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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. It kinda conflicts with the fact they even have an hive mind tho. While with traitors it works because they are individuals who, according to the lore, don't even necessarily have to be actual undercover agents and could actually be simple employees that were intimidated to do stuff, in the case of changelings it doesn't feel like making much sense, especially with the hive mind feature (that would confirm they are in fact all part of a larger entity).
  2. This could also be a bug report but that section appeared locked to me. Not even 1 hour ago I was playing as changeling with the objective of killing another player. The player went into a cryogenic pod before I could reach them so I got a message from the server saying that my objective was now unreachable and I had a new objective. The new objective was: (forgive me for the low quality) Alberto Carr also was a changeling and yet the game set them as a target for me (at the time I still didn't know that he was a changeling). Being focused on the kill I didn't watch the chat and I noticed too late that my objective was effectively also an ally at the same time... I don't know if it was a bug or if changelings are supposed to kill each other sometimes, in the second scenario I suggest to change this setting as it doesn't make much sense in my opinion.
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