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Da Dman234

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  1. As was already stated, they were a balance nightmare, it more or less simplified down to the crew annihilating them in 5 minutes, or them controlling the station in 30. I'm not very knowledgeable about our coder situation, so there are more qualified people to speak on it than me, but at the time of their removal our coders didn't have the time/energy to sit down and balance them in a meaningful way, and I'm inclined to believe that that's still the case. It's not a unique feature, and people (or those with coding knowledge), generally, aren't interested in putting the time into fixing it.
  2. The mistake you're making here is that the players aren't clients, and we aren't paid. I, personally, do not want to spend what could be hours of my time arguing with players over a note they don't agree with. Everyone seems to be vastly overestimating the use of the note system, and on top of that I'm noticing a ton of "Us vs. Them" mentality between admins and players. Admins do not log on to the server with the idea of "I'M GONNA MAKE X PLAYERS DAY REALLY SHITTY" we're here to play the game just like everyone else. Contrary to popular belief we do not give any significant amount of thought to players unless we receive direct reports that they're breaking the rules at the current moment. If you choose not to believe that and distrust us, that's on you.
  3. I don't think I'm quite understanding this fully, so people want basic/situational notes that aren't sensitive, but basically that just means the notes from every time an admin has spoken to and given people a warning? I always thought it was pretty clear that when we have to talk to people it's noted, and not to repeat that behavior. What exactly would be the point of having that information? Sorry if I've missed it if it's already been stated
  4. Four tiders tiding, or is that 0 now that I've said something...?
  5. Yessssss, give me tritium for those sweet, sweet toxins bombs. Realistically though, this would most likely require an overhaul of a couple areas of our code, including atmospherics, toxins, air alarms, ect. Would probably be a complicated port?
  6. Mindswap and Summon Guns/Spells have led to some of the best and most interesting Wizard rounds I've ever seen. The problem is Wizard has such a high learning curve, the solution isn't to remove or limit them by removing spells the crew thinks are "OP" or cheesy, because the reality of the situation is it's very commonly 1 vs. 50 if not more.
  7. It actually serves as an incredible defense mechanism, if everyone is the same it makes things hell for security, effectively providing a mask for antagonistic actions provided nobody blatantly see's you murder someone. You can literally just grab some random person's ID and you now have an effective disguise, as half the crew is the same person and they only way to identify them is via ID. Also, no need to get riled up over such a little thing. I personally much prefer antagonists/changlings have their fun this way then relentlessly murderboning the crew.
  8. I'm not in favor of removing or nerfing one of the changlings more fun abilities when the only detriment to the person stung is a name change.
  9. Asking the important questions here
  10. There's just no way any of these would ever be available at roundstart... They're really cool ideas, don't get me wrong, but these races are all incredibly unbalanced, and would be difficult to incorporate RP wise (Or atleast zombies would). That being said, a sort of infection that could turn people into zombies and cause a stationwise crisis would be really cool.
  11. This enforces the exact wrong type of mentality, absolutely not. Karma points are meant as a reward for RP and this has exactly the opposite effect.
  12. This was suggested a while back and the main concern was how to remove it from said person (Mainly how could they themselves remove it).
  13. Alright, I'm not really for or against this but I'll give you a platform with which to better explain your argument with a question, since I'm curious. What difference would being put into crit make? I fail to see how being put into crit makes any difference whatsoever, minus a couple minutes in repair time. You'll still be disabled on the ground, and your radio will be off, how does this make any difference for the player in any situation other than when an antag attacks them; in which case the IPC can better scream "X DID THIS TO ME, LYNCH". A lot of people see IPCs as balanced, and I haven't really seen you give a convincing reason as to why you should have this other than "EMPs are strong and other races die in two shots instead of one". Each race has numerous upsides and downsides, and it's not really fair at all to compare them.
  14. It makes a noise to the user when it's wielded in both hands, and you are also NOT supposed to be able to resist out of it. Don't know what the circumstances around that are. In my eyes it's pretty much the best stealth weapon, though admittedly I think it's a bit overpriced. It's an instant aggressive grab they cannot be removed from, rapidly chokes them out and mutes them (Including screaming) and is reusable, but at the same time is a very circumstantial weapon.
  15. I'm with Spark on this one, I will never be for adding old species abilities. All of them were so, so, broken in multiple ways, especially Vox. People like to complain about them now, but back when they had magclaws AND the leap none of them ever bothered leaving the station they were so vastly superior on the ground. *shudder*
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