602 - 1 bulletproof vest - 1 /obj/item/shield/riot - 1 unique_source_[0x200141e]_610 - 1 unique_source_[0x200142e]_613 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001431]_614 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001433]_615 - 1 /obj/item/storage/belt/security/webbing - 1 SWAT helmet - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/bulletproof - 1 security webbing - 1 unique_source_[0x200144f]_623 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001453]_624 - 1 unique_source_[0x200145e]_626 - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/swat - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/laserproof - 1 ablative armor vest - 1 unique_source_[0x20014ba]_634 - 1 unique_source_[0x20015c5]_635 - 1 unique_source_[0x20015c8]_636 - 1 unique_source_[0x20015cb]_637 - 1 unique_source_[0x20015cd]_638 - 1 Lusty Xenomorph Maid vol. III - Cheese Bakery - 1 unique_source_[0x20015e0]_639 - 1 unique_source_[0x20015e3]_640 - 1 unique_source_[0x20015e5]_641 - 1 unique_source_[0x20015ea]_642 - 1 unique_source_[0x200161d]_645 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001620]_646 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001637]_649 - 1 unique_source_[0x200163c]_650 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001641]_651 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001647]_653 - 1 unique_source_[0x20016ca]_654 - 1 unique_source_[0x20016ec]_655 - 1 unique_source_[0x20016f0]_656 - 1 unique_source_[0x20016f6]_657 - 1 unique_source_[0x20016fe]_658 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001700]_659 - 1 The collectable paper hat - 1 unique_source_[0x200171b]_662 - 1 The uranium coin - 1 unique_source_[0x200175b]_666 - 1 unique_source_[0x200175e]_667 - 1 The mugwort tea - 1 Gravitational Singularity - 1 unique_source_[0x2001775]_670 - 1 unique_source_[0x200177a]_671 - 1 unique_source_[0x200177f]_672 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001784]_674 - 1 unique_source_[0x200178a]_675 - 1 unique_source_[0x200178c]_676 - 1 unique_source_[0x200178e]_677 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001791]_679 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001793]_680 - 1 unique_source_[0x20017f5]_682 - 1 The wizard plasma envirosuit - 1 unique_source_[0x2001802]_683 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001807]_685 - 1 unique_source_[0x200180b]_686 - 1 unique_source_[0x200180f]_687 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001831]_689 - 1 riot shotgun - 1 unique_source_[0x2001841]_690 - 1 The wizard's bedsheet - 1 The wizard robe - 1 The wizard hat - 1 The red wizard robe - 1 The purple jumpsuit - 1 The light purple jumpsuit - 1 unique_source_[0x2001869]_691 - 1 unique_source_[0x200186f]_692 - 1 The green glasses - 1 Hoot - 1 The owl uniform - 1 /datum/action/item_action/hoot - 1 The owl mask - 1 The Escape Pod One - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012421]), TTR: 197.5, wait:12 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101139e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002fb7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 combat shotgun - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile/shotgun/riot - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bffe]), TTR: 190, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bfff], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001a01](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2001a02]_701 - 1 The Escape Pod Two - 1 overlay_green - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c159]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c158], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001b87](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The poster - Report Crimes - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210080b8]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x210080b9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001c8a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2001c8f]_710 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001c98]_711 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001c9a]_712 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001ca6]_713 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001cee]_714 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001cf1]_715 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001cf6]_716 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001cfb]_717 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001d03]_718 - 1 [0x2001d20]_719 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001d35]_721 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001d3d]_722 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001d44]_724 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001d5c]_726 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009e31]), TTR: 183, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009e32], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001d5e](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2001db2]_727 - 1 [0x2001dc8]_728 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008289]), TTR: 186, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100828a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001dcc](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2001dcf]_729 - 1 [0x2001e11]_730 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001e22]_731 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001e2c]_733 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001e31]_734 - 1 [0x2001e36]_736 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c24a]), TTR: 183, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c24b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001e7f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2001e87]_739 - 1 unique_source_[0x2001e8b]_740 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bf9a]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bf99], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001ef6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2001ef8]_743 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008819]), TTR: 186, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100881a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001f2b](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210087d8]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x210087d9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001f60](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2001f61]_745 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c6a3]), TTR: 186, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c6a2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001f76](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The stewed soy meat - 1 The stew - 1 The valid salad - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c32a]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c327], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20020a6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2002104]_749 - 1 damaged4 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002112]_750 - 1 The pack of cocoa pod seeds - 1 The pack of watermelon seeds - 1 The pack of tower-cap mycelium - 1 unique_source_[0x2002120]_752 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008f57]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008f58], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002135](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The grumpy fox - 1 Datum Component System - 1 The toy Marauder - 1 The tan suit - 1 unique_source_[0x2002197]_753 - 1 The STAY CLEAR HEAVY MACHINERY - 1 [0x20021e9]_755 - 1 damaged3 - 1 [0x2002299]_757 - 1 unique_source_[0x200229a]_758 - 1 Robust Harvest - 1 lid_plastic_jug_rh - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100bf8b]), TTR: 189, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100bf8c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200229f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20022a0]_759 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b95c]), TTR: 188, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b95b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20022ba](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2002320]_761 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c6fc]), TTR: 194, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c6fb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002325](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c378]), TTR: 184, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c379], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002398](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2002397]_767 - 1 unique_source_[0x200239e]_768 - 1 unique_source_[0x20023a0]_769 - 1 [0x200245c]_770 - 1 The ED-209 painting - 1 The aesir salad - 1 SuperBite burger - 1 The hot chili - 1 [0x20024b3]_771 - 1 unique_source_[0x20024ec]_772 - 1 unique_source_[0x200254f]_773 - 1 [0x2002558]_774 - 1 unique_source_[0x200255b]_775 - 1 unique_source_[0x200255d]_776 - 1 The golden violin - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b83d]), TTR: 183, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b83c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20025d1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2002612]_779 - 1 [0x2002613]_780 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002619]_781 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002622]_782 - 1 unique_source_[0x200264c]_784 - 1 Timer: 102 ([0x210128ba]), TTR: 18190.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x21003c77], callBack.object: the blood[0x2008693](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/bubblegum), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20026c2]_786 - 1 unique_source_[0x20026cb]_787 - 1 unique_source_[0x20026e5]_788 - 1 unique_source_[0x20026eb]_789 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002770]_791 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b4d1]), TTR: 195, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b4d0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20027e6](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20027e8]_792 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002874]_794 - 1 The vegetable pizza - 1 unique_source_[0x2002876]_795 - 1 The worn shirt - 1 The pack of tobacco seeds - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100aea7]), TTR: 193, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100aea6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20028e2](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100af02]), TTR: 189, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100af01], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20028eb](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20028ee]_797 - 1 unique_source_[0x20028f2]_798 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c390]), TTR: 194, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c38f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20028fe](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20028fd]_799 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002900]_800 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002959]_802 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cc1c]), TTR: 185, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cc1d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200298f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The fox mask - 1 The cargo armband - 1 minus - 1 The fudge die - 1 unique_source_[0x2002a77]_809 - 1 /obj/item/gun/energy/gun/mini - 1 flamethrower - 1 miniature energy gun - 1 security auto rifle - 1 /obj/item/flamethrower/full - 1 [0x2002aca]_811 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002ad6]_813 