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Everything posted by FalseIncarnate

  1. I could be wrong on this, but I believe the purpose of that room is to visually separate the distribution and incoming waste pumps from the rest of atmos. 9/10 of the time, atmos techs won't touch that room since it IS the distribution pumps (turbine users tend to be exceptions), and even though anyone who has access can access that room, it IS another step and slowdown for griefers (plus another set of prints for admins to reference). I honestly say that it's fine to leave in place. Any large scale reconfigures that require knocking out those windows tend to be done by the most knowledgeable techs, and the visual separation is needed for the least knowledgeable. Plus, most techs know how to take out a door and windows anyways.
  2. So that's why you bombed security... I was wondering about that.
  3. Last week we didn't play due to the release of Fallout 4 stealing most of the group away. This week, however, we will be playing! My stream is actually going to be up early (as in right now!) showing some Fallout 4 until game time rolls around, at which point I'll be switching over for our regularly scheduled Pathfinder session! http://www.twitch.tv/falseincarnate
  4. I've had a chance to play this, alongside some of our other pathfinder players, and can say it is quite fun. At low levels it plays roughly as pathfinder, but once you begin getting reflex save bonuses it quickly differentiates itself and feels more action-packed and faster paced as the sides begin trading off action/reaction moves and people begin teleporting everywhere with replacements. Definitely enjoy being part of the development of this (I'm the main reason behind those kenjutsu abilities for our group), and enjoy playing it too. Post could use some better formatting, might tweak it later for you if I remember.
  5. Selax reanimated the dead dragon. He now controls an alchemical zombie roc and an alchemical zombie ancient black dragon. He then snapped his fingers and claimed the dragon's cave as his new home, and the Underpalace teleported in around the dragon hoard, safely containing it for later moving. He invited the party to stay for dinner and spend the night recovering before they head back. Oh, and they all took a ride in a flying stagecoach earlier. Would be a hilarious picture to see drawn up, given the ragtag collection of characters we call a party.
  6. After a surprise ninja session last night, we're back in the land of Avalon to pick up the pieces and restore peace to the univers- ah, who are we kidding... IT'S STREAMING TIME THOUGH! http://www.twitch.tv/falseincarnate
  7. Stream wasn't up last week since I was out of town, so missed that session. This week, however, we're back up and running again! http://www.twitch.tv/falseincarnate
  8. I can definitely support some mini triage clinics available, even if it's as simple as adding some emergency nanomed machines (the smaller, wall-mounted ones with very limited stock) to a couple public spots. This would offer bandages, ointment, and autoinjectors to help perform the most basic of triage so that you can get to medbay without bleeding out on the way. Adding chem dispensers or autolathes to public access areas, however, is not something I can entirely support for the reasons mentioned above (griefing, reducing the impact of certain jobs). Adding some more ways for a civilian to contribute would be nice, but the problem is that many civilians simply don't want to contribute much beyond a solid object to the nearest skull. That aside, another issue is simply mapping space. Much of the station is already quite densely packed, so adding new areas to the interior is quite difficult to manage in a way that doesn't obstruct the flow.
  9. The main reason no one buys the encryption key is simply out of fear. Your name is plainly displayed to anyone who is also using it, meaning any other traitor on the channel can theoretically rat you and anyone else on the channel out by name. The best way would be to make the names show up much like how the changeling hivemind works: use codenames. For example, when you buy a key, it gets an associated name like "Agent A" or "Goldfinger" that is used in place of the user's name for the syndicate channel. This would remain tied to the key, so if someone else gets a hold of it, they could pose as the agent who had it initially. Additionally, many times traitors will spend most (if not all) of their TC on weapons and other more violent tools. Think about the last time you saw someone buy the briefcase of cash, syndi-smokes, or syndi-soap outside of a traitor bundle/crate? These are all relatively inexpensive, but tend to get passed over in favor of eswords, chainsaws, and pistols because they tend to be less useful for survival and objective completion. Personally, I think the issue is not the cost, but rather the perceived usefulness of the item in relation to the objective sets. Having objectives like "assassinate the librarian, die a glorious death" doesn't really encourage you to work with others since it is trivial to just buy a syndibomb and blow up yourself and the librarian. Hijack objectives definitely would benefit from coordination, especially with the change that allows other traitors to be on board without failing the hijack, but most times the hijacker is spending their points on mass-destruction weapons like bombs and chainsaws to go in loud.
  10. On the topic of not all vendors being (de)constructable, this is something that could be implemented, though in the average round you won't see many machines run out of even half their total stock (unless of course they are hacked/intelligent and spit it all out). In the case of repairing bombed out areas though, sometimes the vendors are the only thing missing from being able to fully restore a job area. Making these constructable would be fairly easy as we just need to define the board and restock units and tweak existing code to acknowledge the process. On the topic of infinitely restocking machines through reconstruction, this is somewhat of an oversight and somewhat of an exploit. It was intended (based on code and comments) that the restock units were supposed to be less than full. However, when deconstructed, the machine returns full restock units, not partially used ones. Further, it would require some additional tweaking to make the restock unit track which items it contained, since it currently just tracks a number of items which it restocks the machine's first entry first, then continues down until it is empty. I'd like to work on the vendors and their restock units a bit more when I get the chance in order to cut down on this exploit and to make more of the machines constructable so that you can build a new station on the construction site with job-relevant machines, or rebuild a bombed out medbay and replace the lost nanomeds.
