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Everything posted by Chimerabear

  1. Cyborgs with the janitor overlay thing should have a way to wet their mops, or- Any form of cleaning occupation should get a sponge which would be like the mop but could be put in a pocket and a bar of soap that needs to be wet. This mostly has to do with the fact that the water mister/space cleaner can't clean walls and I find it somewhat stupid that you have to use the mop to clean walls and the soap doesn't spawn in the janitor's closet. The bar should have a pool table (if what my friend said is true these exist) and other pool table items like pool ques, pool balls, etc. Even if they have no functionality it would still be cool to use for Role-Play. Pool toys would be nice as Skrellian characters need something other to do with water than sit and do sweet tricks. There should be one other type of open toed shoe as I find sandals get bland. There needs to be a way to pour out all of the contents in a glass without having to use a machine, like a command in the object tab labelled pour out drink or toss glass contents in which would send the liquid in the glass flying in the faced direction. There needs to be more than one janitor as it is a big station and calling in emergency janitor teams should only be used in emergencies, as stated in their title. A drinks machine at the mining outpost would be nice. I think some miscellaneous lore like celebrities, TV shows, sports teams, basically more things that are proper lore to the server that allow characters to develop more... well... character. I know you're working on another fix for this already, but while the new lighting overhaul is great, the station could use floor lights to get the dark areas that the wall mounted light can't reach. edit - How do the jani-borgs clean walls if not with a mop? Do they have soap? Because I haven't been a cyborg in a while. edit - Maybe Tajaran and Unathi can each have there own kind of shoe.
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