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002b0a]_817 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100afb5]), TTR: 190, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100afb4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002b26](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 1400 Credits - 1 security laser rifle - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile/automatic/wt550 - 1 wt550 magazine (4.6x30mm) - 1 /obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/laser - 1 ammunition box (Tranquilizer darts) - 1 /obj/item/ammo_box/magazine/wt550m9 - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile/automatic/laserrifle - 1 /obj/item/storage/lockbox/mindshield - 1 laser carbine projector magazine - 1 tracking bio-chip kit - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/tranquilizer - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/trackimp - 1 /obj/item/storage/box/chemimp - 1 chemical bio-chip kit - 1 bulletproof helmet - 1 security armor - 1 barrier grenade - 1 /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/alt - 1 /obj/item/grenade/barrier - 1 /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/vest/security - 1 - Admin Ticket Rejected! - - 1 - Mentor Ticket Closed - - 1 [0x2002b35]_819 - 1 The gold - 1 The championship belt - 1 The botanist's leather gloves - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c9b9]), TTR: 186, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c9ba], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002bfd](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2002c08]_823 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002c11]_825 - 1 Quartermaster's rubber stamp - 1 unique_source_[0x2002c1f]_826 - 1 nukebolts - 1 Timer: 30 ([0x210093c5]), TTR: 9057.5, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x210093c4], callBack.object: the blood[0x2002c35](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a801]), TTR: 183, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a800], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002c52](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The plutonium core - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100947d]), TTR: 183, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100947e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002cc6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2002ccb]_828 - 1 The spare key - 1 The crown - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100be8a]), TTR: 192, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100be8b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002d47](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2002d4a]_831 - 1 cargo technician's jumpsuit - 1 cargodrobe - 1 [0x2002d5f]_832 - 1 The quartermaster's headset - 1 Quartermaster's Encryption Key - 1 The supply door remote - 1 50 - 1 The quartermaster's garment bag - 1 The quartermaster's jumpsuit - 1 The quartermaster's jumpskirt - 1 Toggle cargo winter coat - 1 The cargo winter coat - 1 Zip/Unzip cargo bomber jacket - 1 /obj/item/rcs - 1 The cargo bomber jacket - 1 The quartermaster's mug - 1 Space Parts & Space Vendors Cartridge DELUXE - 1 The Quartermaster action figure - 1 unique_source_[0x2002d93]_835 - 1 The bear pelt hat - 1 The folder- 'TOP SECRET' - 1 /obj/item/mod/module/clamp/loader - 1 The loader MOD control unit - 1 The loader MOD chestplate - 1 The loader MOD boots - 1 /obj/item/mod/module/clamp - 1 MOD loader hydraulic clamp module - 1 /obj/item/mod/module/magnet - 1 MOD loader hydraulic magnet module - 1 unique_source_[0x2002e98]_847 - 1 [0x2002e9a]_848 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002e9e]_849 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002ea2]_850 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002ea5]_851 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210099f1]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x210099f2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002eb5](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2002eb9]_852 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002ed8]_854 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002f47]_856 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002f4c]_857 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002f4e]_858 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a8bd]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a8bc], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002f86](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The electrohelmet assembly - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d1fd]), TTR: 194, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d1fc], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2002f90](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2002f92]_859 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002f95]_860 - 1 unique_source_[0x2002f97]_861 - 1 /area/station/public/toilet - 1 [0x2002ff9]_862 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003017]_864 - 1 The mafia outfit - 1 unique_source_[0x2003072]_866 - 1 unique_source_[0x200312a]_867 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003138]_869 - 1 unique_source_[0x200313c]_870 - 1 The ripped poster - 1 [0x200316e]_872 - 1 unique_source_[0x20031b4]_874 - 1 [0x20031b7]_875 - 1 unique_source_[0x200324d]_880 - 1 Fluorosulfuric Acid - 1 unique_source_[0x200325f]_881 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003261]_882 - 1 unique_source_[0x200326e]_883 - 1 The powered crossbow - 1 unique_source_[0x2003278]_884 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009db9]), TTR: 187, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009dba], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20032b5](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20032bd]_885 - 1 /area/station/medical/morgue - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d22b]), TTR: 183, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d22a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200330c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2003314]_886 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003317]_887 - 1 unique_source_[0x200331c]_888 - 1 unique_source_[0x200331e]_889 - 1 The mafia vest - 1 unique_source_[0x2003334]_892 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003339]_893 - 1 unique_source_[0x200333f]_894 - 1 Nanotrasen Representative's rubber stamp - 1 The Nanotrasen representative's garment bag - 1 Nanotrasen Representative's hat - 1 The Nanotrasen representative's skirt - 1 The formal Nanotrasen representative's uniform - 1 The fancy sandals - 1 unique_source_[0x2003417]_900 - 1 The ore redemption machine - 1 unique_source_[0x200344d]_905 - 1 The fedora - 1 The skull bandana - 1 unique_source_[0x20034af]_907 - 1 [0x20034b1]_908 - 1 unique_source_[0x20034b2]_909 - 1 unique_source_[0x20034d3]_910 - 1 unique_source_[0x20034d9]_911 - 1 unique_source_[0x20034dd]_912 - 1 unique_source_[0x20034e0]_913 - 1 unique_source_[0x20034e2]_914 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100aa88]), TTR: 184, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100aa2d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20034f4](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b714]), TTR: 194, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b713], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20034f7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x20034fe]_915 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003551]_918 - 1 [0x20035bd]_921 - 1 unique_source_[0x200361b]_924 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a752]), TTR: 183.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a753], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003647](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x200364b]_925 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100eae6]), TTR: 182.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100eae5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003690](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x20036b3]_927 - 1 [0x2003767]_928 - 1 [0x200379a]_931 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a5ae]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a5ad], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200379e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/lawdrobe - 1 Internal Affairs uniform - 1 The LawDrobe restocking unit - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d700]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d6ff], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20037a3](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20037a7]_932 - 1 unique_source_[0x20037c0]_934 - 1 [0x20037cb]_935 - 1 [0x20037d6]_936 - 1 [0x200385f]_938 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003860]_939 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003873]_941 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003876]_942 - 1 unique_source_[0x200387e]_944 - 1 unique_source_[0x20038bf]_945 - 1 Prisoner #29-206 - 1 unique_source_[0x20038f1]_946 - 1 unique_source_[0x200392c]_948 - 1 unique_source_[0x200392e]_949 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003931]_950 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003968]_953 - 1 smmon_0 - 1 unique_source_[0x20039aa]_956 - 1 unique_source_[0x20039b7]_957 - 1 unique_source_[0x20039c1]_958 - 1 unique_source_[0x20039c5]_959 - 1 unique_source_[0x20039ce]_960 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cab2]), TTR: 199.5, wait:15 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cab1], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200340c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20039e9]_961 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003a2a]_962 - 1 Particle Accelerator User's Guide - 1 Singularity Safety in Special Circumstances - 1 [0x2003a2e]_963 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003a37]_964 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d5bd]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d5bc], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003a5d](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The circuit board (Solar Control) - 1 The tracker electronics - 1 Prisoner #73-688 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003a99]_965 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003a9b]_966 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003aa8]_967 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003aaa]_968 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003ab5]_970 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003abb]_971 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003ad3]_972 - 1 [0x2003ad6]_973 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003ad7]_974 - 1 HumanResources9001 - 1 The head of personnel's headset - 1 Head of Personnel's Encryption Key - 1 Toggle Gunlight - 1 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_gunlight - 1 The miniature energy gun - 1 mini_disable - 1 The civilian door remote - 1 The head of personnel's mug - 1 The head of personnel's garment bag - 1 The head of personnel's cap - 1 The head of personnel's shawl - 1 The head of personnel's jumpsuit - 1 The head of personnel's dress uniform - 1 The human resources director's uniform - 1 The old man's suit - 1 The circuit board (Cyborg Upload) - 1 The circuit board (AI Upload) - 1 The circuit board (Communications Console) - 1 The circuit board (ID Computer) - 1 The circuit board (Robotics Control Console) - 1 The circuit board (Exosuit Control Console) - 1 unique_source_[0x2003b40]_976 - 1 Prisoner #12-495 - 1 The clown EVA suit - 1 The clown EVA helmet - 1 [0x2003baf]_977 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003bb2]_978 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003bb5]_979 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003bbc]_981 - 1 /obj/item/card/id - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21007bab]), TTR: 194.5, wait:10 Flags: , callBack: [0x21007baa], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20065e9](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The blueshield backpack - 1 The blueshield satchel - 1 The blueshield duffelbag - 1 The blueshield's bowman headset - 1 Blueshield's Encryption Key - 1 The blueshield's garment bag - 1 The navy blue officer beret - 1 The blueshield's uniform - 1 The blueshield's skirt - 1 The formal blueshield's uniform - 1 The blueshield's security armor - 1 The jacksandals - 1 unique_source_[0x2003bcf]_983 - 1 The blue zippo lighter - 1 unique_source_[0x2003be6]_985 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ad0e]), TTR: 184.