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Everything posted by ascio

  1. On the discord, a discussion about mute command members cropped up. Here's the discussion background: ARMA-492 pointed out: @DGamerL followed up with a confirmation, As I play a "mute" character who speaks primarily through telepathy for background reasons, this was relevant to me. I asked: And DGamerL offered: And ARMA-492 elaborated: Gardener/LOOT/Nyla/Eely/EtA/4 remarked, and I found similarly, to which ARMA-492 explained, I don't recall seeing specific references to muteness or disability in the rules or advanced rules, so I gave them another cursory read, and CTRL-F'd "mute", but didn't find anything. Gardener/LOOT/Nyla/Eely/EtA/4 suggested that it comes from Command SoP, namely HoP SoP #7: This is good additional context, and helps draw some lines. But it still leaves some "grey" area (pardon the pun). Namely, does telepathy count as a valid form of "in-person" response? Does PDA message? What about voice recordings sampled and transmitted over radio? My reading of the rules left me unclear on this, so I kept digging. I found a pull request which spells out in certain terms a set of disabilities which are forbidden for command and security members: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/20338 Which is very helpful additional context. However, it still does not answer my question, as Greys are disabled from speaking by the Wingdings gene, not Mute. Now, the whole question might be thought of as moot, because Greys can simply elect to start with a voice translator. However, the RP flavor question remains, and is personal to me. For reference, one of my characters is a Grey who has a voice translator implant, but canonically is in a great deal of debt, and so I roleplay them as on a "pay-as-you-go" plan for their voice box. I have seen other characters in-game that may or may not have the mute gene, but communicate effectively via PDA, emotes, and gestures. Would characters who are, RP-wise, financially, spiritually, or otherwise non-mechanically limited in their speech fall under this same rule? For my character specifically, I don't sign up for command roles, but have accepted acting roles before. Should I have this character refuse such promotions going forward? I think it's reasonable that there are limitations in terms of roles and disabilities. This post is not intended to raise the question of whether there should be such restrictions. Rather, the focus of this post is on disambiguating the boundaries of these restrictions, and exploring their applicability beyond gene-based limitations. Thank you for your time and your thoughts.
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