  11. There is no such thing as a passive pump. You probably mean passive gates, which can be thought of as pipes designed to limit the flow of gas to a specific pressure for use in precise mixing or to decrease the pressure in a line after a certain point. If by digital manifolds you mean the digital switching valve, I have not seen any odd behavior with them. I will need to double check to make sure things weren't accidentally messed up, but as of the last time I dispensed and used one, it was the right pipe. I haven't messed with passive vents recently, so I can't say for sure what may or may not be the cause on that. As for pumps running off of environment, this is likely intended, but I am confused if you meant that once the power comes back on that they do not work again unless replaced, or simply that they stop while the power is out. This would not be a bad one, though air injectors are meant to be used with the automation, including them on the vents tab for Air Alarms so that you can manually adjust them would be nice. The example you gave is actually not a bug or issue, but rather just another step that you could easily repipe away. The two pumps do have valid uses, especially if you are planning to do any sort of mixing or re-use of the gases in the turbine room pipes. As stated above, this is not actually the "Turbine tank", but rather the general purpose "mix tank". I have seen this used in the past for everything ranging from holding super-cooled firefighting mixes, mixing vox-safe anesthetics, plasma-flood failsafe collection, and even Buzzsky's prison. It is best to set this up mixing a bit in advance of when you begin pumping out of it, as it can hold quite a lot more gas than pipes or canisters can. This wouldn't even be necessary, we'd just need to ensure the meters can read higher values. Good suggestion though, shouldn't be too hard. Breathing actually works off of the number of moles of gas in the air you are breathing (which is why even a pure oxygen tank will suffocate you below 16kPa), so the pressure may not make a large difference. Further, I'm not sure if the advantage of capping the decimal places would really be an advantage in processing power since we'd need to then round the previously capped values to the new cap (taking a bit of processing power). Even if we assume the cost of the rounding to be 0 (negligible), the difference will likely be quite small and otherwise indiscernible to the players.
  12. Tea heals toxins, milk heals brute, and tomato juice heals burns. Knowledge is power when it comes to civvie life.
  13. That line is actually for if you don't filter something out, so that it can be redirected through the mix tank. Rarely ever used though. Atmos is not designed to be completely efficient specifically to encourage the reconfiguration and designing of new systems. These dangerous seeming flaws are easily tweaked away at round start, but become more difficult once you get pumping gas through them.
  14. Nutriment, Protein, and Plant-Matter all have a chance to heal small amounts of damage when metabolized (assuming your species diet includes it). It's not much, but snacking on a bag of chips can help heal some minor injuries. As for sleeping, it doesn't currently do much, aside from maybe helping regain stamina or counteract hallucinations. I may be mistaken though, and would need to dig through the code to double check. There are plenty of easily obtainable ways to heal minor burns, toxins, and brute damage... Just ask your local bartender.
  15. It's that time of the week again: pathfinder stream up at http://www.twitch.tv/falseincarnate This week: we bumble through the Star Wars universe with the Return of the Madman: SELAX ARENLOS! EDIT (6:20 PM EST 10/7/15) : Stream offline until NoX gets his internet back. Will update when we return. EDIT 2 (4:00 PM EST 10/8/15) : Stream coming up, didn't get to play last night since NoX got internet back so late.
  16. Game time! Tune in at the normal place for the last of the multi-boss beatdown! http://www.twitch.tv/falseincarnate
  17. Actually, it was Sadaharu that was getting pegged by the moon, and lighting her fists on fire didn't prevent the burning (but did start the forest fire).
  18. I've sat by and quietly watched this thread for long enough. Too much of this thread is unrelated to the initial suggestion of increasing the process rate of LINDA, and instead seems to focus on returning ZAS. Because of this incredible derailment of the thread and the general attitude of the more recent replies, I am going to lock this thread from further replies. If you wish to discuss the suggestion of speeding up LINDA, you are welcome to create a new thread which will be free of the clutter this one currently possesses. A discussion on returning ZAS would need to be its own thread, though I will say up front that it is unlikely to get coder and maintainer support, and would need to be kept civil and not devolve into attacks on coders or posters from either side. This is to serve as a reminder that the suggestions forum is for SUGGESTIONS and any threads within this section are expected to remain on topic to their suggestion and to remain civil so as to encourage open and constructive feedback and development. TOPIC LOCKED.
