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SilasLarke's Achievements

Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. My collection so far (Psych Bar is my favorite, the four glorious souls who saw its small spark of life seemed to enjoy their time) Psych Lobby: Psych Bar: The 'Bad Patient' Room... hidden meatspike hole. Never used it, my patrons were glorious.
  2. Slow shift on Kerberos, worked with fellow techies to make a dart arena which took all shift to make and we used... once. For about three minutes. Kinda fun to build though!
  3. Haha and my statement about hitting myself in the head doesn't stand anymore as I managed to light my head on fire forgetting to target my mouth again when RP'ing with an IPC earlier today (I am not worthy of the zippo I burnt myself with). Once I have the command hours I will definitely be doing a lot of HoP! I shy away from RD and am too rusty on medical to be CMO in good faith, but I'm sure once I freshen up I'll be ready to grind! I think the SM crystal would delam itself in protest if I became CE.
  4. Howdy y'all. If you see me in game it'll likely be Roggy Kingpin, stressing out in cargo or bar and likely doing something stupid. I have extensive experience as a bridge bum as well. Lately I've been trying to teach assistants to work cargo tech so they graduate from their jumpsuits before the greytide sets in. Paradise has been the primary station I've been playing on, and I am approaching 200 hours in here. I still feel pretty new if I'm honest, but at least I don't hit myself in the head with whatever I'm holding anymore. Command intimidates me but I have a burning urge to play HoP down the line so I gotta bite the bullet at some point. Anyhoo I'm done rambling.. except for a final point: if you see me building something in the petstore, and if I'm wearing a plague doctor outfit, just carry on your way you want nothing to do with what nonsense I likely got command to approve. Have a great day!
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