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About liran424

  • Birthday 03/15/1992

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Chemist (8/37)



  1. looks dandy but what about the mech bay? I'm sure if you merge the two you'll have a lot more creative room on your hands.
  2. Honestly I don't see any reason to implement this. However I do see a merit in buffing the gloves by giving them a small percentile to stun the victim.
  3. Tip NO.1 - Always give your officers their badges Tip NO.2 - Officers nowadays slack of in processing offenders, usually at the start of the shift announce yourself and set your expectations from them Tip NO.3 - Strip first, ask questions later Tip NO.4 - At the half hour mark (or when there's a code red) go to cargo and order extra firepower just incase. At the hour mark raid R&D for advance E guns and night vision sec HUDs. Tip NO.5 - KNOW YOUR ARSENAL! everyone knows the wonders that lay in the armory but they forget that tiny little room to the left of it. I admit those are some situational items but do not forget. Tip NO.6 - The brig is your personal dungen, you already have a toolbox lying around so all you need is a bit of metal, glass(or wood) and a bit of imagination for refurbishing (I suggest expanding downwards and bulldozing sec lobby) Generally I never use the krav maga gloves (I already use flashes)... also reserve the ion rifle for the most competent. that's it I guess.. feel free to comment
  4. Dude just use boxing gloves.
  5. Although I think syth flesh is superior to every other healing solution. I don't really mind adding Oxandrolone.
  6. Why don't we just port what they did in Colonel Marines and change a few things.
  7. How is it cheesy getting humanized monkey organs? It's legit, quicker and better than finding a donor.
  8. People getting in and out of cargo easily... and other stuff I can't think of right now. If we're implementing this then I want the X ray machine bag scanner thingy in arrivals.
  9. I always had internal fear from !!gun!! science when playing a sec officer. So... I'll have to say no.
  10. I see most people here haven't played in medical in a long time. Firstly about the suggestion, though I agree with you medical doesn't need any buffs. It's balanced as it is. And now about that sleepers are "devaluated"... total bulls$*t. In most of my games a scientist run by upgrading everything (including the sleepers), waves at us and leaves. Upgraded sleepers have all the drugs you ever wanted to treat everything (well except internal damage), that means less strain on the chemist and also a way to "milk" omnizine... but that's another story for another time. Additionally, I've read that mass distributing hypos will make a strain on the chemist... well that's true if you have only one incompetent chemist. seriously it's not that hard to mass produce drugs (it takes about 20-25 minutes to stock the fridge with basic and adv chems for a lone chemist). Final note: tbh I barely use my hypo as CMO.. well I mainly use it if the patient has 2 tox damage or 3 brute because it's tedious to pull out a patch or inject him with charcoal.
  11. piz don't ventcrawl ... it just doesn't make sense. slimes aren't pressure resistant as xenos for example. if I remember my days at atomsia the pressure in the pipes can get to 2000-2400 Kpa (which is a lot). So no ventcrawling.
  12. So all we need to do is change the victory conditions... and then think about rebalancing.
  13. oh.. then nevermind me.... wait, blob and xeno event? don't they have a chance.. a low chance to happen in the hour and a half mark... and the heads are already in position to auto-blow the station when the xeno/blob threat can't be handled... what can I say except git gud.
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