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Everything posted by SynthTee
Bluey can ask HoS for a judo belt if they really need it as well so, the locker thing might not even be necessary.
I mean if not CQC, I think Corporate Judo would make sense for the Blueshield
A lot of changes are happening thanks to Lore Team, and we need players to get reading. Lore is going through a delicate stage, and it has a lot of room to grow. This is where you come in, we want you to read a page or more, and talk about what you think! Lore Team want to hear it, and are open to discussions. If you have anything to say, or what could need improving, reply on this topic or in #lore-chat on the Discord! It's fine if you haven't read lore till now, just general opinions of the writing is good. Core pages to be read: Nanotrasen The Syndicate (WIP) Trans-Solar Federation (WIP) Primer (WIP) Filler pages (optional but cool): Athland Mining Company (WIP) Sol System (WIP) Corporate Factions (WIP) Be aware this is not finalized and the lore may change at any point. Species Lore isn't here yet, come back later. Read 2023 November's Lore Update HERE Lore Portal HERE (By the way, I will be making a wiki update post soon, it will be a December & January update)
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You dare walk into MY territory? /j This is very great to see for everyone and helps wiki development a ton. God bless.
Add a nonbinary option during character creation.
SynthTee replied to somethingoranother's topic in Suggestions
As a non-binary person, I been in SS13 servers where genderless and non-binary were options and I never seen it be used as trolling. Maybe because their community was more mature about this stuff, and/or they really cracked down on those kind of people. Either way, it's 2023 and I think it's time to try this again. If people don't like it? Cope. -
Add a nonbinary option during character creation.
SynthTee replied to somethingoranother's topic in Suggestions
While I totally agree with this, and would love more options for gender and pronouns, this was tried in the past with a PR in 2021 and it sadly got rejected. I hope things have changed now however, and maybe we can see this getting revived. The PR is here. -
November, what a MONTH. We can happily say we got a lot of things done! This update might seem a bit shorter than the others, but I promise you these changes are quite beneficial. Thanks to the people who contributed for November! If I missed anyone else, tell me: @Jonttte @Shadeykins@Sadhorizon@Sirryan2002@Sciuridian@Aligote@Octus@MigratingCoconut@Crazyhair@Imnotthesharpest@DGamerL@henri215@Chapitito@CinnamonSnowball Revision Requests & Changelog We now have a Google document for Revision Requests, so I can update it in real time. PLEASE check it out here! Make sure to check the Maintenance Panel too for anything I missed, as well as the Github for any merged PRs that need wiki updates. The bot on the discord in the #wiki-development channel also updates us on that. This isn't a definite list whatsoever, and if you find anything else that needs doing, go ahead! November Changelog Locations pages have been axed and are now an unified page with easy to understand colour coded maps for the stations and mining outpost! Check it here. Portals is mostly completed for the player front end, with the Job Portal intergrated onto the main page and other pages. Click the roles on the front page and you will be redirected to it's portal! Advanced Rules on the wiki is now axed and redirects you to the main rules page, it's recommended you check for any current rules here. Lore Portal is now it's own portal, not final however. IPC page now shows what the alternative body types look like, so it's easier for you to customise in character creation now! This change is from October, but make sure to update your bookmarks for Guide to Food and Drinks! They are now two separate pages, Guide to Food and Guide to Drinks. Standard Operating Procedure Yeah, we know that SOP is outdated. If you notice anything, tell us on the forums or the Discord server in #wiki-development. 2023 Development Goals Got some great news for this section, Portals is now close to done and the Job Portal is intergrated onto the Front Page! Job Department just needs Special done. Lore Portal is it's very own section and needs a lot of love, so ask Lore Team about it! We had to sacrifice Game Mechanics Portal however, but it's for the best . @Shadeykins did a lot of the dirty work here for this, so please give props to her! I was just the one saying whether it looked nice or not. Job Portal Special - WIP Contributor Portal Wiki Contributor - WIP Administrative Tooling - WIP, thanks to @Sirryan2002 for starting on it! Github Contributor - WIP Technical Issues - WIP Lore Portal WIP. Co-operate with the Lore Team for this. You can contact them on the Discord server. The headers for Jobs and Portals also got a lovely visual update from @Shadeykins! Look at how sleek it is. Gorgeous. Want to help contribute to the wiki? The wiki can seem quite daunting at first but it's really not! It's easier to contribute as well than spriting or coding. We need people to help us out, so if you like writing and spreading knowledge of the game, give it a try! Check out the guides here and here. We also follow a Manual of Style that you should check here, it will tell you the standards we uphold. Feel free to ask for any help in #wiki-development on the Discord server or on the forums! I recommend reading through MediaWiki and just experimenting.
