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About MarkvA

  • Birthday 11/15/1994

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  1. Very good reasoning, thank you.
  2. So a lot of people have been wanting the game to be more deadly/unforgiving and less hugboxy. One of the ways we could achieve this is by making it so you can only open a firelock with a crowbar (or by asking an AI/robot to open it). This means that if you get stuck inside of a room with a raging plasma fire you'll die instead of being able to casually walk out. Most other servers (at least /tg/) have this: attempting to open an airlock with your hands will only have you knock on the airlock. Just something I was thinking about while working on firelocks, let me know what you think. If there's enough people that like it I'll open a PR.
  3. Plasmamen were added to the karma shop two years ago by Ponies (of course) and they weren't finished back then and they still aren't. It was a bad idea back then and it still is. You can get extremely angry at the coders (you should really tone down your post, how many fucks are in there), but in the end no one wants to touch this poorly made race.
  4. My guess is that your school is somehow blocking the outgoing connection to the server, or blocking the server's response for some reason. Not sure why though.
  5. I'll look into implementing this once the feature freeze is over.
  6. What IP are you trying to connect through?
  7. I'd love to add this, but unfortunately enough due to the feature freeze it can't be added. You'll have to post a reminder once it's over.
  8. Why is there an argument in the first place. If people want to meta, there's plenty of better ways of doing so.
  9. Central Command only has the same stamp as the Nanotrasen Representative because when I implemented proper stamps for admin faxes we didn't have a unique stamp for either party, and I believe WJohnson was kind enough to design a sprite for them. If someone can design a good looking stamp for the NT Rep though I'll gladly implement it. The photoshop file for stamps is here: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradis ... stamps.psd.
  10. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/2921
  11. Yea, bYOND really needs to get their shit together with regards to associatives/multidimensional arrays, their support for them is just terrible. And I agree that havong am array in for just the commands is overcomplicated. I should get round to this today.
  12. Well well, there's making an overstatement and then there's that post. It really isn't as bad as it's made out to be. Clearly you haven't had the pleasure of working with associative arrays in BYOND before. I'm not happy about the UI being ripped out in favor of having the new shuttles in as quickly as possible, so I'll re-implement it myself.
  13. MarkvA

    Diona Change

    Heh, that's funny. Turns out that it wasn't quite intentional to not give Dionaea mouth, but a bug. They should be able to eat again next patch.
  14. http://niceme.me/
  15. MarkvA

    Diona Change

    Mhm, I thought I got rid of that already. I'll look into it.
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