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Everything posted by FalseIncarnate
Give the CE a list of secure storage's inventory.
FalseIncarnate replied to FPK's topic in Suggestions
This, while an interesting concept, sounds like a nightmare on future mappers. Every time you add or remove a new thing from secure storage mapping, you'd need to update this list, unless you had it auto-generate each round (which seems somewhat silly). Frankly, the CE should perhaps take it upon themselves to compile this list manually at the beginning of their shift so they can have something to do after setting up the engine and waiting for the inevitable hole to appear in the hull where toxins used to be. -
As it stands, Skrell have DIET_HERB, meaning they cannot gain nutrition from protein. This doesn't prevent them from trying to eat it, just as nothing seems to stop my dogs from trying to eat grass when it simply makes them throw up, but they get no real benefit from doing so. I considered a number of approaches when I made the species diet system, including making them outright incapable of metabolizing the reagent (which was bad since they'd be able to literally fill their reagent capacity with protein over time and it would never deplete) and making them suffer toxins from "improper" dietary reagents. Ultimately, I decided that the toxin idea was also bad since it was punishing people for eating mixed reagent foods like stew (due to reagent inheritance from ingredients, this ends up with nutriment, plant matter, and protein in the same food item) and pretty much demanded that you eat only a handful of "safe" foods like jerky or raisins if you were a non-omnivore. On the topic of you point regarding virus immunity, this is a tricky thing. Technically, under the old virus system, skrell were not inherently immune to disease as a racial feature. Instead, viruses would have a list of species they affected, which would be randomly determined when the virus is generated. A virologist, with enough samples and patience, could collect virus traits (or whatever you want to call them) for each of the virus-vulnerable races and splice together a virus that affects almost every race on the station. The random event viral outbreak would simply generate a random set of virus traits (with a couple blacklisted symptoms like gibbingtons, if memory serves) including which races were vulnerable to this. This means you could end up, due to RNG, with a virus that affected every vulnerable race except skrell, a virus that ONLY affected skrell, or some other combination of affected species simply BY CHANCE. Our new virus system doesn't support racial virus targeting like that, so we'd have to either adjust it so they start resistant to certain pre-defined diseases or give them a sort of "racial resistance" which simply lowers the chance they contract a disease (but still could) when exposed to it. As for the gag reflex... that just seems weird. Vomit on its own actually doesn't cure toxins. This is a misconception.
Most organs can be converted from the normal organ pathing into a food pathing, which in turn would allow you to deep-fry them or eat them raw. Yes, this means you can rip the heart out of your assassination victim and then eat it to gain his power. You can't do this with brains, since that would be really shitty since you can't turn the item back into an organ once it is considered food.
Definitely a neat idea... reminds me of the ideas to make ghetto armor vests by combining some tape, metal sheets, and a hazard vest together, Probably would need to limit how many modifications an item can support, possibly based on the item's slot... Gloves can't support much, but a jumpsuit can support more since it is bigger. There already are some sprites somewhere for "tattered" jumpsuits which look like they suffered a major space bear mauling... could be interesting to have clothes lose durability over time and eventually be nothing more than tattered rags which confer none of their normal bonuses until repaired. This might work a bit better if the uniform slot was actually 2 slots... top and bottom. Jumpsuits would fill both slots, but things like the Ian shirt or jeans would only fill one of the slots. Could lend more mixing and matching to what you are wearing and let people develop their own "styles" better.
