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Everything posted by johannhawk

  1. you mean a guy who has a hard time keeping his shit together befor clowns and civilians raid him? at least i would have a excuse to fortify a room every shift against greytiders and shitcurity.
  2. >i is rev head as Nat Adams >flash all of pepul and not get detected >use rev head authority on rev kei shen >then screenshot happens near genetics >AI knows im rev head and tries to trap me >i escape and make a awesome fort in science and pretend its dwarf fortress >give everyone missions they can handle like defending the fort or try to subvert the AI or get intel >i convert fox mccloud and a guy in a hardsuit >PLASMA GAS SHITCUR- oh wait the round ended and im the last head standing!
  3. needs more characters...
  4. A gender-swapped Kei :^) [spoiler2]Oh heavens please no.[/spoiler2] Remind me how much you value your head, ye heretic. Kei is male. Keep it that way. im the worst person...
  5. On that subject, reason to use anaesthetic would be great and make sense, as opposed to the current situation where it's useless aside from RP, which is regrettably being neglected by the majority of the community (medium rp right guise?). "Your patient convulses violently, screaming, and prevents you from doing x"? now we need a virus sympton for convulsions... well i can always dodge the anesthetic by using the sleep verb and go to sleep on my own.
  6. Cue the rise of the egotistical (but hyper intelligent) asshole in medbay who asks for Hydrocodone every single round. introducing! the diagnostician diagnoses the captain with the help of the subroutine-AI (or pAI)! also where i got the idea for this.
  7. diagnostician: another medical job that is just as useless as the psychologist! and his job is to diagnose people and make jokes about it! i also support the last three jobs coldflame suggested.
  8. this is nice for those times the lings have been turning everyone into a snowflake character and the lings have been wiped out by the crew but all the crew has left to do is keep testing people... give genetics the ability to revert genes back to your original state. here are some reasons for it. 1. admins dont want to spend time tweaking every feature when they could be protecting the server, so even the most fancy ritual gathering at the chapel where everyone is praying to get themselves back to normal is unlikely going to work. 2. security is going to keep testing endlessly, and the people with the wrong matching ID are going to be harassed alot. 3. damn viruses that change people instantly... 4. genetics get more things to do other than researching superpowers stronger than the antags themselves [spoiler2](when i think about it makes your usual valids make less sense...)[/spoiler2] 5. the RP will be a bit more intact.
  9. i meant that they are defibs that are powered by APCs AND they are VERY STUCK to the walls of medbay. so no shitler goes and takes them away when they are needed the most.
  10. after a quick OOC discussion we managed to fish out a bunch of ideas and i hope one of them sticks. please note we can change the names of the ideas later. wall mounted defib: more like the ones in hospitals and they cant be stolen, also they are powered by APCs. one use defibs: household defibs that are one use and fit in your backpack, maybe refillable somewhere. ghetto defib: two batteries + a bunch of wire, has worse revive requirements and is one use (you could charge the batteries...) ghetto splint: some rods + some cable coil, a flimsy splint that will break eventually. necktubes?... : make it be a special mask thing. helps with preventing patients from dying from oxygen loss before the lung surgery is complete, or for preventing oxygen damage from being in critical condition.
  11. as HoS: draw out a simplified version of your hostage rescue plan to get it in your officers heads as librarian: draw unspeakable things as chaplain: make your own talismans! as mime: draw the location of a dead guy you found as CE: make building plans
  12. ayy lmao im a ling! >:3 1 ignoring objectives later. oh look its jane doe with drill hair! *whacks drill hair for RP* *absorb stings her* every ling dying except me later. i have made 6 more jane does and i think all my ling comrades are ALREADY DEAD before the 1 hour mark! oh noes a guy (probably IAA) with a riot shotgun noticed i stinged him! run! many fleshmends and running and hiding later. i get tested for the second time and then get axed...then admin says im the chosen one for managing to survive security ?powergaming? longer than the rest of the lings. he also says the gamemode is now extended. some time later... security makes a announcement of a mandate that everyone is to go to virology to get lingtested... side story!
  13. what about putting the random event IN the crew transfer voting? now people can choose for a chaotic round ender alongside the normal crew transfer and the continue round thing.
  14. But I want to smoke drums. b-b-but...robust-eze already has meth drums!
  15. time to wipe off the dust... taking a few sprite requests. here are some options i would like. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CoolSword http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CoolGuns http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/M ... ccessories ...or just tell me to make that frikken marriage ring or rings in general
  16. ...too much surgeon simulator and internets...
  17. in a nutshell. if you have a broken left hand then splinting the left arm should include splinting the left hand...
  18. please know that the grones soda has RnG, instead of spaceacillin it can be mercury, lithium, atropine or charcoal...maybe more
  19. ahem, i want every brand to have something different to offer.
  20. we should focus on these: *the test hurts the suspect and does a great deal of pain so people are less likely to accept the test for a stupid reason like disarming a security officer *instead of a straight yes or no it just gives you a estimate, maybe a estimate based on how many victims the ling has husked or how much stuff the ling has stinged *only two testing devices are availible but can be used infinitely, so its impossible to test every person you see *the test takes a while... and maybe give the ling a starting ability to be able to sting anyone with false lingblood to throw off security.
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