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Everything posted by johannhawk

  1. bro, all i takes for me to fix people being monkey (742) is to tell them to show up with me in genetics with a mask and their correctly named ID on. shove them into the DNA modder, scan UE+SE , eject, inject from scan, done. and the DNA modders scans from the ID if it cant see their face... only takes some seconds + the time needed to get the ID and mask + getting into genetics incase im not the geneticist... --- THEN AGAIN, most people dont know how to do that incase of a mass changeling name changing bulma apocalypse...
  2. Sometimes you don't have the required DNA data. You could have lost it somewhere along the way; one mislabeled DNA syringe and suddenly you're Bulma... *facepalm* i just need a ID with the right name on it, i can trick the DNA modder to scan the ID instead of the face if i use a mask on the patient along with the ID.
  3. i can fix this in fukken seconds if i was a geneticist and found somebody with a MONKEY XXX name. well, seconds in the genelab, not seconds anywhere.
  4. Last time I injected someone with his own UI taken from his body post-brain transplantation his name was still messed up. At least his hair was back to normal! thats not how it works! its UE + SE not UI that changes the names!
  5. looks super fun! we could have some more...
  6. Logic checks out. Begin the purge.
  7. ...how was i never aware of that... EDIT: i would love a screenshot.
  8. so... here is how i remember it working on no-RP goonstation: goonstation has no telecomms, and the headsets fail to transmit occasionally, sometimes even twice in a row. on the second or third transmit fail...you will realise somebody with a radio jammer is about to shiv you reeeeaaal soon. here is how i think some people in this thread want it to work: leave a obvious staticky noise/mysterious headache as soon as the radio jammer comes close enough, its basically a big arrow pointing at the general direction of the antag, not stealthy at all but you wont be able to call for help...or hear the alerted validhunt lynchmob over radio as the antag here is how i want it to work: make it so all radio equipment within 5-6 tiles cant recieve or send, and anything within the screen but outside the 5 tiles would just be garbled. possibly give it a strength adjustment so you get to control how many tiles it affects and what devices it shuts off in one setting, starting with headsets>>>station bounced/pAI>>>syndie encryption key/death alarm>>>intercomms in a nutshell: want to have a shorter jamming range so you can hear if the AI is yelling at sec to get to your location through your syndie key? OR a stronger and wider radio jamming incase your victim manages to crawl a bit further away.
  9. can i directly say i dont want the tails or heads anymore? or do you just want to keep telling me to play something else no matter what i say, when all i want at this point are basic options... oh wait... brb, reviving a different thread with a autoinjector.
  10. i think we have already established that aesthetic option wouldnt be very....optimal. in the unlikely event that would happen, they can just hit the morph button to swap to a head shape that fits.
  11. it shouldnt give out messages, but it should make you unable to hear incoming radio traffic which is more than enough.
  12. pretty much just like goonstation radio jammer, and then again, goonstation headset radios are known to occasionally fail once or twice in a row. but by the time you realize its actually a jammer...you are quite dead. if i remember correctly, its just a item that goes in your pocket and can be activated in your hands whenever, but it also jams YOUR radio.
  13. Anyways, this reminds me of that one time a chain of fat people ate each other, a fat person could only contain one mob, but when a fat person contains a fat person that contains a another fat person that contains a yet another one... this is mostly used for shenanigans than anything else from my experience. altough i vaguely remember a changeling using this to hide a body.
  14. wouldnt be the end of the world if there were more codes but... that would be alot of SoP gaps that would be needed to be filled by tully.
  15. well, for the people opposed to this thread. i for one, dont really need or want heads on my slimes, i was just trying to add more to the conversation. i just want at least something. slimes get 2 customization options, almost anything else gets 4-5 options while slimes and catbeasts/dogbeasts/foxbeasts and cool robots have different aesthetics of their own...slime people almost have none at all in a way. i really just want some basics, its obvious nobody is going to add a another race (that would be disastrous), and fleshing out the current ones would be way better. TL;DR nothing wrong with at least some more options.
  16. Nat assumes full control of Garoon via mindslave implant nanomachines... viewtopic.php?f=2&t=89&start=1110 scroll down a bit at page 111
  17. i am a terrible person, heres Garoon being forced to do things against HER will
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