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Posts posted by DeletedUser


    Alright so I understand the mean comments coming from Dreadweaver is all this complaint is about.


    He did not ban someone unjustly in relation to this incident, or abuse his authority to enforce a behaviour beneficial for his character.


    He did not use admin powers to spawn hostle critters, spawn admin-weapons for himself, teleport himself away, delete players or map elements from the game, cripple players, start destructive events, or pushed any of the other 200 doom-device buttons on the admin panel.


    He did express his annoyance at security ignoring the Standart Operating Protocol (which is arguable due to the circumstances) in the OOC chat in a passive-agressive manner, and could be accussed of breaking the "No IC in OOC" rule when doing so.


    Is that correct?


    If so, how would you expect the administration to act on this?



    Admins do events all the time. Normally there is at least one or two admins observing, and when things are calm and they get bored, they will mess around. I don't mean just adminbuse, i mean something with a story of some kind. I see one happening at least every two rounds.


    Why don't you see it?


    Well.... 80 players average...


    We just don't do that kind of events events that would involve everybody. And if we do, its very very rare.



    And before you claim "ONLY FAVURITES GET EVENTS", its true that some people are prefered to participate in the event just because we know they would play along nicely, but more often than not the admins just look for people who seem to be just as bored as they are, and are not a bald black-eyed civilian.



    Also keep in mind that admins are kindof fucking exhausted when admining due to the huge playercount, specially on weekends. Events are a low priority thing for admins.



    Wait wait hold on... really? That OOC comment is all what this complaint is about?


    Dread just commented that the SoP is a thing and that security disregarded it, its completely true, and he didn't punish anybody about it from what i understand, as the rules don't enforce following the SoP.


    No really, tell me there is something more to this.


    Is THIS:


    OOC: Dreadweaver: whistles quietly

    OOC: Dreadweaver: Security must respect the privacy of crew members and no unauthorized searches are allowed. Searches of any kind may only be done with a signed warrant by the Head of Security or higher, or if found with visible contraband.

    OOC: Dreadweaver: Weapons worn by security/headstaff are to be hidden, except in emergencies.

    OOC: Dreadweaver: continues whistling

    OOC: Dreadweaver: I'd like to congratulate security for completely and UTTERLYdisregarding SOP in the last one hour

    OOC: Dreadweaver: good job, guys.

    OOC: Dreadweaver: anyways, stop the ic in ooc now


    the point of this complaint?



    Why were the Customs officer and Diplomat professions removed?


    Custom officer's only purpose was for people to ragequit if they didn't spawn at the start of the round.


    WTF is a diplomat.


    Why was the End of Round griff/robust/singulo spawning allowed when it was previously against the rules?


    When that rule was a thing, half of the unban appeals on the forum were from shuttle grief, even from good regular players. Not worth it for 60 seconds of post-round "roleplay".


    Why (again) is Shitcurity so frequent (if Security is even present, apart from two or three others and myself)?


    Powertrippers vs. greytide eternal struggle.


    Why (again) is Greytide so frequent?




    Average playercount of >50 with peaks of 100 players. Fuck.


    Why can't I (directly) harm people with lit lighters?


    Sounds like a bug. Use a toolbox yadork.



    So your complaint is basically about Kluys enforcing the rules of the server in accordance to the admin guidelines on the admin forum. Thank you very much.


    Complaint closed.


    Read the rules next time.



    And I thought this was an english server. The meaning of my name does not mean anything about my playstyle.


    Not an excuse to slip profanities in your name, even in another language. If you are such a good player, you will have no problem in changing your ckey into something decent.


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