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ad0f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003bdb](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2003be0]_984 - 1 [0x2003c54]_987 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e17d]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e17c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003c6f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2003c92]_989 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003c94]_990 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003c9e]_991 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003ca2]_992 - 1 The head of personnel's rubber stamp - 1 unique_source_[0x2003caa]_993 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003ccb]_994 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a9e2]), TTR: 202.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a9dc], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007e09](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21009625]), TTR: 193.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21009626], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003ce7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Prisoner #47-688 - 1 Prisoner #52-499 - 1 Prisoner #99-458 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d18]_1002 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d1d]_1003 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b84b]), TTR: 197.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b849], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20078db](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 The mime EVA suit - 1 The mime EVA helmet - 1 [0x2003d6a]_1004 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d6b]_1005 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d6d]_1006 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d81]_1010 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d85]_1011 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d88]_1012 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003d8f]_1014 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003dc8]_1024 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003dcd]_1026 - 1 The poster - Spider Risk - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b6a2]), TTR: 191, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b6a3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2003e74](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2003df9]_1027 - 1 [0x2003ea6]_1030 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003ec5]_1031 - 1 [0x2003ee5]_1032 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003eeb]_1033 - 1 [0x2003f29]_1034 - 1 The circuit board (Mech Bay Power Control Console) - 1 The circuit board (RD Console) - 1 The circuit board (Cloning Machine Console) - 1 The circuit board (PanD.E.M.I.C. 2200) - 1 unique_source_[0x2003f69]_1043 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003f6d]_1044 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003f88]_1045 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003fc0]_1048 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003fda]_1049 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003fe6]_1050 - 1 unique_source_[0x2003ffd]_1053 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004004]_1055 - 1 The circuit board (Security Records) - 1 The circuit board (Camera Monitor) - 1 The circuit board (Prisoner Management) - 1 unique_source_[0x200405f]_1063 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004062]_1064 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ab76]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ab77], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004078](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20040b5]_1066 - 1 Gilded Pen - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b6dd]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b6de], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004104](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004108]_1068 - 1 unique_source_[0x200410a]_1069 - 1 CCTV core AI module - 1 The CCTV core AI module - 1 The Hippocratic Oath core AI module - 1 The Station Efficiency core AI module - 1 The P.A.L.A.D.I.N. core AI module - 1 The Peacekeeper core AI module - 1 The Quarantine core AI module - 1 The Robocop core AI module - 1 The circuit board (Message Monitor) - 1 The circuit board (AI Integrity Restorer) - 1 The circuit board (Teleporter Console) - 1 The circuit board (Power Monitor) - 1 The circuit board (Station Alert Console) - 1 The circuit board (Atmospheric Alert Computer) - 1 The magistrate's headset - 1 Magistrate's Encryption Key - 1 The attorney's badge - 1 The magistrate's garment bag - 1 The justice wig - 1 The powdered wig - 1 The magistrate's uniform - 1 The magistrate's skirt - 1 The formal magistrate's uniform - 1 /obj/item/storage/fancy/cigarettes - 1 The magistrate's robe - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e219]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e218], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20041ce](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20041d1]_1073 - 1 unique_source_[0x20041d7]_1074 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b56d]), TTR: 187.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b56e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20041e1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x20041fc]_1075 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e178]), TTR: 187.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e177], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20041fd](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004227]_1076 - 1 idce - 1 [0x200422f]_1077 - 1 The advanced MOD control unit - 1 The advanced MOD chestplate - 1 The advanced MOD boots - 1 unique_source_[0x200423b]_1084 - 1 [0x200424e]_1085 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100da9e]), TTR: 187.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100da9d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200426a](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x200426b]_1087 - 1 unique_source_[0x20042a0]_1088 - 1 [0x20042ab]_1089 - 1 unique_source_[0x20042cd]_1091 - 1 unique_source_[0x20042f4]_1092 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b4b7]), TTR: 190.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b4b8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20042f7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20042f8]_1093 - 1 unique_source_[0x200430f]_1094 - 1 The warden's garment bag - 1 The warden's armored jacket - 1 The warden's police hat - 1 The warden's jacket - 1 The warden's beret - 1 The warden's suit - 1 The warden's SWAT mask - 1 The holobadge box - 1 [0x200437f]_1101 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004393]_1102 - 1 The command multitool - 1 2023-10-30T15:38:34 [0x200439f]_1104 (112,123,2) (JMP) || the gravitational generator is now charging. - 1 [0x20043ab]_1105 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e037]), TTR: 182.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e036], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20043ae](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x20043c7]_1106 - 1 unique_source_[0x20043f9]_1110 - 1 The chief engineer's rubber stamp - 1 unique_source_[0x2004454]_1112 - 1 unique_source_[0x20044e2]_1113 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e093]), TTR: 182.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e092], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20044ec](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 2023-10-30T15:38:34 [0x20045a7]_1114 (113,62,2) (JMP) || the supermatter crystal has been created. - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a7c1]), TTR: 225, wait:60 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a7c2], callBack.object: /datum/looping_sound/supermatter[0x2100b1e8](/datum/looping_sound/supermatter), callBack.delegate:sound_loop(1), source: - 1 The spare R.O.B.U.S.T. Cartridges - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21002dcb]), TTR: 184.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x21002dc9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20045ea](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004608]_1124 - 1 [0x2004611]_1125 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e103]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e104], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004621](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 show_wire_info - 1 The chief engineer's garment bag - 1 The white hard hat - 1 The chief engineer's beret - 1 The chief engineer's jumpsuit - 1 The chief engineer's jumpskirt - 1 The chief engineer's mantle - 1 Power-On DELUXE - 1 The chief engineer's headset - 1 Chief Engineer's Encryption Key - 1 The engineering door remote - 1 The chief engineer's mug - 1 Wire interface implant - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ebf2]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ebf1], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200464f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004716]_1130 - 1 unique_source_[0x200474b]_1134 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100dd99]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100dd98], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200476e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200479a]_1136 - 1 unique_source_[0x200479e]_1137 - 1 [0x20047a2]_1138 - 1 [0x20047b2]_1140 - 1 Prisoner #27-797 - 1 Prisoner #97-719 - 1 unique_source_[0x20047c9]_1142 - 1 [0x20047d7]_1143 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210103ba]), TTR: 197.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x210103bb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001bc1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200480a]_1145 - 1 [0x2004837]_1146 - 1 unique_source_[0x200484c]_1147 - 1 The ammunition box (Tranquilizer darts) - 1 The ablative trenchcoat - 1 The ablative hood - 1 The ion rifle - 1 The Detective's Office - 1 unique_source_[0x20048f8]_1149 - 1 unique_source_[0x20048fa]_1150 - 1 Freeform AI module - 1 The Freeform AI module - 1 The Freeform core AI module - 1 The NT Aggressive core AI module - 1 The One Crewmember AI module - 1 The Protect Station AI module - 1 The Purge AI module - 1 The T.Y.R.A.N.T. core AI module - 1 [0x2004922]_1151 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b875]), TTR: 190.