The Missionary Set (Staff, Robes, and a standard bible) is a 15 TC purchase available only to the chaplain. This is 75% of your TC for what is effectively a re-usable mindslave which can only be recharged while you are wearing the robes and holding the staff. They also are obtainable from a surplus crate, which is all your TC for a CHANCE to get one. You cannot convert people who are already mindslaves or zealots (though ironically you can convert a vampire's thrall), and attempting to do so wastes 25 of your current faith reserves. Attempting to convert a person with a mindshield implant has an 80% chance to fail and waste 75 faith, and uses extra faith if you manage to succeed which results in a longer recharge time. Additionally, if you succeed, the zealot only remains under your sway for 5 minutes, half the normal zealot duration. Attempting to convert the librarian or psychologist has a 35% chance to fail and waste 50 faith. Converting a victim requires they remain within view of you for 4 seconds, during which time you cannot move or swap hands off the staff. Getting bumped by a passerby is enough to break your concentration, causing the attempt to fail. Losing sight of the victim makes you lose 25 faith, but you don't lose faith if your concentration is broken. The robes recharge their staff at a rate of 5 faith per object process (roughly 2 seconds) as long as the robes are worn and the staff is within 3 tiles of the wearer, and you must have 100 faith in order to convert someone. This means, on average, you can convert 1 person each minute, and the average duration of conversion is 10 minutes. When I coded the item, I specifically made the conversion message say "You now must lay down your life to protect them and assist in their goals at any cost." because religious fervor can convince people to do some VERY stupid things in the name of their god. However, you are still not mindless, it doesn't say you must follow their every word exactly. If a chaplain tells you to kill yourself for him, you are well within rights to attempt to persuade him you are more use to him alive than dead. If you are his assassination target, you don't have to use the suicide verb because he tells you to, you could bash your face in with a fire extinguisher instead... In the end you being dead is what his goal was. As for being unable to tell when someone is a zealot... Their jumpsuit's inventory icon will change to red or blue (depending on the color of the missionary staff used), though this does require taking the item off them to check. I never did get it to work where the on-mob sprite recolored properly... In short, the item(s) are powerful, which is why they cost so much and are only reliably available to a single job. The item isn't the issue, it's the mentality of the users and victims.
I have no objection to adding chicken of the cave. Just would need a good sprite for it.
You can already rename foods. Use a pen on it. Now instead of "Brain Burger", you can name it "Vegan's Nightmare", "Zombie Chow", or "Chef's Surprise". You can also literally put your name on a bag of chips so your friend feels guilty for eating your chips (but not enough to stop them from doing it anyways). I definitely agree there needs to be a way to clean those damn plates though.
24 words: The deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried deep fried nuclear authentication disk. (But really, we used to have shitlers who would steal and deepfry just about anything because it was a grief-y and irreversible way to destroy things like PDAs, the captain's spare ID, sec's batons, and so forth; same reason we had to take away the ability to put non-foods on plates.)
This would be like when miners would seek out facehugger treasure rooms on the asteroid so they could play an alien. We ended up making it so the larva is a random ghost rather than the person who was infected, and we STILL were seeing a lot of miners willfully returning to station once infected to start infestations. A more reliable way of triggering them is just a BAD IDEA to me, since you know it will become an almost every-shift thing.
Initially thought you were referring to baseball bats. You were not.
We used to not allow names of fictional characters from things like TV shows and such, which was honestly a hassle for everyone. There were plenty of times where someone would ahelp about another player's name because it happened to also be the name of a character in some show the admin hadn't been aware of for one reason or another (our admin team is spread across the globe, so there's a lot of regional stuff one might not know but another would). This ultimately lead to a lot of confusion on both the player and admin sides on whether or not they should let the person retain the name because it's some obscure finnish tv show character's name from the 80s that the admin in the USA had never even heard of prior to the ahelp. Eventually, the admin team voted internally and decided to rescind that restriction to make the entire process easier for everyone. Crude and obviously out-of-place names still get BWOINK'd, but naming your plasma-peddling atmos tech Hank Hill isn't going to really ruin anyone's day. Likewise, someone named something like Luigi Mario (yes, that's in fact his last name) isn't going to ruin your immersion based on just their name. Hell, there are real people named after characters from shows, books, and games like Zelda Williams (daughter of the late Robin Williams) or even that kid who was named Dovahkiin. You don't necessarily need to account for their backstory for your own, and learning how to adapt to new situations and people is a VERY important skill to master for good roleplay... One which you hone through actually doing so. This change is likely to get repealed, but you are all welcome to discuss the implications of it.
inb4 shitcurity decides to go Half Life 2 on you: Pick up that can.
