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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. -Who is this ironscrap man? The ironman challenge originated from Runescape in which you could only use things you crafted yourself. -So how do I start this challenge? This challenge applies to any antagonist role but you are not allowed to use their abilities or buy things from the uplink. You need to strip off everything you spawn with except your ID and PDA. To start off, you need to find some cloth for clothes and a bag, a good starting point is the laundry room. All "materials" are allowed which you can scavenge from maints or EVA storage, Glass, Metal, Shards etc.. (also o2 tanks scavenged from around the station) If you are compelled to try this challenge, post the results here and good luck!
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  2. Emergence
  3. i feel like combat RCD is way too strong maybe something new inbetween?
  4. we need weaker shutters for crew its so annoying not having them
  5. having a language that sounds like grunting would be better so that zombies can communicate
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