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b876], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004923](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e8df]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e8de], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20049ba](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20049cf]_1153 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004a12]_1154 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004a15]_1155 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004a2f]_1156 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004a34]_1157 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004a46]_1159 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004a48]_1160 - 1 The security officer's jumpsuit - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b828]), TTR: 194.5, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b829], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004b16](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b18]_1161 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b1d]_1162 - 1 The detective's flask - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b22]_1163 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b44]_1164 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c0be]), TTR: 188.5, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c0bf], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004b56](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2004b62]_1165 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b65]_1169 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b68]_1170 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b70]_1171 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b78]_1172 - 1 [0x2004b7a]_1173 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b8f]_1175 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b97]_1176 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004b9d]_1177 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004bbb]_1178 - 1 Prisoner #63-39 - 1 Prisoner #36-708 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004bfc]_1182 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c03]_1183 - 1 The detective's camera - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/janidrobe - 1 janitor's jumpsuit - 1 The JaniDrobe restocking unit - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ed05]), TTR: 190.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ed04], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004c14](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210114b1]), TTR: 197.5, wait:13 Flags: , callBack: [0x210114b0], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007ee9](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c46]_1186 - 1 purple - 1 The magnate MOD control unit - 1 The magnate MOD chestplate - 1 The magnate MOD boots - 1 The captain's space helmet - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c4e]_1189 - 1 The captain's bedsheet. - 1 The captain's satchel - 1 The captain's garment bag - 1 The captain's hat - 1 The captain's parade cap - 1 The captain's beret - 1 The captain's white beret - 1 The magnificent crown - 1 The captain's carapace - 1 The captain's jacket - 1 The captain's tunic - 1 The captain's formal coat - 1 The captain's long white tunic - 1 The captain's cloak - 1 The captain's jumpsuit - 1 The captain's parade uniform - 1 The captain's dress - 1 Value-PAK Cartridge - 1 The captain's bowman headset - 1 /obj/item/melee/rapier - 1 The rapier sheath - 1 lunged at - 1 The command door remote - 1 The captain's mug - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c5b]_1190 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c7f]_1193 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c8b]_1194 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c8d]_1195 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c8f]_1196 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ea6d]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ea6c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004c94](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c92]_1197 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c98]_1198 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004c9e]_1199 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004ca6]_1200 - 1 The engineering crowbar - 1 unique_source_[0x2004ce8]_1203 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004cec]_1204 - 1 [0x2004d25]_1205 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004d5c]_1208 - 1 The Russian Revolver - 1 The russian revolver cylinder - 1 Gwyn's Premium Absinthe - 1 The Captain action figure - 1 [0x2004d7a]_1209 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004d7d]_1210 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e7b7]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e7b6], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004d95](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004d96]_1213 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004d9c]_1214 - 1 [0x2004de8]_1216 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c53d]), TTR: 190.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c53e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004df1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004e71]_1217 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004e7a]_1218 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004e7c]_1219 - 1 The captain's flask - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/detdrobe - 1 hard-worn suit - 1 The DetDrobe restocking unit - 1 The detective's garment bag - 1 The hard-worn suit - 1 The forensics gloves - 1 The black tie - 1 /obj/item/gun/projectile - 1 hab_charge_100 - 1 The Original - 1 DL-88 energy revolver - 1 The energy revolver shot - 1 handgun_disabler - 1 The tracker shot - 1 unique_source_[0x2004f6c]_1228 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004f6e]_1229 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004f72]_1231 - 1 The plasma coin - 1 unique_source_[0x2004f78]_1232 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004f9f]_1233 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004fb1]_1234 - 1 engineer's jumpsuit - 1 The EngiDrobe restocking unit - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b67a]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b67b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004fbb](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2004fbe]_1236 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004fc3]_1237 - 1 unique_source_[0x2004fc9]_1238 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d77e]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d77d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004fe6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2004ff7]_1239 - 1 The dummy payload - 1 The training bomb - 1 [0x2005045]_1240 - 1 [0x200507d]_1241 - 1 unique_source_[0x200509d]_1242 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c242]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c243], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20050c6](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20050eb]_1244 - 1 unique_source_[0x20050ed]_1245 - 1 [0x20050f0]_1246 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c63e]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c63f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20050f1](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011124]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011123], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005118](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x200512c]_1248 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010859]), TTR: 193.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010858], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200512d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c56c]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c56d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005147](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x200514d]_1250 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005156]_1251 - 1 The atmospherics satchel - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c3ca]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c3cb], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005168](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x200516c]_1252 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005171]_1253 - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/atmosdrobe - 1 atmospheric technician's jumpsuit - 1 The AtmosDrobe restocking unit - 1 unique_source_[0x2005181]_1255 - 1 [0x200518e]_1256 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210101ef]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x210101ee], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005198](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010244]), TTR: 191.5, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010243], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20051a1](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010298]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010299], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20051a2](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Prisoner #71-402 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100aa3f]), TTR: 212.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100aa40], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007d0e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200520e]_1258 - 1 [0x200520f]_1259 - 1 The medal box - 1 unique_source_[0x2005211]_1260 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005215]_1261 - 1 The psychologist's garment bag - 1 The psychiatrist's jumpsuit - 1 The psychologist's turtleneck - 1 Button/Unbutton psychologist labcoat - 1 The medical doctor's jumpskirt - 1 ether - 1 The lizard plushie - 1 [0x2005257]_1263 - 1 unique_source_[0x200525d]_1264 - 1 [0x200525f]_1265 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005261]_1266 - 1 unique_source_[0x200527f]_1267 - 1 unique_source_[0x20052a3]_1269 - 1 unique_source_[0x20052f4]_1270 - 1 [0x2005362]_1275 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005390]_1276 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005393]_1277 - 1 unique_source_[0x20053b7]_1278 - 1 [0x20053d6]_1281 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005451]_1283 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005458]_1284 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101089b]), TTR: 189.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101089a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200546f](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005470]_1285 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005480]_1288 - 1 unique_source_[0x200549c]_1289 - 1 unique_source_[0x20054a6]_1290 - 1 unique_source_[0x20054a9]_1291 - 1 unique_source_[0x20054b2]_1293 - 1 unique_source_[0x20054b5]_1294 - 1 [0x20054bd]_1296 - 1 unique_source_[0x200550c]_1297 - 1 unique_source_[0x200555d]_1298 - 1 unique_source_[0x200556e]_1299 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101079c]), TTR: 186.5, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101079b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005581](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005582]_1301 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005592]_1302 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101087f]), TTR: 182.5, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101087e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20055a6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e930]), TTR: 204.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e87a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006b16](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 KEEP CLEAR: EMERGENCY ENTRANCE - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101083c]), TTR: 184.