In tandem with my Monthly Wiki Updates, I have made a public online document that I will be updating in real time. This document features a fraction of what you could help with, and any resources useful to your journey. While it's not a definite list and you are free to work on whatever you want, some direction should be nice. If you want to join in the discussion, feel free to make a forum post or chat in the #wiki-development channel on the Discord server. You can comment/suggest on the document if anything needs to be added, or if you have completed something! Google document here <<<<<<
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You know what time it is. Monthly forum post on the wiki! Sorry this one is literally right after October, but it's been a rather busy month and a lot of changes too. Since my last post in September, there's been a slight uptick of people interested in contributing. It's very exciting to see this and I appreciate the community's efforts so far. Sadly, Sirryan is stepping down from Head of Staff, however this doesn't mean bad things! He will be still helping with Lore and Wiki, so if you see him around, say hi. He was fundamental to building the wiki to what it is today, along with Shadeykins! They know their stuff. Revision Requests & Changelog Requests We have done quite well this month, but more always needs to be done on the wiki! Here's what needs doing: Apparel may have some missing clothes. Some might not be in game anymore either. MODsuits missing stats and needs refinement. Pulse Demon needs to be expanded more, if you know anything about the new midround antag, please contribute. Service Items being worked on, thanks to @Wartrooper122. Guide to Command needs a rewrite, or at least better formatting. Guide to Combat still needs work. Ask @DGamerL if you want to help contribute. Identifying Antagonists needs better formatting. Guide to Regex needs better formatting and more information. Guide to Cargo needs a section on Mail written. Make sure to check the Maintenance Panel too for anything I missed, as well as the Github for any merged PRs that need wiki updates. The bot on the discord in the #wiki-development channel also updates us on that. This isn't a definite list whatsoever, and if you find anything else that needs doing, go ahead! October Changelog We have had quite a few changes this month and I would like you guys to check it out. Give any feedback, any adjustments and what not: Guide to Hydrophonics and Botanist has had some big changes, thanks to @MigratingCoconut It still needs some condensing, so say how you feel about it! Guide to Surgery is testing out a new way of showing how to do Surgery, thanks to @Imnotthesharpest. Tell us if this is an improvement to the old lists or not. Firearms also got a complete makeover, thanks to @Imnotthesharpest again. Guide to Food and Drinks has split into two pages now! It's now Guide to Food, and Guide to Drinks. This is due to the updates that food is now getting, such as many new recipes. Update those bookmarks! Space Law has been changed to reflect a new crime (NOT really new), Possession of a Restricted Weapon/Item. This should hopefully lead to less confusion and clarifies Space Law cares about weapons AND items. Standard Operating Procedure We are aware the SOPs need a update. I am currently discussing with the Heads of Staff and the other Wiki Managers on how to do this. If you notice anything with the SOPs, tell us on the Discord server, as we have a thread dedicated to it in #wiki-development, or make a forum post! Lore You may have noticed, or maybe you haven't, but Lore Team is working on bringing new lore to the wiki! A lot of old lore is also being cleaned up or removed. A good example is the new and improved Nanotrasen and Athland Mining Company pages by @Octus, who is also on the Lore team. They need help however, and if you know how to edit the wiki and have ideas of displaying Lore in an attractive way, please ask them. You will find the Lore team in #lore-chat on the Discord server. Even if you don't, it's important others know what's happening. They are first working on world building, then doing species lore once that's done. 2023 Development Goals Not much to say for this portion of the post, but Portals are slowly but surely being worked on! if you know anything, please check them out. Portals heavily rely on templates, so this is a good opportunity to learn them too. Job Portals General - DONE Service - DONE Supply - DONE Medical - DONE Engineering - DONE Science - DONE Security - DONE Legal - DONE Command - DONE Synthetic - DONE Antagonist - DONE Special - WIP Contributor Portals Wiki Contributor - WIP Administrative Tooling - NEEDS TO BE MADE Github Contributor - WIP Technical Issues - WIP Game Mechanics Portals New Player - WIP Server Systems - WIP. Not sure what it's for. Game Objects - WIP Mobs - WIP Game Rounds - WIP Lore - WIP. Co-operate with the Lore Team for this. Thank you to everyone who has contributed this month. I hope I didn't miss anyone: @Jonttte@DGamerL@CinnamonSnowball@Generaldonothing @Chapitito @henri215@Sadhorizon@Octus@Wartrooper122@Shadeykins@Imnotthesharpest@Boardwalksky@Aligote@Mitchs98@Sciuridian@MigratingCoconut@PopeDaveThe3th Want to give editing the wiki a try? Start with these guides: Sirryan's and the Wiki's. You can also ask for any help and join in on the fun at the Discord server! We discuss the wiki in #wiki-development. The official MediaWiki is also very handy to look through. Conclusion I hope this wasn't too much of a doozy to read. I am glad to see more contributions this month however, and I hope we can keep it up! What makes the wiki unique is that it's a community effort and an easy start to contributing, but what you can do with it is amazing. Let's keep this going. OORAH.
