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  1. I want the leg shading back. The one thing that really distinguishes the Tajaran feet and makes them look like not-a-reskinned-human was the shading that implies (in this low res game) that the feet are a different shape. In fact, in general, I really dislike the overall removal of shading that you've done. With such a low-res game, you need that shading to give it some depth (of course, keeping in mind that we're not looking at your blown-up examples, we're looking at a much smaller sprite, the shading is important to make it look more detailed) What I really, really don't understand, is, to what end do these updates really matter? I don't think you're fixing any glaring bugs, and in fact in your older threads (which you've deleted instead of updated for some reason?) it was pointed out that some of the things you had changed before were actually breaking the game (for instance, not showing both hands so people can confirm you're unarmed) I believe in fixing bugs, I don't believe in changes for the sake of your personal tastes. I honestly feel like you don't understand a lot of what you're changing, most of the time. That seems to be a prevailing theme throughout this whole process you've taken it upon yourself to go through. You've changed a lot of shading without understanding why it's there.
  2. No hostility, friend. I'm sorry you're misidentifying that. You've posted a candidate for lore, and I'm giving my opinion on it. Why do you have to assume things are hostile? I falsely assumed this was a place to discuss your lore candidate. Is this a false assumption? Because if there won't be any discussion here then I guess there's no reason for anybody to comment.
  3. I read your entire post. Hence all of my points. Nothing in your textwall has answered any of the things I've raised. Additionally, the entire point of a forum is to offer your opinion on the topic at hand. Why would I spoiler my response to your idea? That makes no sense. Triple post: My long post was being written as I read through your lore. One post was a quoted response to something in particular, that would have gotten in the way of the opinion post. The other was an afterthought, which wasn't really related to my long post. You realize that you're not going to get this done without taking the opinions, criticism, and advice of others, right? I'm assuming you're fairly young. Have a little patience, and if you're going to take on an undertaking like this, accept all advice. You don't have to follow it, but always accept advice. You're not the smartest person in the world.
  4. Additionally, I think what you have here is a wonderful example of "The culture you come from" and not "the race as a whole". I think you should roll with it, for your personal characters. It's just clearly not indicative of the entire species.
  5. You have fox people on a quickly heating forest planet. It's a one-off joke, man. Just take it as a damn joke.
  6. In all honesty, though, there are a lot of problems with this. #1, too in depth. The beauty of ss13 races is that they're less fleshed out. People can add their own flair to the characters, to the race itself. After all, you can't do a writeup like this on Earth, can you? There are many races of humans, many cultures, with physical, cultural, and moral differences. There are likely even space colonies that have spawned their own distinctiveness. You can't shoehorn an entire species like this. #2, too many glaring unlikelihoods. Long-furred creatures evolving to sapience on a hot planet? Solar expansion, raising the temperature as much as you have? That would destroy a planet. Our own planet is struggling to survive with the climate change we're facing. The whole one litter thing? A race wouldn't last long if its reproductive organs were damaged after one birth. In a modern age, sure, but in a medieval age you would need to have many many children to fill the gap left by those that died. Puppies growing based on their food? They're mammals, that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. They need food. This is the most unbelievable thing in your writeup. A solar flare fried their technology? Then how are they in space? How have they survived? If our primitive planet lost its technology, even just its information, it would fall into chaos. Imagine one with a few hundred years on us technologically. "Kol being a barely habitable wasteland and what water there is beginning to boil away." ??? If it's hot enough that water is 'boiling' or even evaporating throughout the entire planet, mammals, being mostly water, are going to die. Just, period. What's this about only evacuating 10 at a time? That's a waste of money, resources, and wouldn't do much for a galaxy-spanning company like Nanotrasen. Try a hundred, probably more. #3 Omg, almost all of this information is unneccessary. Why do we have to know so much about their extinct goverment? It goes on and on. This is how I feel through this whole 'article'. Too much information. Give the gist, let people fill in the rest. #4 Behavior section...in general. Too simple, too binary. You base it on a scale of mature to happy? That's one basis of behavior, and not what people are looking for to understand the race. People want a general guideline. Vox like to trade. They listen to the person with the biggest hat. They try to keep to their own race. These are the types of simple things you want. Things people can work around, and build upon. After all, just as a species has so many cultural differences, individuals even more so. #5 Above all, this all seems so special snowflakey. You have a distopian society that have such an alien leadership structure, when really, this is a dog race. In space station 13, a dog race is a dog race. Don't try to make it too complicated, build around that. People want to play dog people, and you can give them some minor helpful guidelines on how to do this right.