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101083b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20055c0](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20055c4]_1305 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005616]_1306 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005659]_1331 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cbf4]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cbf5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005668](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200566f]_1332 - 1 unique_source_[0x200569f]_1334 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c60e]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c60f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20056a2](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20056ce]_1335 - 1 unique_source_[0x20056d2]_1336 - 1 unique_source_[0x20056d6]_1337 - 1 /obj/item/mod/module/springlock - 1 MOD springlock module - 1 The blue swimsuit - 1 The green swimsuit - 1 The purple swimsuit - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100cf6a]), TTR: 196, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100cf69], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005739](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x200573b]_1340 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005751]_1341 - 1 [0x2005754]_1342 - 1 unique_source_[0x200575d]_1343 - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/chemdrobe - 1 chemist's jumpsuit - 1 The ChemDrobe restocking unit - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c7f9]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c7fa], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005775](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005791]_1344 - 1 unique_source_[0x200579d]_1346 - 1 unique_source_[0x20057a1]_1347 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b8a0]), TTR: 209.5, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e373], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004757](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20057f5]_1349 - 1 [0x2005803]_1350 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005825]_1352 - 1 unique_source_[0x200582a]_1353 - 1 The poster - Tools - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21006794]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21006793], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005838](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005839]_1354 - 1 Mr. Deempisi portrait - 1 unique_source_[0x200583d]_1355 - 1 Barman Recipes - 1 unique_source_[0x200585f]_1357 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005877]_1358 - 1 unique_source_[0x200587c]_1359 - 1 [0x200588c]_1364 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010b01]), TTR: 185.5, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010b02], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20058af](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100c695]), TTR: 206.5, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c694], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2001a1c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20058df]_1367 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011019]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011018], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20058e1](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The blue fox plushie - 1 unique_source_[0x2005901]_1369 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005903]_1370 - 1 unique_source_[0x200590b]_1372 - 1 [0x2005948]_1375 - 1 unique_source_[0x200594a]_1376 - 1 unique_source_[0x20059e6]_1379 - 1 The advanced reagent scanner - 1 unique_source_[0x20059f0]_1380 - 1 The red laser tag helmet - 1 The blue laser tag helmet - 1 bartender's uniform - 1 The BarDrobe restocking unit - 1 unique_source_[0x2005aab]_1383 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005ab0]_1384 - 1 [0x2005ae6]_1387 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005af0]_1388 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005af7]_1389 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ceb9]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ceba], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005b4b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ec9b]), TTR: 202.5, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b89f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2004148](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005b5d]_1393 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005b61]_1394 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005b77]_1397 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005b7c]_1398 - 1 [0x2005bba]_1401 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005bbb]_1402 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005bc2]_1403 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005be2]_1404 - 1 [0x2005c22]_1405 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005c37]_1407 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005c41]_1408 - 1 [0x2005c4b]_1409 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d216]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d217], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005c4d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005c80]_1414 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d228]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d229], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005c8c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2005caf]_1415 - 1 The circuit board (Telecommunications Core) - 1 [0x2005cec]_1419 - 1 The safeguard MOD control unit - 1 The safeguard MOD chestplate - 1 The safeguard MOD boots - 1 /obj/item/mod/module/holster - 1 MOD holster module - 1 The head of security's SWAT mask - 1 unique_source_[0x2005d03]_1425 - 1 The head of security's rubber stamp - 1 unique_source_[0x2005d09]_1426 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005d0b]_1427 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005d0f]_1428 - 1 [0x2005d12]_1429 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005d4c]_1430 - 1 [0x2005d50]_1431 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005d76]_1432 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005d79]_1437 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005d7d]_1438 - 1 The head of security's garment bag - 1 The head of security's cap - 1 The head of security's beret - 1 Open/Close armored trenchcoat - 1 The armored coat - 1 The armored trenchcoat - 1 The armored shawl - 1 The head of security's suit - 1 The head of security's bowman headset - 1 Head of Security's Encryption Key - 1 The X-01 multiphase energy gun power cell - 1 hoslaser_disable - 1 The security door remote - 1 Security HUD implant - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101148f]), TTR: 196, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011490], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005dfc](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2005e29]_1440 - 1 idhos - 1 unique_source_[0x2005f5f]_1445 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005f63]_1447 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005f68]_1449 - 1 unique_source_[0x2005f6a]_1450 - 1 [0x2005f70]_1451 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006003]_1453 - 1 unique_source_[0x200601b]_1455 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21011ab9]), TTR: 190, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x21011ab8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006038](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006043]_1457 - 1 unique_source_[0x20060b3]_1458 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210122d1]), TTR: 189, wait:23 Flags: , callBack: [0x210122ae], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20060bd](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x20060be]_1459 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d84e]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d84f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006108](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2006126]_1463 - 1 unique_source_[0x200622f]_1468 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012801]), TTR: 193, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012743], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200625c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The Cloning Lab - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010b9f]), TTR: 193.5, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010b9e], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006291](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010bfd]), TTR: 195.5, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010bfc], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006292](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The pet rock - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/chefdrobe - 1 chef's uniform - 1 The ChefDrobe restocking unit - 1 tray - 1 The Plasteel Chef's Dinnerware Vendor restocking unit - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100a444]), TTR: 196, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100a443], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20062ee](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20062f6]_1479 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006305]_1480 - 1 unique_source_[0x200630c]_1481 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006362]_1482 - 1 unique_source_[0x200639d]_1484 - 1 [0x20063a3]_1485 - 1 unique_source_[0x20063b3]_1486 - 1 unique_source_[0x20063b9]_1487 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d6d7]), TTR: 186, wait:20 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d6d8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20063d3](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20063dd]_1489 - 1 unique_source_[0x20063e2]_1490 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21008ed2]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x210083a4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006439](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006441]_1491 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006443]_1492 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006484]_1493 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006489]_1495 - 1 The medical satchel - 1 [0x2006499]_1497 - 1 unique_source_[0x20064bb]_1499 - 1 unique_source_[0x20064bd]_1500 - 1 unique_source_[0x20064c3]_1501 - 1 unique_source_[0x20064c6]_1502 - 1 The poster - PDA Ad - 1 The deer plushie - 1 unique_source_[0x200651c]_1505 - 1 unique_source_[0x200651e]_1506 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006536]_1507 - 1 The Clown Planet flag - 1 Laugh Track - 1 /datum/action/item_action/laugh_track - 1 The clown recorder - 1 [0x200653d]_1508 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006548]_1510 - 1 unique_source_[0x200654b]_1511 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210121b6]), TTR: 196, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012199], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006550](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100db97]), TTR: 188, wait:22 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100db98], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200659e](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200659d]_1513 - 1 Timer: 40 ([0x2100d737]), TTR: 9063, wait:9000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100d738], callBack.object: the blood[0x20065a0](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/splatter), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d885]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d886], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20065e2](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20065e4]_1514 