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Everything posted by Generaldonothing

  1. This has a bit of the story behind it yes i'm salty about this one Basically, about an hour 10 into the shift we had a powersink put up This sink lasted NEARLY 40 minutes, and it screwed alot up, having an active changeling threat also sure didn't help... Anyway here's the fun part, the sink was actually on cameras (Not AI cams, couldn't see that sadly), and nobody could see it sadly. About 20 minutes in when EVERYONE is loosing their minds, we get this ERT request from the captain Closest I've seen to a mutiny in awhile OH, AND FIVE ENGINEERS GOT DUSTED AS WELL SITUATION WAS REAL DARK
  2. I think that these are a massive improvement from the current floor tiles we have The floor tiles kind of look like rubber? Which is really a minor complaint, but the small dots would likely hurt people's eyes a bit Our current walls don't mesh great with the new floors, but that's an issue with the walls, objects mesh WAY better with the new floors as you can see them far easier due to the darker colors most of my issues with the floors come from... other things like weird flooring design on box, rather than being an actual issue with the floors
  3. This post is in no relation to the round in which he got flashed and died there is no salt in this post, move along folks
  4. Melee, mage, ranged, or summoner
  5. Engineering borgs are already kind of engineer+. It seems silly to give them a buff
  6. Thanks for showing interest in this! Multitool idea- Very niche and would sell the TeamOps out, maybe something in the notes could be more helpful? Pen idea- Would sell the TeamOps out, which I hope to avoid Hacking PDAs- You can already do this with a messaging console! Bypassing IDs- I'd rather not, 2 people are already gonna start with alot of access, giving them more would probably be either redundant or flat out OP, they will be able to hack objective specific stuff however Scanning and storing papers/documents- I don't see much of a use for this, and photocopiers are all over the station anyways Beacon objective: You still both need to escape alive and free... so going very unga with it is going to end very poorly. I'll probably up the time needed to 2 minutes on station. Prepwork is required because if you don't do it you are gonna get killed as they know where you are using it from
  7. Forgot to say, but this is a hijack level goal (AKA the only one you get outside of escape alive). The choices were chosen to have moderate impact (as it's two objectives in one). Most of these can be delt with fairly easily, and when you start the objective you put a target on your and your buddies head. Aside from this, the purpose of the objective isn't to just "have green lmao", it needs to have some round impact that other people will feel. Having a pretty lowyield antag trying to protect those two while doing their normal objectives is actually pretty cool (the laughter demon one might be a BIT too much though).
  8. Alright, post has been up for ~3ish days now Current consensus seems to be that Team Operative (this is the name that is likely to be used over blood brother) might need something what that something is I'm not sure of. I can however, list things that are extremely unlikely to happen. Team Ops in sets of 3s. - This is an issue related to a critical mass of traitors working together and I'm going to be rather brief with the reasoning behind this. When you have two people working together you're normally going to have an extra shot to get something right, you can get your buddy out or help your buddy deal with something. When you bring three traitors into the mix their abilities to solve fuckups increases severly, EX: Player A gets stunned, player B helps player A, player C is able to fend off player D, player C gets hurt, Player A helps them ect:. In a game that is rather punishing, almost anyone is at a nearly unwinable disadvantage against a 3 person if they do not meet their numbers. Small, passive buffs to TeamOps when near each over. This is not the boon that you think it might be. People can track who has these buffs rather easily and treat them as such. These buffs would need to be severe to be effective, or extremely small and entirely unnoticeable by both the Teamops and the other players. Things I DO think will likely happen. Team specific objectives: Objectives that require a two person act to do (A few ideas will be stated) Call in/Revengeance: TeamOp 1 Spawns with the device, TeamOp 2 spawns with the key and activation code. Objective is to find a location and activate the device with your brother, both of you need to turn the key together. After a short delay, an annoucement is sent out stating the location of the device on station alongside a GPS signal being set out. If the device is activated and not deactivated for a minute straight, you call in a random midround antagonist. Ideas for what can be called in: A single princess of terror (Objectives given: Protect Teamop1 and Teamop2.) A blob core which is unable to split (Objectives given: Protect Teamop1 and Teamop2.) 2 Randomly assigned Nukie module cyborgs along with a cyborg conversion machine (Objectives given: Protect Teamop1 and Teamop2, convert 3 people to cyborgs) A laughter demon (Objectives given: Protect Teamop1 and Teamop2. Make 5 people laugh) A revenant (Objectives given: Protect Teamop1 and Teamop2.) Station Goal Datasteal: Both ops are given the objective to hack into the station goal and then hack it. One operative needs to actually hack the thing (which involves them using their PDA on it) for thirty seconds to send the required information. During this 30 seconds timespan the other Operative is going to be busy sending the required information to the syndicate (which will involve them using their PDA on a communication console.). The station goal must be finished to be able to actually hack the thing. More will likely be added, but feel free to add any suggestiosn you might add!
