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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. I think you and I agree. It's not enough for a whole game mode, but I bet it would work as a pre-mid-round for living players only, and players with no other role already. I think rolling it for one or maybe 2 at *most* in any one round would be enough and they should only roll as a once-in-a-while antag, not super often. All of that keeps it fresh and mysterious, as it should be. Again if anyone can help or show me how to get started, or let me help as part of a team, etc.. I'm willing to put effort into this. I'm not familiar with coding in para but I've written matlab and arduino scripts, so I'm not a total donk pocket.
  2. It's interesting to think you're averse to the 'uncomfortable' interactions between a stalker/murderer in one respect, but not another. Any tot, cling, or vamp may get an assassinate target and choose to stalk/murder their prey. I know it's happened to me plenty of times, a tot has followed me around, someone I don't even know... trying to talk to me and be 'friends' only to gun me down later. Positives of the obsessed antagonist as I proposed (mid round auto-tot style roll that affects a living character) Provides some excitement for the round to living players One person is now obsessed, has to break away from their normal work to spend time with someone else. Hard to hide/justify this at times. The victim may start to notice the stalking and attempt to hide/escape/inform security one more thing for sec to deal with Adds some role-play value between players Assailant/victim - Talking to each other as the assailant spends time with the victim to satisfy the goal assailant/psych - Talking to a psych as a security-mandated cure for those who are caught (it would be nice to actually make psych useful for once) assailant/sec - interacting with sec as part of the arrest or investigation victim/sec - same as above sec/sec - Discussing with each other about the security process Having a single victim is not a huge stress to the station, it would be hard for this antag to get out of hand unless someone went to far such as max-cap or bombing, but that's against the rules anyways. Negatives: Some people may be uncomfortable with being stalked or stalking If playing a stalker makes you uncomfortable, don't play it. If you are uncomfortable with being stalked, log out of the game. Our current antags stalk and murder on a daily basis. This seems similar to a tot role In a sense, yes, it's just an assassin role with amusing goals. I propose they get no TC I propose we make it hard, not a 5 minute spent together goal, but 10 to 15 minimum time. Multiple pictures, together and alone, Messages via PDA, a piece of clothing? Make it noticeable so that when you are caught with a photo album that always contains one person in particular, it's undeniable. I don't propose a carbon copy of their game mode. I would like to see it executed as an improvement of it, something that adds a bit of spice to a round. Let it roll at 30 minutes in to see if we even get one or two obsessed people, then roll who gets it. Doesn't always have to happen, maybe 10 or 15% chance that the round even gets an obsessed. I think it's a fun idea that might add a bit of extra richness to the game.
  3. I popped on TG and saw an antag mode I didn't know existed. If you're unfamiliar with Obsessed, you get a set of goals kind of like this: * Take a picture of John Doe * Spend at least 5 minutes in close proximity of John Doe while he's alive * Kill John Doe When I tried it on TG, it seems like every player in the round was obsessed with someone else. I would like to see it peppered into another round type, like an early mid-round that rolled for players who are in game. I imagine maybe one or two people becoming obsessed at 30 minutes in would be a fun way to add some variation to what happens on any normal round. Spending 15 minutes alone with a psych after being caught could be a way to 'cure' the obsessed person. I don't know squat about coding in Para but I'm willing to learn and help with this addition if someone could get me started.
  4. My idea stemmed from the hallucinations my character had today. I'm not sure if the hallucinations have been buffed, but they were doing things I'd never seen before. Things would appear and knock me over, I'd get fake crit on the health indicator, noises, etc. It was actually pretty fun but it was easy to spot hallucinations, so they were just inconvenient. The hallucination demon would be a mid round antag that spawns on a roll. It would have maybe two accomplices that would be player controlled almost like a holo parasite. The demon could spawn the hallucinations, like an abductor pair, and they could move to 'attack' or chase their intended target. If the target touches the hallucinations they vanish. The hallucinations have only the power of a basic shove, no damage. This would be akin to a hallucination scaring you so much you trip and fall, etc. The goal is to send hallucinations into a room and chase someone towards the demon that would attack, kill, and eat like a slaughter demon. Maybe the demon can disguise itself like a morph so as the victim stepped over or near the item... boom, dead meat. I said holo para but maybe the demon can click to spawn the pair or single hallucination. It could cause other hallucinations, such as plasma coming from a vent, etc, as well. I think if it were a 2 or 3 player group it employs more players and ultimately more fun for us stuck in dchat. Just imagine hallucinating plasma coming from the vents in viro and you run... but ahh shit demons already got you. The demon interface could consist of a window like the RCD. Player can pick a victim, pick hallucination type from a menu and then click to apply it to location. It would also have a disguise menu like the morph. Finally, it vent crawls like a morph, not free movement like the other demons. This way it can get around but would need to be wise about where it sits and waits. Perhaps there's some other mobility/damage mechanic, I didn't mean for this to only be a morph on drugs.
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