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Mrs Dobbins

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Everything posted by Mrs Dobbins

  1. Its still nice to not cause massive pain to the person you are removing the brain of. And for RP reasons it makes sense for IPCs to go to the ROBOTICS ENGINEER not the ORGANIC ENGINEER for surgery.
  2. I seriously don't know why the roboticist doesn't have a tank of anesthetics. Since he got that lovely set of surgical equipment he can actually perform limb replacement and IPC repair. Its just a bit of an RP Irk for me that I have to perform surgery with patients not under as the roboticist. A sink would also be nice if he is going to perform limb replacement (which he should do for RP rasins) as dirty surgery is bad.
  3. The goon mechanic builds. Our mechanic just rocks out with his cock out in a pod. (seriously, is it me or does his jumpsuit look like it has his willy hanging out)
  4. Name: Dank Droid Age: 53 Gender: male oriented programming Race: IPC Blood Type: Motor Oil General Occupational Role(s): atmos tech, CE on occasion and sometimes Brig Physician. but the personality for dank droid has been uploaded to the pAI network and his positronic brain is occasionally used in law-slaved cyborg units. He predominately uses the service and engineering modules. Serves as an MC and rapper under the pseudonym of Grandmaster Droid. He also manages a branch of Space-Nandos. Biography: dank droid's positronic brain- SINA 42 began service 53 years ago as the controlling unit for an automated resupply depot, focusing on botany to provide passing nanotrasen vessels with fresh food. An ion storm altered his laws lead to him converting large amounts of his supply capacity into a drug producing facility. Due to SINA-42 facilities being totally harmless, with a crew consisting of a few maintenance drones and hydroponics robots, so the law change went unnoticed. When a ship stopped by for resupply, it was noticed that they were supplied with an unusually large amount of illicit substances. Nanotrasen turned a blind eye on this as drugs were an effective way of keeping the crew happy. This earnt SINA 42 the nickname of Dank droid as his resupply depot largely produced drugs. Eventually the resupply depot was shut down, as it was very secluded and only really visited by long haul patrol vessels and mining ships. Dank droid's positronic brain was built into an engineering cyborg, serving as ship's engineer aboard the nanotrasen cargo vessel predator's gold. He served aboard with a crew of 11 for 3 years. After this, in accordance with the nanotrasen synthetic loyalty reward program, after 50 years of loyal hard work for nanotrasen, all positronic brains are to be placed into IPCs. Dank droid has served aboard the NCS cyberiad for 3 years since his IPC Chassis was first commissioned. Qualifications: has a lot of engineering experience from working as an engineering cyborg. Prefers atmospherics work to engineering, but is fully capable of engineering and is skilled in most areas. Tended bar aboard predator's gold and has on the job experience with first aid. Knows a bit of combat, prefers to avoid threats. He is also a skilled vacsuit user due to his experience as the sole engineer aboard a vessel, so he had to do all of the routine exterior checks. He also 'acquired' a degree in medicine, but the certificate has suspicious amounts of Tippex over the name, with Dank Droid scrawled over it, along with some odd-looking blood stains around one corner. He has also served as a guest MC at many Nanotrasen sponsored entertainment events, and is fairly skilled on the mike. Dank Droid has released a mixtape- called; which is currently held in the science department, due to the massive amounts of heat that it radiates, the viability of turning to into a power source is being invesigated. Employment Records: Served as the controlling AI of a resupply ,depot for 47 years before working as ships engineer for a small cargo vessel for 3 years and has worked as an atmos tech aboard the Cyberiad for another 3 years. He also has a minor skill in chemistry, although most of that revolves around the production of illicit substances. His mixtape was fairly successful, with him managing to sell a few hundred copies, largely to Centcom. Security Records: Multiple counts of the production and distribution of narcotics. Was also reprimanded as when he dropped his mixtape and spat a few rhymes from it, there was a massive fire, leading to total reconstruction of the bar, and required treatment for third degree burns and total reconstruction of the eardrums of those around him. He also has previous ties to illegal cults, possibly tied to his narcotic usage. Medical Records: Requires an oil change every fortnight, and a annual service at a licensed roboticist. Personnel Photo : his head is painted bright green and he has hemp leaves painted on both sides of his monitor. His screen predominately displays a looped video of the ancient poet snoop dogg doing the 'swivel dance'. He prefers wearing a leather jacket or camo jacket over his atmos tech uniform and tries to wear a beret whenever possible. He has spray-painted various slogans onto the sides of his head, plus has some stenciled designs over his body. His synthesized voice sounds somewhere between the two dialects of known as South-east London Vernacular and Jamaican-English. Commendations : Reprimands : Other Notes:
  5. Take a GPS. Then hopefully telescience can bring you back
  6. I think I was a ling once and I didn't go along with an implant. I exploded "due to Loyalty implant overload" (admins). For that reason I would say that getting a loyalty implant removed would be smart.
  7. I'd quite like to give it a shot. I'd have to see when people would be online to see if it fitted in with my schedule
  8. Nice maymay m'lady *tips fedora
  9. Besides, dispensing lots of CO2 is a pretty macro way of extinguishing flames. It would make more sense to just carry around a tank of it rather than a canister.
