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Everything posted by FalseIncarnate

  1. Hey there, feel I should PROBABLY chime in on this, since i did the port. So, first off, let me address the spread here vs no spread bay thing: It's broken on Bay! Go figure. I actually fixed it for us, because it literally did not spread in the initial tests of the port. Apparently, on bay-dev, it still doesn't work. Problem is... it kinda spreads too much and too fast. One thing I'd like to do is some sort of limiting check on the spread, so it doesn't spread over a certain amount. I also need to probably go through and nerf the spread chances AGAIN, since they are still too damn high. But yes, this is not exactly "broken", but it is in need for further balancing. It's on my checklist, and should hopefully see work quite soon.
  2. As promised: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/1390 Allows the creation (and separation) of Prescription Mesons, Prescription Sunglasses, and Prescription HUDSunglasses. Medi-HUDs and Sec-HUDs are effectively monocles, so I didn't include the ability to upgrade them to prescription versions. That and Medi-HUDs tend to be something you can rather easily do your job without, and who honestly uses just a Sec-HUD?
  3. You'd be surprised how useful that identification ability is. You never want to mix up a grenade and a granade. ERT also has an account age lock on it now I believe, so it wouldn't be as likely to get a bunch of new people who don't know what they are doing. Part of the reason for removing the naming and appearance selecting was to speed up the process, and part was to avoid people using existing characters as ERT.
  4. Looks like a Big Daddy and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle got mixed up in some freak bluespace accident. Jokes aside, love the old-timey diving suits.
  5. Heh, i forgot about this one honestly... It has been bumped to near the top of my list of things to code as compensation. Expect it to be PR'd within the week or so.
  6. Holy run-on sentence Batman! Summary: IPCs get wrecked in combat easily. Let IPCs repair their brute damage by themselves, but require the help they currently require to repair burn. As a IPC-player myself, I am quite familiar with the frustration of trying to find someone willing to use a welder on you, though luckily medical has become increasingly familiar with the process over the past couple months. Combine that with most engineers and roboticists being familiar with IPC / prosthetic repair, or even random crew when handed a welder and told what to do, finding the help is nowhere near as difficult as it used to be. During the period where repairing IPCs would incur the welding eye-damages, almost no one would be willing to help out of fear of going blind. Welders and cable are fairly easy to track down, and many people would not question an IPC carrying a welder and/or cable coil in their bag/pocket for convenience. Asking random people to help you with repairs doesn't strike me as any less meaningful RP than asking someone to help you bandage a cut you can't reach or other comparable tasks such as dragging you to medbay because you broke your legs.
  7. Not entirely true. Botany can grow Plastellium shrooms which contain plasticide. A somewhat simple chemical reaction can then turn that into plastic sheets. But the common source of plastic (smelting coal) will be gone with TG mining. I intend to make sure we keep plastic from plastellium, as it does have some uses (candy moulds mostly, but also some other things). I can definitely get behind the idea of fake sunglasses, ESPECIALLY if they are the over-sized novelty ones.
  8. Apologies, it's been a bit since I've messed with D&D, so I mixed up the whole astral plane bit. It's still in effect a black hole, since anything that enters it is rarely going to return (given that rifts tend to be rather unpredicatable in where they deposit you and typically won't remain open as a two-way transport for long if at all). But yes, I technically was wrong in my phrasing by saying "black hole" rather than "rift to the astral plane".
  9. Again, it was not implemented as a deterrent; the mechanic's implementation has nothing to do with deterrence, everything to do with a DnD reference. Full stop. Period. Again, I was speaking purely about the D&D mechanics here. Wizards of the Coast (or whoever owned the rights to D&D when that was actually put into effect) put that mechanic in on their game as a deterrent, not us. Now, to avoid you further being confused so easily by which system I'm currently referring to, let me clearly state that I am now talking about Space Station 13: We never declared the singularity spawning as a deterrent, because it wasn't intended as a deterrent in SS13. It was purely a reference to a rather well-known mechanic from another game system that was able to be applied in this game system in a nearly-identical manner as the original material. We did not code it, it has been something in the codebases since r4407 or earlier, so it's initial inclusion was not simply a case of one of our coders saying "hey, i want to reference this", nor was that the case with it's re-inclusion. It was re-included because it was an interesting mechanic that served valid purposes in the right hands/situation.