  7. Your entire article described a special snowflake race of pyrofoxes from a forest planet. How is this not relevant?
  8. I just thought I should inform the admin team that this content is plagiarized.
  9. So far this is the only one I've actually liked The rest are either not Paradise related, or too heavily stylized imo. Or focus on one tiny chunk of the station. That said, though, I do wish we had a submission with more of the other races included. One of the really cool things about our server is the variety of races. I'm definitely the opposite of an artist, but I would love to see a nice bar scene. Mostly humans, but throw in a Tajaran, a Vox, an IPC, hell maybe even some of the less used races. An actual cross-section of a round, basically. Sure, there's more humans, but it's hard to not see at least one other race in any given room on the station.
  10. Name: Painting A Chorus Of Color Age: 247 Earth Cycles Gender: Identifies Male Race: Diona Blood Type: AB- General Occupational Role(s): Civilian jobs, mostly bartender. Biography: 'An Explosion Of Ferrum Painting A Chorus Of Color Across The Blackness Of Space' or 'Painting A Chorus Of Color' for short was seeded to a small NanoTrasen facility in a backwater mining system. Surprised, at first, by the demonic Nymph biting personnel in dark maintenance shafts, they eventually identified the creature, and allowed it to remain as their crew was dwindling at the time. One of the crew took an intense disliking to the creature, being one of the first bitten, and being quite bitter about it. One night, after figuring out where he slept, Charles Granger planted a bomb in Painting A Chorus Of Color's nest, blowing a hole in the ship and sending him flying through space. He was eventually recovered, but learned a valuable lesson, always watch your back around Humans. Painting A Chorus Of Color eventually chose this memory as his name. Painting A Chorus Of Color worked his way to Director of the outpost, though most of those he knew during his adolescence were long dead. The station thrived under his supervision, but resources in the system dwindled. Eventually, the crew dwindled to a half dozen, mostly underpaid Tajaran, dismantling the remains of buildings for parts. Painting A Chorus Of Color realized he would have to move on, but felt he needed a change of career. Sticking with NanoTrasen, but ditching his command job, he spends his days picking up small jobs around Paradise Station. Qualifications: Engineering, mining, command experience (Director of a mining outpost) Employment Records: Mining Facility 784 on Markyo V Maintenance Technician (5 years) Engineer (12 years) Chief Engineer (27 years) Director (192 years) Security Records: Markyo V -247 Years - Detained pending scientific study (Unknown creature) Discovered he was a Diona Nymph and released. -246 Years - Detained for biting crewmembers. Spoken with by Director and released. -201 Years - Arrested on suspection of tresspassing, arson, and first-degree murder. Found innocent of all charges. Paradise Station -3 Months - Given a citation for loitering in Engineering Medical Records: 247 Human Cycles 8'2" 97lb Green Eyes Cracking in right abdomin, left shoulder, and chest to a greater extent. Lost part of left tendril in an alien attack, refuses prosthetics, claims he will grow it back. Dislikes anesthesia. Has a tendency to avoid humans. He has been psychologically evaluated for this, and is fit for duty. History of drinking problems. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): His appearance resembles a Tajara more than any other humanoid, and if spoken to in Siik'tajr (and to a lesser extent Siik'mas, the more common Tajaran tongue) one would be surprised by his fluency, ears and tail moving much quicker than other Diona. In English, Painting A Chorus Of Color may sound slow, but calculated. He is a particularly old Diona, centuries to be exact. He is larger than other Diona, standing 8 feet and ducking through airlocks. His tendrils are old and tough, greyed, and cracking in places. Leaves and tendrils no longer grow green on this one.
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