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Everything posted by johannhawk

  1. CQC with a deathsquad commando after a shitfest of a round that included: a boxing match with boris lemons, i brought three pills of ephedrine for both of us to make the fights last longer. a vigilante murder investigation with josiah where the victim and killer are both syndies, i got a free syndie gun out of it and used josiah's security authority to get a syringe gun for my ''syringe talisman'' syringes. a vox that had mysterious injuries and medbay was really struggling so i dragged him to my chemlab in research...then suddenly XENO QUEEN. the vox was still alive when a golem killed the queen and we fixed his wounds and infections. we use the atmos vox access (the voxes name is vikk) and use the engineering pod to escape the station a deathsquad dude tries to break in and i hack my way into the cockpit and everyone else dies, i take a potshot with my syringe gun and hit, then i engage the deathsquad dude in close quarters combat...he only got one hit on me and if the round laster a bit longer the syringe wouldve kicked in and i wouldve gotten a chokehold on him.
  2. Fixed. the best job. this guide isnt that serious anyway.
  3. lock the thread already! anyways, thanks for the criticism.
  4. currently we have a system based on Y/N and pure RNG. - what if we had a system that prioritises based on how many antags you have ticked on? if you tick on all of the antag choices, you are bottom priority of all the antag choices. tick only the traitor option, and you are the top priority for being a traitor. if everyone ticks the same options then the RNG takes over. imma sleep now.
  5. well, it would be a good idea to put a room for each department in the arrivals station with some gear in them if you see things have gone bad in the cams. and if its red alert then secondary rooms unlock providing more gear and better gear for every room. also ARCADE MACHEENS!
  6. You laaaargely overestimate our average player. But yeah those guys dont come to the forums anyways. i probably have bad luck with security...
  7. i want this! it would also be nice for thrown active stunbatons to instastun people for those who cant deal with it.
  8. hmmmm this is not very related but still. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_breathing
  9. the zippos and cheap lighters are not lighting the surroundings in a more flamy color (just the same color as PDA light) also make the bluesheild lighter emit blue light.
  10. starring catbeasts: Max corazza as bluesheild (me) Ketdar Hadii as geneticist Makrr kaytam as civillian Marlee hunt as magistrate a guy thinks all tajaran are furries in fursuits that also have tails/claws/ears installed as a highly advanced surgery. i tell all tajarans over radio in siik'tajr to scratch his crotch every time they meet him. when Ketdar comes as a geneticist we ask him to turn him into a tajara. later he comes to medbay to treat his wounds. i have realized i have made a new group: THE TAJARAN MAFIA! we put his brain into a tajara from genetics. after the cloning. the tajara magistrate turns a blind eye denies the existence of the mafia. ALSO, the captain became one of them and was fired.
  11. also make the computer include a camera monitor for the area the pod will end up in. it would be better aesthetically to have a ''arrivals cabin'' that is under/over the arrivals shuttle ICly/RPly. maybe add minor gear there like a emergency supply locker if they see a threat in the cams and need the helping hand.
  12. remember this is a ALL OUT guide, you probably dont have time to follow each step unless you suspect security is very meta/validhunty. before getting the contraband/traitor item plan out how you are going to hide it on your person, like how putting things in your pocket is more stealthy. make up a story for having the item, RPly or with falsed facts, stick with the latter if you cant make a interesting story. plan out where you can hide it before getting it, worth it every time. carrying the contraband. check people that have sec-level gear or higher to see if they are security, if so then avoid being in their HUD's avoid doing too many greytidy things unless its a objective. DONT PANIC! treat all antag items as 110% able to get you executed when found...the risk of validhunt security is always there. if you cant ditch the items then just hang out in a secluded spot or a place where you can RP alot to avoid being searched ditching the contraband. 1.hide it in a toilet2.scrub the prints off and hide it in a locker and then hide the soap in a toilet 3.hide the contraband by hiding yourself! 4.scrub the prints off and leave it in the hallways and then hide the soap in a toilet 5.throw it into space or unreachable places like hidden rooms or smugglers satchel. DISCLAIMER: this guide is made from experience and educated guesses, its also not fully rounded out.
  13. we need to fire those guys. wait...does this mean that the NT opinion in the character setup does nothing?
  14. what about anti EMP implant? much more stealthy.
  15. somehow you usually win more money than lose it if you spend enough time pushing the ''spin'' button. and i think its not connected to the station budget but meh.
  16. people whine about how money isnt so important ingame, lets...try to fix that. this should be simple. EDIT: rearranging the wording and adding stuff. make cash convertible to cargo points and vice versa so they can be used to get cargo to buy things faster. meanwhile all the crew need to have a X amount of cash depending on job, uh...in reward they get some kind of ''coin point'' to cash in later, not sure how that is gonna go down so a admin needs to reply what they can do. but to make sure getting your money is a bit harder the heads of staff need to try to keep the budget over a certain number depending on crew size. and finally, add a objective for certain antags to steal a amount of money from the station AND make sure the station budget is wasted in the process.
  17. groooouup huuuuuuug! i want this.
  18. round ends squishy starts to pulse rifle a catbeast i get into cover and shoot his leg off with my own pulse rifle once he is down i take his rifle. BOOM, i look badass.
  19. let's throw around some ideas. example: tajaran get a ball of yarn, throw it at people to tangle them...or just play with it. kidan get BEES GRENADE!
  20. then a powergamer every shift will break down that wall once every shift they figure out all the spawn locations. unless its under a floor in a random spot.
  21. then you would only need to find a out of spot turret on the station... so we could just make the hidden stash have 34% chance to have street grade traitor stuff and 66% chance to have very useful stuff every assistant dreams of (insulated gloves, toolbelts, multitools) , to make it more rare but still possible.
  22. Well, considering how hard it is to get just a useless artifact on the asteroid, these station "artifacts" better be EXTREMELY difficult to find. Like you have to beat the syndicate outpost that's filled with machine guns first to get a hint, and that shows you a hint on the derelict, and then go there to find the last hint, and then have to find the station again, and then the gun is hidden in a floor safe, protected by a turret with lethals or something, and then crack the safe. AND THEN you have to deal with shitcurity taking it for contraband and just taking your new toys. what about giving the people on the ''cent. com. status summary'' a clue in their notes that hints at ONE of the stashes, and they can hunt the floortiles that hides the stashes themselves or just give the info to the bartender or some civie. it would make reliable sources TM be reliable for something and give security something to aim at incase its a extended round or they have nothing to do.
  23. CE hazard vest...i think i made it too bright again but they are supposed to be high visibility anyways?
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