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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. I suggested MedBorg Injector be given a radial menu given the chems also have increased.
  2. I was thinking, another problem that would arise are the limited resources. If I remember correctly there isn't a renewable way to gather metal, uranium etc. Once it's finished it's finished. So maybe if I'm planning on making mechs maybe more resources might be needed in a storage room in the facility.
  3. So, my request would be to implement RnD and robotics to the Syndie Research base. This was my original message on discord after which me and a few other users discussed some technical aspects which I will note at the end: "I don't know if this was suggested already, why not add an RnD and robotics wing to the syndie research base or just the supplies to start a setup? I think it would add a lot to experiment with. Since research is the main idea of that spawn it would make sense to be able to work with this stuff. I also don't remember if you can make headsets at the protolathe but maybe if admins are concerned with syndie interaction with the station they could disable the production of the headsets or any means of communication with the main station etc.." After a short discussion we denoted that some of the items on a possible Robotics console could cause problems to the Main Station in the way that, for example a Beacon could show up on a mech console, or a cyborg could be bound to the station AI. We concluded that maybe this implementation would be viable if a Syndicate Robotics Fabricator was added to fullfill the purpose of syndie research, just like we have a syndicate autolathe, a robotics console seems to be easy to remake (I'm not a coder but maybe it's just a few copy paste and remove the recipes that could conflict?) As for the possibility of a RnD set up I didn't get much feedback, hopefully some originates from this post. Tl;dr: Add RnD and robotics, you can't be a research base missing half of research and it makes sense lorewise. Thanks for your time.
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