  10. I believe there was a bit of misunderstanding on my phrasing (and looking back at it, I can understand the misunderstanding and apologize for my phrasing). I didn't mean that the mechanic in SS13 was meant to punish people. The original mechanic from D&D (which is what the SS13 mechanic references) was what I meant as being in place to punish people for trying to break the game via recursively-infinite storage. Given that a bag of holding would always weigh the same regardless of contents, it was possible to carry an entire continent worth of loot without ever increasing your load beyond the first bag (thus circumventing encumbrance). Thus, the black-hole mechanic was implemented, more as a deterrent than an actual punishment. You typically don't do anything you are told is going to kill you unless you are gonna die regardless of doing it or not. If that's how it came across, that was not the intent. As neca mentioned, we rarely ban people who do this as an honest mistake (and usually if we do ban them, it's for their attitude in response to the admin PM or other reasons than the bags). We DO ban people who do it intentionally and without a valid reason for doing so. As for your bit about cleverness, we do encourage players to be clever. However, there are still limitations on what is and is not allowed within a purely mechanical confines, and recursive storage has been known to cause problems, especially with things like locations and objectives. Being clever does not always equate to exploiting a loophole or bug, and preventative measures to avoid said loopholes encourage the player to be clever by devising some other means to their end.
  11. Spawning a BoH singularity is generally considered grief and is bannable for such reason. There are a few valid uses for it that will not result in banning, which this suggestion utterly removes. And yes, occasionally it happens on accident, though such occurrences are rare, almost never repeated, and still have some sort of punishment to ensure the lesson is learned. The reference is a long-standing one, and one present on most (if not all) of the major codebases. We did have the functionality removed for a while, and then returned it (I don't know all of the details regarding either event, just that they happened). While not everyone may like it, the reference is there for the same reason as the original mechanic being referenced: To avoid recursively-infinite storage and punish people who would attempt to exploit a system. Your suggestion also seems to be potentially abusable, even with the chance of mayhem. There are some items that shouldn't be duplicate-possible, and some that (while duplicating would be possible) shouldn't exist in larger numbers without significantly larger effort than tossing them into a green portal. Examples: Supermatter crystals, Xenoarch Artifacts, Hand-tele, most mechs (specifically things like a Phazon or HONKmech), Bulma Briefs, high-cost traitor items (they are high cost specifically to limit their availability), traitor-objective items (such as the CE's magboots, captain's gun, nuke disc, etc), slime cores, high-end materials (diamonds, uranium, etc), and so forth. While bag of holding singularities are destructive and incredibly powerful, they are typically not a common sight (except during christmas, that was a bad time) and I personally see no need to remove this function.
  12. Pills/injections of pure nitrogen work like a weaker version of salbutamol for Vox. It only cures oxy damage at about 1/3rd the rate, and doesn't attempt to cap the losebreath at all. Like FoS mentioned, Vox players are typically very wary of "vox-safe" anesthetics, even when they trust the source to be competent enough to actually mix it. Simply requiring exposure to oxygen during pre-surgery prep and post-surgery clean-up gives them pause. Cortical stacks shouldn't be something there are "extras" of, since the cortical stack is like a second brain for a Vox that stores it's personality. Each one is unique, so you can't really have "spares". Moreover, not even NT really understands what the cortical stack does, how it works, or anything about how they are made originally, so they can't be expected to have the capability of producing new ones. A way of re-implanting the stack through an injector would be great though. Kinda silly that something like that requires a full cavity implant into the chest because the stack is too big to re-insert into the head. Some spare tanks wouldn't be a bad thing, toss them in a special tank dispenser in medbay or something.
  13. Fishbowls you say? Movement speed bonuses would be a bit dangerous to play with (Vulpkanin had a proposed move speed bonus that was removed pre-release due to balance concerns), though perhaps letting them move at walk speed while laying down (essentially crawling) would be an option to consider. Also with David Rossi on the opinion that the second image would be good, gives them a humanoid, yet non-human appearance.