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100da97]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100da98], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200660b](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006625]_1516 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006627]_1517 - 1 unique_source_[0x200662a]_1518 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101245f]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2101242c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006648](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The poster - Do Not Question - 1 unique_source_[0x2006657]_1520 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100d44e]), TTR: 190, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100d44f], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200665d](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x2006663]_1522 - 1 Timer: 41 ([0x2100d847]), TTR: 18063, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100d846], callBack.object: the xeno gibs[0x200666c](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/gibs/xeno/body), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200666b]_1523 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006676]_1525 - 1 [0x20066a4]_1527 - 1 [0x20066c9]_1529 - 1 unique_source_[0x20066db]_1531 - 1 unique_source_[0x20066df]_1532 - 1 unique_source_[0x20066f6]_1535 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006709]_1536 - 1 The banana cream pie - 1 unique_source_[0x2006761]_1542 - 1 The clown stalhelm - 1 The clown soldier's uniform - 1 unique_source_[0x2006772]_1543 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006776]_1544 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006778]_1545 - 1 unique_source_[0x200677b]_1546 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006789]_1547 - 1 unique_source_[0x200678e]_1548 - 1 cell - 1 unique_source_[0x2006791]_1549 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006797]_1550 - 1 Timer: 43 ([0x2100da9b]), TTR: 18063.5, wait:18000 Flags: TIMER_STOPPABLE, callBack: [0x2100da9a], callBack.object: the pile of viscera[0x20067d4](/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/innards), callBack.delegate:dry(), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20067a3]_1551 - 1 The chief medical officer's garment bag - 1 The green surgical cap - 1 The purple surgical cap - 1 The chief medical officer's jumpsuit - 1 The green medical scrubs - 1 Button/Unbutton chief medical officer's labcoat - 1 The chief medical officer's mantle - 1 The chief medical officer's headset - 1 Chief Medical Officer's Encryption Key - 1 defibnt-paddles - 1 The self-charging bluespace power cell - 1 The syringe gun - 1 Medical HUD implant - 1 The medical door remote - 1 The chief medical officer's mug - 1 unique_source_[0x20067aa]_1553 - 1 The white plasma envirosuit helmet - 1 The enviroslacks - 1 [0x20067be]_1560 - 1 medical doctor's jumpsuit - 1 The MediDrobe restocking unit - 1 unique_source_[0x20067f5]_1566 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210093cd]), TTR: 192, wait:26 Flags: , callBack: [0x21008ef2], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20067f7](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 [0x200682e]_1567 - 1 unique_source_[0x200683f]_1568 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006844]_1569 - 1 unique_source_[0x20068ae]_1575 - 1 The Mime Revolution flag - 1 The mime mask - 1 The mime's outfit - 1 The suspenders - 1 Parcel Parceaux - 1 Bottle of Nothing - 1 The cane - 1 [0x20068ea]_1576 - 1 [0x2006911]_1578 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006915]_1579 - 1 The autopsy scanner - 1 The chief medical officer's rubber stamp - 1 unique_source_[0x200693a]_1581 - 1 unique_source_[0x200694f]_1582 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2101150b]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ce69], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006951](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20069bb]_1583 - 1 sound/items/weeoo1.ogg - 1 [0x20069c9]_1584 - 1 The paramedic radio headset - 1 Paramedic Radio Encryption Key - 1 The rescue MOD control unit - 1 The rescue MOD chestplate - 1 The rescue MOD boots - 1 MOD defibrillator module - 1 The ambulance key - 1 The paramedic's garment bag - 1 unique_source_[0x20069cf]_1592 - 1 unique_source_[0x20069f7]_1594 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006a09]_1595 - 1 holocontrol - 1 unique_source_[0x2006a44]_1597 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006a51]_1599 - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/hydrodrobe - 1 botanist's jumpsuit - 1 The HydroDrobe restocking unit - 1 unique_source_[0x2006a6c]_1600 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006a7c]_1601 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006a90]_1602 - 1 ChemWhiz Cartridge - 1 idcmo - 1 unique_source_[0x2006aaf]_1605 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006acf]_1610 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006ad9]_1611 - 1 Mini-Meteor - 1 The contraband poster - EAT. - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210113fa]), TTR: 187, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x210113f8], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006afb](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The luchador mask - 1 The rudos mask - 1 The tecnicos mask - 1 unique_source_[0x2006b00]_1613 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006b03]_1614 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006b0a]_1615 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006b17]_1616 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ee69]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ee68], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006b1c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006b45]_1618 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006b4b]_1619 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21012a7c]), TTR: 195, wait:29 Flags: , callBack: [0x21012a7b], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006b4f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The contraband poster - Borg Fancy v2 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006b71]_1621 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006ba5]_1622 - 1 Button/Unbutton coroner labcoat - 1 The coroner's scrubs - 1 The coroner's cap - 1 formaldehyde - 1 Formaldehyde - 1 unique_source_[0x2006c90]_1624 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100e90c]), TTR: 191, wait:25 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100e90d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006c92](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Cold - 1 Flu - 1 Plasma Dust - 1 smartfridge1 - 1 /obj/item/reagent_containers/syringe - 1 [0x2006c97]_1625 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100ee6f]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100ee6a], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006d08](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/hydronutrients - 1 jug of E-Z-Nutrient - 1 The NutriMax restocking unit - 1 unique_source_[0x2006d50]_1628 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006db3]_1631 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006db6]_1632 - 1 pack of aloe seeds - 1 The MegaSeed Servitor restocking unit - 1 Space Twinkie - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100873c]), TTR: 184, wait:18 Flags: , callBack: [0x210081b5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006e43](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006e17]_1635 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21007d88]), TTR: 193, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x21006ed9], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2006e1c](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2006e25]_1637 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006e30]_1638 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006e44]_1639 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006e49]_1640 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006ed6]_1644 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006ee5]_1646 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006eef]_1647 - 1 Banana Grenade - 1 unique_source_[0x2006f0f]_1649 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006f1b]_1650 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006f1f]_1651 - 1 [0x2006f4d]_1652 - 1 [0x2006f52]_1653 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006f9c]_1657 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006fab]_1658 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006fb5]_1659 - 1 unique_source_[0x2006fbc]_1660 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007022]_1662 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007025]_1663 - 1 The water mister - 1 unique_source_[0x200707e]_1667 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010bff]), TTR: 193, wait:27 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100c371], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007081](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 The toolbox - 1 unique_source_[0x2007082]_1668 - 1 unique_source_[0x20070d3]_1669 - 1 unique_source_[0x20070df]_1670 - 1 unique_source_[0x20070e2]_1671 - 1 The nurse's hat - 1 unique_source_[0x2007114]_1674 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007120]_1675 - 1 The plasma blot - 1 The omega data - 1 The turkey hash - 1 The meteor buzz - 1 The techno crack - 1 The deep snow - 1 The bog sass - 1 The crazy jerks - 1 The techno dreck - 1 The nuke grinder - 1 Corn Syrup - 1 The flying smoke - 1 The desert nugs - 1 The cactus wafers - 1 The cyber bees - 1 The omni grease - 1 [0x20071aa]_1677 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21007ee8]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x21007da7], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20071c7](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20071e7]_1678 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007215]_1682 - 1 unique_source_[0x20072b5]_1684 - 1 unique_source_[0x20072d8]_1685 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21007dec]), TTR: 185, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x21007dea], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007346](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x200734e]_1686 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007354]_1687 - 1 [0x200735f]_1688 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007377]_1690 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21010c0d]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010c0c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x200737c](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20073cb]_1694 - 1 *Deceased* - 1 *Insane* - 1 A+ - 1 unique_source_[0x20073ce]_1695 - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/virodrobe - 1 virologist's jumpsuit - 1 The ViroDrobe restocking unit - 1 unique_source_[0x20073d9]_1698 - 1 unique_source_[0x20073dd]_1699 - 1 unique_source_[0x20073df]_1700 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007445]_1702 - 1 unique_source_[0x20075ce]_1707 - 1 unique_source_[0x20075e1]_1708 - 1 [0x200768f]_1711 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007690]_1712 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007693]_1713 - 1 unique_source_[0x20076a8]_1714 - 1 unique_source_[0x20076b8]_1715 - 1 unique_source_[0x20076ba]_1716 - 1 The broken MOD core - 1 The poster - Borg Fancy - 1 unique_source_[0x2007721]_1717 - 1 Box of Miniatures - 1 Xenomorph Miniature - 1 Cleric Miniature - 1 Warrior Miniature - 1 Thief Miniature - 1 Wizard Miniature - 1 Cthulhu Miniature - 1 Lich Miniature - 1 unique_source_[0x2007727]_1718 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007748]_1721 