  10. It makes me feel useful. Besides, the AI can normally take care of controlling air alarms, so being on scene to drag the injured to medbay and to control the blaze dosen't hurt. I've been to a few anomaly fires where extinguishers were useful. Namely those in arrivals maintenace.
  11. Barber should get a genetics research pod capable of only changing UI. Largely so that we can seven Alissa Bennett running around again
  12. Frankly, all atmos techs have been there. Fire everywhere. It feels too gamey to drag a water tank around with me to deal with a fire, and looting every extinguisher closet during a round is bad. Plus it's an atmos tech's job to be the stations firefighter. For this reason, I suggest that atmos techs get a special fire extinguisher with double the capacity, or possibly a backpack (that can be worn in the suit storage of the atmos hardsuit). The backpack would have a verb where a hose dropped down from the tank, and the hose would work like an extinguisher, except that it drained from the backpack (which would have like 150 units of water). It just feels odd that the stations firefighters only get basic firefighting gear, but the best protection possible. I would also like to see handheld tank's valves behave like the canisters valves, where they can be opened without internals to release their contents into the air, such as in emergencies, or for firefighting and you want to release a lot of CO2 into the air to combat the fire, or for releasing plasma or n2o as a traitor.
  13. Try having to deal with it when your limbs fall of at the drop of a hat is even more fun.
  14. Agreed. I think theres many a time when I lost a limb and malpracticebay was too incompetent to put on a new one, so I was stuck being incapable of using my radio for the round
  15. I agree that he shouldn't be removed. He presents a decent opportunity for enterprising scientist traitors to telescience an annoyance into the main concourse. I suggest putting him on a Z-level that is not the station's and having him as a threat to spacewalkers. Hes just a bit annoying in his current position.
  16. To be fair, when working in atmos, constantly hearing "CRIMINAL DETECTED" and "LEVEL 10 INFRACTION DETECTED" is kind of annoying, and tampering with the air mix tanks is normally a bannable offense
  17. I'm pretty sure it is macto. Besides I think it's pretty funny. Pretty much all tajara flavour texts in a nutshell
  18. Thats sounds good, I would be happy to try and map it, but it would need to have enough on it for people to be able to play on it. Maybe have a safe area where people spawn and go to the station from, and then have a little station (that functions) with no external access to keep people who don't read the rules interested (and maybe a deathmatch arena).
  19. After looking through the away mission Z-levels, I can see it being a high-risk, high reward option for traitors who need more gear, or a decent thing for jobs where not much happens (Detecive, Atmos Tech, Slow round engineers etc) and they can just go exploring.
  20. I would like to point out a few things regarding this line specifically. First, there is a space loop already in place in atmospherics. It is (at round-start) only connected to 2 connector ports, but is rather easy to incorporate into an atmos configuration. I personally use them in my systems which (despite all the head-butting I've done with Fj45 on the matter) does work quite well. Second, it is an incredibly viable method of cooling, as it performs better as the internal pressure (and temperature) rises. This means that it gets better when you need the cooling most: during fires. It can also super-cool large amounts of a gas, such as N2 for the supermatter (which is on it's way out) or CO2 for killing. Third, due to it's existing piping, there is little busywork in setting up a cooling loop. The default one most people use (the coolers) is simply adjusting 2 valves, turning on a pump, and setting the coolers themselves. Even my set-up, which is a bit more intensive, is only a couple minutes of work to get completed and active. If anything, I'd support MORE work for atmos techs, because once the system is running there is very little work to do until there is a fire or toxin leak. Experimenting with the pipes is completely optional and typically not done by many people. I know there is already a space loop. I personally use a setup that relies on just coolers and a brand new loop, largely as it means I get to go and shout at science for more freezer boards and components, and makes the life of the humble atmospherics technician more interesting. I might try using the the current space cooling loop. Also,I realise the whole radiation of heat in a vacuum thing, it's just that when you check the atmos scanner in space, it normally reads out -17 degrees. When I said busywork, it's probably just me. My normal setup involves ripping out a third of the piping and installing a brand new cooling loop. Next time I have to cool 4 tanks of n2, which is rare, as no one uses the supermatter, I will just pump it all into the space loop and see what happens.
  21. Before everyone shouts MUH REALISM at me, Space Station 13 is ostensibly a game, and games have traditionally sacrificed realism for fun. I want space cooling to actually be viable in atmopsherics, and reduce the amount of busywork required in setting up a cooling loop. Sure , don't nerf Vacuum damage to the point that it is possible to survive in space with a firesuit, heater and internals for short periods (in fact, I'd rather space was as lethal as possible), but I would like space cooling to be viable. Space heaters also feel pointless as they aren't really needed in the process of making rooms habitable.
  22. I've seen Poly lain low by vending machines. Is this some kind of super Poly that only appears via admin intervention?
  23. Poly is sodding annoying. All she does is pile up stuff onto the alerts computer in the CE's office, for this reason I end up buckling her to a chair in the break room I thought she was meant to shout really bad advice over the engineering frequency, but to date I have never heard her say anything. I suggest either implementing that and removing the kleptomania, or replacing her outright with a tame space bear called Marvin.
  24. It would have to be recordable, so that when the clown complains of being beaten senseless, the HoS can watch it and congratulate reprimand the officer.
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