  14. Easiest way I can think to handle this is to scavenge the code from tank transfer valves and such to add in a "mechanism" slot to the wall mount (would be invisible to avoid needing yet more sprites) that can accept and utilize an assembly like prox sensor + tape recorder or something.
  15. Easiest fix for this would be to make the Changeling sting require triple citrus and vodka, or screwdriver and the other two juices. It is possible for there to be multiple recipes for a reaction/product, so this wouldn't be terribly hard. I have encountered this before and can agree that it is kinda annoying to deal with. I've been wanting to improve the bar a bit (more recipes, maybe a bit more mechanics or something to make it a little more immersive/interesting) so I'll definitely look into cleaning up some of the recipes to avoid unclear instructions and overlaps where possible. EDIT: I also might look into separating the chem reaction recipes (which bar drinks count as) into better organized files, like I did with the kitchen recipes. Shouldn't really affect anything other than making it easier to track down and edit recipes and organize the code a little bit.
  16. I could support the crisis borg getting the monitor, since they are essentially a paramedic. Giving the standard medi-borg a built-in monitor might be a bit much though, as they are meant to be treatment, not recovery/response.
  17. The one the ERT shuttle docks with is a proper one, it can cycle and be used for entry/exit. It's just compact, which is what I was mainly emphasizing we should aim for with any airlocks on the outpost (plus, that sized one would fit perfectly in the space already used by a single massdriver)
  18. I think the buttons for the massdrivers also check access, not sure off hand though. I'd remove one of the massdrivers and replace it with an airlock, leave 2 for launching more stuff. With LINDA, we don't need huge airlocks (or even cycling ones really), so you'd be able to make a small one like the ones where the ERT shuttle docks with arrivals.
  19. Pet Rocks: The Perfect Pet! Congratulations on taking the first step towards responsible pet ownership! While we here at Nanotrasen's Pet Division know there are a large number of potential pets, we can guarantee* that none are nearly as exciting and lovable as the ever-loyal Pet Rock! [spoiler2]* This guarantee is universally exempt from challenge in any court of law, basketball court, courtship rituals, and Switzerland. * Guarantee void outside the exact center of Sol, and may be subject to additional conditions inside Sol.[/spoiler2] Section 1: A Brief History of Pet Rocks. Since time immemorial, the universe has been inhabited by rocks of all shapes, sizes, colors, and mineral compositions. A long-lived and hardy species, rocks have successfully integrated into nearly every civilization and thrive within. Due to their loyal nature and exceptional obedience, rocks were quickly domesticated and became the very foundations of many galaxy-spanning civilizations in a wide-variety of roles. Most notably, however, they have been deemed the "perfect pet" by some of the most knowledgeable individuals, and have been widely adopted as Pet Rocks for multiple millenniums*. [spoiler2]* Exact date of the first Pet Rock's adoption is up for debate, but scholars agree that it was "a really really long time ago or something."[/spoiler2] Section 2: The Unique Biology of Pet Rocks. Rocks are amazing creatures, featuring one of the most unique anatomical and biological structures ever observed. Despite the presence of ANY organs, sensory faculties, or even recorded sentience, they have managed to inhabit nearly every planet and asteroid belt in existence. Moreover, their unique structure has made them resilient against even the most virulent of pathogens and insidious toxins, a trait that has been coveted by many and to which the rock owes it's amazingly long life-span. Rocks, despite lacking obvious reproductive organs, also are able to reproduce in a unique manner. Asexual beings by nature, rocks reproduce by a process similar to mitosis, in which the "parent" rock creates offspring that splits off from it into a separate entity. This process occurs naturally over an extended duration, colloquially refered to as "erosion", in which the parent slowly reduces it's own personal mass as it releases hundreds of smaller offspring that are sometimes called "pebbles", "shards", "chips", or "sand". Careless miners have been often injured when the offspring of a rock they mistakenly attacked have attacked in the defense or in revenge for their parent's injuries. Rocks also seem to possess a unique biological function that has been likened to a natural cryostasis. In the absence of suitable foods, rocks have been observed as being able to suspend their digestive systems indefinitely, leading less-scientifically inclined individuals to believe that rocks simply do not require food to survive. This is in fact a falsehood, as rocks are naturally a voracious carnivore, and among some of the most dangerous of predators to have ever existed. Luckily, they are incredibly picky eaters, and have developed a strong bond of loyalty with many races that exempts it's members from the rock's seemingly insatiable appetite*. [spoiler2]* Do note, that there have been many recorded instances in which rocks, both wild and domesticated, have attacked members of these races. This unusually aggressive behavior has been deemed abnormal and is suspected to be a result of severe distress. Rocks are incredibly dangerous entities and should be handled with respect and care to avoid them lashing out in self-defense.