That's not possible unfortunately enough, as it isn't hosted by us, which means they use a separate database.
And while we may see a reduction in the number of bug reports, in my opinion, if someone isn't willing to make an account to report a bug, I don't think it's worth putting in the effort to fixing the bug.
The one that's in the code is broken - it's only there as a placeholder for an away mission. Someone will have to fix it if they want to implement this.
We've already lost some players recently (which isn't that major, but we're not on top anymore, and I'd rather not see that number drop any further), and I still don't believe our dedicated community (actual community members, not random people) is large enough to sustain the server.
Porting /tg/'s ambience system is on my to-do list, but I don't expect to get around to it for another while. For me personally turning ambience on/off works fine.
You're assuming that only IPC's aren't able to smoke, whereas no-one is actually able to smoke. It's a new Nanotrasen policy.
In all seriousness, this'll be fixed next patch.
On Paradise most, if not all jobs have maintenance access for some reason. What would everybody think about removing the maintenance access from many jobs that don't need it (similar to Bay or /tg/)? I'm currently on mobile, but I'll post more in-depth tomorrow.
Just out of curiosity.