  9. Solo blood brothers was certainly an issue I thought would crop up unfortunately, and I've had a few ideas to deal with that related to blood brother specific objectives Some slight stat buffs might not be bad, but I'd need to figure out how to make it practically invisible to anyone else 3 person bloodbrothers also just sounds like a murder fest Had some ideas for antag on antag objectives, I'd just need to fully flesh them out. I thank everyone who has participated in this post, and you're always welcome to dm me on discord to just talk about this or anything really
  10. Agreed, but this also really isn't something I can control myself. Blood brothers aren't supposed to be super high impact on the round so it being a bit punishing is fine although not ideal. Stuff like this already happens to other antags as well, at the very least you have a buddy to haul your ass up to keep kicking.
  11. The purpose of blood Brothers is to be an entirely teamwork based antagonist, the only advantage you have is that you have a buddy. Hence this design, I'm very, very concerned about giving them mechanical advantages and they would need to be explained well for them to be considered. Small advantages also might be less of a boon than you think it is because it sells the fact they are a blood brother. I also think it's extremely safe to say items will not be nerfed due to blood brothers, rather the balance of the items themselves were originally flawed.
  12. Recently, Dearmochi has posted a few ideas they are looking for to be added to the game, one of these is Blood Brothers! This forum post will explain how Blood Brothers functions. What's Blood Brothers? Blood brothers is a supplemental team antagonist role which seeks to provide fun for both new and old players alike! Blood Brothers shows up supplemental to other antagonist roles, so it never shows up by itself. In Blood Brothers, two people are assigned the antagonist role as a team and are given three objectives similar to that of the traitor antagonist. The big difference is that unlike a traitor, you don't start with an uplink, rather you and that second assigned person is given the ability to buddy up and go do your team objectives together! Both of you will need to escape alive and free though! The goals of the Blood Brothers antagonist Give the ability for newer players to buddy up with a more experienced one so they can learn a bit of traitoring Allow for a higher challenge to older players that need to play without any non-crew obtainable gear Make an antagonist that pits the crew's tools against themselves, making the escalation more consistent between both parties Blood Brothers breakdown When you spawn as a Blood Brother, you'll notice that you are given your three objectives, 2 from the standard traitor pool and one "Blood Brothers escape" objective, which requires you to escape alive and free with your Blood Brother. Your Blood Brother and you will need to those complete your objectives together with the power of TEAMWORK! You have access only to what the crew has, so make it count! Blood Brothers may also roll Hijack, which sure would be a doozy to do without some special equipment. You have a bit of a blessing however, because you'll have no S class (with the exception of SM steal and core objectives) you're not going to get perma'd unless you do a crime worthy of it. Happy traitoring! If your Blood Brother enters cryogenic storage, you'll be provided a new one as well! What new does Blood Brothers bring to the table? All other current team antags are extremely high impact, and the entire round bends around them. This causes team antagonists to be often stressful and doesn't allow for a lot of creativity or silly plays due to you letting the other people in the group down. Blood Brothers will allow for an outlet for those silly interactions and creative comboing with a buddy of yours in a low stress environment. If you have any questions, ask em below! (Also, suggestions are welcome)
  13. Both of these are on the wiki, and I'm redoing this in video form anyways
  14. You see, there is a critical flaw with this idea, and that is of the "text based tider". A text based tider is often known for it's mating call, often seen as "keywords". These include but are not limited to: "Cringe, based, sus, shitsec, halp, mantis, and law 2. The only true ways these deformed monsters can be handled is through remote means, simply disabling telecommunications will often do the trick, however in cases of direct contact, remember TOOLBOX! T. Hold O. A O. Toolbox L. With B. A O. Weapon in your other hand, tiders are unable to see any object outside of insuls and toolboxes, and will swiftly succumb to it's power X. Steve, you know what an acronym is right? Outside of this, there is third option which can be put into effect soon:tm:. With the power of science, we can simply remove the chat bar alongside the entire station! Amazing right?