  19. Very brief recap of this week's events: We entered the third layer of hell and spent the night in the local inn (owned by Daddy Draven). After a bit of shopping and restocking, we set out to face our biggest battle yet: A multiple boss fight. Bosses: Octum A chess set (well, half of one) Looking Glass Knight Vorkken Card Knight The World and.... Shia Labeouf. The following antics are not necessarily in chronological order. Much fighting was to be had, with Sonic briefly dying before coming back through a magic ring or something. Prometheus (played by CraziestRed) nearly was smeared across the battlefield after Vorkken blasted him with UNITE: GUN, but luckily was saved by Aerma and left at 1 health (Aerma was left at 2). Prometheus then promptly ran away to get smeared another day (had to go for RL reasons). Bitey killed Card Knight with a solid 64 damage critical bullet to the face, then looted the body for his magical deck of combat cards. Bitey then proceeded to go maximum-bullshit and wiped out about half the battlefield with a lucky draw, leaving Vorkken largely toothless without his minions. Kagura suplexed The World onto Shia Labeouf, who amazing only took 7 damage from having the planet earth slammed onto him. Celebrities get all the special treatment apparently. Kagura then gained the hatred of every environmentalist ever by starting forest fires on The World with a flaming punch, then punching a continent so hard that it killed The World. 6 billion lives were lost on Earth. Kagura then slammed Shia Labeouf's head into the ground, killing him and finally silencing his motivational shouts. Bitey ended up putting Vorkken down for good before turning his attention to Looking Glass Knight. Kagura and Sadaharu dealt some solid damage to LGK, but Bitey ultimately got the kill with a well placed shot. Octum fired a laser for his only true contribution to the battle aside from summoning a bunch of Dark Lore mooks which were largely wiped out in bulk as Vorkken would use them with his UNITE abilities. Octum killed a few enemies, and did some minor damage to the party with his laser, and has otherwise sat contentedly at the rear of the battle the entire fight. Bitey declared "CHECK!" on the King of the Chess Set before greatly weakening it. Amazingly, the King did not surrender after Bitey informed him of "Mate in one move." Kagura then finished the job with a single attack, proving Bitey's tactical assessment correct. With only Octum left, the party gained a rare mid-battle level (and the full heal that comes with the new level), bringing the party to level 7. Next week: Octum is going to die. No party members were killed in the making of this session. Many mooks were harmed and killed during the making of this session. Boss Kill Count: Bitey: 3 (Card Knight, Vorkken, Looking Glass Knight) Kagura: 3 (The World, Shia Labeouf, Chess Set) Everyone else: 0 (Just assists.) Bosses still alive: 1 (Octum) We are also still accepting new players! Contact Earthdivine or NoX for info and to join up!
  20. Our hierarchy is the 3 head-admins (currently 1.5 since one stepped down and the other is out for medical reasons) control the admin team and server policy, 3 maintainers for the code team and github, and then the host is separate (but roughly on par with a normal admin in terms of policy and code decisions).
  21. To my knowledge, we are still accepting new characters. At the time of this reply, we are at level 6, so build something at that level and we should be able to work you in. EDIT: Also, streaming again today, same links as before (scroll up)
  22. Emitter fields (I'm assuming you mean containment fields like around the singularity) aren't instant kills, but they do quite a decent amount of damage. This is on top of flinging you away and knocking you down, which (in the case of singularity containment) can result in you being pulled in for round 2. EMPs definitely hurt robotic limbs. I play IPC as my main character, and I can definitely tell you they will mess you up. Non-sec and non-antag weapons aren't meant to be all-powerful kill tools. They are still strong in their own rights, like the large damage of a wielded fire-axe or the under-estimated throwing force of a floor tile. Further, making a crossbow into a POWERED crossbow not only is easy, but also ramps up it's damage by a noticeable amount. Not to mention pinning people to walls is the true strength of the crossbow. While your opinion on the matters discussed are welcome, I do suggest you take some time to fact-check your assertions before hitting submit, as much of what you have put forth is simply misinformation or partial-truths.
  23. This would be hilarious. Player 1 uses the high-five verb, and puts up their hand. Everyone nearby gets a message "Player 1 is looking for a high-five!" If someone else adjacent to Player 1 uses a high-five, they complete the high-five (complete with slap sound). If Player 1 uses the high-five verb again before someone can complete the high-five, they will retract the high-five, causing anyone who attempts to complete it within the next few seconds that they were "Too slow!" HOWEVER, if the window of opportunity (we'll say 5-10 seconds) passes without anyone completing the high-five (and it is not retracted), everyone nearby is notified that Player 1 was left hanging. Player 1 is also informed of their humiliation at being left hanging.
  24. A bank would be nice if we had a persistent economy system in place, which we do not. There had been some trials towards implementing a persistent economy, but this was put on indefinite hold. I'd like to see it revived and brought back, however gaining the traction for this is one of the many obstacles that would need to be overcome. As for the mineral coins, mining / cargo can make coins (unless the minting machine got mapped out again), which cargo could then freely sell for whatever amount of credits they wish.
  25. I had at one point done up a quick proof-of-concept mapping for a couple bedrooms to house the dressers. It was located alongside the barbershop, however the area was then taken by a redesigned solar array in that area, so I scrapped it. Giving antags a place to hide is not a bad thing, however ERP uses would be a definite concern for including bedrooms. More likely than not, however, they would be used about as frequently as the restrooms (never).
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