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Everything posted by Contra

  1. It doesn't say we have to start at 1 1000 tank transfer valves
  2. personally, I recommend https://www.piskelapp.com/, its a great open-source software that you can use in browser to edit gifs (even with transparency)
  3. Sounds like a good idea! I've implemented it in: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/22670
  4. Flanking was a good way to deal with this problem before the slowdown PR (and frankly still is, if anyone dare use it). I think an alternative should be considered, revert the PR so theres no slowdown, and have projectiles go over crates, and unlocked lockers be able to be opened with 4-5 shots from any gun, and the locker is forced open for a bit (similar to stamina (yes basically adding the stamina system for lockers, don't @ me)). If you manage to pull a locked locker you should be able to get away with it since those arent very easily found in places like maint, where most often (if at all) locker pulling takes place. EDIT: Also people push lockers a lot more now, and it looks so janky because pushing stuff isn't smooth. It feels so immersion breaking sometimes.
  5. I love the look of wide-screen, I do not love how it feels in game. I agree with the general sentiment that the chat-box feels very squished and you can get long messages like this: It also feels like it is going to cause so many issues code-wise, I've already run into about 20-30 things that will need to be changed if widescreen is full merged
  6. Reserved - Positive Feedback
  7. 1) Engineer 2) JSON 3) Json created 2/24/2023
  8. This is why we test stuff not on the main server (JSUIT) Everyone naked leading to a highlander round ending.
  9. I still think it needs to be toned down from 3-4 viruses a shift to something lower, wandering off the shuttle and immediately getting fucked by some random virus because it decided "lol im gonna advance through several stages in a short period of time" isn't fun. I get that its making the experience better as a virologist but feels like you WILL catch a deadly virus every single fucking shift, and its getting annoying. These viruses effect the entirety of the crew, not just medbay and antags. Fixing the bug of viruses not working is great, but it feels really overdone to have so many viruses in a single shift. My proposed solution is to either make it infect random crew again, because no one likes getting arrival spawned camped by a fuckin virus. And/or to tone down the commonality of the event, because getting every possible severity virus in a round isnt too far fetched. As for the virologist, perhaps we could implement a sentient virus antag or even better just port fish doctor.
  10. Hmm, probably best to just close this then, most of it has already probably been talked through and decided on by leadership
  11. Just a simple idea, but adding "Security Rookie", "Medical Student", or other similar titles as optional job titles would be interesting, specifically for letting other people know they're new to a role. Something else interesting related to this would be giving the HOP the option to choose a specific title after choosing a job (Like selecting "Medical Doctor" and it would give you a pop up to select "Nurse, Medical Doctor, or Surgeon").
  12. I like the new beveling, but overall the beveling and the dots make the floors distracting somewhat. I personally liked the lighter floors because they stood out from the walls, better highlighting the area where the game is played. Also heavily agreeing with medical/science being not white is weird and maintenance being way too clean
  13. Hey man! This looks pretty cool, would love to work together on something like this. I'm working on a similar project but with an original medbay. Let me know if you're interested on cooperating on a metastation PR or something! (link to my metastation medbay suggestion)
  14. Two metastation suggestions in one day is a bit strange. Maybe this can be combined into a PR with the other suggestion. Metastation medbay is a mess, so I've been working on a remap of meta medbay for a few days, and heres what I came up with. Medbay renovations based on what the community has complained about: Renovates medchem to include all necessary equipment Renovates surgery to be more like cyberiad and kerberos surgery (including surgery storage) Exam room closer to the entrance, but keeps its unique shutters Moves storage, paramedic, and the small "resting" room around Renovates medcryo to be consistent with other stations (showers and piping) Renovates medical reception so that computers are no longer on desks, adds relevant medical supplies to reception like cyberiad (straight jacket, stethoscopes, etc) Renovates morgue and adds revenant spawn points (there were none before) Slightly renovates med breakroom to include medical records, crew monitor, and a recharger Adds a paper tray to genetics for only the most dedicated geneticists Adds Quarantine shutters Adds a secondary storage to be consistent with other stations (rad suits, biohazard suits, vox/plasma tanks, etc.) Adds windows (chromatic) to patient isolation rooms What still needs to be changed: CMO office is not vulnerable for antags Annoying space-wasting loop around CMO office and break room. I'm looking for maintainer/headmin approval before attempting to move CMO office/breakroom because almost everything would require another reshuffle of medical. Any constructive criticism on current medical/my rework would also be appreciated.
  15. Since morph is buffed and can reproduce now, its basically a biohazard. Really should have an alert so you know when there is 5 morphs eating up the whole station. Maybe level 6 or level 4 biohazard or hell even level 1 biohazard, up there with disease, blob, and terrors.
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