  15. You can, ya'know, just say no to botany? Very few (good) botanists care when they don't have access to a chemical dispenser. The strategy of taking a chemical dispenser from scichem was only popularized during late 2020 because of the great science drought leading to the second scichem dispenser (or scichem at all) not being used. Anyone who did botany before 2020 or has had the pleasure of taking a whopping 3 minutes out of their time out of their day to mutate pumpkins know its not too hard. The main reason botanists take chemical dispenser is for /saltper/, NOT unstable mutagen. I feel that you could definitely learn alot more in botany, and I'd be happy to help you do so. (This is also why bees fell out of favor) Onto the reason why giving botany a roundstart chemical dispenser is a poor idea: they just have it now. This in itself is a very bad thing as it makes chem as an antagonist outclassed almost entirely. Put short- it's an unneeded buff for the sake of a convenience.
  16. A Chem dispenser is not in any way required to do botany, it just makes early stuff easier. I have done botany without a dispenser many times, I just grab one for the sake of medchem and science nowadays.
  17. But my man it S U K Rubber bullets ain't great, and they are really limited, allowing them to be printed would just be odd considering their rarity
  18. Hey, it's really cool to see someone passionately trying to fix metastation! There's a few things I kind of want to bring up about the mapping design behind it, however. So, an important thing to note about Para vs. TG is the lower movement speed, so things like 1 tile wide maint areas and extremely large rooms stick out like a sore thumb, so you'll most certainly need to look into totally redesigning these. The meta pipenet also has many different problems (If you would like me to, I'd be happy to make a checklist of all the pipes that need connecting/redirecting during spring break) and it'll need pretty heavy changes. Now, I couldn't tell you exactly what changes would need to be made, but if I were to change anything off the bat I would probably look into making toxins test site... work. The issues megathread is here if that helps! https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/issues/13950
  19. No, blowing a borg roundstart would be not only self antaging, but also powergaming Plenty of AIs have been successful as well, it's a matter of understanding the systems that you have to use and abuse. Malf AI greentexts are also not really rare, and considering it's ALWAYS some form of hijack or kill everyone that is actually pretty impressive (And might actually suggest that malf AI needs a nerf).
  20. Yep, random maint loot
  21. Afraid you can't, not even more valuable in space credits. They look nice though!
  22. I don't really see the appeal of making one of the most mechanically diverse and different races even more different. I don't see how this would positively impact game balance or general enjoyment at all.
  23. Hmm, this actually gives me a somewhat decent idea to how you could fix this issue of permakilling officers. When you sacrifice someone instead of sending them to bluespace hell or whatever, it stores them inside that rune, if they die while sharded, they pop out of the rune, if the rune gets cleaned, they pop out of the rune and the construct dies. I would certainly need to expand on it, but this seems a better way to deal with it to me at least.
  24. Indeed, but you'd be permakilled still no matter what. I don't see how this solves the problem of permakilling in the slightest outside of encouraging cult to go a step further and space secoffs
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