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Everything posted by borderlinecrazy

  1. hello again readers! im here again to tel about nanotrasen! i was studying just now when i had suddenly an urge to write about my findings and learnings, becasue to me we were always more than just a mining slash research company, we are a nation and an ideology! in here we believe that all of our loyal workers must work together to help the other stay alive! you can see this often in our station! all of our departments are meant to collaborate with each othe to work properly, engineering maintains the station they are in, security detains criminals and keeps the order, cargo supplies everyone with needed stock, service keeps the crew fed and the morale up, medical patches up anyone eho is caught in an accident, research extends and improves everyone’s ability to do their job, and command overseees all to make sure theyre doing things right! its such a strike of genius, yeah? productivity, hard work and collaboration are the founding stones of our great corporation! im proud to serve nanotrasen, and you should be too! so remmember friends, keep working together! we all need each other to thrive!
  2. hellloooo readers! my name is K'oalde Nreezinnj, i am a 19 years old tajaran , i have gorgeus gray-ish blue fur with dark spots and really like fancy clothes! people often have difficulty speaking my whole name so i think everyone could just go by my nickname "ness", its an abreviation for my last name i made myself! so further into my introduction i have to talk about the place and corporation i work for, Nanotrasen ! so when i was just little i was born onto this USSP controlled ship or station thing, with my original tajaran parents being socialists! can you imagine it?! because i cant, just thinking about lliving in the harsh enviroment those guys have to go through makes me shriek! here''s a picture of me when i was living there! i was such a cute littel guy! i can't remember who was holdinng me in the picture, maybe was the ship's captain or someone else? because it cant have been my parents since they were tajaran too, anyways so one day over there a strike team sent out by Nanotrasen to retrieve some stolen property or something like that, and after they took down the bad guys there they found me! and of course they couldn't just leave a toddler behind so they took me back to their trurl! after that i was adopted by my dad, who was and is an official at the nanotrasen navy, he's really busy most of the time so i don't talk to him much, but thats okay. i'm very thankful for what Nanotrasen has raised me into, it's given me a home, a family, and has shown me that even if it has flaws, capitalism is the only type of government that will work, ever! and it has taught me many other things too, loyalty, manners, professionalism, and presenting yourself properly! everyday i study to learn to become a better and more efficient member, maybe one day even become an intern in central command! i can only dream so, heheh. thanks for readingg! i will write more on the blog about my work here in Nanotrasen soon!
  3. character is in-lore terminated/demoted from nanotrasen, due to character development and OOC reasons
  4. 2567-02-15, Nanotrasen's HR Department NOTE OF TERMINATION Dear Samson Letterman, Your employment with Nanotrasen has been officially terminated this evening on the 12th of February. Reason for termination is as follows: "We've noticed you have failed to show up at your assigned Science Station for over two weeks, put together with investigation teams finding certain evidence to links you, █████, ███████, and ██████ to a current scrutiny we are trying to find out more about back on Mars, this... to put it in an understatement, leaves us in a "Tricky situation". While we are sure you are in more than perfect condition to continue your labor within Nanotrasen-owned vessels, We simply cannot have you ████ on our property, nor do we have the assets, budget, and will to "sweep this one under the rug" one more time for you... You are on your own now. Please do not ever return to a Nanotrasen-affiliated vessel, ship, station, or asset. I am sure you know better than to ████████████. Or else, We will be having a ████████ sent to your last known location." We at Nanotrasen say goodbye to your, Loyal crewmember, And wish the best of luck in finding new employment. Final paycheck: Your last paycheck will be sent to your NanoBank account on ███-██-██ Signed: ████████████, Chief Human Resources Officer
  5. zombos are currently pretty underwhelming but itll get good soon trust me
  6. god i love mass hysteria (even the fucking rat is dead)
  7. It's fun to stay at the...
  8. The Japanese have taken over the Chinese.
  9. Vox room! Is nice yaya!
  10. (source) i spend way too much time making shitposts than actual art
  11. It was a normal shift, Assistants hacking vendors, Engineers not doing anything because they're "Busy", Trigger-happy officers "accidentally" shooting the seemingly-innocent clown, People being kidnapped in maints, Just another day at work. And a man named "Samson Letterman" decided he wanted to go building this shift, So he went and got himself the tools and access he needed, Dealt with the ever-so-lazy HoP, Messaged the drunk captain for permission, Asked the gods for guidance, Suited up with a space suit, And began building... A little longue for all to hang out, With cigarettes and other thingies. He watched as the crew did their shenanigans, Simply pointing and laughing, As the silliness of the station could not be matched by even the best circus in all the galaxy, Ordering himself food and sharing it with others as well, Talking about their day (or rather, Shift), Discussing important things such as everything-but-politics and the weather, Having a fun time all around, Ignoring the threats about, And taking their time to sit down and relax. But then, A greater threat appeared, What the cool kids nowadays call "Blob", Now this threat was so massive that they had authorized cargo to get guns for the station, Which is a terrible idea given the type of people who tend to work as cargo technicians, Surprised a cargonia was not formed, Which would have been tragic yet not surprising. After receiving this news, Sam did not even flinch, As he kicked his feet up, Stretched his arms, Gave a good long yawn, And went on with his activity of being the most chill man on the milky way. Alas, In the end, He died doing what he loved, What every man should inspire to-- okay this is way too fucking stupid to continue on writing lmao im tired
