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BAGELMENSK last won the day on September 13 2024

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  1. Gigabrain thought for a sick new virus symptom: Amanitin. Once the virus is cured every victim becomes a ticking time bomb unless medical is properly equipped. Or maybe that's too strong and would require some more consideration.
  2. Love em all, 2 seems a little less appropriate for a server banner, but its great ss13 art and I definitely double the endorsement of using all of them in rotation.
  3. True I didn't consider that, I was just thinking about makign a virus that makes people explode and I lost focus on anything else.
  4. If viruses could synthesize chemicals in the body I think that opens up a lot of interesting gameplay with mechanics that are already established in the game. Transferring virus effects into reagents would also mean the adding of interesting negative chemicals that arent jsut sarin gas or some other neurotoxin. It would also allow, similar to botany, the ability to attach unique reagents/chemicals to a department/job. Using Monkeys with specific viruses to synthesize chemicals for extraction via dialysis would add, if nothing else, more things for the virologist to do.
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