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007752]_1722 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007754]_1723 - 1 unique_source_[0x200775b]_1724 - 1 unique_source_[0x200775d]_1725 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007782]_1727 - 1 unique_source_[0x200778e]_1729 - 1 unique_source_[0x20077bd]_1733 - 1 unique_source_[0x20077bf]_1734 - 1 unique_source_[0x20077c1]_1735 - 1 unique_source_[0x20077cb]_1736 - 1 unique_source_[0x20077d5]_1737 - 1 unique_source_[0x20077d8]_1738 - 1 [0x20077e2]_1739 - 1 [0x200780a]_1741 - 1 unique_source_[0x200782d]_1742 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007847]_1743 - 1 The poster - D-Day Promo - 1 unique_source_[0x200787f]_1745 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007881]_1746 - 1 unique_source_[0x20078cb]_1749 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100505d]), TTR: 183, wait:17 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100505c], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20078cd](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20078ce]_1750 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100f05c]), TTR: 187, wait:21 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100f05d], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20078d0](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210121e6]), TTR: 198.5, wait:14 Flags: , callBack: [0x210121bd], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2005ece](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20078ed]_1751 - 1 unique_source_[0x200795c]_1756 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007979]_1757 - 1 unique_source_[0x20079ad]_1758 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21006cc0]), TTR: 196, wait:30 Flags: , callBack: [0x21010c81], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x20079b0](/obj/machinery/light/small), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x20079ba]_1761 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007a02]_1763 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007a0e]_1764 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007a21]_1765 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007a27]_1766 - 1 mecha - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100fdf2]), TTR: 190.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100fdf3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007a34](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2007a7e]_1770 - 1 The cloud cheese - 1 The omega ceramique - 1 Ketamine - 1 The special null - 1 The scan stealth - 1 The red blue - 1 unique_source_[0x2007aa2]_1773 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007ac1]_1774 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007ac5]_1775 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007acd]_1776 - 1 The mech power core - 1 unique_source_[0x2007ad6]_1777 - 1 unique_source_[0x2007ae3]_1778 - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x210088a5]), TTR: 208.5, wait:24 Flags: , callBack: [0x210088a4], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007b32](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(0, 0), source: - 1 /obj/item/vending_refill/robodrobe - 1 roboticist's jumpsuit - 1 The RoboDrobe restocking unit - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x2100b4c4]), TTR: 185.5, wait:19 Flags: , callBack: [0x2100b4c3], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007af6](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2007af7]_1779 - 1 The research director's garment bag - 1 The science beret - 1 Button/Unbutton research director's labcoat - 1 The research director's jumpsuit - 1 The research director's mantle - 1 The diagnostic sunglasses - 1 Signal Ace DELUXE - 1 The research director's headset - 1 Research Director's Encryption Key - 1 Toggle reactive stealth armor - 1 The reactive armor power cell - 1 The laser pointer - 1 The research door remote - 1 Diagnostic HUD implant - 1 Robotics R&D Server - 1 Core R&D Server - 1 Timer: -1 ([0x21004be6]), TTR: 194, wait:28 Flags: , callBack: [0x21004be5], callBack.object: the light fixture[0x2007b0f](/obj/machinery/light), callBack.delegate:_turn_on(1, 1), source: - 1 unique_source_[0x2007b3d]_1781 - 1
  5. Probably wouldn't be too hard, just check the contents/name of the list
  6. This is a list of the "stuff" we have in game, will this be useful? Maybe! Used by searching for datums/world.contents/other objects. Done on a world pre-roundstart after ssinit Game contents: 1849141 /list - 1252850 /turf/space - 150740 /atom/movable/lighting_object - 87836 /datum/lighting_corner - 50652 /datum/gas_mixture - 48049 /turf/simulated/mineral/random/volcanic - 30196 /datum/component/emissive_blocker - 23455 /datum/light_source - 16689 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid/basalt/lava_land_surface - 11092 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel - 10831 /turf/simulated/floor/chasm/straight_down/lava_land_surface - 10067 /turf/space/transit/horizontal - 5682 /turf/space/transit - 5047 /turf/simulated/floor/plating - 4817 /obj/structure/cable - 4420 /turf/simulated/mineral/iron/volcanic - 3688 /datum/instrument_key - 3328 /turf/simulated/wall - 3230 /datum/reagents - 3123 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/boss - 3064 /datum/data/vending_product - 3018 /turf/simulated/mineral/random/labormineral/volcanic - 2173 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply - 2081 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers - 1990 /datum/effect_system/spark_spread - 1966 /obj/screen/movable/action_button - 1857 /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall - 1796 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/riveted - 1500 /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment - 1490 /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt - 1480 /datum/tlv - 1432 /obj/structure/lattice - 1257 /obj/structure/grille - 1250 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid/snow/airless - 1220 /turf/simulated/mineral/plasma/volcanic - 1103 /turf/simulated/floor/wood - 1081 /datum/playingcard - 1050 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/dark - 1048 /obj/screen/close - 1020 /obj/screen/storage - 1020 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/syndicate - 999 /obj/structure/window/full/reinforced - 958 /turf/simulated/floor/indestructible/necropolis - 939 /obj/item/ammo_casing/mm556x45 - 900 /obj/item/projectile/bullet/saw - 900 /datum/wires/airlock - 786 /obj/structure/window/reinforced - 761 /icon - 699 icon - 699 /obj/structure/table - 622 /datum/wires/radio - 619 /turf/simulated/floor/holofloor - 577 /turf/simulated/mineral/silver/volcanic - 563 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/cyan - 544 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/lava/smooth/airless - 540 /turf/space/transit/east - 528 /obj/machinery/light - 490 /turf/simulated/mineral/titanium/volcanic - 478 /datum/component/decal - 476 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless - 448 /turf/simulated/floor/mineral/plastitanium/red - 445 /datum/action/item_action/set_internals - 443 /obj/item/stock_parts/capacitor - 442 /obj/machinery/door/firedoor - 437 /datum/component/surgery_initiator - 435 /turf/simulated/mineral/gold/volcanic - 432 /datum/component/caltrop - 414 /obj/item/stack/cable_coil - 409 /obj/item/ammo_casing/c45 - 392 /obj/item/projectile/bullet/midbullet - 392 /turf/simulated/floor/engine - 389 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/airless - 373 /datum/qdel_item - 369 /obj/effect/abstract/proximity_checker - 369 /datum/plant_gene/reagent - 367 /obj/machinery/light/small - 359 /turf/simulated/floor/carpet - 340 /obj/structure/lattice/catwalk - 322 /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment - 317 /obj/structure/rack - 312 /turf/simulated/wall/mineral/titanium - 306 /obj/item/camera_assembly - 302 /datum/wires/camera - 299 /datum/stack_recipe - 294 /obj/item/ammo_casing/c9mm - 294 /obj/item/projectile/bullet/weakbullet3 - 294 /obj/item/stock_parts/matter_bin - 293 /turf/simulated/mineral/random/high_chance/volcanic - 293 /obj/machinery/camera - 289 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on - 288 /datum/reagent/water - 283 /turf/simulated/wall/mineral/plastitanium - 280 /datum/data/mining_equipment - 276 /obj/item/projectile/bullet - 275 /obj/item/stack/sheet/glass - 274 /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/preopen - 271 /datum/action/item_action/adjust - 266 /obj/structure/table/wood - 266 /obj/item/radio/intercom - 257 /obj/item/solar_assembly - 257 /obj/structure/table/reinforced - 254 /obj/structure/chair - 250 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply - 247 /datum/local_powernet - 243 /obj/structure/stone_tile - 243 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on - 242 /turf/simulated/mineral/uranium/volcanic - 241 /obj/machinery/power/solar - 240 /obj/item/ammo_casing/a556 - 240 /obj/item/projectile/bullet/heavybullet - 240 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers - 232 /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/beaker - 229 /obj/item/light/tube - 210 /turf/simulated/mineral/ancient/outer - 210 /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/protein - 208 /datum/dna - 207 /datum/pipeline - 207 /obj/structure/chair/comfy/shuttle - 200 /datum/wires/vending - 193 /obj/item/clothing/mask/breath - 193 /obj/item/stock_parts/manipulator - 193 /obj/machinery/firealarm - 192 /obj/item/stack/sheet/rglass - 188 /obj/structure/railing - 187 /obj/machinery/power/terminal - 187 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/opsglass - 186 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun - 184 /turf/simulated/floor/grass - 184 /obj/item/circuitboard/vendor - 181 /datum/wires/alarm - 179 /datum/reagent/fuel - 177 /obj/machinery/alarm - 177 /datum/armor - 176 /obj/item/stock_parts/cell/upgraded - 174 /datum/reagent/nicotine - 173 /datum/wires/apc - 172 /obj/item/stock_parts/cell/high - 172 /obj/machinery/power/apc - 172 /obj/item/projectile/bullet/midbullet3 - 168 /obj/item/ammo_casing/c10mm - 168 /obj/structure/chair/stool - 166 /datum/unarmed_attack/bite - 165 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/rock/snow - 165 /datum/reagent/consumable/sugar - 164 /obj/item/radio - 162 /obj/item/circuitboard/holopad - 160 /obj/machinery/hologram/holopad - 160 /obj/structure/lattice/catwalk/mining - 160 /datum/reagent/consumable/egg - 159 /obj/item/extinguisher - 159 /obj/item/stock_parts/micro_laser - 157 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/egg - 156 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/wood - 155 /obj/machinery/status_display - 154 /obj/structure/stone_tile/cracked - 151 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/maintenance - 149 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/fakeglass - 148 /datum/action/item_action/toggle_light - 147 /turf/simulated/mineral/gibtonite/volcanic - 147 /turf/simulated/mineral/volcanic/lava_land_surface - 145 /datum/species/monkey - 141 /datum/component/two_handed - 139 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid/ancient/airless - 139 /obj/machinery/light_switch - 136 /turf/simulated/floor/mineral/titanium/blue - 136 /obj/structure/marker_beacon/dock_marker - 135 /datum/plant_gene/core/lifespan - 131 /datum/plant_gene/core/endurance - 131 /datum/plant_gene/core/weed_rate - 131 /datum/plant_gene/core/weed_chance - 131 /datum/plant_gene/core/yield - 131 /datum/plant_gene/core/production - 131 /datum/plant_gene/core/potency - 131 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden - 131 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/necropolis - 130 /obj/item/crowbar - 127 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/yellow - 126 /datum/ai_law/inherent - 124 