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Everything posted by Carl_Perkins

  1. So I don't want to replace the guide to chemistry page, I would like to make an offshoot that gives simple step by step instructions on what drugs to make and in what proportions. That way the novice chemist isn't wondering what drugs to make first or trying to figure out the math for the drug mixtures to fill out an entire beaker. Just like the RnD guide all the user has to do is follow the steps and then slowly learn the ropes.
  2. That actually sounds like a great idea. Although I might add that if we could keep the console, it may display more helpful information such as instructions on how to perform a current procedure. I don't think this would be too hard to implement either, just copy some code over from the cryotubes and perhaps add in some sleeper pod functionality too, such as you said, adding blood or other medicine.
  3. So my question is about the Protolathe page. I was wondering if the table for that page will ever be fixed. It's kind of hard to get in to Research and Development if the wiki doesn't have much information about the Protolathe and what it can produce. I was wondering how to make a proper table for the protolathe page. I know the page says it isn't used anymore, but that isn't true. People still use the Protolathe and still need information on it. The Page in question: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Protolathe
  4. I wonder if they could add light flickering to really mess with people.
  5. I updated the Chemistry and Genetics pages. This includes adding the Napalm, Mute Toxin, and Holy Water Recipes. Also put a description about where plasticide comes from (from the plastellium plant). Also I noticed that there were some new sensations and found that some of the sensations were changed. I saw the page is asking for more updates, but going through the code is taking me a while so I will keep updating as I can. Here is my contribution page: http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Spe ... rl_perkins On a side note, Napalm is some really nasty stuff. Awesome.
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