[/spoiler2] Section 3: Pet Rock Care and Grooming. Much like cats and a number of other pets, Rocks require little to no external grooming. When undisturbed, they will typically groom themselves of most of their natural irritants. Dust, contrary to popular belief, is not actually a sign of filth for rocks. In fact, the dust is actually a naturally secreted compound that acts as a sort of repellent for further filth, released from the rock's hide to create a shielding layer to maintain it's cleanliness over time. Should your pet rock ever become exceptionally dirty, or should you wish to aid it's grooming process (perhaps in anticipation of company or entry into a pet show), only a gentle rubbing under some running water is necessary, while soap or space cleaner will clean your pet rock and leave it with a brief yet pleasing fragrance. Regardless of the method used to clean the rock, it will always display affection and gratitude for the assistance and attention it has received. All pet rocks have been thoroughly house-trained and given standard health examinations before being placed up for adoption by crew, so there will be no need for you to worry about either of these upon adoption. However, it is suggested that you instruct your new pet rock on an acceptable location for it to do it's business, as to avoid accidents when it simply cannot hold it in any longer. Recommended locations from experienced pet rock owners are "the bathroom", "in a potted plant", "in the pasture", and "on the captain's desk", however we encourage you to designated whatever location will be most convenient for you and your rock. While Pet Rocks are quite notable in their docility, new owners are advised to keep an eye on their rock for the first day. The new surroundings may cause excessive excitability in the rock which can lead to a wide variety of issues such as accidental damages to the workplace, running away (usually they migrate towards the disposal outlet in cargo for an unknown reason), and rarely outbursts of violent behavior. Pet rocks tend to share an almost empathetic bond with their owner and have been shown to react to people in a way that mirrors the owner's disposition towards the individual. Therefore, until your pet rock has fully adjusted to it's new home, it is recommended that you attempt to prevent it from being near people you dislike as to avoid any accidental attacks. Remember: the rock is an alpha predator, and has been scientifically proven to feel no remorse. Before being adopted, all pet rocks are fed to ensure their owner will not need to hurry and locate food for the rock they just adopted. This is fortunate, because as mentioned above, pet rocks are very picky eaters, and locating their preferred food is quite difficult. Also, rocks tend to experience frequent and unpredictable changes of taste, meaning they will quickly grow bored of a meal and thus refuse to eat it. As such, new owners are encouraged to offer their pet rock various types of food until the current preference is located. Simply place the food on a table or floor, then place the rock beside it and wait. Should it be correct, the rock will voraciously devour the meal, assuming the rock is hungry. Should your rock ignore the food, they may simply be not hungry or it is not their current taste. Don't be disheartened if you cannot locate their taste, the chef is likely to blame and needs to be fired for failing to provide food of exceptional quality. Section 4: Training Your Rock. Pet Rocks are exceptionally loyal and obedient, with an intelligence that has been recorded as surpassing that of various crew members. It is possible to train pet rocks to perform a variety of actions and tricks, assuming the owner/trainer is patient. Sit: This one of the simplest commands to teach your pet rock, as they already know the associated action. Simply state "Sit." in a firm yet calm tone, with an optional hand gesture of a single finger pointing to the floor. Pet rocks will nearly always learn this command on the first attempt, though should the rock fail to sit, make sure to remain calm so as not to add anger to your tone. Repeat the command, this time with the rock's name before it, such as "Fred, sit." and the rock will surely comply this time. Down / Lay Down: This is another simple command to instruct, and has similar success to the "Sit" command in how quickly the rock will learn it. For this command, make a firm gesture of an open palm facing the floor, then lower the hand slightly as if pushing something down as you firmly state "Down." or "Lay Down." in a calm tone. It may be difficult to tell if your rock has successfully followed