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/external - 123 /obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen - 123 /obj/structure/window/full/reinforced/polarized - 123 /datum/callback - 121 /obj/item/reagent_containers/syringe - 120 /turf/simulated/floor/grass/jungle - 117 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/freezer - 116 /datum/reagent/medicine/salbutamol - 115 /obj/item/stock_parts/capacitor/super - 115 /datum/component/surgery_initiator/limb - 114 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill/salbutamol - 112 /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black - 112 /datum/component/surgery_initiator/robo - 109 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/donut - 109 /obj/item/kirbyplants - 108 /obj/item/bodybag - 108 /obj/item/stock_parts/cell - 107 /turf/simulated/floor/mineral/titanium - 106 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/heat_exchanging - 105 /obj/item/light/bulb - 105 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/pill - 100 /obj/item/screwdriver - 96 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/abductor - 96 /obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk - 95 /obj/item/tank/internals/oxygen - 95 /obj/item/wirecutters - 93 /obj/item/clothing/mask/cigarette - 91 /obj/item/wrench - 91 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/donkpocket - 91 /obj/item/clothing/mask/gas - 90 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible - 90 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/lava/smooth/lava_land_surface - 90 /obj/structure/grille/broken - 88 /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/vitamin - 86 /datum/reagent/blood - 86 /datum/plant_gene/trait/repeated_harvest - 86 /obj/structure/cable/yellow - 86 /obj/item/circuitboard/recharger - 85 /turf/simulated/floor/bluegrid - 85 /datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/plantmatter - 84 /datum/action/item_action/toggle - 84 /obj/structure/window/full/shuttle - 84 /obj/item/emptysandbag - 84 /turf/simulated/floor/plating/abductor - 84 /datum/timedevent - 83 /datum/reagent/medicine/epinephrine - 82 /obj/item/pen - 82 /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/impassable - 82 /obj/machinery/door_control - 82 /obj/structure/stone_tile/block - 82 /obj/structure/chair/office/dark - 81 /obj/item/healthanalyzer - 75 /obj/structure/girder - 75 /obj/structure/chair/comfy/black - 74 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/portables_connector - 74 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/cyan - 74 /obj/machinery/disposal - 74 /obj/structure/stone_tile/block/cracked - 74 /datum/component/footstep - 73 /datum/unarmed_attack - 72 /obj/item/restraints/handcuffs - 72 /obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen/engi - 72 /obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet - 72 /obj/structure/flora/ash/tall_shroom - 71 /obj/item/reagent_containers/hypospray/autoinjector/epinephrine - 71 /obj/structure/sign/securearea - 70 /obj/item/grenade/flashbang - 69 /obj/item/shard - 68 /obj/screen/plane_master/floor - 67 /obj/screen/plane_master/game_world - 67 /obj/screen/plane_master/lighting - 67 /obj/screen/plane_master/emissive - 67 /obj/screen/plane_master/point - 67 /obj/screen/plane_master/space - 67 /obj/screen/plane_master/gravpulse - 67 /obj/screen/plane_master/blackness - 67 /obj/screen/plane_master/parallax - 67 /datum/announcer - 66 /sound - 66 /obj/screen/map_view - 66 /obj/screen/background - 66 /obj/machinery/door_control/no_emag - 65 /obj/structure/sign/poster/official/random - 64 /obj/item/paper_bin - 64 /obj/item/stack/rods - 64 /obj/structure/closet - 64 /obj/structure/table_frame - 64 /obj/item/ammo_casing/caseless/a75 - 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55 /obj/item/storage/internal - 54 /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin - 53 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/portable/canister/air - 53 /obj/structure/window/full/basic - 53 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/drinkingglass - 53 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/buckshot - 53 /obj/item/projectile/bullet/pellet - 53 /datum/announcement_configuration/requests_console - 52 /obj/machinery/requests_console - 52 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/beanbag - 52 /obj/item/projectile/bullet/weakbullet - 52 /datum/reagent/consumable/ethanol/beer - 51 /datum/component/largetransparency - 51 /obj/structure/bed - 51 /obj/machinery/access_button - 51 /obj/item/tank/internals/plasma - 51 /turf/simulated/floor/transparent/glass/reinforced - 51 /regex - 50 /obj/structure/sink - 50 /obj/machinery/door/window/classic/reversed - 50 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/black - 50 /obj/item/match - 50 /obj/structure/flora/ash/cap_shroom - 50 /turf/simulated/floor/holofloor/space - 50 /datum/action/item_action/flip_cap - 48 /datum/regional_powernet - 48 /obj/structure/chair/stool/bar - 48 /obj/structure/shuttle/engine/heater - 48 /obj/structure/window/full/plasmareinforced - 48 /datum/reagent/medicine/mannitol - 47 /obj/item/clothing/shoes/brown - 47 /obj/item/multitool - 47 /obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/latex - 47 /obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction - 47 /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen - 47 /obj/structure/flora/ash/leaf_shroom - 47 /obj/item/tank/internals/oxygen/red - 46 /obj/item/flashlight - 46 /turf/simulated/mineral/bscrystal/volcanic - 46 /datum/reagent/medicine/silver_sulfadiazine - 45 /datum/reagent/medicine/charcoal - 45 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/watertank - 45 /obj/item/storage/toolbox/mechanical - 45 /obj/machinery/door/poddoor - 45 /obj/item/ammo_casing/shotgun/rubbershot - 45 /obj/item/projectile/bullet/pellet/rubber - 45 /datum/reagent/medicine/styptic_powder - 44 /obj/item/card/id - 44 /obj/item/extinguisher/mini - 44 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/cans/beer - 44 /turf/simulated/floor/holofloor/carpet - 44 /turf/simulated/floor/beach/sand - 44 /datum/component/parry - 43 /obj/machinery/light/spot - 43 /obj/item/crowbar/small - 43 /datum/wires/suitstorage - 42 /obj/structure/reagent_dispensers/fueltank - 42 /obj/machinery/door/airlock/security/glass - 42 /obj/item/evidencebag - 42 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/binary/pump - 42 /obj/item/storage/pill_bottle - 42 /datum/action/item_action/hands_free/activate - 41 /datum/component/proximity_monitor - 41 /obj/structure/closet/crate - 41 /obj/machinery/door/airlock - 41 /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/random - 41 /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/green - 41 /datum/reagent/potassium - 40 /obj/structure/railing/corner - 40 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/grassybush - 40 /obj/structure/flora/grass/jungle - 40 /obj/item/weldingtool/mini - 40 /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/red - 40 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/goliath/beast - 39 /obj/item/flash - 39 /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/brflowers - 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1 /area/station/science/robotics/chargebay - 1 /area/station/science/xenobiology - 1 /area/station/service/library - 1 /area/station/science/genetics - 1 /area/station/science/explab/chamber - 1 /area/station/science/robotics - 1 /area/station/command/office/rd - 1 /area/station/science/server/coldroom - 1 /area/station/maintenance/abandonedbar - 1 /area/station/science/explab - 1 /area/station/maintenance/electrical - 1 /area/station/service/chapel/office - 1 /area/station/service/chapel - 1 /area/station/maintenance/asmaint - 1 /area/station/science/hallway - 1 /area/station/science/server - 1 /area/station/science/rnd - 1 /area/station/science/storage - 1 /area/station/science/misc_lab - 1 /area/station/science/test_chamber - 1 /area/station/engineering/solar/starboard - 1 /area/station/maintenance/starboardsolar - 1 /area/station/hallway/secondary/exit - 1 /area/station/science/toxins/mixing - 1 /area/station/science/toxins/launch - 1 /area/station/science/toxins/test - 1 /area/lavaland/surface/outdoors - 1 /area/lavaland/surface/outdoors/unexplored/danger - 1 /area/shuttle/siberia - 1 /area/lavaland/surface/outdoors/explored - 1 /area/lavaland/surface/outdoors/unexplored - 1 /area/mine/laborcamp/security - 1 /area/mine/laborcamp - 1 /area/lavaland/surface/outdoors/outpost/catwalk - 1 /area/shuttle/mining - 1 /area/mine/outpost/hallway/west - 1 /area/mine/outpost/quartermaster - 1 /area/mine/outpost/lockers - 1 /area/mine/outpost/comms - 1 /area/mine/outpost/engineering - 1 /area/mine/outpost/production - 1 /area/mine/outpost/cafeteria - 1 /area/mine/outpost/maintenance/south - 1 /area/mine/outpost/mechbay - 1 /area/mine/outpost/custodial - 1 /area/mine/outpost/storage - 1 /area/mine/outpost/hallway/east - 1 /area/mine/outpost/medbay - 1 /area/mine/outpost/maintenance/east - 1 /area/mine/outpost/airlock - 1 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/stairs/medium - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/dark/nitrogen - 1 /turf/simulated/wall/indestructible/splashscreen - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/goonplaque/nosey - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/indestructible/airless - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/goonplaque/memorial - 1 /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/goonplaque - 1 /turf/simulated/wall/mineral/iron - 1
  7. instructions unclear, reworking pulse demon so the wiki page is once again out of date (I'll try and get to it tomorrow)
  8. Bro why did God make Atez so ugly
  9. this would just encourage people to join as a job and just ignore it for the paycheck
  10. I don't think this will work in practice. Not only is red often kept for nearly the entire shift, the dynamic between getting access to different items vs a blanket access increase is rather different. Every single item in armory is specific. Disablers and batons work better than other equipment against people without stun resistance, this accounts for almost every non antagonist role. Lasers work best against things that cannot be stunned effectively or things that you require permanent damage to effectively deal with. Ablative armor and riot armor do well against what you think they would do well against. Shotguns are excellent for adrenal users or as a sidegrade to the disabler that is higher risk. The best example of how something like this can go wrong are shields. Shields before parrying used to almost always be available for anyone to take as an officer, if they weren't available security would just take a shield from science. This was because the benefits they gave were entirely passive. For giving up one hand slot (minor downside) they gave you a 50% chance to block hits (major upside). Like an access upgrade like you are suggesting, this is entirely passive with ultimately no reason to deny said upgrade beyond "you're not supposed to". Players will generally not listen to empty threats, especially when it is tied to something as uncommonly followed as SOP. Sop works best when it complements the design of a set of features, and is utterly ignored when it works against it.
  11. If you can call multiple alerts at once, why wouldn't the station constantly be on orange/violet alert to allow for each department to have extra accesses?
  12. What's a situation where violet/orange alert will be called where red alert wouldn't be justified/positive to the station?
  13. This was the pr Yes... it was MORE bullshit before https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/21295
  14. Dchat made a start area house, only thing that was really missing was a plant or two
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