You already can make coffee and tea via chemical reactions. Coffee powder and tea powder are both able to be obtained through grinding up coffee and tea from botany, then all you need to do is add water and enjoy your cup of caffeine. Upgrades to speed for the fryer could be done fairly easily, though I don't want to bring back deepfry-ing anything. People used to do this to stuff like PDAs, tasers, and other limited yet important objects more to cause grief for the owner than any other reason, because it renders it inoperable and is completely irreversible. The contraband from the kitchen vendor, or rather the entire stock of that vendor, could use a reassessment and updating, I most definitely agree there. As for the pig: he'll be getting an update in the near-ish future to be less janky looking (skittles already has supplied me with new pig sprites) and more delicious.
I like the concept of security issuing tickets and fines as alternative to brig sentences for the lesser crimes (especially things like vandalism or indecent exposure) that don't really warrant a full 5 minute sentence. While the EFTPOS device can be confusing to use, nothing stops you from simply hitting the nearest ATM and making a cash withdrawal for the amount (can also be used to try and bribe the less moral officers). However, as stated, the current "economy" system doesn't really support it. Generally speaking, the average crew member spends very little money through a typical shift, with the main expenses being cigarettes and snacks, or the occasional merch store purchase. This means all you are really going to accomplish with a fine or such would be preventing them from buying a racial flag, yet another pack of smokes, or perhaps another go at the claw game. I'd be all for supporting the issuing of tickets and fines and such IF we first can make money matter.
For the battle game (space villian, pwn lord spess, etc), the tickets dispensed is equal to: var/score = player_hp + player_mp + 5 So if you end with 10 health / 10 mana, you'll get 15 tickets. For Orion Trail, the tickets dispensed is equal to: var/score = alive + round(food/2) + round(fuel/5) + engine + hull + electronics - lings_aboard So if you (miraculously) end with 4 crew, 60 food, 80 fuel, 1 engine spare part, 1 hull spare part, 1 electronics spare part, and no changelings on board, you'll find yourself winning a whopping 53 tickets... but that's never going to happen. Of course, all bets are off when it comes to the EMAGGED versions of these games. With those, winning is much harder, and you'll be lucky to walk away with their respective prizes (and your life)! EDIT: There is no guide for the claw game. It may or may not be rigged. You might just suck at claw games.
Technically, the snowmen from the Evil Santa away mission throw snowball projectiles. They don't do a lot of damage on their own, but they do reduce body temperature, leading to all sorts of !!FUN!! from that. I was going to make it so you could get snowballs from them / the mission, but never did that and now it's in storage until next winter. I was thinking of adding sand buckets/shovels to the beach to let you make sand castles on sand turfs... perhaps when I do that I will let them make snowmen or snowballs on snow turfs... EDIT: If we do have snow / snowballs, we can easily add one of everyone's favorite festival treats: Snow-cones!
You mean that's not how you apply a defib? Shit... Jokes aside, I'd rather not have that be the case. Something as bulky as the defib backpack is going to hurt if you get hit by it regardless of whether or not the person intended to. I also have, in a pinch, used the defib as a weapon for bashing spiders and such when I have nothing else handy, typically remaining in help intent. Perhaps expanding the description to be a bit more clear would be a good middle-ground though.
I'm feeling the need to correct your addition/correction. They do NOT have blacklisted chems. They did at one point, and then it was reverted a bit afterwords. All chems can be placed into the crappy little plastic bottles, which frankly makes about as much sense as the mime singing opera in the AI core (ie: none) when you consider CLF3 is practically just liquid fire.
Definitely a possibility if we decide to implement VR like Goon has. We've talked about it a couple times internally, and one of the things we agreed upon is that if we implement VR, it would likely be used as a complete replacement of the holodeck, with the current holodeck area being converted into an arcade / VR connection point. Adding checkers would definitely be simpler than adding chess, due to generally simpler rules, but both are possible. I wouldn't mind seeing them added myself, though I'm not sure what would be the best way to do it.
This actually is something I've been meaning to adjust. Currently, all pipes come pre-filled (even freshly cut corncob ones, where did that filling come from?) with an absurdly long-lasting supply, and can be instantly refilled without actually needing ANYTHING to be put in them. My idea is to make all pipes begin empty, and instead add pipe tobacco to the cig vendors and allow you to place plants into the pipes to smoke those as an alternative, so you need to fill them periodically and require an actual item to be consumed in the process.