  12. Another level of chilling.
  13. I won at the russian roulette.
  14. WHAT DU HEELLLLLL OH MAH GAWW NO WAAYYY (thats sam if you didnt realize, sam is my character)
  15. So yeah, i got a few stuff in the works so I decided to flex them somewhere, I would like some ideas on them as well as constructive criticism (just insults work too) you might have seen this from back when i was in the discord, which i am not and will not come back to for personal reasons, sorry. honestly actually proud of this one since it looks actually radical. "oOOOOhhHAAHH breaBKIN BAB!!" - A Frenchman after finding a peculiar-looking man on the streets. but yeah, this is also something im proud of, since it looks decent enough, i have no idea what'd they do in game but they look cool so thats better than being effective, and yes, i have seen breaking bad, it is great. and here i tried to recreate Saul Goodman's suit (the blue and yellow one, as you can see here), and unfortunately i have not seen Better Call Saul. i made these back when i was a lawyer main (other server) and got bored of the same boring suits i could get, so i tried to make something more fancy and snappy looking, called them "smoke suits" which i got from an outfit you can get in GTA 5 some sort of poor attempt at editing the black trenchcoat so it's sleeveless, i feel like tweaking this one a bit more to look like the courier's duster from fallout new vegas tbh petah. a suit inspired by another suit i made in The Sims 3, might look good for a librarian gromit mug. so yea thats about all i could find that were finished, if anyone IS interested in these bad sprites, just ask if i could work on them more, since i stopped doing sprite stuff some time ago, but i'm still interested in adding some stuff but i have no idea how to code lol.
  16. salutations greetings hello hi oi and so long and so forthethest im not real sure if i shold follow any protocol here but ill try my best to make it simple to understand im rawmoddles, i usually play as a very silly silly ginger Australian man called "Samson Letterman", and i have some history on both paradise and other servers with him, but i wont be getting onto them since this is not their forums, either way, i mainly just am here to have fun and spread my unending hatred for everything security so you should understand that im a pretty chill guy, or at least i believe myself to be, now you might go to my account and see those NASTY and DISGUSTINGLY INAPPROPRIATE old posts i have, which i am very sorry and ashamed for them and shall remain in my shame pit, but at least i can learn from them, soo yea, steppin stones are gud. heres a picture of my character in a hot dog costume, since i have nothing else to put here, hope you enjoy the view.
  17. isn't that great in my opinion, will keep it updated whenever i feel like changing something
  18. Full Name: "Samson Hoover Letterman" Age: 27 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 12/23/████ Gender: Male Sexual orientation: Asexuality, Biromantic. Race: Australian Human. Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Assistant Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia, Earth. Biography: "Sam Letterman started working for Nanotrasen for about 2 years after being introduced to the company by his cousins who had worked for the company, He started out working for Cargo, Making deliveries, Sort of a Postal worker job you could call it, A mailman. Not much has been put to record on what he did back when working with cargo, But some old rumors say he wasn't the most politest of employees, And that he had the tendency to get high on hard drugs during his work. Some even claiming he once lead a protest that occurred during a shift. But he denies all of those rumors, Saying people just liked to talk bad about him. After that, he was later transferred to this station by the same cousins who work at Nanotrasen, who claim him to be quite talented, Despite his behavior problems." Qualifications: Sam had gained a few skills during his first time working in the field, Such as Surgery, Engineering, Xenobiology, And furthermore. Sam knows a lot about chemistry during his high school years, And was even offered a job as a chemist, But had declined it. You could say he's a Jack of All Trades, And Master of None. Employment Records: 2562-2564 - Letter Carrier, Cargo Department. 2564-Present - Assistant, Service Department. Security Records: [SECURITY CLEARANCE] Medical Records: [MEDICAL CLEARANCE] Other Notes: "I don't know what's so special about this "Letterman" individual, These big suits from Nanotrasen that are his cousins just bullshit him out of trouble all the time, Even when we tried to question why his records were missing they just said "We have no idea", Like if we were to believe them, This guy just sounds, Looks, And acts like trouble. In my opinion he isn't anything more than just a simple minded, Moron." -Unknown Source, Nanotrasen.
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