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You are the wiki surgeon after all
No no no no no no no wait wait wait wait meme.mp4 (love you)
We got a lot of firearms, kek.
It's almost the end of September, and it has been a month for sure, such as major updates like QM becoming Command. I thought I should start making these kinda posts, like Sirryan did in the past, to make the wiki more organized (hopefully). I won't be SUPER active for a bit, I am starting university soon, and it will be my 2nd year, but I will still be lurking around, contributing in the dark. Revision Requests & Changelog Some notable things I think need an update, however it's not a solid list. Just something people may wanna give a shot at. Pulse Demon needs to be expanded more, if you know anything about the new midround antag, please contribute. MODsuits needs to be expanded more, I believe some stats and modules are missing. Apparel needs to be expanded more....after a year. I am so sorry, Sirryan. Guide to Combat is being worked on, thanks to @DGamerL. Guide to Cargo is also been revived and worked on, thanks to @Sadhorizon and @Aligote. Guide to Command needs to be expanded more, potentially redone as well. Guide to Atmospherics is still due for a rewrite. Firearms needs a cleanup, some info may be outdated. Guide to Regex needs better formatting and expansion. Identifying Antagonists needs better formatting. Service Items needs to be expanded more. Supply Items needs to be expanded more. Still deciding what to do with Locations and it's areas. Only idea we have currently is intergrating the webmap somehow onto the wiki, or automating the process. Make sure to check the Maintenance Panel too for anything I missed, as well as the Github for any merged PRs that need wiki updates. The bot on the discord in the #wiki-development channel also updates us on that! Thanks to the contributors so far: @Boardwalksky @Aligote @Sadhorizon@DGamerL@MigratingCoconut@henri215@Aleyck@Silverplate@Octus@WolvesOfWar@Imnotthesharpest@Vengie1@Kuba890p@Gerando I think this is everyone, but not 100% sure. Either way, I appreciate everyone's work on the wiki. The wiki is very much a community effort and if you know a thing or two, I recommend you give it a try, with the guide here. Even a little grammar edit can be very helpful. The wiki wouldn't be the way it is today without the contribution, and I wanna try to keep that going. 2023 Development Goals I am not really making big goals for this year, but I do want to show what has changed since Sirryan did his goals in 2022. Since then, the portals have gotten more development. Job Portal is practically done, aside from Special Role. We also now have a Lore Team, so the Lore Portal is all theirs. If Lore Team needs help with the wiki, please do reach out. You can find them on Discord in the #lore-chat. Job Portals General - DONE Service - DONE Supply - DONE Medical - DONE Engineering - DONE Science - DONE Security - DONE Legal - DONE Command - DONE Synthetic - DONE Antagonist - DONE Special - WIP Contributor Portals Wiki Contributor - WIP Administrative Tooling - NEEDS TO BE MADE Github Contributor - WIP Technical Issues - WIP Game Mechanics Portals New Player - WIP Server Systems - WIP. Not sure what it's for. Game Objects - WIP Mobs - WIP Game Rounds - NEEDS TO BE MADE? Not sure how necessary it is, with the Antagonist Portal after all. Lore - WIP. Co-operate with the Lore Team for this. Good to see we managed to finish the Job Portal for the most part in the last year, it's just trying to get the others done now. Couldn't have done this without you guys! Conclusion This wasn't really a major update post, but it's a start for sure. Still trying to figure out my role as Wiki Manager and of course do my part, but I can't wait to see others contribute as well. There's a lot of things you can do on the wiki, what I mentioned is just a small portion really. I like the fact we can come together and make the game more accessible for everyone, so they can understand why we love it so much! See you next month if I don't forget to update.
i make a very handsome appearance
Amen! I want people to know it's never too late to try it out, you might end up having a knack for it.
I pretty much just wanted to make a forum post saying, along with Sirryan and Shadeykins, I am a wiki manager now! You can find me most active on the discord server, but I do check the forums. I am hoping for an active community on the wiki, now that I have the perms to help out even more. The game is constantly growing and changing, and it's difficult for the wiki to reflect that, so if you ever notice something missing or needs changing, and wanna give editing a shot, please do! Give us a shout too if you can't for whatever reason. Here's a guide to editing the wiki: https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Guide_to_Editing_the_Wiki You can also ask any questions on the discord in the #wiki-development channel. What would be even more helpful for your wiki journey is having your own server, so you have easy access to the newest code and sprites or just using the test server! A guide to that is here: https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Guide_to_Contributing#I_am_Completely_New (read from the start to forking paracode) I would love to see more people reading the wiki and helping out! See you around B)
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If Mechanics get a little bit more, this could be great. It is a LOT for Robotics as is right now
I can fix that, they are all just written with the same PNG and I THINK??? their sprites haven't been uploaded to the wiki yet, will check. If they have, you can just find the name of the sprite you want and replace Mecha_Bola.png.
Thank you so much for helping! I can probably add those in, you done enough B)