I don't think this is as a big of an issue as you believe. Beepsky Smash (another bar drink) actually causes a stun, while Neuro-toxin (the drink) only causes a weaken effect, dizziness, and eventually even toxins damage if you have it in you long enough. I also believe that neuro-toxin was in fact meant to be used to subdue people (perhaps not via syringe gun specifically) for whatever reason you might have to do so as a bartender. The chem poisons are more focused on dealing the damages to the person, neuro-toxin (drink) is focused on giving you the chance to deal the damage yourself. Besides, unless you get your hands on the syringe gun and a supply of syringes, most people are unable to utilize this, and medical / science staff can just as easily utilize different means to cause the stuns, including just using ether directly or taking advantage of the cryo-tube sleeping.
Not a bad idea, I especially like the updating of manifest status. I've had plenty of times where, as an antagonist, I've spent time preparing to take out my target only to see the message "X has gone into long-term storage" just as I finish setting everything in motion. Being able to glance at the crew manifest on my PDA and see that someone is in cryodorms would be a nice way to avoid that, especially early round when I'm beginning to purchase my gear.
Some casual idea brainstorming on Discord this morning seemed to be in favor of even something simple like a sprite and name change. I also tossed the idea of different cult types perhaps causing different types of damage when making runes (a fire cult causing burns, for example), which seems feasible enough if we shift the different cults to be datum-based information rather than hard-coded into the gamemode. Some potential alternate cults: - Fire Cult: Runes are fire/ash themed, making runes causes burn damage instead of brute, constructs are fire elementals, cult walls/floors could have a lava style - Winter Cult: Runes are ice themed, constructs are snowmen / ice elementals, god is evil santa (joke) - Machine Cult: Runes are circuitry patterns, constructs are robotic versions of Nar'Sie constructs, making runes causes burn (shock) damage instead of brute - Miasma Cult: Runes are green sludge, constructs are oozing horrors, making runes causes toxin damage instead of brute Ideally, each would get special runes related to their theme (for example, fire cult might get a fire wall rune to summon forth hellish flame barriers, or miasma cult might get a miasma cloud rune that summons a toxic smoke to choke their foes), or perhaps even cult-specific themed objectives (assemble 5 constructs of the Machine Cult), but this would be even more code-based work than the simple sprite and name swapping. More cult themes and such would be awesome if people have ideas.
This affects balance too much simply because of grenades. This proposes an increase of 20-40 reagents per grenade, which in the case of even simple ones like water+potassium is a large boost in strength. In fact, this suggestion has already been PR'd and shut down in the past (https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/329) for this exact reasoning. Of all the options here, #3 would be the best compromise. It gives the aesthetic you desire without causing further limitations. Buckets can't be used for grenades, so they have the built-in safety of being useful for chemistry while not useful for bombing.
Let's break this down thing by thing: It can have its safeties disabled to do just this. Might require the use of an emag, but it's for the best that not just any jerk can walk in and disable those. Those plastic flaps allow things that are laying down to pass through. If a simple_animal doesn't get through, it is because it isn't considered as lying (which dead ones probably should count at, this is most likely just an oversight). Plus, the sorting room is for just that: SORTING. Dead stuff can be used by the chef and such, so wasting it in disposals would be something of not doing your job. Those blast doors are there for privacy and protection. A bolted door can be hacked easily, meaning you lose the defensive capabilities of that blast door. If a head is caught in it, that's because someone wasn't paying attention, which you should always do when operating heavy machinery like a blast door. They do. Yep, that would be its own suggestion due to the sprite work. Something something parking brakes? Something something specialized hitch? No real clue here, vehicle code is not something I enjoy trying to figure out. An emergency key could be neat, but would definitely result in people using it just to barge in and steal from places, like taking the cap's spare ID for all-access. Shortest route to toxins is actually through maintenance, meaning one locked door, though. Presumably this is to contact sec officers about filling job vacancies or acting as a temporary HoS until one can be selected and promoted from within the department. HoP-curity is actually considered powergaming and validhunting, and should be reported to admins to be handled appropriately. They were specifically left out of sec comms to avoid them becoming Blue-curity, as they are NOT to be handling security issues beyond direct threats to the heads. They are a corporate bodyguard, not a fancy rent-a-cop.