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Posts posted by CruelCoin

  1. Hi All,

    Maybe i do't have my settings right, maybe i don't have a mod that allows this, but i have particular trouble following the thread of conversation in the text window.

    It's immersion breaking for me to look away from the game to follow what's going on in the chat, and i invariably miss important points of conversation.

    Suggestion: When something is spoken, have it appear in a speech bubble onscreen above the speakers head.


    HOS has no authority over bar, if he arrests you for it you can either admin help it or report him to IAA, because the HoP is the head over all civilian jobs.


    You can kill pun pun, (or generously donate him to cargo) but again, people might get mad at you.


    Whoops! Sorry, i meant HOP not HOS.....



    Hi Regen,


    Thanks for the advice.


    In this specific instance, a strange cocktail was ordered and i refused to serve a non-alcoholic beverage in my bar.

    Some complaints later, the HOS comes over for a "spot exam".


    Now, i assume that was all totally legit?


    Does the HOS have authority to tell me how to run the bar? Or do i go by the wiki part stating that i make my own choices? "Serve up what the crew wants, or just what you feel like mixing."

    What is best practice here?

    HOS wants a fedora vegan paradise, and i want a ale/rum-hole. Who has greater say?




    And: 1-Can i shove pun-pun down the disposal to "generously give cargo a new pet" and 2-can i force feed patrons drink?



    Hi all,


    I'm fairly new to the game, and am having some teething trouble regarding boundaires and where the line is drawn on certain things.


    For example: Yesterday i was barman. A pair of cats come in, and i shout for them to leave. When they don't (and one starting running all over the bar counter) i get my gun and kill one of them, rp'ing "fucking vermin" etc.

    Cue: Big crowd of people screaming animal abuse/murder (i didn't know the cat was player controlled until i saw him chatting). In the end, i got 5 minutes in the brig for animal cruelty. Not that it was cruel at all, as it was an instant death. Cruelty implies suffering, of which there was none.

    So where do i draw the line? Do i grab the cat and drag it out? What do i do if it comes back in and refuses to stay out? At what point am i allowed to use force? If there are no active/responsive security, what do i do then? Suffer it?


    Am loving the game and this server in particular, so would be very appreciative of any and all help to set me on the right path.






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