the command, so owners are encouraged to closely inspect their pet rock to determine if it is actually laying down. Repeating the command while the rock is already laying down will confuse them, and undo the previous training of the command as the rock will believe they did the command incorrectly. Patience is key for retraining should this confusion occur. Stay: This is an important command for pet rocks to learn, so as to avoid them wandering into the more dangerous sections of the station. Simply extend an open palm towards the rock, as if to push someone back and state "Stay." Rarely are rocks observed to disobey this order of their own volition, and will stay where they were indefinitely unless extraordinary circumstances or an outside force causes a need for them to move. Should you return after having given this command and leaving to find your rock has moved, it is not encouraged to scold the rock for it's disobedience. Instead, approach the rock in a calm, even soothing manner, and provide it with a gentle rub and kind words, as being forced to disobey orders causes an immense guilt in the rock's psyche. Remember: rocks will only disobey a "Stay" command under the most dire of circumstances or involuntarily due to outside forces. Punishing them for something outside their control is just cruel. GET DAT FUKKEN DISC: This is a very advanced command, and typically takes years to train. It has been included in this guide as an example of the intelligence and potential of rocks. For obvious security reasons, we cannot provide comprehensive instructions for training this command, however we assure you that a number of Pet Rocks have been trained to do this successfully. We do not encourage you to spend your time on board the Cyberiad attempting to teach this command, as you likely have more important duties (such as your JOB!) to attend to. This is just a small fraction of the tricks and commands that owners have trained their pet rocks to perform, and is by no means complete. Using your creativity and your pet rock's obedient nature, you can train your rock in a wide variety of tasks such as drug detection, tracking fugitives, fetching the morning paper and your slippers, back-flips, singing, paperwork, and even Class 8 hazardous materials handling. Conclusion Thank you for reading our Comprehensive Guide to Pet Rocks, a primer for pet rock care. Should you have any tips of your own that you would like to share, or should we have missed a topic you would like covered, please comment below and we will have our interns respond as quickly as possible!
  20. Sounds reasonable. Adding more roller beds would also be fine by me. Medi-borgs can also dispense roller beds I believe.
  21. There is a YouTool machine on the engi-outpost that atmos techs can access, though being unable to get circuits for air alarms from engivends is annoying. Construction site access (what you need for the mass drivers i believe) would also be nice, but normally isn't that difficult to request from a HoP assuming they aren't off abusing the all-access they inevitably give themselves / are actually on station.
  22. Something to consider would be to start with a limited number of mountables, then expand the selection via future PRs. Additionally, I'd highly recommend the use of a dedicated sprite file (.dmi) for the mount and it's associated overlays. This would aid not only in making sure that the existing sprite files don't become even more bloated, but also keep things organized. Feel free to PM me here, grab me on the teamspeak/IRC, or message me on github if you want some help or have some questions. One of the ideas I mentioned to expand the original suggestion was to allow some items to be mounted, like guns, axes, swords, etc. Make your axe scream like David Buck, your gun quote Dirty Harry, and your fish sing!
  23. I like the idea of shrapnel getting left behind. Few things I'd suggest to tweak the original idea though: Instead of a bomb always leaving a bunch shrapnel with a tiny chance of each piece having prints/fibers/whatever, it would instead RANDOMLY leave an amount of shrapnel (maybe 0-10 pieces?) which would always have some sort of indication of the TYPE of explosive ("looks like a logo", "appears to be a piece of a gas tank", "contains glass fragments", "has a charred Syndicate logo", etc) and then a chance for the prints. Larger bombs would have a higher chance to produce shrapnel, meaning a syndi-bomb might leave an average of 5-7 pieces but still could leave no shrapnel, while it would be rare (yet possible) for an IED to produce 10 shrapnel pieces. Helps balance the bombs with a risk/reward set-up: bigger boom, bigger chance to be traced back to you. Bomb residue in the blast area wouldn't work too well since a large number of explosives will destroy their turf, and scanning residue off of space makes no sense. Putting that info onto the shrapnel might work though.
  24. Don't worry, I'll be writing up a comprehensive guide to caring for your pet rock in the next day or two. But that'll be kept separate from the aquarium guide to avoid confusion.
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